
Sunday 21 August 2016

Cycle 3:season: Ordinary Sunday No:21 Date: 21/8/2016- Mechanical Catholic - in detail

High lights

(1) What do you mean by quality of your Life?
(2) Is it only Catholics, can lead a quality life?
(3) How non Catholics become pleasant in the eyes of God?
(4)How to make your life to React less and Act more?
(5) Is it necessary to increase the number of name sake Catholics in the world?

Are you prepared to spend about 8 minutes(0.6%) out of 1440 minutes of today. Then pl listen!


Today 21st august 2016 we are in Cycle 3: celebrating 21th Ordinary Sunday mass,
Inviting us to analyze, about quality of your catholic life. (rather than be happy about number of Catholics)

Quality means you expect something and qyou experience same thing. You expect to be peaceful and be happy in your life. Are you experiencing the same?. On the other hand what God's expect from you. Are you leading a quality life,by your self or in the eyes of God?. Today church invited to reflect about quality of your life!

Today's readings:
1st reading:
Isa 66:18-21 says Isaiah foretells the universality of God's saving desire

2nd reading:
Heb 12:5-7, 11-13 says we are not to lose heart because of trials, for they are the lords way of disciplining us

3rd reading:
LK 13:22-30 says: If you are not prepared to enter the kingdom of God, thru' the narrow road,you may become last,but others will become first.

In reflecting today's readings, first we analyze What God expect from all humans?

Reading 1 says: God's Universal Will to save all people."I come to gather nations of all language;they shall come and see my glory. God gives us all sufficient grace to be saved, that Jesus died for the salvation of all and if any one is lost, it is because he or she deliberately and maliciously resist God's saving will.
Jesus today tells us being a catholic is no guarantee of salvation. That would make salvation too Mechanical,and you will not achieve it

It is a problem that troubles a lot of Catholics?
There are some fundamentalist christians who says,you will not be saved unless you are Christian. Is it true. Today reading tell us the answer is No.

You should first identify the Changing nature of your life?

Scientifically, you are each a new creation everyday. Many of your body cells replace themselves on daily basis. Therefore what appears today,may not be same to morrow. You are like a person driving a car. You do not want to loose consciousness of the car. It is all right to day dream but not to lose consciousness of your surroundings. You MUST ALWAYS BE ALERT. It is like mother sleeping; she doesn't hear the planes roaring above the house,but she hears the slightest whimper of her baby. She is alert, she is awake in that state.
Your life is always changing. Clouds come & go. Some of them are black & some white. Some of them are large,others small. when you forget who created you,what HE has asked you to do,thru out your life, you become last & others become first.

 For you to manage change as a catholic& be alert
(1)reflect sunday readings
(2) have confession with priest
(3)receive Eucharist
(4) do merciful actions.

 Then you will lead a quality life with happiness, otherwise you become last? And become Mechanical, just name sake Catholics

How other people Non Catholics over ride you?

Almost all religion in the world shows, how to  make a good living without harming society, as a bee takes its nectar and flies away without harming the blossom, its color nor its fragrance.

Hence all of them says 4 major points:

(1)Love Each other
Because, every body understand the inter dependency of your living. You need another person's support for you to lead a happy life

(2) Don't Sin
Though the definition of sin, or set of guide lines or rules you have to follow, is different from religion to another religion
They promote human values to become calm,and peaceful in your life.

(3) Effect of Sin.

Almost all religions say, that Sin will cause suffering to your life. In addition God fearing religion says, God can change your life, by a way which you may not be happy, and this will further cause suffering for you. Hence suffering become God's will for God fearing religions! Not merely the effects of sin. Today's 2nd reading elaborate this theory further.

(4) Remedy for sins:
Almost all religions gives a process how to remove the effects of sin in your life. Mainly they advocate, Repentance for sin and carry out merciful actions.
Catholicism advocates that sin will cause 2 effects to your life. Guilt and punishment.
Guilt you can remove by Repentance(real sorry of your sin, identify your sin clearly
But not imagining your sin), then go to priest and have confession). Then in reducing the punishment of your sin, within 2 weeks from confession, receive Eucharist and carry out suitable merciful action, which you might think fit). Most of the religions, they have repentance and carry out merciful actions, to reduce the effects or punishment of sin.
Almost all religions, does not give the real relationship to your merciful action to how much you are going to reduce the punishment or suffering in your life. God fearing religions relates those merciful actions to love of God & allow God to decide your happiness.

