
Friday 14 September 2018

Cycle 2: Season: Ordinary(2): Sunday No: 23 : Date: 9/9/2015 Target Catholic - in detail

High light:
(1)How do U know that Ur deaf to God's will?
(2)Hv U ever thought what God want from U?
(3)If Ur deaf to these questions, how can U ask God to put HIS finger to Ur ear?
(4)Hv U experience what God has done to U?
(5)Do U love Ur self and appreciate the God creation?. Then U love Ur self & love God too, who created U!
(6)If U cannot appreciate above (4)&(5), shall we ask God to touch Ur tongue with HIS spittle, to appreciate Urself+talk about HIM?
(7)U don't know what is happening inside Ur body!. U know Ur blood cannot be artificially made. Who knows what is happening inside Ur body? is Ur medical doctor or God? Are U deaf?

Today 9th sept 2018, we celebrate the 24th sunday mass of ordinary 2 season, today church remind us to analyze what is Ur main target in Ur life?. Is it to do God's Will or is it to achieve a good family? Or is to become rich or is it to be happy now and eternal?

When U become deaf to God's will, Ur priority of life roam towards earth bound achievements!

Jesus changed the unit of measurement. HE said constantly" It has been written.......but I say,,,," HE changed the unit of measurement of Holiness,of the requirements to entrance into God'S presence... Of how we measure growth and worth in the human race. It is not about the volume of prayers, it is about the depth of them.  It is not how good you look, it is how you treat lilies.
All of us slaves to our Ideas, and the concept that we have of success are what drives us.
When men are measured in terms of their money, and women are measured in terms of their looks, we have a long way in creating values for our children!.
When forbes magerzin quote someone net worth, will that mean he is worth more than a child with 1 rs in his pocket?. Our cultural unit of measurement creates this anomaly. Using money as the root of unit of measurement is the root of all the evil.

How to know about your self? Can you see, what is behind your skin? Or do you know what is happening inside your body?. Now you generally know,
(1) your life become dynamic with the circulation of blood, and blood cannot be made artificially. Blood cells are made in borne marrow(a spongy tissue that fills cavity inside bones-4% of body weight)which produce red &white cells+platlets. Blood consist of blood cells+plasma. Plasma is straw colored fluid part of blood that blood cells travel around body. Red cells contain Haemoglobine(HB) which gives blood its red colour& transport(energy)O2 from lungs to all parts of body.White blood cells called Leukocytes, fight infections. Platelets  play important role in clot formation,it will help stop bleeding,when blood vessel's damaged
(2) You cannot live without air . Air
around us is a mixture of many gases & dust particles. Air is clear gas in which living things live &breathe. It has an indefinite shape &volume,with no color or smell. Air is a mixture of 78% Nitrogen, 21% Oxygen(O2), 0.9% Argon,0.04% Carbon Dioxide (CO2) &very small amounts of other gases. When we inhale air,nose will sense smell,convert to suit for our body temperature,filter dust & send to lungs. Lungs main function is to provide O2 to blood,from inhaled air & exhale CO2. Without our knowledge God make us 1) Inhale & exhale;2)Extract O2 to give us energy,through blood which circulate to whole body to make U live;3)Send CO2 poisonous gas out of Ur body. Similarly God ask U to follow HIS teaching given by Trinity &exhale(remove Ur sin) for Ur own happiness
(3) The food you eat will form glucose and combined with insulin which produce inside your body,make energy to be circulated with blood
(4) Now you know little how complex I your body and how little you can control your Self

Take from the other angle
(1) Life become unpedictable. You don't know 100% out come for your action
(2) You will have limited controllability with others, who can influence you

Under this scenario, can you lead a happy life? You will see the value of human life cannot be measured, so powerful on one hand, but on the other hand you are power less. To become powerful, you have interdepend with other human or the society. When you need other peron support for you to live, you have to love him. The underlining christian basic principality shoWs how power less you are, and to become powerful you have to love thy neighbor!.  

What is the other concept of Christianity, you love God, like you love to yourself!

