
Sunday 18 March 2018

Cycle 2: Season: Lent, Sunday No 5: Date:18/3/18; Willed Catholic - in detail

High light:
(1) Why Jesus talked about dying of wheat grain, to multiply the harvest?. Here what U mean by dying? Is it our death?
(2)Is it wheat grain Ur will, soil is Ur living society & dying means surrendering U'r will to God's Will?
(3)How do U know what is God's Will for U?.Is God's Will for U is dynamic, changing om one time to another time?
(4)Is it easy to find God's will for U, without dying to 7 vices(anger,pride,lust,avarice, envy,glutonny,sloth)?
(5)When U follow God's will, are U Sure that U'll be happy now & eternal?
(6)Why Jesus said in Jn 20-25 any one who loves his life,looses it!Is HE talking love of comport deriving from 5 senes?
(7)Is God expect too much from U,to follow HIM practically?
Pl listen:

Reflection for 18th march 2018, celebrating 5th Sunday mass of lent season,of cycle 2.Today church reminding us, the purpose of Ur creation and to maximize the intended happiness.
Catholics are given a guarantee of leading a happy life, when we follow God's Will. In order to understand God' Will for us, we should lead our life,the way Jesus asked you to lead, that is follow 10 comms+avoid 7 vices+pracatise 14 Spiritual + corporal mercy's. When you follow God's will, automatically you lead your life With pardoning and love with the society.

 Happiness and living, is it two things?

Water we need to drink everyday. 75% of our body contains water. We need to replenish water every day. Wine or alcohol we drink only for happy occasions, not throughout day!. So Happiness and living are 2 things. To drive your life you should be happy.
Jesus in His 1 st miracle clearly showed us
(1) Depletion of wine has been seen by Mary though Jesus was there at that wedding
(2)Jesus did not multiply wine, without filling the jars by the wedding manger
(3) New wine multiplied by Jesus was very much superior than old wine, which has already been served.

This clearly showed
(A) follow new message- Christianity
(B) you invite Holy Mary and saints into your life, to reach your happiness(wine),for her/or them to intercede on behalf of you with God.
(C)following 10 commandments/not having enemies/avoiding 7 vices/ following God's will for you- resembles water and you should strive to adhere to these points in your life, in order for you not to Sin.

Effects of Sin
Every living human in this world will face fear, sorrow, disagreements, unhappiness while leading their life. Your unhappiness may be different to my unhappiness. Every religion in the world, says, that Sin leads to unhappiness in your present life and future lives.(even after death). Similar to unhappiness, every human will sin in this life. Certain religion says that effect of sin, you cannot erase, hence fear and sorrow will come at any stage of your life(present or future). Karmic effects they speak. But christianity says' when you follow and lead your life according the principles given, the effects of Sin will be washed off from your life. Very Specifically. With the sacrament of confession, God promised to wash away you sins. In other word God guarantees, that you will lead a happy life.

Once you are cleared with your sin and hand over your worries to Mary and saints, you re fit to know the God's will for you.
God's Will is unique to every person, hence differ from one to another.
The challenge of urendering your will to God Will!

What is your Will
All your actions follows WILL. WILL OF ACT is amazing & involves desiring, resolving, determining & choosing. Animal's Will is by instinct. Hence only humans are capable of unlimited study & innovations. People have achieved mighty things thru' power of Will (resisted short term temptations to meet long term Goals).

During Lent, U develop WILL POWER to have control on earth bound matters (Money,Power,Desires) which leads to LOVE OF COMFORT from eyes, ears, nose, tongue & touch. Ex:U over eat when U want to diet, U want to exercise but end up with watching movies. Self-regulation is ability to monitor & modulate cognition, emotions & behaviour to accomplish goals. Self-regulated behaviour involves CONTROLLED, FOCUSED & ATTENTIVE THOUGHT & ACTION as OPPOSED TO IMPULSIVE & REACTIVE ACTION. Without self-regulation, self-determination cannot be achieved. Jesus did this in following God's Will.