In catholicism, to treat punishment is call indulgence activity. Catholic catechism 1471 to 1479 and 1498 summarizes indulgence as remission before God of the temporal punishment due to sins whose guilt has already been forgiven. The faithful christian who is duly disposed gains the indulgence under prescribed conditions for either himself or the departed. Indulgences are granted thru the ministry of Church which, as the dispenser of grace of redemption, distributes the treasury of the merits of Christ and the saint.

For example how many Catholics are aware about the indulgence activity administered by Pope Francis during this mercy year!. Going thru the mercy door!. If you have not gone thru' please study what is this and go thru' mercy door before 20th nov 2016.

In summary all religions in the world, gives a process how to love others, while you lead a happy life. But one should be clear about the 4 points that he has to follow in his own religion, while not judging the other religion.
These 4 points I repeat
Love each other, don't sin, Sin will cause you to suffer in your life and process followed to reduce the punishment of you sin

As Catholic, it may be easier and you know it is truth, to adhere these 4 points, without much trouble in your life whether you live in north pole and south pole of this world. That is why you became Catholic.

Today's reading warns you about your own ignorance in refusing to reflect on these 4 points, and become last in the salvation process, leading a un happy life, though you are a church going Catholic and trying to increase the number of Catholics in the world. First understand and open your hearts to listen what God asked you to do. Then from your life example God and Holy Mary with saints will do the rest

God Bless you.

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Mechanical Catholic 21/8/2016 - in summary

High lights

Cycle 3:season: Ordinary Sunday No:21 Date: 21/8/2016- Mechanical Catholic

(1) What do you mean by quality of your Life?
(2) Is it only Catholics, can lead a quality life?
(3) How non Catholics become pleasant in the eyes of God?
(4)How to make your life to React less and Act more?
(5) How to increase the number of Catholics in the world?

Today 21st august 2016 we are in Cycle 3: celebrating 21th Ordinary Sunday mass,Inviting us to analyze, about quality of your catholic life. (rather than be happy about number of Catholics)

Quality means you expect something and qyou experience same thing. You expect to be peaceful and be happy in your life. Are you experiencing the same?. On the other hand what God's expect from you. Are you leading a quality life,by your self or in the eyes of God?. Today church invited to reflect about quality of your life!

Today's readings:
1st reading:
Isa 66:18-21 says Isaiah foretells the universality of God's saving desire

2nd reading:
Heb 12:5-7, 11-13 says we are not to lose heart because of trials, for they are the lords way of disciplining us

3rd reading:
LK 13:22-30 says: If you are not prepared to enter the kingdom of God, thru' the narrow road,you may become last,but others will become first.

In reflecting today's readings, first we analyse What God expect from all humans?

Reading 1 says: God's Universal Will to save all people."I come to gather nations of all language;they shall come and see my glory. God gives us all sufficient grace to be saved, that Jesus died for the salvation of all and if any one is lost, it is because he or she deliberately and maliciously resist God's saving will.
Jesus today tells us being a catholic is no guarantee of salvation. That would make salvation too Mechanical,and you will not achieve it

It is a problem that troubles a lot of Catholics?
There are some fundamentalist christians who says,you will not be saved unless you are Christian. Is it true. Today reading tell us the answer is No.

You should first identify the Changing nature of your life?

Scientifically, you are each a new creation everyday. Many of your body cells replace themselves on daily basis. Therefore what appears today,may not be same to morrow. You are like a person driving a car. You do not want to loose consciousness of the car. It is all right to day dream but not to lose consciousness of your surroundings. You MUST ALWAYS BE ALERT. It is like mother sleeping; she doesn't hear the planes roaring above the house,but she hears the slightest whimper of her baby. She is alert, she is awake in that state.
Your life is always changing. Clouds come & go. Some of them are black & some white. Some of them are large,others small. when you forget who created you,what HE has asked you to do,thru out your life, you become last & others become first.

