
Sunday 20 May 2018

Cycle 2:season:ordinary(2): Sunday No:07: Date: 20/5/2018 Experienced Catholic: Pentacost Sunday (Last Sunday of Easter Tide) - in detail

High light:
(1) If God is every where,why U need to go to a church?
(2)Why Holy Spirit form the church? What is the role of pope?
(3)Why we celebrate,1985th birth day of church,next sunday?assuming 50 years for 1 generations: how many generation have gone to church,from it's inception?
(4)Can U declare separate church, without pope?
(5)Self indulgence means,act of allowing Ur self that U enjoy very much. these things can be good or bad(such as fornication, sexual indecency etc).(Ex Gal 5:16-25)- who declares which acts are correct? Is unisex marriages correct?why certain christian denomination accept this?  
(6)Why Holy spirit has to direct us,thru' pope's infallibility,which one is correct?
(7)Why,Caste less society,eating pork,no circumspect for christian has been introduced by Holy spirit,not Jesus?how to clear self indulgence activities(artificial Birth control,abortion,euthanasia) now?

Pl listen:

Reflection for 20th May 2018, celebrating  Pentacost Sunday mass,of cycle 2.Today church invite us to reflect about importance of the church and how holy spirit direct humans thru' infallibility of Pope!.how you reach guareenteed happiness in this life!

What is pentacost sunday?

40 days after Easter Sunday is Ascension of Jesus, but it falls on a Thursday. Church is celebrated feast of ascension on last Sunday. From last sunday ordinary 2 period started. All major principles that has to be followed has been taught by Jesus during Easter period.
During Easter period, all 3 readings come from new testament: though it comes under ordinary times, it appears, these two sundays including pentacost, that we specially focus on outcome of Easter into your present life

Pentecost meaning 50th day,after pass over,-is feast week of Judaism, Resembling-Feast of Descent of Holy Spirit-2nd feast after Easter&marks close of Eastertide.

Why Jesus didn't form the church?
Christianity having 3 major aspects: VISION OF THE FATHER, REALIZATON by the SON, EXPERIENCE your life with HOLY SPIRIT!

Vision of the Father is that HE created you to lead a happy life. This you have to convince yourelf!. How to realize that happiness has been shown by the Son. This HE has shown thru' Jews. God took human form thru' Mary, so she became interface between God and humanity. So after Jesus Holy Spirit form the church, to all people in this world, not only for jews!. There is another functionality for the church, that is how to guide human, for paradigm changes. God introduce technological advancement, in order to make dynamic the human generations!. Holy spirit thru' pope and church up to now has introduced non cast society,no restriction of eating of pork,no male circumspect(during early church), while following major guidance were given for paradigm changes!

When God is everywhere why you need a church?

You have experienced more comfortable inside the church than your home. To answer that, if I ask you this question, is God available inside church? Or is He available everywhere! IF he is available every where why you need to go to church to visualize Him?. To answer that take a fan. If air is available every where why you need a fan?. 
Obviously in hot countries, a fan in a room has become a must. Fan allows you to bring cool air, while removing hot air in the environment..
In order to understand the phenomena you should first understand what is air?
Air composed of 78% nitrogen,21% oxygen,1% others. God represent oxygen, then think about who represent nitrogen?.

Then we have to know about what is humidity?
Is a measure of Water vapor which is gaseous &invisible to human eye. 100%humidity means air can't hold any more vapor,resulting in rain.  Air in forests is humid,while in deserts is dry. Ability of air to hold water varies with temperature. High percentage of humidity in a hot day becomes uncomfortable as it's more difficult for your body to transfer heat to air,but when it is cold,a high % is better, because U don't want to transfer body heat. 

So with the fan, air around you become more cooler, so that your body does not have to transfer energy to environment(society).

Like the function of fan, you get more mental happiness to experience spirituality than Outside.

In addition Mt 18:20 says" two or more people come together in my name I will be there" Is God scientific?

What is the role of Holy mary?

