
Thursday 24 September 2015

Cycle 2:season:ordinary(2): Sunday No:26: Date:27/9/2015. Disciplined catholic - in detail

A. Back ground:
 we reflected last few sundays, how to follow God's Will!. Today it Will further analyze, about a common weakness of church going catholics, thinking that they are more closer to God, than other christian denominations. Today it stressed that first, you should know how to follow Catholicism, be clear about what God wants from you and check whether You are Good catholic before we criticize others;

B. Preamble for todays reading:

B.1 what is Catholicism?
Catholicism basically centered on 2 major logical reasons:
(1) You cannot decide from which parents you will come to this world? Who has decided?
(2) 100% results of your action you will not know? Then who knows?

Catholic answer to these 2 questions is GOD.
Having understood the role of God, into our life, now we should know, how to know HiM, more to know HIM, there are 3 phases, to understand
(1)God,as the Father, gave 10 commandments to follow:
(2) God, as Son, told us to in addition
Following 10 commandments, love each other and pardoned others misgivings towards you
(3)God, as Holy Spirit, formed catholic church, drives the church, thru' Pope and cardinals/bishops/priests in resolving day to problems,arising from technological advancement, forming, new dogma's to support God's kingdom(ex pope will never tell"you can steal")

B.2 How to be a good catholic?

There are 2 sides(like 2 sides of coin) to become a catholic.
(1) Get to know the rules/ 10 commandments+ church rules declared by Holy Spirit! Ex: (7 sacraments, artificial birth control,abortion, Euthanasia...)
(2) To become a member of the church- Baptism/then confirmation

With these 2 You can be a member of the catholic church.

How to practice to reach anticipated Happiness in this world?

2 sacraments, Penance and either matrimony/single life, are the main leading  activities anticipated by church, in addition to following sunday mass.

Major principal Catholicism harps on is to convert your talents to skill. It doesn't support laziness, but encourage to develop a vocation by yourself. It advocates to use your free will, to develop under the rules of church. It does not support the western thinking of man can do everything, neither,eastern thinking God will do every thing!. It supports your initiative to develop yourself, with the grace of God. Your initiative become no 1.

Summary of Catholic life!
7Sacraments are visible sign of GOD's invisible actions that sanctifies human life!-consists of 3 major parts: INITIATION TO CHURCH(Baptism,Eucharist & Confirmation): HEALING(Penanc confession or reconciliation)&anointing sick: COMMUNITY-Matrimony& Holy orders. Your root less faith will be converted to a seed of faith at confirmation & will have to develop your life with God to become big tree until you depart. For that follow{FATHER-10 commands+Son Pardoning/love+Holy Spirit-Church rules} Church run by Holy Spirit is assured U(7joys)to acquire necessary understanding, counseling, knowledge,piety,fortitude(courage in pain or during trouble), leading to Wisdom(good sense& judgment, based specially on your experience of life).God has created you,with a vocation to work,to be Happy now & eternally. As catholic, there is a clear path!,for you to follow to reach happiness now and eternally. villege and information Explosion.
Unlike in the last millennium, you can be contactable by anybody from any corner of this globe with a matter of a second. This has led to positive as well as negative effects towards your life. Positive effects will be that you can update your knowledge very quickly. Negative effects will be that if you deviate from moral laws, you can easily deviate resulting in attracting Sin(going against the rules of the religion), deviating your focus of life, without your knowledge.

Due to many reasons disagreements among family members are growing.(They tend to forget, that catholic principle making 2 in 1 in marriege) On the other hand, church laws with respect to birth control are not been practice properly. This leads many marriages to break down, due to easy contacts of illicit affairs, thru' telephones or face book!. This has become cancerous in mainly the 3 world societies causing crimes to increase. This coupled with drugs creating crimes similar to bush fire.
Solution for these are not to use telephones or face books, but to understand the catholic principles of marriege(2 in 1), it's principles of birth control and like gospel indicate today, eradicate any unwanted affairs, however reasonable it is!, and how much hard it is!.