Let us analyse the practical Example of a satellite:

A geo stationery satellite stays 10000 km above earth. This satellite moves at the same speed and same direction of earth. You need rocket+other ammunities to send this satellite to geo orbit.GE0 STATINARY SATELLITE IS STATIONARY WITH RESPECT TO EARTH AS IT MOVES IN THE SAME DIRECTION AND SAME SPEED OF THE EARTH. This resembles, that if you want to see, the matters as it is in earth, you should elevate yourself to the Geo stationary orbit. In lent first few sundays you are advice what to do; main things are that you should not have anger + laziness to be developed in your life. 1/3 of the weight of the satellite is oil. What for, due to various gravitational effects towards earth, this geo stationary satellite tends to move lower orbits towards earth. The equipment of the satellite, identifies that it deviates, and start firing thru' the oil it has stored for tracking. Then only satellite will move in the geo stationary orbit. Similar to this phenomina, you should take your life to the geo stationary orbit, to see the worldly things clearly by your self( by avoiding anger+laziness), you should develop oil in your satellite by avoiding 7 vices in your life with following 10 commandments). Then only you start noticing that your deviation from the geo stationary orbits, when you lead your life. Under such time, you should have developed enough oil,in your satellite to burn for tracking.

 life is Dynamic!
The cells of your body is everyday changing. Similarly technology you used everyday changing. Hence your living is everyday changing and LIVING BECOME DYNAMIC. Your character is always changing. Under this dynamic character, you may become unhappy at present and happy in past or vice versa. Unless you change your character to match to this dynamic situation, with the behavioral rules given by God(10 commandments+pardoning+follow God's Will, you might start sinning and unhappiness start growing. That is why certain other religions say" life is sorrow".

C. Todays reading:

Prop Jeremiah(Jr 31:31-34) says" I will make a new covenent,and never call their sins to mind" Hebrews says(Heb 5:7-9) says" HE learn to obey and He became for all the source of eternal salvation."
Jn 12:20-30 say" If the grain of the wheat falls on the ground and dies,it yields a rich harvest

Reminds; for you to please God, forget all your previous sins, as well as others disagreements,quarrels,harms against you. Forgetting others sins against you will be hardest to train and going against gravity. You feel like you lost your life, but Catholicism says that God will support for your Happiness. 3 hardest thing in world to do due to our original sin(1)Love the Hate(2) including excludes(3) admitting that you are wrong!. Train your WILL to carry out these difficult task to hear from God" YOU ARE MY BELOVED SON"


Everybody in this world wants to live happily. When you are mentally and physically satisfied you are happy. In order this happiness to maintain through out in your life, Catholicism guarantees a shortest path.

When you analyze the lives of Mary, Joseph and saints, you will see how they managed their life to follow God's Will. You will see how they overcame earth bound attractions. Following God' will is not an easy thing, Since it also changes time to time, one thing is guaranteed, when you folloW God's Will you will never complain+and be happy at all times, irrespective of the life you lead, and how others see that!

There are no short cuts to success. It is inevitable that hard wok and determInation will get you to where you need to be.
How to invite the bright side of the life not invite the darkness in has been told by Ur creator God. HE is THE ONLY PERSON who can give guaranty to lead a happy life. Other humans will have their own limitations.

Thank you!


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5th Lent Sunday Cycle 2 Willed Catholic (18/3) - in summary

 High light:

(1) Why Jesus talked about dying of wheat grain, to multiply the harvest?. Here what U mean by dying? Is it our death?

(2)Is it wheat grain Ur will, soil is Ur living society & dying means surrendering U'r will to God's Will?

(3)How do U know what is God's Will for U?.Is God's Will for U is dynamic, changing om one time to another time?

(4)Is it easy to find God's will for U, without dying to 7 vices(anger,pride,lust,avarice, envy,glutonny,sloth)?

(5)When U follow God's will, are U Sure that U'll be happy now & eternal?

(6)Why Jesus said in Jn 20-25 any one who loves his life,looses it!Is HE talking love of comport deriving from 5 senes?

