
Friday 12 June 2015

Sunday(14/6/2015) - Mustard Catholic - in summary

After easter tide(after pentecost), sunday readings, we reflected on who is our God(Trinity) and what rituals God is providing to have physical connection with God(Eucharist). Today, it highlights the value of following only Jesus teaching, to understand more and experience Happiness out of HIS teachings to your life.

Today readings

Ezk 17:22-24 says" branch..take a shoot..plant it myself..high mountain..bird will live.."

Paul says(2 cor 5:6-10)" be exiled from body and make our home with Lord..we are intent of pleasing Him.."

Mark(4:26-34) says"Jesus said..seed..night and day..growing.. harvest..Kingdom Of God like a mustard seed..smallest..grows..biggest..birds..He spoke..capable of understanding.."

Reminds: that U normally like bouquet of flowers rather than a packet of seed.But u forget that there is a limitation of cut flowers,no matter how beautiful they are. You have to spend more time,in planting seeds. Jesus told you to grow seed of faith, by following HIM.U grow every day Faith, with support of God/Mary &saints,Then you will be happy,enjoying beauty of God's creation. Catholic faith is always maturing with life time,when you trust and follow ONLY Jesus teaching.HE will not disappoint,you, provided you give your all.U/7vices?

You may be following Jesus commandments, but if you experience laziness and anger in your day to day life, you ought to check about your behaviour, where it has gone against to the commandments.

We have an innate tendency to think that we are always in the right. This attachment to"being right" often create suffering, because it is always impossible to be right at all times. Normally people do not like to be told how they should think, and that they are wrong,if they are disagree with you. Here we need help of GOD,to accept that we are not always right or cannot always be correct. The anticipated out come of happiness in your life can be achieved, by careful analysis of avoiding 7 vices. Anger,sloth,pride,lust,avarice,envy,glutonny.

To achieve a large mustard tree is a life long exercise. If you are happy with your own time and experience the God's grace, you are on the correct path.


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