Nose is interface between air& body. In addition to sense smelling,it conditions inhaled air to suit body temperature &it filter dust. God is like oxygen,humidity is like living society& nose is like Mary. Without air you can't live,but bad air makes you sick,unless your nose filter it. Warm or cold air make you uncomfortable,unless nose condition it to suit to body temperature. For U to smell God,your nose has to work properly! by Praying daily individual Rosary,having Miraculous medal around neck.

Who is correct?
People tends to develop their own opinion of practicing moral ethics upon their own comfort. For example abortion or Euthanesia you can justify yourself these things are necessary to lead a happy life. This is Self-Indulgence!. These can be even extended even to minor matters. How to get the God's guidance for this kind of matters. 
Church has clear process to analyze these kind of matters to advice pope, as what to do! Pope with the help of Holy spirit guide guide whole catholic as what to do!.

Pope infallibility does not mean that Pope has the power to change what God has already revealed or decreed(Divine law & natural moral law).Instead,catholics believe that the HOLY SPIRIT protects the pope & the church from teaching error in matters of faith& morals. Unlike divine inspiration, which is limited to the sacred authors of the Bible,this infallibility does not involve God influencing the words used by the pope.The gospel writers(Matthew,Mark, Luke& John),for instance,were divinely inspired,which means that every word they wrote is Sacred Scripture is considered to have revealed by God.

Why today paul talk about SELF INDULGENCY?

Self Indulgence Is the act of allowing U'rself to have or do the things that U enjoy very much(he prayed to be saved from self indulgence) you can develop self indulgence to satisfy U'r cazy ideas such as fornication, gross indecency and sexual irresponsibility, idolatry(worshiping other than God) and sorcery(use of power gain from evil spirit);feuds and wrangling(an angry, noisy, prolong dispute or quarrel),jealousy,bad temper and quarells,disagreements, factions,envy,drunkenness,orgies(a wild party characterize by excessive drinking and indiscriminate sexual activity) and similar things. Instead you can develop love,joy,peace, patience,kindness,goodness, trustfulness,gentleness, and self control, according to st paul(Gal 5:16-25) there are no laws against things like this!.paul says U cannot belong to Christ,unless U crusify all self indulgence passion and desires.

C. Today's reading:

Acts of the apostles(Acts1:2-11)says" They were all filled with Holy Spirit and began to speak

Paul to Galatians (gal: 5:16-25)says:" the fruit of the Spirit"
Jn(15:26-27,16:12-15) says" The Spirit of truth will lead you to Complete truth".

(1)If God is everywhere why U should go to church(why U need a fan)
(2)Why Holy Spirit form the church Not Jesus
(3)Paul reminds how to chose Ur Self-Indulgence actions: specially sexual irresponsibility(ex unisex marriages),idolatry(worshiping parents/elders other than God-)
(4)God change,paradigm of people,to make every generation dynamic. Holy spirit direct people how to manage this change thru' popes infallibility
(5)Without church+pope,there is no christianity or it will be static
(6)identify the guidance given by Holy Spirit,in addition to Jesus(ex:castless society/eating pork/no male circumspect/celibacy of priests/no artificial birth control/no abortion/no euthanasia etc)
(7)to experience Holy Spirit into your life be clear about father's Vision for you and,how to realize HIS vision knowing what jesus asked U to do. 

In conclusion:

Why God institute church?
There are 3 major points.

(1) God the father, has introduced basic commandments to follow by jews. This is 10. Commandments, since HE was directly speaking to human, thru' prophet, HE told humans to operate teeth to teeth or eye to eye principle. But when God, the son came to this world, HE showed us as how to manage our free will, in the absence of God direct, and since HE is not direct, now when you decide other person is wrong, you don't know whether you are correct, since you are not avail of 100% information, that is why HE Introduced, turn the other cheek principle or love and pardoning principle. All these things HE showed to jews environment.
(3) Now this principle, when God become indirect has t be given to whole human, that is why, God the Holy Spirit Era has been introduced, So institution of church is cast less not only to Jews, that is why, though Jesus didn't eat pork and HE was circumcised, as catholic, we are not supposed to follow these jew's rituals.