(7)Is God expect too much from U,to follow HIM practically?

Pl listen:

Reflection for 18th march 2018, celebrating 5th Sunday mass of lent season,of cycle 2.Today church reminding us, the purpose of Ur creation and to maximize the intended happiness.

Catholics are given a guarantee of leading a happy life, when we follow God's Will. In order to understand God' Will for us, we should lead our life,the way Jesus asked you to lead, that is follow 10 comms+avoid 7 vices+pracatise 14 Spiritual + corporal mercy's. When you follow God's will, automatically you lead your life With pardoning and love with the society.

 Happiness and living, is it two things?

Water we need to drink everyday. 75% of our body contains water. We need to replenish water every day. Wine or alcohol we drink only for happy occasions, not throughout day!. So Happiness and living are 2 things. To drive your life you should be happy.

Jesus in His 1 st miracle clearly showed us

(1) Depletion of wine has been seen by Mary though Jesus was there at that wedding

(2)Jesus did not multiply wine, without filling the jars by the wedding manger

(3) New wine multiplied by Jesus was very much superior than old wine, which has already been served.

This clearly showed

(A) follow new message- Christianity

(B) you invite Holy Mary and saints into your life, to reach your happiness(wine),for her/or them to intercede on behalf of you with God.

(C)following 10 commandments/not having enemies/avoiding 7 vices/ following God's will for you- resembles water and you should strive to adhere to these points in your life, in order for you not to Sin.

 Effects of Sin

Every living human in this world will face fear, sorrow, disagreements, unhappiness while leading their life. Your unhappiness may be different to my unhappiness. Every religion in the world, says, that Sin leads to unhappiness in your present life and future lives.(even after death). Similar to unhappiness, every human will sin in this life. Certain religion says that effect of sin, you cannot erase, hence fear and sorrow will come at any stage of your life(present or future). Karmic effects they speak. But christianity says' when you follow and lead your life according the principles given, the effects of Sin will be washed off from your life. Very Specifically. With the sacrament of confession, God promised to wash away you sins. In other word God guarantees, that you will lead a happy life.

Once you are cleared with your sin and hand over your worries to Mary and saints, you re fit to know the God's will for you.

God's Will is unique to every person, hence differ from one to another.

The challenge of urendering your will to God Will!

What is your Will

All your actions follows WILL. WILL OF ACT is amazing & involves desiring, resolving, determining & choosing. Animal's Will is by instinct. Hence only humans are capable of unlimited study & innovations. People have achieved mighty things thru' power of Will (resisted short term temptations to meet long term Goals).

During Lent, U develop WILL POWER to have control on earth bound matters (Money,Power,Desires) which leads to LOVE OF COMFORT from eyes, ears, nose, tongue & touch. Ex:U over eat when U want to diet, U want to exercise but end up with watching movies. Self-regulation is ability to monitor & modulate cognition, emotions & behaviour to accomplish goals. Self-regulated behaviour involves CONTROLLED, FOCUSED & ATTENTIVE THOUGHT & ACTION as OPPOSED TO IMPULSIVE & REACTIVE ACTION. Without self-regulation, self-determination cannot be achieved. Jesus did this in following God's Will.

Let us analyse the practical Example of a satellite:

A geo stationery satellite stays 10000 km above earth. This satellite moves at the same speed and same direction of earth. You need rocket+other ammunities to send this satellite to geo orbit.GE0 STATINARY SATELLITE IS STATIONARY WITH RESPECT TO EARTH AS IT MOVES IN THE SAME DIRECTION AND SAME SPEED OF THE EARTH. This resembles, that if you want to see, the matters as it is in earth, you should elevate yourself to the Geo stationary orbit. In lent first few sundays you are advice what to do; main things are that you should not have anger + laziness to be developed in your life. 1/3 of the weight of the satellite is oil. What for, due to various gravitational effects towards earth, this geo stationary satellite tends to move lower orbits towards earth. The equipment of the satellite, identifies that it deviates, and start firing thru' the oil it has stored for tracking. Then only satellite will move in the geo stationary orbit. Similar to this phenomina, you should take your life to the geo stationary orbit, to see the worldly things clearly by your self( by avoiding anger+laziness), you should develop oil in your satellite by avoiding 7 vices in your life with following 10 commandments). Then only you start noticing that your deviation from the geo stationary orbits, when you lead your life. Under such time, you should have developed enough oil,in your satellite to burn for tracking.


life is Dynamic!

