
Sunday 10 February 2019

Cycle 3: Season: Ordinary Sunday No:5 Date: 10/2/2016 - Aware Catholic - in detail

High light: Aware Catholic sunday (10/2)
(1)Jesus has shown 40 miracles,with 5 major categories(28-healing,7-how to convert Ur talents to energy,1-when Ur lazy,curse of God,1-handover Ur fear/sorrow to mary,3-Jeus is God),next sunday why catching huge number of fish belongs to cat 2?
(2)Why Jesus taught crowd from peter's boat?
(3)After speaking why HE asked to take 2 boats to deep sea?. When peter,james& john lower the net, what they saw?
(4)How peter & others God to know about God?. In Ur life are U aware incidents where U got to know about God?.otherwise Go to deep sea?
(5)Why peter& other today in heavon?have they forgotten this incident through out their life?. Is it same with U?
(6) Will Jesus come to U'r boat to preach others?are U happy?
(7)Without reflecting(hard work)what Jesus told,can U preach others?is blind leading another blind?U belong to cat3(peter/Judas)?

Pl listen:

Today 10th feb 2019,the 5th ordinary sunday of cycle 3. Church invite us to reflect,(1) Why you have to devote time in reflecting about your life. Specially (a)on whose decision you came to this world (b)Why do you live what is the purpose(c)how to achieve your purpose,having understood that outcome of any of your action you don't know 100% outcome.
Then How God has reveaaled to you: when you forget that awareness what will happen to you!

When reflecting todays readings, you might wonder
Why Jesus went away from shore to shallow waters to preach? For us also,we have to go away from people or normal life,just to reflect about our life!. When you reflect about your life the following 3 questions will come to your mind. 
WHO decided for you to come to this world? Who decided your parents?
Only answer is God!
2nd question is what is the purpose of living?
You cannot live without air, you don't know what is happening inside your skin,even in your own body. you don't know 100% outcome of your action. Then naturally life become sorrow, if you don't know that God has guaranteed your happiness, provided if you follow HIS WILL in your life.

Catholics have obligation to attend sunday mass. A year, a month can be defined from scientifically. But week cannot be defined, except it is connected to the creation of the world by God. Week is defined by God. So going to hallow water can be identified as going to sunday mass and follow mass. 
From sunday Mass, Jesus has come to your boat,your life, allow you to participate to Mass.
When you follow what Jesus has asked you to do,ie 7 ethics: just to remind you,they are as follows:

(1)10 COMMs; Thou shalt have no other Gods before Me/Thou shall not take the name of Lord thy God in vain/Keep holy Sabbath Day/Honour thy father&mother/Thou shalt not kill/Thou shall not commit adultery/Thou shall not steal/Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbor/Thou shall not covert thy neighbour's wife/Thou shalt not covert thy neighbours goods

(2)7SACRAMENT-Baptism/communion/confirmation/confession/last rights/matrimony/holy orders


(4/5)practice7CORPORAL/SPIRITUAL MERCIES{feeding hungry+giving drink to thirsty+clothing nacked+welcoming stranger+visiting sick & imprisoned+burying death}+ {counselling doubtful+instructing ignorant+admonishing sinner+comforting sorrowful+bearing wrong patiently+pray for living&dead}



Additionally Church Rules(ex: avoid artificial birth control, abortion, Euthanasia..)

Jesus ask peter to take the boat to deep waters. But peter was reluctant,since he couldn't catch fish previous night. But peter followed,Jesus wish. What he saw, miracle of fish! Happiness!

How to go to deep water, from sunday mass, reflect more on sunday reading and see how to apply specially Gospel reading into your life. Without this analysis, you cannot witness to participate,what God asked you to do!.

Sunday readings help us to learn, what we should do in our life, to follow God's word.
Since Sunday mass is obligatory for catholics, these readings plays vital role, as how to understand God's word in our life. Sunday readings are organized from Holy scripture, hence these set of readings are inspired by God. When you follow sunday readings, you will never form your own religion for your own convenience. You are 100% safe that you follow, teachings given by God, to lead a happy life.

 How sunday readings are organized?

It has carefully organized to provide you to read all scripture in 3 years(thanks to St pius V), namely, each year labeled as cycle 1,2 and 3.  

Each year is divided into 5 seasons:
Ordinary times(part 1)
Lent(starting with ash Wednesday)
Easter(start from easter sunday)
Ordinary times (part2) start with ascension day(part 2 sometimes labeled in 2 parts-easter tide and normal ) ended our lord Jesus Christ, King of the universe feast.