Then secondary function of church is to manage the paradigm of people, advice the people as what to do. This will be done by Holy Spirit thru' papal infallibility.
We know God make every generation live, by changing the way of living of people. The world I live will be changed to the world of my son lives. There is a technological development, making more efficient societies. So the progress of the world is always moving.
Church advice as what to do: church has given many rules such for: using artificial birth control, abortion, euthanasia are few to mention.

3rd point is managing the church and helping the human spirituality.
Declaring saints, to recognize people, and show to society, to follow their characters.
Managing and making changing to ritual. So pope thru 3 major faculties, manage administration +financial+ discipline of clergy and humans.


Vision, Realization,has been introduced by Father & Son, for human to Experience Holy Spirit, thru' catholic church. This is the base of Christianity. Before experiencing the Holy Spirit for individual life, you are guided to follow church rules, in order to control Ur SELF INDULGENCE activities, otherwise,U may think that artificial Birth control,abortion, Euthanasia,unisex marriages are justified in the eyes of God!. This pentacost sunday you are reminded about this basic principle of Catholicism

Thank you


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Pentacost Sunday Experienced Catholic (20-5) - in summary

High light:

(1) If God is every where,why U need to go to a church?

(2)Why Holy Spirit form the church? What is the role of pope?

(3)Why we celebrate,1985th birth day of church,next sunday?assuming 50 years for 1 generations: how many generation have gone to church,from it's inception?

(4)Can U declare separate church, without pope?

(5)Self indulgence means,act of allowing Ur self that U enjoy very much. these things can be good or bad(such as fornication, sexual indecency etc).(Ex Gal 5:16-25)- who declares which acts are correct? Is unisex marriages correct?why certain christian denomination accept this?

(6)Why Holy spirit has to direct us,thru' pope's infallibility,which one is correct?

(7)Why,Caste less society,eating pork,no circumspect for christian has been introduced by Holy spirit,not Jesus?how to clear self indulgence activities(artificial Birth control,abortion,euthanasia) now?

Pl listen:

Reflection for 20th May 2018, celebrating Pentacost Sunday mass,of cycle 2.Today church invite us to reflect about importance of the church and how holy spirit direct humans thru' infallibility of Pope!.how you reach guareenteed happiness in this life!

What is pentacost sunday?

40 days after Easter Sunday is Ascension of Jesus, but it falls on a Thursday. Church is celebrated feast of ascension on last Sunday. From last sunday ordinary 2 period started. All major principles that has to be followed has been taught by Jesus during Easter period.

During Easter period, all 3 readings come from new testament: though it comes under ordinary times, it appears, these two sundays including pentacost, that we specially focus on outcome of Easter into your present life.

Pentecost meaning 50th day,after pass over,-is feast week of Judaism, Resembling-Feast of Descent of Holy Spirit-2nd feast after Easter&marks close of Eastertide.

Why Jesus didn't form the church?

Christianity having 3 major aspects: VISION OF THE FATHER, REALIZATON by the SON, EXPERIENCE your life with HOLY SPIRIT!

Vision of the Father is that HE created you to lead a happy life. This you have to convince yourelf!. How to realize that happiness has been shown by the Son. This HE has shown thru' Jews. God took human form thru' Mary, so she became interface between God and humanity. So after Jesus Holy Spirit form the church, to all people in this world, not only for jews!. There is another functionality for the church, that is how to guide human, for paradigm changes. God introduce technological advancement, in order to make dynamic the human generations!. Holy spirit thru' pope and church up to now has introduced non cast society,no restriction of eating of pork,no male circumspect(during early church), while following major guidance were given for paradigm changes!

When God is everywhere why you need a church?

You have experienced more comfortable inside the church than your home. To answer that, if I ask you this question, is God available inside church? Or is He available everywhere! IF he is available every where why you need to go to church to visualize Him?. To answer that take a fan. If air is available every where why you need a fan?.

Obviously in hot countries, a fan in a room has become a must. Fan allows you to bring cool air, while removing hot air in the environment..

In order to understand the phenomena you should first understand what is air?

Air composed of 78% nitrogen,21% oxygen,1% others. God represent oxygen, then think about who represent nitrogen?.