When you believe and convinced that you have been created by God to lead an happy life, you start looking at your body. How marvelous is your body? Then you become greatful to God. Then only you start loving to God. If you don't love yourself, you cannot love to God, since you are not going to appreciate God's creation!

What do you mean by deafness!
It means by some means you deprived with important information. Deafness can be of 3 types:
(1) You don't know about the information
(2) You are having access to the information and you don't analyze what is the information and practice
(3) You know the information, you try to bend the information to suit for your own convenience, and practice wrongly

Most of catholics belongs to above 2 and 3, since they are avail with God information and they are avail what God has promised to allow you to lead an happy life, but due to temporary earth bound cravings, they tend to forget, God assurance and not follow what God has asked you to do, sometimes leads unhappy life.

Catholics are promised by God, to lead happy life, though human life is impermanent. Then when you follow 10 comms+avoid 7 vices and practice love and pardoning, you are directed by God as what to do, this is called God's will for you! 

 how God's Will be known to you!
Catholic life can be divided into 2 parts: 
(1)Basic life: to lead a peaceful +worry less life
(2)Secondary life: To lead your life according to the God's Will
When your life is not peaceful and worry less, you are leading your life according to your will. You may pray, but your own conditioning and your lack of knowledge of God, may lead your life, according to your wish. 
God in HIS ow wisdom, shows us clearly that we should Go to Holy Mary and saints to hand over our worries for them to intercede with HIM. It is for us to be guided to know how mary+saints have been succesful in leading their life in following God's Will and won eternal happiness. Appointing saints will become catholism very dynamic!.

C. Today's reading:

Isaiah says(Is 35:4-7)"the ears of the deaf shall be unsealed & the tongues of the dump shall be loosed".

St James says(Jm2:1-5)" God chose the poor to be heires of kingdom.

Mk says(Mk7:31-37),"HE makes the deaf hear,And the dumb speak"

As catholics, how to remove ou dumpness to have an relaationship with God. Allow dumpness in your life will lead for you to be spiritual blind with God. Church next 5 sundays carefully chose, what the easy methods you can attract for blindness and how you are going to deprived the anticipated happiness as promised by God. Hence identify your target, that is to please God, appreciate yourelf, follow HIS Will. Appreciate how HE make your life comforter able!

Thank you


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Target Catholic Sunday (9-9) - in summary

High light:

(1)How do U know that Ur deaf to God's will?

(2)Hv U ever thought what God want from U?

(3)If Ur deaf to these questions, how can U ask God to put HIS finger to Ur ear?

(4)Hv U experience what God has done to U?

(5)Do U love Ur self and appreciate the God creation?. Then U love Ur self & love God too, who created U!

(6)If U cannot appreciate above (4)&(5), shall we ask God to touch Ur tongue with HIS spittle, to appreciate Urself+talk about HIM?

(7)U don't know what is happening inside Ur body!. U know Ur blood cannot be artificially made. Who knows what is happening inside Ur body? is Ur medical doctor or God? Are U deaf?

Today 9th sept 2018, we celebrate the 24th sunday mass of ordinary 2 season, today church remind us to analyze what is Ur main target in Ur life?. Is it to do God's Will or is it to achieve a good family? Or is to become rich or is it to be happy now and eternal?

When U become deaf to God's will, Ur priority of life roam towards earth bound achievements!

 Jesus changed the unit of measurement. HE said constantly" It has been written.......but I say,,,," HE changed the unit of measurement of Holiness,of the requirements to entrance into God'S presence... Of how we measure growth and worth in the human race. It is not about the volume of prayers, it is about the depth of them. It is not how good you look, it is how you treat lilies.

All of us slaves to our Ideas, and the concept that we have of success are what drives us.

When men are measured in terms of their money, and women are measured in terms of their looks, we have a long way in creating values for our children!.

When forbes magerzin quote someone net worth, will that mean he is worth more than a child with 1 rs in his pocket?. Our cultural unit of measurement creates this anomaly. Using money as the root of unit of measurement is the root of all the evil.