 For you to manage change as a catholic& be alert
(1)reflect sunday readings
(2) have confession with priest
(3)receive Eucharist
(4) do merciful actions.

 Then you will lead a quality life with happiness, otherwise you become last? And become Mechanical, just name sake Catholics

How other people Non Catholics over ride you?

Almost all religion in the world shows, how to  make a good living without harming society, as a bee takes its nectar and flies away without harming the blossom, its colour nor its fragrance.

Hence all of them says 4 major points:

(1)Love Each other
Because, every body understand the inter dependency of your living. You need another person's support for you to lead a happy life

(2) Don't Sin
Though the definition of sin, or set of guide lines or rules you have to follow, is different from religion to another religion
They promote human values to become calm,and peaceful in your life.

(3) Effect of Sin.

Almost all religions say, that Sin will cause suffering to your life. In addition God fearing religion says, God can change your life, by a way which you may not be happy, and this will further cause suffering for you. Hence suffering become God's will for God fearing religions! Not merely the effects of sin. Today's 2nd reading elaborate this theory further.

(4) Remedy for sins:
Almost all religions gives a process how to remove the effects of sin in your life. Mainly they advocate, Repentance for sin and carry out merciful actions.
Catholicism advocates that sin will cause 2 effects to your life. Guilt and punishment.
Guilt you can remove by Repentance(real sorry of your sin, identify your sin clearly
But not imagining your sin), then go to priest and have confession). Then in reducing the punishment of your sin, within 2 weeks from confession, receive Eucharist and carry out suitable merciful action, which you might think fit). Most of the religions, they have repentance and carry out merciful actions, to reduce the effects or punishment of sin.
Almost all religions, does not give the real relationship to your merciful action to how much you are going to reduce the punishment or suffering in your life. God fearing religions relates those merciful actions to love of God & allow God to decide your happiness.

In catholicism, to treat punishment is call indulgence activity. Catholic catechism 1471 to 1479 and 1498 summarizes indulgence as remission before God of the temporal punishment due to sins whose guilt has already been forgiven. The faithful christian who is duly disposed gains the indulgence under prescribed conditions for either himself or the departed. Indulgences are granted thru the ministry of Church which, as the dispenser of grace of redemption, distributes the treasury of the merits of Christ and the saint.

For example how many Catholics are aware about the indulgence activity administered by Pope Francis during this mercy year!. Going thru the mercy door!. If you have not gone thru' please study what is this and go thru' mercy door before 20th nov 2016.

In summary all religions in the world, gives a process how to love others, while you lead a happy life. But one should be clear about the 4 points that he has to follow in his own religion, while not judging the other religion.
These 4 points I repeat
Love each other, don't sin, Sin will cause you to suffer in your life and process followed to reduce the punishment of you sin

As Catholic, it may be easier and you know it is truth, to adhere these 4 points, without much trouble in your life whether you live in north pole and south pole of this world. That is why you became Catholic.

Today's reading warns you about your own ignorance in refusing to reflect on these 4 points, and become last in the salvation process, leading a un happy life, though you are a church going Catholic and trying to increase the number of Catholics in the world. First understand and open your hearts to listen what God asked you to do. Then from your life example God and Holy Mary with saints will do the rest

God Bless you.

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Sunday 14 August 2016

Cycle 3:season: Ordinary Sunday No:20 Date: 14/8/2016- Burning Catholic - in detail

(1) Most of the time Jesus talk to bring Peace to you, but today why HE talks contrary?
(2) How to follow God's Will and develop your passion?
(3) Mother thresa's Experience of developing passion and experiencing disagreements!.

Are U prepared to spend around 7 minutes/out of 1440 minutes(around 0.5%) of today: to listen: sundayreadingAudio/ Sundaaudmsg.html

Reflection of this sunday readings:

To day, Church invites us to analyze,How to develop passion in your life.