 How the seasons are formed?

With Gregorian Calander

Sunday reading cycle and normal Gregorian
Calendar does not match!. Normal calender starts in Jan 1st, while Catholic cycle starts with Advent, which is normally starts, in the previous year lent:

Next sliding effect is deciding the ash Wednesday: 
CHRISTMAS is always25Dec but Easter varies?Because Jesus's passion was just after passover ceremony of Jews,where it coincides with Christianity!

How to decide ash Wednesday?

For example take year 2019 Ash Wednesday

Gregorian calendar is based on Earth, rotating around SUN(12 months,with 365days/ yr).If yr is divisive by4(but not by400)it results in a leap yr(366 days).Equinox is when sun shines directly on Earth's equator(no shadow).This occurs twice/yr; Vernol(Mar)&Autumnal (Sept).Easter is selected as 1st Sunday,following Full Moon(19/4/2019)after vernal equinox(21/3).ASH WEDNESDAY(6/3/ 2019)is 46days(40 days lent+last 6 days for pass over) before Easter Sunday (21/4).

Points to note:

(1) Always advent ends from Christmas day(25th december)
(2) Always Christmas season ends on jan 6th(feast of Epiphany).
(3)Ordinary part 1 ends on ash Wednesday, and start lent
(4) Lent always end on easter sunday 
(5)Easter will start from easter sunday, until ascension sunday
(6) Ordinary part 2 starts from ascension day and end up on our lord Jesus Christ, King of the universe feast. 
(7) After this  our lord Jesus Christ, King of the universe feast, next cycle advent starts.

 Format of sunday readings:

There are 4 major points to be analyzed.
(1) Alleluia version gives the title or underline message of Jesus. The 3 readings will provide you the relevance this title to Jesus, Church & before Jesus era(old testament era)
(2)Gospel reading gives you, the current message relevant to lead your current life!
(3)The 2nd reading tells us how the christianity was implemented at the introduction of Jesus message to people or how the church started!
(4) The 1st reading gives you the message adopted by people before christianity. Hence it may not give the same meaning as the gospel!. We should identify the clear difference between old testament to new!. 

Today's reading:

Isaias (IS 6:1-8)
Says"Here I am send me!”

Paul says(1 COR 15:1-11)".. gospel.. I preached what they preach,and this is what you all believed"

Gospel LK 5:1-11 says"they left everything else and followed HIM"

(1)Jesus preached from peter's boat,after went deep sea,lower net to catch many fish-incident make peter aware about Jesus as God
(2)In Ur life too,what are the occasions U face in knowing God
(3)unlike peter did U forget that awareness?
(4)why Jesus preached in shallow sea not at shore with other people?is it to make HIS voice heard by all(day time wind blows from sea to shore)& see HIM separately
(5)why U hv to go to deep sea to catch fish:Every sunday reading are U opportune for that?
(6)If Jesus has got into Ur boat,how U going to catch fish?without going to deep waters?
(7)if U want to imitate Jesus where U preach?Is it Ur duty as a catholic?are U feel shy or lazy?is it only duty of priest?what U try to keep?money/power/desires.U? 

Means a state being conscious for something/knowledge/perception,of a situation or fact.when there is tooth ache,U'r going to be aware that there is a tooth,otherwise U forget about the a tooth.Most of human actions depends upon their own experience resulted in awareness.Peter,James& John  followed Jesus instruction to go to deep water & lower nets to catch many fish,resulting tearing their net.This has resulted for them to be aware about new messiah & followed HIM,thoughout their life. Beauty of God's plan is for U to be aware how HE has revealed to U,about HIM. Every human in this world has been given a unique opportunity to be aware about God.Identify how God has revealed to U,then without forgetting,follow HIS instruction,to be more aware about HIM. This is how ur faith grows!.Following 7ethics will allow Uto be aware about God's action in U& keep the experience until U'r death,like Mary.

Finally Lk 19:41-44 talks about how Jesus wept about city of Jerusalem: indicating how HE is worried about us!. HE executed awful vengeance upon it, indicating when you forget awareness about God,you have to face the consequences."They will level you to the ground,and our children within you,and they will not leave in you one stone upon another,BECUSE YOU DID NOT RECOGNISE THE TIME OF VISITATION(time of God graces offers mercy to you!.