How to know about your self? Can you see, what is behind your skin? Or do you know what is happening inside your body?. Now you generally know,

(1) your life become dynamic with the circulation of blood, and blood cannot be made artificially. Blood cells are made in borne marrow(a spongy tissue that fills cavity inside bones-4% of body weight)which produce red &white cells+platlets. Blood consist of blood cells+plasma. Plasma is straw colored fluid part of blood that blood cells travel around body. Red cells contain Haemoglobine(HB) which gives blood its red colour& transport(energy)O2 from lungs to all parts of body.White blood cells called Leukocytes, fight infections. Platelets play important role in clot formation,it will help stop bleeding,when blood vessel's damaged

(2) You cannot live without air . Air

around us is a mixture of many gases & dust particles. Air is clear gas in which living things live &breathe. It has an indefinite shape &volume,with no color or smell. Air is a mixture of 78% Nitrogen, 21% Oxygen(O2), 0.9% Argon,0.04% Carbon Dioxide (CO2) &very small amounts of other gases. When we inhale air,nose will sense smell,convert to suit for our body temperature,filter dust & send to lungs. Lungs main function is to provide O2 to blood,from inhaled air & exhale CO2. Without our knowledge God make us 1) Inhale & exhale;2)Extract O2 to give us energy,through blood which circulate to whole body to make U live;3)Send CO2 poisonous gas out of Ur body. Similarly God ask U to follow HIS teaching given by Trinity &exhale(remove Ur sin) for Ur own happiness

(3) The food you eat will form glucose and combined with insulin which produce inside your body,make energy to be circulated with blood

(4) Now you know little how complex I your body and how little you can control your Self

Take from the other angle

(1) Life become unpedictable. You don't know 100% out come for your action

(2) You will have limited controllability with others, who can influence you

Under this scenario, can you lead a happy life? You will see the value of human life cannot be measured, so powerful on one hand, but on the other hand you are power less. To become powerful, you have interdepend with other human or the society. When you need other peron support for you to live, you have to love him. The underlining christian basic principality shoWs how power less you are, and to become powerful you have to love thy neighbor!.

What is the other concept of Christianity, you love God, like you love to yourself!

When you believe and convinced that you have been created by God to lead an happy life, you start looking at your body. How marvelous is your body? Then you become greatful to God. Then only you start loving to God. If you don't love yourself, you cannot love to God, since you are not going to appreciate God's creation!

What do you mean by deafness!

It means by some means you deprived with important information. Deafness can be of 3 types:

(1) You don't know about the information

(2) You are having access to the information and you don't analyze what is the information and practice

(3) You know the information, you try to bend the information to suit for your own convenience, and practice wrongly

Most of catholics belongs to above 2 and 3, since they are avail with God information and they are avail what God has promised to allow you to lead an happy life, but due to temporary earth bound cravings, they tend to forget, God assurance and not follow what God has asked you to do, sometimes leads unhappy life.

Catholics are promised by God, to lead happy life, though human life is impermanent. Then when you follow 10 comms+avoid 7 vices and practice love and pardoning, you are directed by God as what to do, this is called God's will for you!

how God's Will be known to you!

Catholic life can be divided into 2 parts:

(1)Basic life: to lead a peaceful +worry less life

(2)Secondary life: To lead your life according to the God's Will

When your life is not peaceful and worry less, you are leading your life according to your will. You may pray, but your own conditioning and your lack of knowledge of God, may lead your life, according to your wish.

God in HIS ow wisdom, shows us clearly that we should Go to Holy Mary and saints to hand over our worries for them to intercede with HIM. It is for us to be guided to know how mary+saints have been succesful in leading their life in following God's Will and won eternal happiness. Appointing saints will become catholism very dynamic!.

C. Today's reading:

Isaiah says(Is 35:4-7)"the ears of the deaf shall be unsealed & the tongues of the dump shall be loosed".

St James says(Jm2:1-5)" God chose the poor to be heires of kingdom.

Mk says(Mk7:31-37),"HE makes the deaf hear,And the dumb speak"


As catholics, how to remove ou dumpness to have an relaationship with God. Allow dumpness in your life will lead for you to be spiritual blind with God. Church next 5 sundays carefully chose, what the easy methods you can attract for blindness and how you are going to deprived the anticipated happiness as promised by God. Hence identify your target, that is to please God, appreciate yourelf, follow HIS Will. Appreciate how HE make your life comforter able!