Passion in general (from the Greek verb πασχω meaning is to suffer) is a very strong feeling about a person or thing. Passion is an intense emotion, a compelling enthusiasm or desire for something. In Catholism, it means how to develop passion, be happy in this life to serve God

How to develop Passion For A Cause

Old testament indicates 3 ways that you are called to passion.


(2) Burning Bush is the kind of call that Moses had. It is a surprise approach to get others attention,he was called to leadership by seeing a miraculous burning bush.

(3)Burning House is the kind of call that queen Esther had. By revealing her identity she saved Jews.

 Jesus was neither Worrier nor Royalty. HE not only came from wrong side of the town,but came from wrong town. This carpenter king showed you,how to lead your passion for the love of God.

Let's summaries todays readings:

1st reading:

Jer 38:4-6,8-10 says: Jeremiah is cast into cistern, but Ebed-melch pleads for his rescue and the kings grants the prayer.

2nd reading:
Paul says( Heb 12:1-4) putting away sin, we are to keep our eyes fixed on Jesus who inspires and perfects our faith

Lk 12:49-53 sys:
Jesus predicts that he will be a cause of division among his followers.

Last. 2 Sundays we reflected how to develop calm mind & how to be Ever Ready to meet God.

Today readings invite us to develop burning love for God. How to convert your earth bound priorities to God's Priority,when you do this you might come across many disagreements with your family or friends.

For that recall what happened in the 1st Christian. pentacost!. According to(Acts 2:1-4); The disciples are first gathered in one place and" suddenly from up in the sky,there came a noise like a strong driving wind..tongues of fire appeared, which parted and came to rest of each of them. All were filled with the Holy Spirit.;

This was a fulfillment of Jesus to light a fire on the earth. HE just wanted to start a flame in their(and our) hearts, we recall how the apostles reacted. They rushed out to city to spread the good news of Jesus' love with fired up hearts and some 3000 were added to the fold, according to the Acts: 2:41)

Our chief task in life is to keep the divine fire burning bright in our hearts. How" by keeping our eyes fixed on Jesus"who inspires and perfect our faith and by receiving into our hearts the word of Jesus shares with us.
My sheep hear my voice
I know them
And they follow me(JN 10:27)

I am not proposing that we all rush out into the city and start preaching on street corners. May we just be what jesus has called us to be: an assembly of hearts on fire with love for God and one another, hearts burning with desire of Christ for the spread His Gospel.

Now let us analyze how disagreement comes:
Do you remember our Lord saying in the upper room after His resurrection: "Peace be with you" Jn 20:19.  Do you remember him saying earlier on, when HE was promising to send Holy Spirit: ' Peace I bequeath to you
,my own Peace I give you, a peace which the World cannot give, this is my gift to you Jn(14:27). But here in Today Gospel saying" Do you suppose that I am here to bring peace on earth? No, I tell you, but rather division Lk 12:51 is it contradictory?.

One who recites catholic teachings and does not practice what they recite, is like a shepherd who guards a herd of cattle belonging to another.

A stone in middle of the river divides the flowing water, not because it wants to but because it's there. I am not comparing you to a stone now, except in the sense that if you stand firmly and stubbornly for Christian values, you are going to meet opposition and cause divisions, even in their own families or societies. It is very sad when it happens but it does. For example in 3rd world, worship and respect are mixed up. Another point human is a animal. Christian principle is that you can worship only God. Also human is not an animal. You become like an animal, when you carry out actions without any purpose.

Another good example of Recent  realization of today's reading is mother Theresa

Mother formed Kalighat home,near to sacred temple ground in Calcutta,for homeless destitute,sick,starving,those dying on streets. Group of young people said,"mother was converting people to christianity at centre of Hinduism". One Politician told young men that he would get her out. He visited place,to see miserable emaciated bodies,sunken eyes,sisters washing sores,feeding hungry,distributing medicines,giving injections,all in a gentle,loving Manner!.

When the politician came out He told"I promise I would get women out of here provided that you get your mothers & sisters to do the work these nuns are doing!.
In this temple you have a goddess in stone;here you have a living Goddess" that was the end of opposition.