Thank you!
God Bless you! 

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Aware Catholic Sunday 10-2 - in summary

High light: Aware Catholic sunday (10/2)

(1)Jesus has shown 40 miracles,with 5 major categories(28-healing,7-how to convert Ur talents to energy,1-when Ur lazy,curse of God,1-handover Ur fear/sorrow to mary,3-Jeus is God),next sunday why catching huge number of fish belongs to cat 2?

(2)Why Jesus taught crowd from peter's boat?

(3)After speaking why HE asked to take 2 boats to deep sea?. When peter,james& john lower the net, what they saw?

(4)How peter & others God to know about God?. In Ur life are U aware incidents where U got to know about God?.otherwise Go to deep sea?

(5)Why peter& other today in heavon?have they forgotten this incident through out their life?. Is it same with U?

(6) Will Jesus come to U'r boat to preach others?are U happy?

(7)Without reflecting(hard work)what Jesus told,can U preach others?is blind leading another blind?U belong to cat3(peter/Judas)?

Pl listen:

 Today 10th feb 2019,the 5th ordinary sunday of cycle 3. Church invite us to reflect,(1) Why you have to devote time in reflecting about your life. Specially (a)on whose decision you came to this world (b)Why do you live what is the purpose(c)how to achieve your purpose,having understood that outcome of any of your action you don't know 100% outcome.

Then How God has reveaaled to you: when you forget that awareness what will happen to you!

When reflecting todays readings, you might wonder

Why Jesus went away from shore to shallow waters to preach? For us also,we have to go away from people or normal life,just to reflect about our life!. When you reflect about your life the following 3 questions will come to your mind.

WHO decided for you to come to this world? Who decided your parents?

Only answer is God!

2nd question is what is the purpose of living?

You cannot live without air, you don't know what is happening inside your skin,even in your own body. you don't know 100% outcome of your action. Then naturally life become sorrow, if you don't know that God has guaranteed your happiness, provided if you follow HIS WILL in your life.

Catholics have obligation to attend Sunday mass. A year, a month can be defined from scientifically. But week cannot be defined, except it is connected to the creation of the world by God. Week is defined by God. So going to hallow water can be identified as going to Sunday mass and follow mass.

From Sunday Mass, Jesus has come to your boat, your life, allow you to participate to Mass.

When you follow what Jesus has asked you to do, ie 7 ethics: just to remind you, they are as follows:

(1)10 COMMs; Thou shalt have no other Gods before Me/Thou shall not take the name of Lord thy God in vain/Keep holy Sabbath Day/Honour thy father&mother/Thou shalt not kill/Thou shall not commit adultery/Thou shall not steal/Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbor/Thou shall not covert thy neighbor's wife/Thou shalt not covert thy neighbour goods

(2)7SACRAMENT-Baptism/communion/confirmation/confession/last rights/matrimony/holy orders


(4/5)practice7CORPORAL/SPIRITUAL MERCIES{feeding hungry+giving drink to thirsty+clothing nacked+welcoming stranger+visiting sick & imprisoned+burying death}+ {counseling doubtful+instructing ignorant+admonishing sinner+comforting sorrowful+bearing wrong patiently+pray for living&dead}



Additionally Church Rules(ex: avoid artificial birth control, abortion, Euthanasia..)

Jesus ask peter to take the boat to deep waters. But peter was reluctant, since he couldn't catch fish previous night. But peter followed,Jesus wish. What he saw, miracle of fish! Happiness!

How to go to deep water, from Sunday mass, reflect more on Sunday reading and see how to apply specially Gospel reading into your life. Without this analysis, you cannot witness to participate, what God asked you to do!.

Sunday readings help us to learn, what we should do in our life, to follow God's word.

Since Sunday mass is obligatory for catholics, these readings plays vital role, as how to understand God's word in our life. Sunday readings are organized from Holy scripture, hence these set of readings are inspired by God. When you follow sunday readings, you will never form your own religion for your own convenience. You are 100% safe that you follow, teachings given by God, to lead a happy life.

How sunday readings are organized?

It has carefully organized to provide you to read all scripture in 3 years(thanks to St pius V), namely, each year labeled as cycle 1,2 and 3.

Each year is divided into 5 seasons:



Ordinary times(part 1)

Lent(starting with ash Wednesday)

Easter(start from easter sunday)

Ordinary times (part2) start with ascension day(part 2 sometimes labeled in 2 parts-easter tide and normal ) ended our lord Jesus Christ, King of the universe feast.