Thank you


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Cycle 2: Season: Ordinary(2): Sunday No: 22 : Date: 2/9/2018. Lip Service Catholic - in detail

 High light
(1) What is lip service? Why Judas betrayed Jesus?Is he forget worship of God to money? Without money,can U provide service? 
(2)Why Mark says"U put aside the commandments of God to cling to human traditions. Are we doing this?
(3) Why we interchange comm1 With 4(worship God,respect parents). Is it a sin? Why there is no commandment parents to respect their children?
(4)Why we want to be like God?. Why we justify ourself, we cannot go wrong?
(5)Why Jesus show about washing the disciple feets?. Why we want to be God at home, for our children?
(6)Ur body consist of 15 km long nerves, science cannot make artificial blood. U cannot decide from which parents that U hv to come to this world. Who created U?why God selected Ur parents?Why we have to Worship God & respect our parents/elders?
(7)Is God need our Worship?. Worship only to God, for whose benefit?
Pl listen:

without Ur knowledge money will become no1, then this will boost up with power, then we forget worship God. Then U give various cultural reason why U respect God. Having read JN 6 sequentially last 5 sundays, church carefully address from mark Gospel, the ommitted section of Jn6- Judas betrayl Jesus for Money, indicte whom?

Today 2nd sept 2018, we celebrate the 23rd sunday mass of ordinary 2 season, today church remind us to analyze (1) why Judas betrayed Jesus(2) through out 3 years he was with Jesus,as a disciple, what is the message he is showing to our Priest?
(3) Why worship to God become no1 for Catholicism. Does God wants that?(4)why lip service and traditions are combined in today's readings?(5)Are we observing same problems in our present society?

Today, after 5 sundays, we revert back to mark Gospel. Last 5 sundays we focused on Jn 6, except last verse, Judas betrayal. As indicated earlier, Jn 6 mainly address to catholic priest, how Jesus prepared HIS disciples for last supper and value of HolY Eucharist.
In life we cannot 100% predict future. We cannot predict 100% out come of our actions. When you are attracted towards money & power, you forget God, start silently that you are like God. This is what happened to our original parents. They want to be like God!, resulted God to introduce fear and sorrow,death, introducing birth, which resulted introduction of paradigm change and introduction of generations for humanity or introduction of childhood

Your body consist of more than 15 km nerves. If you try million yoga excercises, you can do with your body. Your blood cannot be made artificially. You cannot live more than few minutes, without inhaling air, you cannot make air artificially!. Your cells in your body everyday change some die and some new born, you will have completely new cells after 7 years!. We believe it is God who created us, and watching how we react!.

Creation of God!
All creatures below man correspond to a pattern God has in HIS mind. A tree is truely a tree because it corresponds to God's idea of a tree. But it is not so with persons. God has to have 2 pictures of us: one is what we are, and the other is what we ought to be. God has to have these 2 pictures because in each and everyone of us there is some dis proportion, and want of conformity between the original plan and the way we have worked it out. The image is blurred.  

Negative influence by satan

Like adam and eve was trapped by satan, all humans are subjected to attract earth bound cravings such as money,power and desires. This will allow humans to leave God and attract towards satan. God is the source of happiness, and satan is source of fear and sorrow in the long run. God has given 10 commandments, not because HE need that. Because HE advice us to lead a happy life that we have to follow these commandments!
Does God need our worship?
Not at all. It is for us to appreciate God in every creation of HIS, including your self. You forget the worship of God means you don't really appreciate the God's creation. Jusdas though a diciple of HIM,where he carried a important task of money handling, betrayed God, for wanting of money!. This clealy showed in JN6 the sections ommitted in last 5 sundays, faith (walking on the sea & judas betrayal)and money is works on opposite directions. Even if you a are priest, when you try to handle money, you will see you lose faith,  the important sign for outsiders to notice that is, you appreciate getting worship from others, silently you undermine God. This is true for any catholic.