Born in Albania(26/8/1910)She is the founder of Missionaries of Charity (1950–1997),who serves poorest of the poor. She died on5/9/97in India,beautified by St John Paul II in 2003 and scheduled to be raised to sainthood by Pope Francis on september 4th of this year 2016.

 today's readings invite us to analyze
(1) How to develop burning desire to serve God. For that you should leave your earth bounds needs to be handle by God/Mary and saints, while you concentrate how to develop your talents to be converted to energy to serve God, without achieving any ulterior motive to gain Money, Power, desires and health or not to go for 7 vices
(2) When you understand Christian principles and try to practice, it will cause division, even among Christians.

In conclusions,the good news of God universal desire to give Divine life and love to all the world and to reconcile whole world to Himself, cannot be spread, except a human hearts set fire for love of Jesus and with the desire and determination to share in HIS teachings and actions. Such fiery hearts are their own witness.

The fiery hearts jesus wants are not our own creation. Recall how essential the original pentacost was for the completion of Christ redeeming life, Work and preaching.
The Church would never have spread had it not being, for the fired up of apostles.

Identify one of your(out of 3) passion,to serve society,which will not benefit you for Money,power,desires& health. Perhaps you might experience conflicts with others Remember lk12-50"DO U SUPPOSE THAT I AM HERE TO BRING PEACE ON EARTH?NO". Don't discourage Go Ahead with your Burning desire.

God Bless You

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Burning Catholic Sunday 14/8/2016 - in summary

What is passion?
Passion is a strong enthusiasm,to do some action. Action can be to achieve worldly requirements such as Money, power, desires and health. This might end up with frustration in your life at certain stage. Passion independent to these 4, and develop for love of God will become eternal.

What are the types of Passion?
Passion can develop in your life in 3 major ways(1)burning heart-seeing un justice to your people
(2) Burning bush- seeing how other's work
(3) Burning house- identify brave action for the benefit of others, risking your life

Example from old testament is given below:
Old testament indicsates 3 ways that U'r called to passion.(1)Burning heart-kind of call that David had."I WILL GO FIGHT THE GIANT.IT ISN'T RIGHT THAT OUR PEOPLE SHOULD TREMBLE IN THEIR TENTS AT HIS INSULTS(2)Burning Bush is the kind of call that Moses had.It is a surprise approach to get others attention,he was called to leadership by seeing a miraculous burning bush(3)Burning House is the kind of call that queen esther had.By revealing her identity she saved Jews.

Do you have to develop passion in your life?
Life become dynamic when you develop passion. Identify cause for a passion. It can come in one of the above 3 ways. When you are grace with God, He will create a passion for you!.

Jesus always administer peace, why HE today talk Contrary?

Jesus was neither Worrier nor Royalty.HE not only came from wrong side of the town,but came from wrong town.This carpenter king showed you,how to lead your passion for the love of God.Identify one of your(out of 3)passion,to serve society,which will not benefit you for Money,power,desires& health.

Perhaps U might experience conflicts with others Remember Lk12-50"DO U SUPPOSE THAT I AM HERE TO BRING PEACE ON EARTH?NO".

Now let us analyze how disagreement comes:
Do you remember our Lord saying in the upper room after His resurrection: "Peace be with you" Jn 20:19.  Do you remember him saying earlier on, when HE was promising to send Holy Spirit: ' Peace I bequeath to you
,my own Peace I give you, a peace which the World cannot give, this is my gift to you Jn(14:27). But here in Today Gospel saying" Do you suppose that I am here to bring peace on earth? No, I tell you, but rather division Lk 12:51 is it contradictory?.

One who recites catholic teachings and does not practice what they recite, is like a shepherd who guards a herd of cattle belonging to another.

A stone in middle of the river divides the flowing water, not because it wants to but because it's there. I am not comparing you to a stone now, except in the sense that if you stand firmly and stubbornly for Christian values, you are going to meet opposition and cause divisions, even in their own families or societies. It is very sad when it happens but it does. For example in 3rd world, worship and respect are mixed up. Another point human is a animal. Christian principle is that you can worship only God. Also human is not an animal. You become like an animal, when you carry out actions without any purpose.