Then we have to know about what is humidity?

Is a measure of Water vapor which is gaseous &invisible to human eye. 100%humidity means air can't hold any more vapor,resulting in rain. Air in forests is humid,while in deserts is dry. Ability of air to hold water varies with temperature. High percentage of humidity in a hot day becomes uncomfortable as it's more difficult for your body to transfer heat to air,but when it is cold,a high % is better, because U don't want to transfer body heat.

So with the fan, air around you become more cooler, so that your body does not have to transfer energy to environment(society).

Like the function of fan, you get more mental happiness to experience spirituality than Outside.

In addition Mt 18:20 says" two or more people come together in my name I will be there" Is God scientific?

What is the role of Holy mary?

Nose is interface between air& body. In addition to sense smelling,it conditions inhaled air to suit body temperature &it filter dust. God is like oxygen,humidity is like living society& nose is like Mary. Without air you can't live,but bad air makes you sick,unless your nose filter it. Warm or cold air make you uncomfortable,unless nose condition it to suit to body temperature. For U to smell God,your nose has to work properly! by Praying daily individual Rosary,having Miraculous medal around neck.

Who is correct?

People tends to develop their own opinion of practicing moral ethics upon their own comfort. For example abortion or Euthanesia you can justify yourself these things are necessary to lead a happy life. This is Self-Indulgence!. These can be even extended even to minor matters. How to get the God's guidance for this kind of matters.

Church has clear process to analyze these kind of matters to advice pope, as what to do! Pope with the help of Holy spirit guide guide whole catholic as what to do!.

Pope infallibility does not mean that Pope has the power to change what God has already revealed or decreed(Divine law & natural moral law).Instead,catholics believe that the HOLY SPIRIT protects the pope & the church from teaching error in matters of faith& morals. Unlike divine inspiration, which is limited to the sacred authors of the Bible,this infallibility does not involve God influencing the words used by the pope.The gospel writers(Matthew,Mark, Luke& John),for instance,were divinely inspired,which means that every word they wrote is Sacred Scripture is considered to have revealed by God.

Why today paul talk about SELF INDULGENCY?

Self Indulgence Is the act of allowing U'rself to have or do the things that U enjoy very much(he prayed to be saved from self indulgence) you can develop self indulgence to satisfy U'r cazy ideas such as fornication, gross indecency and sexual irresponsibility, idolatry(worshiping other than God) and sorcery(use of power gain from evil spirit);feuds and wrangling(an angry, noisy, prolong dispute or quarrel),jealousy,bad temper and quarells,disagreements, factions,envy,drunkenness,orgies(a wild party characterize by excessive drinking and indiscriminate sexual activity) and similar things. Instead you can develop love,joy,peace, patience,kindness,goodness, trustfulness,gentleness, and self control, according to st paul(Gal 5:16-25) there are no laws against things like this!.paul says U cannot belong to Christ,unless U crusify all self indulgence passion and desires.

C. Today's reading:

Acts of the apostles(Acts1:2-11)says" They were all filled with Holy Spirit and began to speak

Paul to Galatians (gal: 5:16-25)says:" the fruit of the Spirit"

Jn(15:26-27,16:12-15) says" The Spirit of truth will lead you to Complete truth".


(1)If God is everywhere why U should go to church(why U need a fan)

(2)Why Holy Spirit form the church Not Jesus

(3)Paul reminds how to chose Ur Self-Indulgence actions: specially sexual irresponsibility(ex unisex marriages),idolatry(worshiping parents/elders other than God-)

(4)God change,paradigm of people,to make every generation dynamic. Holy spirit direct people how to manage this change thru' popes infallibility

(5)Without church+pope,there is no christianity or it will be static

(6)identify the guidance given by Holy Spirit,in addition to Jesus(ex:castless society/eating pork/no male circumspect/celibacy of priests/no artificial birth control/no abortion/no euthanasia etc)

(7)to experience Holy Spirit into your life be clear about father's Vision for you and,how to realize HIS vision knowing what jesus asked U to do.

In conclusion:

Why God institute church?

There are 3 major points.