The cells of your body is everyday changing. Similarly technology you used everyday changing. Hence your living is everyday changing and LIVING BECOME DYNAMIC. Your character is always changing. Under this dynamic character, you may become unhappy at present and happy in past or vice versa. Unless you change your character to match to this dynamic situation, with the behavioral rules given by God(10 commandments+pardoning+follow God's Will, you might start sinning and unhappiness start growing. That is why certain other religions say" life is sorrow".

C. Todays reading:

Prop Jeremiah(Jr 31:31-34) says" I will make a new covenent,and never call their sins to mind" Hebrews says(Heb 5:7-9) says" HE learn to obey and He became for all the source of eternal salvation."

Jn 12:20-30 say" If the grain of the wheat falls on the ground and dies,it yields a rich harvest

Reminds; for you to please God, forget all your previous sins, as well as others disagreements,quarrels,harms against you. Forgetting others sins against you will be hardest to train and going against gravity. You feel like you lost your life, but Catholicism says that God will support for your Happiness. 3 hardest thing in world to do due to our original sin(1)Love the Hate(2) including excludes(3) admitting that you are wrong!. Train your WILL to carry out these difficult task to hear from God" YOU ARE MY BELOVED SON"


Everybody in this world wants to live happily. When you are mentally and physically satisfied you are happy. In order this happiness to maintain through out in your life, Catholicism guarantees a shortest path.

When you analyze the lives of Mary, Joseph and saints, you will see how they managed their life to follow God's Will. You will see how they overcame earth bound attractions. Following God' will is not an easy thing, Since it also changes time to time, one thing is guaranteed, when you folloW God's Will you will never complain+and be happy at all times, irrespective of the life you lead, and how others see that!

There are no short cuts to success. It is inevitable that hard wok and determInation will get you to where you need to be.

How to invite the bright side of the life not invite the darkness in has been told by Ur creator God. HE is THE ONLY PERSON who can give guaranty to lead a happy life. Other humans will have their own limitations.

Thank you!


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Thursday 15 March 2018

Cycle 2: Season: Lent, Sunday No 4: Date:11/3/2018; Challenged Catholic - in detail

High light:
(1)Challenge have many meanings! What is the challenge of catholic? Is it following God' Will?
(2)When U follow God's will, what U get?
(3)What is earth bound challenge?. Is it in search of money, power & desires?. Can U live without those things?
(4)Do U hv any person, who can challenge U to give happiness other than God?.
(5) God knows every things. Can U control climate? Can U make artificial blood? Can U have artificial human, without male sperm+woman egg?
(6)Without knowing 4 pillars of Catholicism(BELIEF/WORSHIP/PRAYER/MORALITY) can U practice it? Without practicing can we understand what Jesus told to Nicodemus?
(7)Why lent become challenge for u?

Pl listen:

Reflection for 11th march 2018, celebrating 4th Sunday mass of lent season,of cycle 2.Today church invite us to revisit abut challenges in our life!. And to manage these challenges!.

What is challenge?

Challenge has many meanings; a call to someone to participate in a competitive situation or a fight to decide who is superior in terms of ability or strength or
 something that put you to the test.

Latin word meaning is "to accuse falsely" &it is still used much as it was in the 13th century, as to questioning whether something is true or right. Similar to these meanings

1)Adam &Eve wanted to become God;

2)Jesus was called to wilderness to show us how to regulate our will;

3)Atheist still question if God created U to lead an happy life.

BUT as catholic, you KNOW your challenge in this life is to follow God's will, controlling Ur earth bound needs to lead a happy life.