Today's readings:

1st reading:

Jer 38:4-6,8-10 says: Jeremiah is cast into cistern, but Ebed-melch pleads for his rescue and the kings grants the prayer.

2nd reading:
Paul says( Heb 12:1-4) putting away sin, we are to keep our eyes fixed on Jesus who inspires and perfects our faith

Lk 12:49-53 sys:
Jesus predicts that he will be a cause of division among his followers.

(1)why Jesus talks DIVISION,instead of Peace?
(2)when U talk actions U should follow as Catholic,it creates disputes ex:worshiping parents instead of God;think U'r animal(3)1st study& follow7Ethics be friendly with God,Identify clearly what has to follow(not for U'r own convenience)

(4)avoid making God,as spare wheel,to get only money,power,desires &health

(5)Your action has to be God centred

(6)develop your talents to energy& cultivate a burning passion of your action to society for love of God

(7)Remember mother theresa's passion+agressive opposition for her work.U'r burning passion?

Mother formed Kalighat home,near to sacred temple ground in Calcutta,for homeless destitute,sick,starving,those dying on streets. Group of young people said,"mother was converting people to christianity at centre of Hinduism". One Politician told young men that he would get her out. He visited place,to see miserable emaciated bodies,sunken eyes,sisters washing sores,feeding hungry,distributing medicines,giving injections,all in a gentle,loving Manner!.

When the politician came out He told"I promise I would get women out of here provided that you get your mothers & sisters to do the work these nuns are doing!.
In this temple you have a goddess in stone;here you have a living Goddess" that was the end of opposition.

Born in Albania(26/8/1910)She is the founder of Missionaries of Charity (1950–1997),who serves poorest of the poor. She died on5/9/97in India,beautified by St John Paul II in 2003 and scheduled to be raised to sainthood by Pope Francis on september 4th of this year 2016.

In conclusion
Today reading is very practical. On one side you have your own thinking pattern of who is your God(last sunday we analysed), then you start disputing your own religion. This danger today Jesus highlights. Disputing with regard to what God asked you to do!
When you know what God wants you to do & you are confident of your happiness, you can do many things for the support of society and appreciate God in your life!


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Tuesday 9 August 2016

Cycle 3:season: Ordinary Sunday No:19 Date: 7/8/2016- Ever Ready Catholic - in detail

If you wish to hear voice output of the following Reflection. Pl navigate:

Today church Inviting us to analyse,How to be ready in our life to meet God, at any time.

When we analyse Today readings:

1st reading wis 18:6-9 says, that night of exodus from slavery in Egypt was known before hand by the Jews fathers Abraham,Isaac,and Jacob, and the people waited in faith for their deliverance.

2nd Reading: Paul to Heb 11:1-2,8-19
Says exalts the faith of the great leaders
Of the Jewish people and their desendents.

Gospel reading Lk 12:32-48 Jesus tells us that we know not the day or hour of the coming of the son of man;therefore we must  always be prepared.

Last Sunday we reflected, how to be God centred in all our actions

Today church invite us to reflect 3 facts.

(1) To understand who is your God?
(2) How to follow his Will, for you to be happy in this life .
(3) How to be Ever ready to Meet HIM

In order to understand these 3 points, let's analyse

1. Who is your God?

What is your idea of God? There are probably as many ideas of God as there are people. False idea of God may be responsible for the loss of faith of many  people.

In order to understand God, you can
Remember 3 points.

(1) God has created you to lead a happy life
(2) Now God is invisible and you have to make him visible in your life by following what HE has asked U to do
(3) Though you don't know 100% outcome of your actions HE knows. Hence
throughout your life, you have to follow HIM not in childish way but in child like way.

What is the difference between childish and Child like ness?

God didn't create,baby Adam/Eve?

But,after original sin,HE introduced fear/sorrow/death&Childhood for human(Since they were childish to break law) and gave full responsibility to parents to guide them, during childhood.