B.4- Family and responsibility of parents/guardian towards children
With artificial birth control, producing children, implies, like production in the factory. It kills, the concept of God's creation of human. It makes mother like a machine and child like production output. It kills, idea of God's creation of human being and God is the sole owner of human. You can produce a baby, but you cannot
(1) Decide upon his life span
(2) Decide upon how he should develop his knowledge.
(3)Only for your laziness, you use technology making you to become a passive machine, rather than enjoying your life, as a child of God, Where HE will look after your interest.
(4) Your child is a gift of God, your main task is to maintain him, until he get maturity (about 20 years/this time can vary). At maturity you should ensure that  he can directly go to God, and have direct contact. This what is your responsibility with regard to your child.  When you don't follow commandments, you cannot set examples for your child, how he should follow God, in his life.

B.5- Fornication create out of focus in family life,creating havoc with children
Easy ness to go for sin, is the characteristics of modern era. When your mind is distracted with sin, your focus to family life getting affected. This will create wrong signals among children. Your responsibility with regard to children is hampered. Child life will be distorted throughout his life, which you are responsible.

C. Today's readings;
Book of numbers says(Nb 11:25-29)" elders..they prophesied..not again..Eldad..medad..spirit came..not"My Lord Moses stop them"..jealous..whole people..Prophets..Lord gave..Spirit..
St james says(Jm 5:1-6)" Crying..weep..miseries..coming..wealth..rotting..clothes..eaten..Gold..silver..corroding..Your own sentence.. burning.. fire..stored..treasure..on and"
Mk(9:38-43.45. 47-48) says"John.." one of us casting devils" stop..Jesus said"..not stop..anyone..not against for us.."..cup of christ..He will certainly not lose ..your..foot..cause..sin..cut feet.."

Reminds: Due to global villege concepts, that has already been achieved, tendency for you to betray God's commandments are much more, specially for sins(even mentally) with regard to flesh!.Here readings are focused, to create awareness and warning, to correct your self.
Following 10 commandments, avoiding 7 vices, handing over your worries to Mary, will make you happy even in this life. But always you are tempted to attract sins, even mental, depriving God's will to you. First we have to be good followers of Jesus+ adhere to church rules. Then we will be able to know what others are doing correct or not.

Today God invite us to reflect on human distraction stemming from technological development, specially sins against flesh, which effect married life,(not only eyes and foot) as well as children, making in effect to a unhappy society. We think that we are real followers of Jesus, where others may be better than us towards God. Todays Gospel reading has simplified and omitted repetition, just for us to indicate how much church(thru' Holy Spirit) has considered about message and reflections of sunday readngs are important for catholic life!.
Mk(9:38-43.45. 47-48)

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Sunday (27/9) disciplined Catholic - in summary

IF YOUR FOOT IS CAUSE YOU TO SIN CUT IT OFF- shows how much we have to be careful to avoid sins both mentally and physically for us to have God's Grace!

Last sunday we are reminded how to achieve our goals(mainly happiness in this life), by praying and surrendering our will to God. Today we were told to be more disciplined about our self not to commit Sin.

Today's reading!

Book of numbers says(Nb 11:25-29)" elders..they prophesied..not again..Eldad..medad..spirit came..not"My Lord Moses stop them"..jealous..whole people..Prophets..Lord gave..Spirit..

St james says(Jm 5:1-6)" Crying..weep..miseries..coming..wealth..rotting..clothes..eaten..Gold..silver..corroding..Your own sentence.. burning.. fire..stored..treasure..on and"

Mk(9:38-43.45. 47-48) says"John.." one of us casting devils" stop..Jesus said"..not stop..anyone..not against for us.."..cup of christ..He will certainly not lose ..your..foot..cause..sin..cut feet.."

Reminds: before criticising others, we should be double careful, whether we follow the catholic rules properly.

Always we remember "in the name of father......"  What does this means: God the Father-has given us 10 commandments to follow.
The Son- ask us to pardoned each other and love each other
The Holy Spirit- runs the church with church rules-(more dynamic) ex: you cannot form cast, no need circumscised,no artificial birth control, no abortion, follow 7 sacraments..etc
When we don't follow the above rules given by Father,Son and Holy spirit, we sin. Sin causes you to be unhappy during this life.  To day James talk about, the value of eternal Happiness, and compares your conditioning of your mind for your sole convenience, deveiating the Church Rules. Mark reminds the importance of your action, to understand what is sin, and painfully even not to sin.
Book of wisdom says that not to judge others, but be disciplined your self!

