
Wednesday 25 June 2014

Sunday(29/6) Chosen Catholic/ St peter & Paul apostels! - in detail

Back ground:

When we summaries the sunday readings from June 1st (9th-13th sundays in ordinary times(after easter period-8th ordinary sunday held on 2/3/2014/cycle 1) we are reminded of basic christian faith  that Jesus was having both human + divine qualities! & How the divine person suffered in His human nature(during easter)!

June 1- Ascension of the Lord: Basic christian belief that Jesus has risen from death & went to heaven. This follows the concepts of Holy Mary's Immaculate Conception & Assumption in to heaven. On the other hand, this indicates how to balance earthly desires such as Money, power & sex! To realise 'Bird' Happiness

June8- Pentercost Sunday-Holy spirit- when we want to get the knowledge of Christianity, we should develop a spiritual thirst

June 15- The Most Holy Trinity- Basic Christian faith. God is in 3 persons. In any action in this world there are always 3 aspects to be analyzed.
(1)FATHER-purpose(2)SON-in practice how much U deviate from purpose(3)SPIRIT-remedial action to reach purpose.
In Christainty, God has created every human to lead a happy life(with full freedom subject to LOVE with effect from Jesus)

June 22-The Most Holy Body & Blood of Christ-Corpus Christi: How to digest Christianity to you own life!. Bonding ritual of catholic to form the church.analogy of this is:
As 2 pieces of wax fused together make one,so who he receive Holy Communion is so united with Christ that Christ is in him & he is in Christ!

June- 29 today Sts Peter & Paul apostles - how God has chosen them to be the pillars of HIS church!.

Pre analysis for today's reading:

Formation of Church:

Unlike many other religions, Jesus Himself has formed the church. Church management structure is still followed by many develop orgernisations in the world. 3 major areas, administration- cannon law, subject matter- catechism, commercial- roman curia.

B.2. Christianity:

Christianity is quite distinct in that it rose from a Jewish background, which is monotheistic & it centers around a historic figure of Jesus. Apostles were eye witness at the first. Peter & Paul did tremendous missionary work to develop christianity. Specially St paul vision embraced the whole world. He wished to proclaim THE GOSPEL as far as possible.

For example, in recent past;

 Spiritually Bl.Mother Teresa resembles St paul. She is conscious of having been chosen by God the Father to work for the Glory of Christ; to this end she found her society.

Today is feast of these 2 saints!

St Paul

Paul(Saul) who hated christianity, converted from Judaism after the vision of Lord!."Saul,why do U prosecute me?"Stuck blind for 3 days and thru' Ananias his vision was restored. He wrote many letters(Epistles) to us. While on mission,He never stops to develop his talents to earn his living,in making tents!Paul had access to Peter &James. He started to write about christianity & is instrumental in proclaiming the Gospel thru' the media of social communication& did the tremendous work for us. According to him 'christ allowed us to join him on the cross, not out of by necessity but by choice. Jesus wanted us to voluntarily surrender as He did'.
While on mission,He never stops to develop his talents to earn his living,in making tents!. Paul was beheaded as a prisoner outside gates of Rome , by Romans in AD67. You can see 3 water streams, where Paul head has been fallen!even now.

St peter

St peter served as 1st pope, for longest period of 37 years (30 - 67 AD):He performed 1st public miracles&pioneered 1st church council.67AD Peter was crucified,head downward,in Nero's gardens at vatican,because he said He was not worthy to die same way as Jesus!

Peter & Paul
When we treat church as one body, the brain is Paul & Heart is Peter. They provide teaching & preaching of church respectively!.

Both supposed to have martyrdom on the same day in 2 different places. Peter in Vatican,while Paul outside Rome.

Heads of St Peter & St Paul,enclosed in silver busts are at the popes cathedral(basilica of our Saviour)in Rome.

Position of saint's
Saints have no seniority in heaven!. The ones we know about have no prestige or special privileges that other saint's do not!. They have made it- they are in. Recognising them as saint's is meant to help us more than them!.