This will have very negative effect for children,since children learn thru' observing others. They see their elders are being worshiped and God is respected. They will carry this to generations  
God has not introduced in the commandments, whether parent should respect children. Why? In the modern society with divorce of parents, some ignore their children. Under this scenario, why God has not introduced 11th commandment: parents should respect their children. 
Once parents give birth to child, child is a gift of God, parents are supposed to preserve that gift and maintain and uplift and train the child, until he become adult to lead his life following God's will.
Mt 18:5-6 says" any one who welcomes a little child like this on my behalf is welcoming me. But if you cause one of these little ones who trust in me to fall into sin,it will be better for you to have a large milestone tied around your neck and be drowned in the depths of the sea"

So parents and elders responsibility is clear, whether to respect them as gift of God, you have to guide them, allow them to see your actions and imitate you. But when you get worship instead of respect, you are seriously underming God in 2 counts one is you are at fault other is your fault Jesus says better to be drowned by yourself. 

Worshiping elders in the 3rd world is best explained in this sunday reading.

Lip service
Is to just say something,but not actually do it, to pretend to believe a certain thing but not practice that belief, to consent with words, while dissenting in one's heart. When Jesus was asked why HIS disciples were not practicing traditions (a belief or behavior passed down within a group of society,with symbolic meaning or special significance with origins in past). HIS answer was"these people honor me with lip service while their hearts are far from me,The worship they offer me is worthless. The doctrine they teach are only human regulations" . (Mk7:1-8):U PUT ASIDE THE COMMANDMENT OF GOD TO CLING TO HUMAN TRADITIONS:(mk 7:14-15).10 comms 1-Thou shalt have no other Gods before Me, Honour thy father & mother. Who do we worship-elders?/respect-God?Is it correct?HE further sd within from Ur heart that evil intentions emerge,when U undermine God.

When we become unclean, without our knowledge, we will be attracted to corruption. Worship involves both physical & mental efforts from us, whereas most evil intentions may be only residing in mind!

C.Today's readings:

Book of Deuteronomy(Dt: 4:1-2.6-8):add nothing to what I command you. Keep the Commandment of God
St James says(Jm 1:17-18.2122.27): you must do what the word tells you.
Mk(7:1-8,14-15,21-23): you put aside the commandments of God to cling to human traditions.

Reminds: only talking is not expected by God, in creating you. First you should know his rules given to  follow. Understand the rules. Follow the rules, in your life. Earth bound attractions are generally opposed to the given rules. There are 2 types of rules. (1) give by Jesus- to follow 10 commandments+ pardon each other+follow God's Will.
(2) Given by church; Holy spirit form the church. In Jesus time, God shown the method of salvation only to jews. Certain rituals like not eating pork or circumspect were even followed by Jesus+all apostles or even Paul. But the church, which has been formed by Holy Spirit, extended salvation to whole world, without restrictions such as eating pork or neither to circumcise.
Pope infallibility gives rulings on certain controversial issues, with the support of Holy Spirit. Artificial birth control, euthanasia and abortions are few to name.
7 sacraments, has been laid down by catholic church, in order to have more meaningful worship to God.

D. Conclusions: 

Deut:Moses asks his people to obey the Lords commandments & thus to give evidence about their wisdom. James tell us that only welcoming God's word,we will NOT BE SAVED. We must act on the word. Mk (7:1-8,14-15,21-23): Jesus Criticises the pharisees for imposing man made laws on people & disregarding God's commandment of love.reminding 3rd world catholics worshipping elders/parents while respecting God.God has given 10 comms not because HE wants, but for us to lead a happy life.God doesnot want our worship,but we need that to appreciate God's creations!.when we forget that we will not be able to visualise God's work to us.Why in 10 comms,that parents to respect is not there?B'cause they hv to guide & train their children to follow God, when they become adult.Children learn by what they see,not what they hear.what is the worship example U show to Ur child?Ur culture/Ur God-best?

Thank you


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Summary of 10th sunday to 22 nd sunday
Value and concept of Eucharist. You digest jesus into your body. Develop your faith, by daily encounter with God. 
Every human is born with talent. How you develop your talent, with love of God make you to see miracles. In order to maintain happiness in your life, guard your faith and improve it
Eucharist make your life happy provided Love and pardoning is practised by you.
You have to follow all rules, in order to receive Eucharist.