Today,Jesus tell to Nicodemus the values of understanding & practice the 4 pillars of Christianity; Belief,Worship,Prayer&Morality for. Your own happiness!

Most of the time, our challenges in life is connected to our ambitions!

We have many ambitions in life. How do we know if we can realize those? Is God responsible to make your ambitions come true? How do you know your ambitions are good for you & for the society?

First train ourselves to follow God's will, controlling our ambitions. When U follow God's will, HE assures your happiness irrespective of time.

During lent: we start FASTING- remove toxin in our body; REGULATING OUR WILL- train to regulate our desires, to achieve good health, where normally we cannot control.(Resisting short term urge, to achieve long term benefit). All these 2 things are generally good to be practices irrespective of any religion, to lead a healthy life.

 Our main activities of life, is it connected to shadow TRINITY

When you are born, without your knowledge, you do the following 3 things:
(1) Start breathing: you breath average of 21000 times/day until you die
(2) You start to walk on the ground, you stop this when you die
(3) You start developing your mind, try to communicate with other people/ try to develop the ability to choose. This appears continuing even after death

All these 3 actions in your life represent shadow Trinity;FATHER-happiness(above 2 how you control your earth bound desires), SON- behavior(above1), HOLY SPIRIT- knowledge(above3).

Also you note that all these 3 you start developing without your knowledge.

Breathing you are doing, to organize your behavior- 10 commandments in Catholicism.
Walking you are doing, resembling the attraction of earth bound needs such as Money, power and worldly desires.
Developing your mind resembles your happiness. How much you can go against gravity.(Fasting,regulating your will, charity,doing exercises etc)

What is Catholic Freedom:
As catholic are you losing your freedom?
Freedom is defined as what you ought to do NOT what you can do!.Hence human freedom is always subject to law. There are 3 types of freedom. External- government, internal- religious, personal- matters lying in between government and religious freedom). As catholics our law is 10 commandment. You should know how 10 commandments came. It derived from Exodus 20:2-17 and Deuteronomy 5:6-21

St Augustine(354-430A.D), bishop of Hippo, was the first to assign numbers to the ten commandments. There are slight variations of 10 commandments, with one christian denomination to another!.

Out of these 3 types of freedom, peronal freedom plays vital role, where you, yourelf identify what has gone wrong and correct yourself

C.Today's reading:
Book of Chronicles says(2 ch 36:14-16. 19-23)"The wrath & mercy of the God are revealed in the exile and in the release of HIS people

Paul says(Eph 2:4-10)" you who were death thru' your sins have been saved thru' grace
John says(3:14-21)" God sent HIS SON thru' HIM, the world might be saved:

reminds: biggest challenge today is people wants God to follow their Will, instead searching what is God's will for them

(2)to know what is God will for U 1st revisit whether 4 pillars of catholism are enforced in Ur life+hv a worriless mind,handining over worries to mary & saints
(3)know clearly what is Ur belief-21 points in the creed
(4)worship-Only God NoT elders+7 sacraments
(5)establishing connection with God-Lords +intercessionary Prayers
(6)Morality(10 comms+avoid 7 vices+practice 14 mercies(spiritual+corporal)(7)then U'll see that U follow Unique God's will,practising love+pardoning to society.

Do U worry about God's will for others?

Thank you

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4th Sunday Lent Cycle 2 Challenging Catholic (11-3) - in summary

High light:

(1)Challenge have many meanings! What is the challenge of catholic? Is it following God' Will?

(2)When U follow God's will, what U get?

(3)What is earth bound challenge?. Is it in search of money, power & desires?. Can U live without those things?

(4)Do U hv any person, who can challenge U to give happiness other than God?.

(5) God knows every things. Can U control climate? Can U make artificial blood? Can U have artificial human, without male sperm+woman egg?

(6)Without knowing 4 pillars of Catholicism(BELIEF/WORSHIP/PRAYER/MORALITY) can U practice it? Without practicing can we understand what Jesus told to Nicodemus?

(7)Why lent become challenge for u?