(1) God the father, has introduced basic commandments to follow by jews. This is 10. Commandments, since HE was directly speaking to human, thru' prophet, HE told humans to operate teeth to teeth or eye to eye principle. But when God, the son came to this world, HE showed us as how to manage our free will, in the absence of God direct, and since HE is not direct, now when you decide other person is wrong, you don't know whether you are correct, since you are not avail of 100% information, that is why HE Introduced, turn the other cheek principle or love and pardoning principle. All these things HE showed to jews environment.

(3) Now this principle, when God become indirect has t be given to whole human, that is why, God the Holy Spirit Era has been introduced, So institution of church is cast less not only to Jews, that is why, though Jesus didn't eat pork and HE was circumcised, as catholic, we are not supposed to follow these jew's rituals.

Then secondary function of church is to manage the paradigm of people, advice the people as what to do. This will be done by Holy Spirit thru' papal infallibility.

We know God make every generation live, by changing the way of living of people. The world I live will be changed to the world of my son lives. There is a technological development, making more efficient societies. So the progress of the world is always moving.

Church advice as what to do: church has given many rules such for: using artificial birth control, abortion, euthanasia are few to mention.

3rd point is managing the church and helping the human spirituality.

Declaring saints, to recognize people, and show to society, to follow their characters.

Managing and making changing to ritual. So pope thru 3 major faculties, manage administration +financial+ discipline of clergy and humans.


Vision, Realization,has been introduced by Father & Son, for human to Experience Holy Spirit, thru' catholic church. This is the base of Christianity. Before experiencing the Holy Spirit for individual life, you are guided to follow church rules, in order to control Ur SELF INDULGENCE activities, otherwise,U may think that artificial Birth control,abortion, Euthanasia,unisex marriages are justified in the eyes of God!. This pentacost sunday you are reminded about this basic principle of Catholicism

Thank you

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Monday 14 May 2018

Cycle 2:season Easter Ascension Sunday: Realized Catholic 13/5/2018 - in detail

High light:
Ascension sunday Realized Catholic(13/5)
(1) What is the difference between Experience and realization?
When U realized God has created U to lead a happy life, are U experiencing the same?for that what U should do? 
(2) Are we busy using our sense to understand & predict others?.Are we experience/Judge/assume/understand/& focus on everyone around except ourselves?
(3)Is it least important to know others & more of concern to know yourself?.is it selfish?
(4)U can get many things thru' power & money,but can U transfer U'r sickness to other?
(5)Realization means conversion of Ur assets to cash. What is the God given asset to U?is it U'r talent? How to convert U'r talent to energy? Are U using U'r energy to glorify God or to glorify U?
(6)During easter,all 3sunday readings are from new testament? Why Holy Spirit has organized like that?
(7)In the old testament Era, instead of pardoning why revenge is used?Why Jesus ascend & Holy Spirit descend? 
Pl listen:

Reflection for 13th may 2018, celebrating ascension Sunday mass,of cycle 2.Today church invite us to reflect about importance to realize the purpose of our creation and to know how to achieve in our life!.

The role of jews in Christianity!

God,the FATHER and THE SON,trained jews,as how to realize intended happiness in our life, when God become indirect,after Jesus!. Major challenge after Jesus is that you don't know all outcomes of your actions,even you don't know what is happening inside your body,when you eat.
As human you,you cannot read what other person is thinking about you!. No body cannot directly tell you these things. 
On the other hand, you know that science cannot control climate,cannot make artificial blood, cannot make artificial male sperm or female egg, the basic elements needed to form an human!. Also you don't know 100% outcome your actions. You will realize the limitation on your life!. Under these scenario's how to achieve the guaranteed happiness given by God, in creating you! 

So first thing is that you should know and believe that God has created you!. That is the vision or light you should see 1st. Then you should realize, to achieve happiness, as promised by God, you should believe what is given in creed(like following good shepard) and lead your life (follow as sheep) in accordance to 10 commandments!. To realize 1st phase is following God, then come the 2nd phase,you will be directed by Holy Spirit like branch of wine!. This means that your talents are converted to energy, according to the wish of Holy Spirit!. God's aspiration is transmitted from you, thru' your vocation. 