With the present day technology of information explosion, internet, telephones,facebook become very influential to day to day life. The contactibility of people become more easy and past.

This creates more disagreements to grow, more conditioning to grow, more illicit affairs to grow, without much knowledge. This will hamper, the main focus of a family. Today reflection is very much pertinent, to consider how to disciplined our self, to form a  happy society!


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Monday 21 September 2015

St Matthew (21/9) - in general

Ten of Jesus disciples were fisherman. They are Peter&his brother,Andrew. Philip, Bartholomew,Thomas,James,Thaddaeus, Judas Iscariot. James&John,brothers of whom,Jesus affectionately calls"SONS OF THUNDER",due to their explosive temperament. Other 2 disciples,tax collector- Levi(Matthew)& simon.

Paul converted Luke,physician,to christianity. He stress on Christian purity,gathered information from Mary,hence his Gospel is termed as"Our Lady's Gospel".

Mark,(son of mary from Jeruselem- an old friend of Peter)gathered oral teaching of St peter for his Gospel, since he acted as secretary + interpreter to St peter. St Mark is great Venetian patron saint. His body have been stolen from Alexandria -Egypt, by venetian soldiers in 815: and in Venice it has rested ever since under the high altar of his magnificent basilica. His feast is on april 25.

Levi,was tax collector for king Herod at Capernaum,when Jesus called him, overjoyed,he held a great home party for Jesus & disciples,his fellow tax collectors with many sinners!,caused amazement of Pharisees. Leaders of Israel would not think of eating,like this!.Jesus said"I HAVE COME NOT TO CALL JUST BUT SINNERS" Matthew("Gift of Jahweh") tried to convince Jews that Messiah had come in person of Jesus. Hence he groups together all acts to show Jesus completely fulfilled all familiar propercies concerning Messiah. Isaias- Emanuel who was born with a virgin/at Bethlehem(Micheas)/who fled to Egypt(Osee)/ was heralded by a precursor,curing sick,His passion & death- Isaias. His symbol is young man. He pioneered to write essential events of Jesus life,as witnessed by him & taught by all apostles. He was stoned to death. He is the patron of bankers & book keepers.

Gospel means Good News. Gospels were originally written as anonymous-to focus attention on subject of work& not author,later Church attached names,after studying the writings.

Mt,Mk&Lk share number of similarities,even using exact same words. Hence these 3 works are called Synoptic Gospels,means"to view together"

Gospel of John is unique,using very distinctive language& theological concepts.

Yet,even Synoptic Gospels,for all their similarities,have different perspectives on life of Jesus.

Knowing perspective of 4Gospels writers helps us to interpret their works& better understand Jesus life.

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Cycle 2:season:ordinary(2): Sunday No:25: Date:20/9/2015 seadless Catholic - in detail

A. Back ground: last sunday we focused to about of God's will, how to renounce God in our life,and how human remonstrate, with human thinking!. Today it will further enhanced, How to have effective prayer with God, and what the characteristics of God's Will?

Preamble for todays reading:

B.1 praying
Prayer is speaking to God for help or thank HIM.'You pray but don't get it' James explain today WHY?.
You like bouquet of flowers rather packet of seed?.But you forget to realize limitation of cut flowers,no matter how beautiful they are and you are apt,not to spend your time gathering, sorting & planting seeds.

Praying is similar to this. When you don't follow commandments & rules given by Holy spirit(church)& not pray as a habit, reflecting at least sunday readings,how can you receive good results from your instant prayers?.

God prized  seed more than Bouquet. In addition to command:+adhering to rules, make strong habit to Recite daily Rosary+attending sunday Mass, with a good knowledge of sunday 3 readings,will help your prayers even to move a mountain(if it is good for you)!.

B.2 How to form habits?