WHAT ARE THE CHARACTER YOU CAN OBSERVE FROM A CATHOLIC YOU CANNOT SEE FROM HIS LIFE. Avoid (fornication, theft,murder,adultery,avarice,malice,deceit,indecency,envy,slander,pride,folly.)

Lip service catholic Sunday (2-9) - in summary

High light

(1) What is lip service? Why Judas betrayed Jesus?Is he forget worship of God to money? Without money,can U provide service?

(2)Why Mark says"U put aside the commandments of God to cling to human traditions. Are we doing this?

(3) Why we interchange comm1 With 4(worship God,respect parents). Is it a sin? Why there is no commandment parents to respect their children?

(4)Why we want to be like God?. Why we justify ourself, we cannot go wrong?

(5)Why Jesus show about washing the disciple feets?. Why we want to be God at home, for our children?

(6)Ur body consist of 15 km long nerves, science cannot make artificial blood. U cannot decide from which parents that U hv to come to this world. Who created U?why God selected Ur parents?Why we have to Worship God & respect our parents/elders?

(7)Is God need our Worship?. Worship only to God, for whose benefit?

Pl listen:


without Ur knowledge money will become no1, then this will boost up with power, then we forget worship God. Then U give various cultural reason why U respect God. Having read JN 6 sequentially last 5 sundays, church carefully address from mark Gospel, the ommitted section of Jn6- Judas betrayl Jesus for Money, indicte whom?

Today 2nd sept 2018, we celebrate the 23rd sunday mass of ordinary 2 season, today church remind us to analyze (1) why Judas betrayed Jesus(2) through out 3 years he was with Jesus,as a disciple, what is the message he is showing to our Priest?

(3) Why worship to God become no1 for Catholicism. Does God wants that?(4)why lip service and traditions are combined in today's readings?(5)Are we observing same problems in our present society?

Today, after 5 sundays, we revert back to mark Gospel. Last 5 sundays we focused on Jn 6, except last verse, Judas betrayal. As indicated earlier, Jn 6 mainly address to catholic priest, how Jesus prepared HIS disciples for last supper and value of HolY Eucharist.

In life we cannot 100% predict future. We cannot predict 100% out come of our actions. When you are attracted towards money & power, you forget God, start silently that you are like God. This is what happened to our original parents. They want to be like God!, resulted God to introduce fear and sorrow,death, introducing birth, which resulted introduction of paradigm change and introduction of generations for humanity or introduction of childhood

Your body consist of more than 15 km nerves. If you try million yoga excercises, you can do with your body. Your blood cannot be made artificially. You cannot live more than few minutes, without inhaling air, you cannot make air artificially!. Your cells in your body everyday change some die and some new born, you will have completely new cells after 7 years!. We believe it is God who created us, and watching how we react!.

Creation of God!

All creatures below man correspond to a pattern God has in HIS mind. A tree is truely a tree because it corresponds to God's idea of a tree. But it is not so with persons. God has to have 2 pictures of us: one is what we are, and the other is what we ought to be. God has to have these 2 pictures because in each and everyone of us there is some dis proportion, and want of conformity between the original plan and the way we have worked it out. The image is blurred.

 Negative influence by satan

Like adam and eve was trapped by satan, all humans are subjected to attract earth bound cravings such as money,power and desires. This will allow humans to leave God and attract towards satan. God is the source of happiness, and satan is source of fear and sorrow in the long run. God has given 10 commandments, not because HE need that. Because HE advice us to lead a happy life that we have to follow these commandments!

Does God need our worship?

Not at all. It is for us to appreciate God in every creation of HIS, including your self. You forget the worship of God means you don't really appreciate the God's creation. Jusdas though a diciple of HIM,where he carried a important task of money handling, betrayed God, for wanting of money!. This clealy showed in JN6 the sections ommitted in last 5 sundays, faith (walking on the sea & judas betrayal)and money is works on opposite directions. Even if you a are priest, when you try to handle money, you will see you lose faith, the important sign for outsiders to notice that is, you appreciate getting worship from others, silently you undermine God. This is true for any catholic.