Importance of Choosing!
At birth, the following 3 aspects are introduced to any human without his knowledge!.
(1) Breathing
(2) subject to gravitational force
(3) subject to develop(soul) mind+ ability to chose!.

Breathing is the basic nourishment of human body. Gravitational force indicates, your worldly desires towards living: sex: money: power

Mind you start developing from day1 until your death. More you are wiser, ability of choosing become more efficient!. God is the ideal person to choose, since he knows every person mind,at a given time. Each person is having individual freedom to carry out his own actions which God will never intervene!

Relationship of Christianity to birth!
Christianity,logically follow every human is created by God(answer to"who has decided for you to come to this world through your parents),Hence the air you breath become God at Baptism!& you started the basic faith of christianity accepting the existence of Holy Trinity!. Your inhaling/ ex hailing, God will read your mind!.(Similar to mobile telephone).
Breathing you stop when you die!.

Gravitational force:

 earthly desires for you to live in this world, you start developing while you are growing!. With death you leave all worldly desires/assets,cannot take it further!.

When you balance your desires with SPIRITUAL desires, you enjoy happiness like a BIRD. Catholicism gives you how to do this in very simple form of developing LOVE!

When a rich young ruler who stood eagerly facing Jesus & asked" What must I do to enter the kingdom of heaven?" "Loose your ties to your possessions and follow me" was the Jesus reply!.yet the young man turned head and walked away. Having measured the cost, he decided it was too dear!. The interesting thing about this story is that Jesus loved the young man even as he walked away. He did not withdraw His love because the young man did not meet his quota or jump on the bandwagon!. THIS WAS ONE MAN WHO WALKED AWAY AND YET JESUS STILL LOVED HIM!


This is called"SOUL". Learning from childhood with experience we develop our soul. Free will is ability to choose!. Always there can be 2 outcomes. Successful or unsuccessful(failure). God's selection of Paul has been very successful. Paul further his free will to tune his will to God, though he has not physically met Jesus. It is a good example for us!

Peter has certain failures, that may be the cause that Jesus ask him 3 times!
But later Peter was really receptive to God's will to form the church!.(Typical of human)

When we analyze John the Baptist, we see sometimes how he failed to understand God's will!.(He doubted Jesus,when he was put to jail)

Today's reading:

2 sets: vigil mass & mass during the day!

Acts of apostles: how Peter make crippled person to walk!/how peter was saved from Herod

Paul talk how he became a christian!/end of his mission

Gospel:Jn21:15-19 Christ told peter after asking 3 times Do you love me, said"Feed my lamb,feed my sheep"/ Mt16:13-19 reminds how Peter is assigned to build the Church!

All the readings summarizes
(1) how peter & paul was chosen by God

(2)how peter & Paul surrender their Will to God's will in order to form the church



D.1 Life:
Life is raging torrent of a cascading river. Methods given by Jesus, is the bank which keeps it within the limits!.
you are chosen catholic. How you have been chosen may be in different ways! Out come of Christianity is happiness in your life!. God has created you to lead a happy life, subject to
(1)follow 10 commandments with no enemies,
(2)lead a charitable life,
(3)lead your life surrendering your will to God's will. In doing so, your personal freedom has to be carefully lead with handing over your disagreements/sorrows to Holy Mary or Jesus Christ,carrying out your personal disputes with happiness as said by Jesus"if you anybody ask you to carry 1 mile,carry 2 mile"

God's Will

Precept of St paul, who said"you must live your whole life according to the Christ you have received(god's will)- Jesus the Lord,you must be rooted in Him & build on Him & held firm by the faith you have been taught,and full of THANKSGIVING. Make sure that no one traps you and deprives you of your freedom by some second-hand, empty, rational philosophy based on the principles of this world instead of on Christ(col 2:6-8)

You are being Chosen to lead a happy life, if not check your system!


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