Everybody needs to sleep at least 5-6 hours/day, may be just to show us the eternal reason to form habits in our life. No body take medication to avoid sleep.  When we cannot sleep we tend to fall sick.
Sunday mass is obligatory for catholics. It shows the importance for us to form habits in our life, in understanding God's Will. Habits can be good or bad.
What are the good habits?. Doing physical exercises + praying is daily good habits that we have to train ourself, similar to sleeping habits.
When you develop good habits, it allows you to have good sleep!.

To form a habit you should have following basic points to be achieved
(1) Be interested on that subject
(2) Allocate fixed time of a day to practice that(preferably early in the morning)
(3) Consider only that subject, during that time.
(4) Have a fixed process during that time(when you are doing stretching exercise, don't change type of exercise from yesterday to today or when you are praying
Have a continuity from yesterday today-example when you read gospel,read cyclically- yersterday one gospel passage, today immediate next passage) by this way you allow memory packing in your brain and increase your awareness!.

When you keep on doing every day, you form a habit. With physical+mental fitness.

Always remember not to lose your good habits!. OTHERWISE FIRST WILL BE LAST AND LAST WLL BE FIRST.

B.3 God's will

B. 3.(1)Our achievements!

Our achievements in our life, are nothing but a constant orientation of our will towards that direction. If we want to be successful we give our mind and heart to obtain success. People have achieved mighty things in this world just by the power of the will. Thomas Alva Edison invented the incandescent bulb after thousands of experiments. It was the shear wish of the will. The pioneers who climbed mount everest,with its dangerous conditions, depend on their will to achieve. This was not  merely by Physical strength along but it was willed. People traveled up to moon have achieved due not to strength of mind alone or of body alone,but mainly force of will that made them see through challenges. Thru 'Power of Will mighty things can be achieved by Humans. This is power of will of each human. But how to surrender this will to God's will?. Can we achieve these mighty things?

B.3.2. Danger of achieving things, without surrendering your will to God?

Christianity,is to follow the will of God. Ideal human who set example in following God's will was Holy Mary.(Followed by St joseph and all saints)
On sept 15 we remembered our lady of sorrows: 7great sorrows:
(1) Pro percy of aged Simon in temple
(2)2000miles(2yrs) flight into Egypt with infant Jesus
(3)loss of Jesus(12 yrs) in Jerusalem
(4)Mary's encounter with Jesus on His way to Calvary
(5)His crucifixion
(6)Taking down His body from the Cross
(7)His burial

Holy mary, never thought about human logical thinking, only thing she followed,was her pure life(following commandments+ fully aware of God's will to her). She never took credit for herself!. She avoided 7 vices.

B.3.3 Danger
When we have success only using our will, we tend to think we can do many things,(like God) and we become victim of following 7 vices

(1)Sloth(laziness or idleness).
(2)Anger(this is a strong feeling that comes when one is wronged or insulted either real or imaginary)
(3) Pride(boasting, love of publicity)
(4)Envy(why shouldn't I have with everything that others have)
(5)Lust(disoriented love for personal pleasure)
(7)Gluttony(the disorderly animal appetite, obsession with food & drink to the point of living to eat, rather than eating to live

B 3 .4 Child-father relationship.

When God gave us full freedom, to use our free will, he has kept one important aspect. That is only he knows all the outcomes of our action!. Even when you eat, you don't know what is happening inside your body, with regard to your food, Only God knows. Hence you have to be like a child going after father, for all your actions.

 This is very difficult task. Let's analyze the following story.

Kicking Donkey!

Prophet Balaam was on a mission to curse someone,suddenly his donkey stopped on road!.no matter,how hard prophet kicked her,she would not budge. Without donkey He couldn't carry out his deed. He start to beat donkey severely,practicing management style of ruling thru' fear. Finally donkey cried out "why are you beating me?haven't I served you faithfully all these years?" An angel spoke to Balaam & said "you fool,quit beating her.even she could see I am standing here! Your donkey just saved your life,for if you had gone you would have been killed" Balaam returned kissing donkey all way back.

If you do everything possible & you are not successful,find out Angel without kicking donkey,since you not avail with all outcomes. When you think that you are on top of world, you may be sitting in a dangerous place.

B.3.5 Perfect offering!