This will have very negative effect for children,since children learn thru' observing others. They see their elders are being worshiped and God is respected. They will carry this to generations

God has not introduced in the commandments, whether parent should respect children. Why? In the modern society with divorce of parents, some ignore their children. Under this scenario, why God has not introduced 11th commandment: parents should respect their children.

Once parents give birth to child, child is a gift of God, parents are supposed to preserve that gift and maintain and uplift and train the child, until he become adult to lead his life following God's will.

Mt 18:5-6 says" any one who welcomes a little child like this on my behalf is welcoming me. But if you cause one of these little ones who trust in me to fall into sin,it will be better for you to have a large milestone tied around your neck and be drowned in the depths of the sea"

So parents and elders responsibility is clear, whether to respect them as gift of God, you have to guide them, allow them to see your actions and imitate you. But when you get worship instead of respect, you are seriously underming God in 2 counts one is you are at fault other is your fault Jesus says better to be drowned by yourself.

Worshiping elders in the 3rd world is best explained in this sunday reading.

Lip service

Is to just say something,but not actually do it, to pretend to believe a certain thing but not practice that belief, to consent with words, while dissenting in one's heart. When Jesus was asked why HIS disciples were not practicing traditions (a belief or behavior passed down within a group of society,with symbolic meaning or special significance with origins in past). HIS answer was"these people honor me with lip service while their hearts are far from me,The worship they offer me is worthless. The doctrine they teach are only human regulations" . (Mk7:1-8):U PUT ASIDE THE COMMANDMENT OF GOD TO CLING TO HUMAN TRADITIONS:(mk 7:14-15).10 comms 1-Thou shalt have no other Gods before Me, Honour thy father & mother. Who do we worship-elders?/respect-God?Is it correct?HE further sd within from Ur heart that evil intentions emerge,when U undermine God.

When we become unclean, without our knowledge, we will be attracted to corruption. Worship involves both physical & mental efforts from us, whereas most evil intentions may be only residing in mind!

C.Today's readings:

Book of Deuteronomy(Dt: 4:1-2.6-8):add nothing to what I command you. Keep the Commandment of God

St James says(Jm 1:17-18.2122.27): you must do what the word tells you.

Mk(7:1-8,14-15,21-23): you put aside the commandments of God to cling to human traditions.

Reminds: only talking is not expected by God, in creating you. First you should know his rules given to follow. Understand the rules. Follow the rules, in your life. Earth bound attractions are generally opposed to the given rules. There are 2 types of rules. (1) give by Jesus- to follow 10 commandments+ pardon each other+follow God's Will.

(2) Given by church; Holy spirit form the church. In Jesus time, God shown the method of salvation only to jews. Certain rituals like not eating pork or circumspect were even followed by Jesus+all apostles or even Paul. But the church, which has been formed by Holy Spirit, extended salvation to whole world, without restrictions such as eating pork or neither to circumcise.

Pope infallibility gives rulings on certain controversial issues, with the support of Holy Spirit. Artificial birth control, euthanasia and abortions are few to name.

7 sacraments, has been laid down by catholic church, in order to have more meaningful worship to God.

D. Conclusions:

Deut:Moses asks his people to obey the Lords commandments & thus to give evidence about their wisdom. James tell us that only welcoming God's word,we will NOT BE SAVED. We must act on the word. Mk (7:1-8,14-15,21-23): Jesus Criticises the pharisees for imposing man made laws on people & disregarding God's commandment of love.reminding 3rd world catholics worshipping elders/parents while respecting God.God has given 10 comms not because HE wants, but for us to lead a happy life.God doesnot want our worship,but we need that to appreciate God's creations!.when we forget that we will not be able to visualise God's work to us.Why in 10 comms,that parents to respect is not there?B'cause they hv to guide & train their children to follow God, when they become adult.Children learn by what they see,not what they hear.what is the worship example U show to Ur child?Ur culture/Ur God-best?

Thank you

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