
Monday 21 September 2015

St Matthew (21/9) - in general

Ten of Jesus disciples were fisherman. They are Peter&his brother,Andrew. Philip, Bartholomew,Thomas,James,Thaddaeus, Judas Iscariot. James&John,brothers of whom,Jesus affectionately calls"SONS OF THUNDER",due to their explosive temperament. Other 2 disciples,tax collector- Levi(Matthew)& simon.

Paul converted Luke,physician,to christianity. He stress on Christian purity,gathered information from Mary,hence his Gospel is termed as"Our Lady's Gospel".

Mark,(son of mary from Jeruselem- an old friend of Peter)gathered oral teaching of St peter for his Gospel, since he acted as secretary + interpreter to St peter. St Mark is great Venetian patron saint. His body have been stolen from Alexandria -Egypt, by venetian soldiers in 815: and in Venice it has rested ever since under the high altar of his magnificent basilica. His feast is on april 25.

Levi,was tax collector for king Herod at Capernaum,when Jesus called him, overjoyed,he held a great home party for Jesus & disciples,his fellow tax collectors with many sinners!,caused amazement of Pharisees. Leaders of Israel would not think of eating,like this!.Jesus said"I HAVE COME NOT TO CALL JUST BUT SINNERS" Matthew("Gift of Jahweh") tried to convince Jews that Messiah had come in person of Jesus. Hence he groups together all acts to show Jesus completely fulfilled all familiar propercies concerning Messiah. Isaias- Emanuel who was born with a virgin/at Bethlehem(Micheas)/who fled to Egypt(Osee)/ was heralded by a precursor,curing sick,His passion & death- Isaias. His symbol is young man. He pioneered to write essential events of Jesus life,as witnessed by him & taught by all apostles. He was stoned to death. He is the patron of bankers & book keepers.

Gospel means Good News. Gospels were originally written as anonymous-to focus attention on subject of work& not author,later Church attached names,after studying the writings.

Mt,Mk&Lk share number of similarities,even using exact same words. Hence these 3 works are called Synoptic Gospels,means"to view together"

Gospel of John is unique,using very distinctive language& theological concepts.

Yet,even Synoptic Gospels,for all their similarities,have different perspectives on life of Jesus.

Knowing perspective of 4Gospels writers helps us to interpret their works& better understand Jesus life.

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