Mary's last recorded word in scripture is abandoned to the Will of God. "DO WHATEVER HE TELLS YOU" (JH 2:5). The last word of Jesus on the cross was the free surrender of His life to His father's Will: "Father, into Thy hands I commend My Spirit" Mary surrenders to Jesus, and Jesus to His Father.

To do God's Will until death, that is the inner heart of all Holiness. Here Jesus teaches us how to die, for if he would have his Mother with Him in the hour of His great surrender, then how shall we dare to miss saying daily " Pray for us sinners, now, and at the our death. Amen"?

Everyone in the world has a cross, but no two Crosses are identical. Our Will is the only thing that is absolutely our own. Hence it is a perfect offering we can make to God. By following 10 commandments+pardoning+avoiding 7 vices+convertng our talents to skill is the only way that you know that you are following God's will!

C. Today's reading:
Book of wisdom(Ws 2:12. 17-20) says"..Godless say..let..wait..virtuous man..annoys..opposes true..observe..kind of end..will have..God.. rescue..clutches..enemies..condemn.. shameful death.

James(Jm 3:16-4:3) says"..jealous..  ambition..find disharmony..wicked things.. wisdom..comes..from above..pure.. peace.. good..nor..partiality..hypocrisy..peace makers..sow..seeds..desires fighting..own want..haven't got it. You don't have what you want..b'cause..don't pray.. don't get it..not prayed properly.. indulge your own desires.
Mk(9:30-37) says"..Jesus..telling..put Him to death..3days..rise again..arguing.. which..greatest..called 12.."If anyone want to be 1st..last..servant of all"..took..child.. "Anyone welcome..Children,.my name,welcomes me.."

Reminds: How to manage earth bound things such as money,power,desires with spirituality to lead a happy life. God,the Father, indicates how much human are craving for earth bound things, ignoring the wisdom HE intended to provide, with the freedom given to human. James is very clear in explaining, why we increase, fear and sorrow, even though we pray. He indicates clearly human conditioning to their own rules, forgetting Or adjusting them selves to their own rules modified to suit for their own convenience. Jesus explain the value and characteristic of following God's will, like a child in a family. Normally children are honest and they follow their parents unconditionally. Similarly as catholics we should follow God's Will,identifying the difference with our will. For this we should be clear about what are the rules that we should follow.


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Sunday(20/9)Seadless Catholic - in summary


Today we are reminded how to achieve our goals(mainly happiness in this life), by praying and surrendering our will to

Today's reading:
Book of wisdom(Ws 2:12. 17-20) says"..Godless say..let..wait..virtuous man..annoys..opposes true..observe..kind of end..will have..God.. rescue..clutches..enemies..condemn.. shameful death.

James(Jm 3:16-4:3) says"..jealous..  ambition..find disharmony..wicked things.. wisdom..comes..from above..pure.. peace.. good..nor..partiality..hypocrisy..peace makers..sow..seeds..desires fighting..own want..haven't got it. You don't have what you want..b'cause..don't pray.. don't get it..not prayed properly.. indulge your own desires.

Mk(9:30-37) says"..Jesus..telling..put Him to death..3days..rise again..arguing.. which..greatest..called 12.."If anyone want to be 1st..last..servant of all"..took..child.. "Anyone welcome..Children,.my name,welcomes me.."

Reminds: after Jesus, we observe red following major characteristics
(1) God is not directly influencing us, unless we request HIS support. He will appear as Holy Spirit.
(2) Human is having full freedom to use his free will.
(3) Out come of your action is not 100%
Known to you. Only God knows!

 How to manage earth bound things such as money,power,desires with spirituality to lead a happy life. God,the Father, indicates how much human are craving for earth bound things, ignoring the wisdom HE intended to provide, with the freedom given to human. James is very clear in explaining, why we increase, fear and sorrow, even though we pray. He indicates clearly human conditioning to their own rules, forgetting Or adjusting them selves to their own rules modified to suit for their own convenience. Jesus explain the value and characteristic of following God's will, like a child in a family. Normally children are honest and they follow their parents unconditionally. Similarly as catholics we should follow God's Will,identifying the difference to our will. For this we should be clear about what are the rules that we should follow. I.e 10 cmmandments+ pardoning+ following church rules(which we know that it is given by Holy Spirit)