Newly born,has to be name,provide food,baptised becomes parents immediate responsibility.

You become children of God,when you follow him,Child-like & not childish way.
Remember, when you were a child,punishment made for your childish work,by your parents,today, you will appreciate,with greater love to them.
Similarly, you should have noticed, your parents, did not give every thing you asked: why they did not give?. Because they knew it is bad for you. Though you were unhappy at that time, now you know it is for your own happiness.

Though you were not happy for punishment, or not giving what you want, now you understand why they did it.
Today Do you love& grateful to your parents despite their punishment and other unhappy treatment to correct you.

Relationship between God and you  operates in same principle. You should be able to remove your unwanted life priorities. Follow HIM in all your actions, similar to obedience of a child.

Most of the God fearing religions, generally follows the points, that we discussed up to now. This raise another question for us.

Is our God, similar to any other God, in other religions? No.

Because, we identify our God is in three person, where all other God fearing religions does not follow:
We follow the principle of water, where it can exist as vapour, liquid and ice.
In the basic difference:

Ultimate goal of God, was to guide human, how to use their free will, to lead a happy life. 2 phases HE introduced.

1 st phase thru' the tribe of Jews, Father introduced 10 commandments With eye to eye principle, and guided humans thru' prophets, last prophets being John the Baptist.

Then Jesus came Showed finally, how to use your free will,when God is invisible. He changed eye to eye principle by Pardoning and love,with same 10 commandments.

Then HE told us to wait until Holy Spirit comes, to start the Church, not only to Jews but to the whole world. Catholic means universal church.

Holy spirit era that is running now, church has introduced appropriate additions to the guidance given by Father and Son.

 For example:
(1) No circumcision, no restriction for food
(2) Many dogma's like holy Mary's immaculate conception, about St Joseph, and declaring saints, existence of purgatory etc
(3) Many instructions to manage paradigm changes such as artificial birth control, abortion,euthanasia

Our present era is supported by many supernatural miracles like having in corrupt bodies as example St Catherine or St Bernadette and many others,miracles on health issues, where under normal scientific theories you cannot explain.

So you will see our God is in 3 persons, where church is run by Holy Spirit with papal infallibility.

How to lead your life?

Your life is like a water fall, every time changing. You don't know 100% outcome of your actions, you are been at a very advantages position, where God who knows every thing and HE is behind you.
For that you should be in grace with God, (with Repentance, Confession with a priest) then receive Eucharist, followed by merciful actions.

So we have analyzed who is our God and How to follow HiS Will in our life!

Then it will be helpful for us to know

Who is the ideal Christian?
-Is a person of deep faith. Real faith is not trusting in the security provided by possessions and wealth, but rather confident trust in God's  loving care. It is a kind of entrance into the daring adventure, the best example is Abraham. He left his old established life behind, as God has requested and stuck out for New land, starting Family at an advanced age, his wife been barren and almost as old he. God has promised Abraham, that he would be the father of the new nation, and abraham took God, at his word.
The best another example of great faith is Mary, mother of Jesus. God has promised that she would be the mother of messiah. Mary did not understand how it could happen; she simply believed, " I am the servent of Lord. Let it be done to me as you say" luke 1:38. Another good example is St Joseph, who followed God's Will, at any cost,

God doesn't ask such great things from us. God doesn't ask to give up everything and start a new life in a foreign land. All God ask is that we live from day to day doing the best that we can to be faithful to our particular vocation, trusting in God's caring, hoping in God desiring, God with all our hearts, in other word God as the centre in our life. There is no better way than this to be ready to meet the Lord at the moment of death.

In conclusion today's readings invite us to analyze, how to be ever ready to meet God, for that
You should know
(1) who is your God Specially Holy Trinity
(2) How to please God, by practicing 7 ethics+church rules
(3) how to lead your life with God as centre (4) how to manage your physical and mental agonies without losing faith
(5) when you practice all these 4, you become aware the presence of God, so death will make you to physically see HIM. Interesting thing is no death person will come and tell you as what to do, like Jesus!.

God bless you!

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