How the seasons are formed?

With Gregorian Calendar

Sunday reading cycle and normal Gregorian

Calendar does not match!. Normal calendar starts in Jan 1st, while Catholic cycle starts with Advent, which is normally starts, in the previous year lent:

Next sliding effect is deciding the ash Wednesday:

CHRISTMAS is always25Dec but Easter varies?Because Jesus's passion was just after passover ceremony of Jews, where it coincides with Christianity!

How to decide ash Wednesday?

For example take year 2019 Ash Wednesday

Gregorian calendar is based on Earth, rotating around SUN(12 months,with 365days/ yr).If yr is divisive by4(but not by400)it results in a leap yr(366 days).Equinox is when sun shines directly on Earth's equator(no shadow).This occurs twice/yr; Vernol(Mar)&Autumnal (Sept).Easter is selected as 1st Sunday,following Full Moon(19/4/2019)after vernal equinox(21/3).ASH WEDNESDAY(6/3/ 2019)is 46days(40 days lent+last 6 days for pass over) before Easter Sunday (21/4).

Points to note:

(1) Always advent ends from Christmas day(25th december)

(2) Always Christmas season ends on jan 6th(feast of Epiphany).

(3)Ordinary part 1 ends on ash Wednesday, and start lent

(4) Lent always end on easter sunday

(5)Easter will start from easter sunday, until ascension sunday

(6) Ordinary part 2 starts from ascension day and end up on our lord Jesus Christ, King of the universe feast.

(7) After this our lord Jesus Christ, King of the universe feast, next cycle advent starts.

Format of sunday readings:

There are 4 major points to be analyzed.

(1) Alleluia version gives the title or underline message of Jesus. The 3 readings will provide you the relevance this title to Jesus, Church & before Jesus era(old testament era)

(2)Gospel reading gives you, the current message relevant to lead your current life!

(3)The 2nd reading tells us how the christianity was implemented at the introduction of Jesus message to people or how the church started!

(4) The 1st reading gives you the message adopted by people before christianity. Hence it may not give the same meaning as the gospel!. We should identify the clear difference between old testament to new!.

Today's reading:

Isaias (IS 6:1-8)

Says"Here I am send me!”

Paul says(1 COR 15:1-11)".. gospel.. I preached what they preach,and this is what you all believed"

Gospel LK 5:1-11 says"they left everything else and followed HIM"


(1)Jesus preached from peter's boat,after went deep sea,lower net to catch many fish-incident make peter aware about Jesus as God

(2)In Ur life too,what are the occasions U face in knowing God

(3)unlike peter did U forget that awareness?

(4)why Jesus preached in shallow sea not at shore with other people?is it to make HIS voice heard by all(day time wind blows from sea to shore)& see HIM separately

(5)why U hv to go to deep sea to catch fish:Every sunday reading are U opportune for that?

(6)If Jesus has got into Ur boat,how U going to catch fish?without going to deep waters?

(7)if U want to imitate Jesus where U preach?Is it Ur duty as a catholic?are U feel shy or lazy?is it only duty of priest?what U try to keep?money/power/desires.U?


Means a state being conscious for something/knowledge/perception,of a situation or fact.when there is tooth ache,U'r going to be aware that there is a tooth,otherwise U forget about the a tooth.Most of human actions depends upon their own experience resulted in awareness.Peter,James& John followed Jesus instruction to go to deep water & lower nets to catch many fish,resulting tearing their net.This has resulted for them to be aware about new messiah & followed HIM,thoughout their life. Beauty of God's plan is for U to be aware how HE has revealed to U,about HIM. Every human in this world has been given a unique opportunity to be aware about God.Identify how God has revealed to U,then without forgetting,follow HIS instruction,to be more aware about HIM. This is how ur faith grows!.Following 7ethics will allow Uto be aware about God's action in U& keep the experience until U'r death,like Mary.

Finally Lk 19:41-44 talks about how Jesus wept about city of Jerusalem: indicating how HE is worried about us!. HE executed awful vengeance upon it, indicating when you forget awareness about God,you have to face the consequences."They will level you to the ground,and our children within you,and they will not leave in you one stone upon another,BECUSE YOU DID NOT RECOGNISE THE TIME OF VISITATION(time of God graces offers mercy to you!.

Thank you!

God Bless you!

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