How to manage energy leaks? Follow the lord's prayer. Mainly,you should train how to pardoned, then extend love to God, as well as to the society!. Then only you experience Holy spirit and intended happiness from God, in your life!. Then only you see that you have balance the earth bound cravings (such as money,power and desires) with pardoning and love!. That is resemblance of Ascension of Jesus in your life!

Major weakness of Humans!

God has created every human according to HIS image, to lead a happy life. Life is always flowing!. You may be child,youth, old person,but every body want's to spend their time happily!
Though we want to spend our time happily,
We all are busy using our senses to understand and predict others.
May they be our family members, friends, colleagues ,servants....all those we meet. We know their strength and weakness.
We know what they are really good at.
We experience
We judge
We assume
We understand.
We are focused on everyone around but we aren't focused on ourselves.
We really dont know what we are.
The power of senses is being used by us for others.
When one understands that it is least important to know others and more of concern to know myself.
When one recollect the power within to see within and see the real image of oneself.
When one realizes that the powers granted by God are to be used for self realization.
That's the time when one starts following the spiritual path and meditates.
To see within
To feel the power
To understand the flaws
To be fair and see the evil done by myself.
 To truly realize the self without assumptions and judgments is " S E L F   R E A L I Z A T I O N ".

1st phase
Power is within yourself
During the process of self realization, one comes to know that the real happiness and the real power is within. Its serene.
One understands that the world around can never help me to achieve fulfillment.
No one can make me feel complete .
Materialistic world can never satisfy me .
The pot of desire can never be filled,it stays empty.

2nd phase

Are you powerful? You will realize, that 2 major points: you cannot live alone in this world, you need the support of another human or at large society and next is that you cannot kill a worm in your stomach, without the support of a pill. Then the question come
in? Who is powerful? Then only you get to know, to live in this society, you realize that you need the support of God. 

Hence your potential energy developed subject to actual energy you can utilize upon the decision of God!
Energy is every where, but stillness plays a major role in it's conversion from"POTENTIAL" to "ACTUALISED" 

When we further analyze about power you Will see that
If you have power to do anything,how Would you decide what to do? This may seem like a minor problem, but look for instance, at people who inherits large amount of money. Many of them manage to make it disappear rather quickly. Likewise, people who have unlimited free time often find themselves involved in activities that ruin their health or peace of mind. Having too much can sometime be as much of a burden as havng too little.
Jesus was so aware of his energy that once women reached out and grabbed His clothes in the middle of the crowd, HE turned around and asked, who touched me? The staff members were astonished, since HE was being pushed shoved and crowded by many as they walk along." Everbody's touching you" they said."No I felt power is goig out of me" HE said. HE then turned to face the woman, who asked to be healed. HIS intense desire drew on HIS energy so that he could literally feel her faith.

Today's reading: 
Act of apostles says(acts 1:1-11) HE was lifted up while they looked on
Paul to Ephesians says(Eph 4:1-13) HE made HIM Sit at the right hand in heaven
Mk(16:15-20) says HE was taken up into heaven. There at the right hand of God HE took HIS place.

Why God make all this rigmarole! HE should have allowed Jesus to form the church?. Why risen Jesus stayed 40 days? Why Holy spirit came. It is to clearly show us how to the (1) how God trained to realized his plans to humans, who opted to believe and follow HIM, to realize the intended happiness.

In conclusion

When U see Light that is vision. The vision signifies a future realization. When U feel light entering into U, that is experience.
God the father,has a vision on U,ie HE created U to live happily. To realize happiness, HE asked U to follow HIM(good Shepard) believe what U say in Creed!& practice 10 comms,with Love+pardoning(sheep). Then U realize Holy Spirit direct U(branch of vine). By following
Church rules(given by HIM),U experience happiness now+eternal!

Hence next sunday, you will celebrate feast of Holy spirit: your vision to satisfy God, your realization to follow what HE said, then you Experience Holy Spirit!
Experience can be defined as practical contact with and observation of facts or events or an event or occurrence which leaves an impression on someone.

Thank you

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