Pl listen:

Reflection for 11th march 2018, celebrating 4th Sunday mass of lent season,of cycle 2.Today church invite us to revisit abut challenges in our life!. And to manage these challenges!.

What is challenge?

Challenge has many meanings; a call to someone to participate in a competitive situation or a fight to decide who is superior in terms of ability or strength or

something that put you to the test.

Latin word meaning is "to accuse falsely" &it is still used much as it was in the 13th century, as to questioning whether something is true or right. Similar to these meanings

1)Adam &Eve wanted to become God;

2)Jesus was called to wilderness to show us how to regulate our will;

3)Atheist still question if God created U to lead an happy life.

BUT as catholic, you KNOW your challenge in this life is to follow God's will, controlling Ur earth bound needs to lead a happy life.

Today,Jesus tell to Nicodemus the values of understanding & practice the 4 pillars of Christianity; Belief,Worship,Prayer&Morality for. Your own happiness!

Most of the time, our challenges in life is connected to our ambitions!

We have many ambitions in life. How do we know if we can realize those? Is God responsible to make your ambitions come true? How do you know your ambitions are good for you & for the society?

First train ourselves to follow God's will, controlling our ambitions. When U follow God's will, HE assures your happiness irrespective of time.

During lent: we start FASTING- remove toxin in our body; REGULATING OUR WILL- train to regulate our desires, to achieve good health, where normally we cannot control.(Resisting short term urge, to achieve long term benefit). All these 2 things are generally good to be practices irrespective of any religion, to lead a healthy life.

Our main activities of life, is it connected to shadow TRINITY

When you are born, without your knowledge, you do the following 3 things:

(1) Start breathing: you breath average of 21000 times/day until you die

(2) You start to walk on the ground, you stop this when you die

(3) You start developing your mind, try to communicate with other people/ try to develop the ability to choose. This appears continuing even after death

All these 3 actions in your life represent shadow Trinity;FATHER-happiness(above 2 how you control your earth bound desires), SON- behavior(above1), HOLY SPIRIT- knowledge(above3).

Also you note that all these 3 you start developing without your knowledge.

Breathing you are doing, to organize your behavior- 10 commandments in Catholicism.

Walking you are doing, resembling the attraction of earth bound needs such as Money, power and worldly desires.

Developing your mind resembles your happiness. How much you can go against gravity.(Fasting,regulating your will, charity,doing exercises etc)

What is Catholic Freedom:

As catholic are you losing your freedom?

Freedom is defined as what you ought to do NOT what you can do!.Hence human freedom is always subject to law. There are 3 types of freedom. External- government, internal- religious, personal- matters lying in between government and religious freedom). As catholics our law is 10 commandment. You should know how 10 commandments came. It derived from Exodus 20:2-17 and Deuteronomy 5:6-21

St Augustine(354-430A.D), bishop of Hippo, was the first to assign numbers to the ten commandments. There are slight variations of 10 commandments, with one christian denomination to another!.

Out of these 3 types of freedom, peronal freedom plays vital role, where you, yourelf identify what has gone wrong and correct yourself

C.Today's reading:

Book of Chronicles says(2 ch 36:14-16. 19-23)"The wrath & mercy of the God are revealed in the exile and in the release of HIS people

Paul says(Eph 2:4-10)" you who were death thru' your sins have been saved thru' grace

John says(3:14-21)" God sent HIS SON thru' HIM, the world might be saved:

reminds: biggest challenge today is people wants God to follow their Will, instead searching what is God's will for them

(2)to know what is God will for U 1st revisit whether 4 pillars of catholism are enforced in Ur life+hv a worriless mind,handining over worries to mary & saints

(3)know clearly what is Ur belief-21 points in the creed

(4)worship-Only God NoT elders+7 sacraments

(5)establishing connection with God-Lords +intercessionary Prayers

(6)Morality(10 comms+avoid 7 vices+practice 14 mercies(spiritual+corporal)(7)then U'll see that U follow Unique God's will,practising love+pardoning to society.

Do U worry about God's will for others?

Thank you

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