Holy Mary was the ideal human, who followed God's Will. In sep 15, our lady of sorrows, we remembered how she surrendered her will to God's.
7great sorrows:
(1) Pro percy of aged Simon in temple
(2)2000miles(2yrs) flight into Egypt with infant Jesus
(3)loss of Jesus(12 yrs) in Jerusalem
(4)Mary's encounter with Jesus on His way to Calvary
(5)His crucifixion
(6)Taking down His body from the Cross
(7)His burial

Holy mary, never thought about human logical thinking, only thing she followed,was her pure life(following commandments+ fully aware of God's will to her). She never took credit for herself!. She avoided 7 vices.
When we have success only using our will, we tend to think we can do many things,(like God) and we become victim of following 7 vices

(1)Sloth(laziness or idleness).
(2)Anger(this is a strong feeling that comes when one is wronged or insulted either real or imaginary)
(3) Pride(boasting, love of publicity)
(4)Envy(why shouldn't I have with everything that others have)
(5)Lust(disoriented love for personal pleasure)
(7)Gluttony(the disorderly animal appetite, obsession with food & drink to the point of living to eat, rather than eating to live

In order for us to gather awareness about God, we should form a habit of daily praying to God. Best method is reciting Rosary, early in the morning. Gradually you will see, your seed is becoming good tree, with full awareness of God! . You lead a happy life with surrendering your will to God. This is catholism!


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Thursday 10 September 2015

Cycle 2:season:ordinary(2): Sunday No:24: Date:13/9/2015. Renounce Catholic - in detail

A. Back ground: Catholicism provides a very short method to lead a happy life. Major concepts of Catholicism are given below.

(1) God created Human to lead happy life, using full freedom. Always freedom is subject to law. But failure to adhere to law, make God to introduce fear,sorrow and disagreements among humans
 (2) God selected Jews, to train how to reintroduce freedom, through various prophets, talking directly with humans. In this process, management method was Master/Slave operation. This phase concluded after John the Baptist. In this phase 10 commandments with eye to eye operation was introduced.
(3) God came as Son, to the same Jews, and practically showed, how to exercise our free will, in managing fear and sorrow. He clearly showed our life will swing from Gethsamani to Golgotha. He reintroduced 10 commandments, now with' turn your other cheek'. He mainly showed following important points.
(A)With full freedom given to human,out come of any action, human cannot predict 100% outcome. God has retain that functionality.
(B)more you become Slave to God, your happiness is more probable. Hence follow all commandments, identifying God in every action.
(C) certain actions, you might think logical, may not become reality, since all outcomes are known only to God.
 (D) Risen Jesus shown importance of controlling 5 senses(mouth,ear,nose,skin &eyes) since He has risen with 5 wounds not with other wounds.
(F) Role of human, starting with Holy Mary was shown, with regard to handling worries of any human. This has been extended to all saints.
(G) Jesus has risen frm death within 3 days. Just to show us, 3 days are enough for you to settle your worries from catholic principles.

(4) After 10 days with accension of Jesus, on pentecost day, God shown how to enjoy your freedom, with formation of church by Holy Spirit. Church is having following major characteristics
(A) Cast less society, to treat all human as 1 family, loving each other/ not restricted only to Jews
(B) laws to be introduced by church(how to manage morality deriving from technological/scientific advancement),in enjoying the freedom , to lead happy life.

Infallibility of pope become prominent and belief of direction of Holy spirit through Pope is essential factor. Under this function, catholic church become more dynamic and unique among other religions, in resolving day to day technological problems that may arise, from time to time.
 For example other than major doctrinal dogma's pertaining to Holy mary, many other decisions have been taken with regard to restriction on food, circumcision, artificial birth control, abortion or Euthanasia. This will go on till end of the world.

Today readings allow us to focus Characteristics of God's will, how to renounce God in our life,and how human remonstrate, with human thinking!.

Remonstrate: formal to tell someone, that you strongly disapprove of something they have said or done.

Renounce: To publically says that you will no longer keep something, or stay an important position, because you no longer have the right to it.

B. Preamble for today's readings;

B.1 God's Will
You are always happy. You live for the grace of God. while you convert many talents to skills, you enjoy good health and you use latest technology to interact with other people. You will be able to manage the crosses coming in your life, with the support of Holy Spirit.

