
Friday 29 August 2014

22Sunday(31/8) LOST CATHOLIC - in summary

Mt(16:21-27)JESUS said to peter"Get behind me satan you are an obstacle to my path,because the way you think is not God's way but man's"reminds you how to handle your life crosses!.
CROSS!,vertical bar represent GOD's WILL, while horizontal bar represent your WILL,which negates,contradicts& crosses it.
Trying to make God out of EGO of your OWN WILL does not bring happiness!. Every unhappy soul,has a Cross embedded in it. For Jesus Cross meant embarrassing HIS Fathers Will!, placing His life completely in Fathers care!.

If you answer to yourself "WHAT ATTITUDE & ATTACHMENTS of mine hindering me to follow Jesus teaching?" & correct your self, you can manage your life crosses!.
To mange life crosses main hindrance is your unnoticed Ego!. Always you think you are correct and other is not correct!. Many crosses in life stemming under the category of personal freedom.(Government law-external freedom, Religious Law-10 commandments with no enemies,no anger,no judging others-internal freedom. Personal freedom is in between these 2.). To avoid cross, try to accommodate others, happily(by handing over your disagreement to Holy Mary)by remembering Jesus saying " If anybody ask you to carry 1 mile, carry 2 miles"

Paul reminds importance of worship to find GOD'S WILL. Reminds,when you develop Ego, you undermine God

Jeremiah say"you are at lost to find God".Reminds:
Most of us(catholics) may not follow the God's will for him, knowingly or unknowly(lack of awareness)
When cross comes,we say "God is lost in my life!".

'Your will' to 'God's will' has to be identified. God will not send direct messages to you, from dreams,from angels or from any instincts, you have to practise and develop awareness. Are you happy ?


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