B.2 Denying your self means!
When your tooth is aching, you realize that there is a tooth. Otherwise you forget about your tooth. So symptoms of denying self means happiness. When you are happy you forget yourself.

B.3 Look like a fool?

God has little use for people whose main concern is" WHAT WILL THE NEIGHBOUR THINK?" Catholics must be willing to sacrifice and take risks with their public image. Good examples are find in Bible

: Noah(designed and built the ark in middle of a desert
:Moses(Turned water into blood)
:Nehemaih(was cub bearer to a king)
:Isiah(went naked for 3 years)
:Elijah(had to ask widow for food)
:King David(acted insane to escape his captors)
:Queen Esther(made her way to the top of the kings list)
:Mary(conceived a child before marriege)
:Jesus(claimed to be equal to God).

Sometimes people will Remonstrate you, when you implement God's Will. Holy Mary is one of best examples.

B.4 - Renouncing:

From your life, you should be able to show that God is leading. It is mostly by action, not only by mouth. In order to convince that God created you,to lead happy life,you have to follow His rules:

10 comms+pardoning+avoid7vices+handing your worries to Mary/Saints+church rules(since it is given by Holy Spirit).When you follow God's Will,you are always Happy. How do you know,you follow HIS WILL?.

Last few sundays,you reflected Pre conditioned, needed to receive Eucharist. Avoid cast,Pride+Jealousy are main things,in addition to commandments:
When Mary received Jesus(God)to her womb,she sings with Joy" God has done great things for me".
Similarly when you receive Eucharist,are you ready to renounce about what Good, God has done to you?to lead your present life? Then you are following God's Will with happy mind,serving your society,like  light house-TOWER WITH POWERFUL FLASHING LIGHTS THAT GUIDES SHIPS AWAY FROM DANGER. What is your house?

B. 5 example of mother Thresa!

Born in Albania(26/8/1910)& baptised as Agnes,She is the founder of Missionaries of Charity (1950–1997), who serves poorest of the poor.Their mission is to care all unwanted & unloved in society,as carriers of CHRIST Love in the Slums.On the feast of the Immaculate Heart of Mary,22/8/1952,she opened her1st home for dying,named "nirmal Hriday"(pure heart) at Kalighat.
She saw,over 20000 people dying.One of them said"I have lived like an animal in the street,but I am going to die like an angel,loved and cared for"1971she was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize.She died on5/9/97in India,beatified by JP2 in 2003.Church recognised the healing of an non christian Indian woman in 2002,who had a huge abdominal tumour.Her Motto was'WE DO IT FOR JESUS'.

Mother Theresa, was living example, to show the reality of today's reading.
She died on September 5, 1997 (aged 87)
Calcutta, India.

C. Today's reading
Isaiah says(Is 50:5-9)"..Lord..opened my ear..I..No resistance..I offered my back..who stuck me..Lord help.."

James says(Jm 2:14-18)"..brothers..never done..good him?..if good works do not go with it..quite dead.."

Mark says(Mk 8:27-35) "..Jesus.. questioned..'Who do people say I am?'..Peter 'You are..Christ'..Son of man..destined.. suffer..put to death..after 3 days..rise.. Peter..remonstrate..He rebuked..'Get behind me think not God's way but man' be a follower..renounce himself..follow me..who"

Reminds: That after Jesus Christ, God has given full freedom to human. HE will not intervene too our free Will, unless we requested to do so.
Before HE trained humans through Jews, what we should do to enjoy happiness, with the Freedom given. With Freedom, you are having a free will to take any decision of your actions. BUT 100% out come of your action is not known to you. Only God knows. Unless you lead your. Actions or life, with God's direction, you are not certain about out puts to your actions. For most of success, you can praise God. This is the remedy for avoiding 7 major vices(such as Sloth,Anger,Pride,lust, envy, Gluttony,Avarice).

Conclusions: Today, you are told, that when you follow Commandments+church rules, you can manage any worries stemming in your life, Since Holy Spirit will support you.
Your actions will show (renounce) that you are leading happy life with the grace f God.


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