
Sunday 1 May 2016

Print all In new window Cycle 3:season:easter: Sunday No: 6 Date:1/5/2016-change over Catholic - in detail

A. Back ground:
 (1)Easter sunday, from Risen Christ,we were reminded,that you have a single life in this world,No rebirth.
(2)Since Jesus has overcome death, indicate that your sins can be pardoned by HIM.
 3) Jesus has risen with 5 major wounds, Indicating our main sins, in this life is due to over craving to our 5 senses.
4) There is a process to pardoned your sins: confession. This has to be carried by a priest. Then you are supposed to follow indulgence process to reduce temporary punishment for your sins.
5) Catholic Priest, has strictly control over earth bound cravings such as Money,Power and Celibacy and their main functionality is to administer 7 sacraments to laymen, out of which, main activity become,Holy Eucharist and hearing confession,providing individual guidance to catholic. Convert Catholic to more catholic.

(6)When you follow basic christian principles by adhering to 7 Ethic+ church rules,and You hand over your worries to mary+saints, you become a happy person,(with efficient+good health) roaring With spirituality, like a golden EAgle
(7) Catholicism trained you to overcome your life crosses, avoiding ulterior motives and Persona. Your actions become whole hearted for the love of God.

(8) Today last sunday of easter, you are invited to reflect, how adaptable you are to the world paradigm change, and to follow church rules.

During easter cycle 3, you are reminded,basic operation of Christianity!

B. Preamble for today's reading

B.1. How to pass the word of God: feast of St mark (25/4)
To know, Jesus's life read,one has to read 4Gospels,MATTEW,MARK, LUKE& JOHN. These were written in(40-100AD),after Jesus ascended into heaven.
Matthew &John were 2of Jesus's12 Apostles who have heard what Jesus said &saw what HE did in person.
Mark &Luke are disciples(2/72).Luke received information from Holy Mary &Mark was Peter secretary &interpreter.

No one took NOTES while Jesus was preaching. No LETTERS were written by Jesus to anyone. But we believe all these sacred scriptures were WRITTEN with INSPIRATION of HOLY SPIRIT.

Mark is symbolized by LION WITH WINGS. His Gospel is the SHORTEST Gospel &can be READ in1Hr.(other gospel in 1 1/2hr each)Mark spoke of real power of Jesus &carried fewer sermons &many continuous narratives to attract Romans.
Mark;son of Mary,(active Christian member at Jerusalem &friend of Peter),is patron saint of Notaries,for lightning/hail. Are you reading his Gospel at least once a month or yearly to know what he says?

B.2 Effect of Paradigm change

Living world is ever changing. Jesus traveled on a donkey but today priests use cars. Certain religions priest are not allowed to drive.
Imagine your grandfather having a dog 25yrs ago. Now U have your own dog. Both dog's way of life(paradigm of living) is the same.
You use iPhones now which your ancestors didn't have. Though having a dog now&25 years ago have same purpose,but you are a changed generation now. Are U not going to use your I Phone because your ancestors didn't use it? Technology is evolving.

Holy Spirit make world more dynamic & interesting for every generation to live.

 But been happy doesn't change with time. Your grandfather happily survived without iPhone. All these changes make people more efficient than past,leaving more free time for people resulting distraction.

Identify actions to convert your talents to skills to knowledge, then with hardwork, you develop a good attitude without craving too much of FB, Computer games& gossiping.

Then following Catholicism,God will make your life Happy.

B.3 How Holy Family, set an example?

Joseph is just & obedient man who helped to carry out great mysterious of salvation. ex
(1)He secretly thought to leave Mary, but reminds us when you are with God,God will direct you to truth

(2)that you have unique work to do for God,different to others.

Under him,child Jesus got 1st lessons,in workshop &became carpenter. An abiding consolation & joy for Jesus&Joseph midst their daily toil was that Mary,devoted mother &spouse,was ever at their service in background. She created loving environment to play their trade & earn a steady livelihood. Mary was the 3rd worker in HOLY FAMILY-the earthly Trinity which mirrored heavenly one.

Many popes  from Leo XIII from1889,put special relation of workers & St Joseph,which coincide labour Movement!.1/5/1955 Pope PiusXII declared feast of Joseph to workers. Nazerath remind us"IF ANY ONE WILL NOT WORK"-"LET HIM NOT EAT"(2 Thess.3:10).

B.4 Pope St pius V
We should appreciate the efforts of pope St pius V, with regard to introducing many reformation to church, to establish God's Word, His feast is may 1st

Pope St.Pius V,who made Roman missal in1570 for liturgy of latinMass(400 yrs unchanged till revision1970)& popularise Rosary.PiusV,reduced cost of church,stood firm against nepotism& became great Church Reformist,just after depart of Protestants/Anglicans.

C. To day's readings:

First Reading - ACTS 15:1-2, 22-29

Act Says “Some men taught the believers: “Unless you’re circumcised, according to the custom by Moses, you cannot be saved.” This brought Paul & Barnabas into sharp dispute & debate with them”.

Second Reading - REV 21:10-14, 22-23

He showed me the Holy City, Jerusalem, coming down out of heaven from God…  It had a great, high wall with twelve gates, and with twelve angels at the gates… I did not see a temple in the city, because the Lord God Almighty and the Lamb are its temple. The city does not need the sun or the moon to shine on it, for the glory of God gives it light, and the Lamb is its lamp.

 Gospel – JOHN 14:23-29

Jesus said “Anyone who loves me will keep my word. My Father will love them, and we will come to them and make our home with them… “All this I have spoken while still with you. But the Advocate, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name, will teach you all things and will remind you of everything I have said to you. Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid… If you loved me, you would be glad that I am going to the Father, for the Father is greater than I.

Reminds: actions that to be considered to keep with you!
1)You have easy access to Bible,thru' print or internet form. Specially, very short perid you need to read the Gospels.
2)With Paradigm change U have more free time than your ancestors;
3)Free time shouldn't be wasted on too much craving to TV,Movies,Computer games,FB, Newspapers,etc;
4)Always improve focus on 3 Sunday readings(as it is obligatory);
5)Convert your talents to positive attitude;
6)Avoid Laziness;
7)If you are not happy,think on your sins. Repent! Go to a priest for confession. GO THRU'Door Of Mercy' for INDULGENCE,before 20/ 11/2016, to reduce punishment,for your sins.

Conclusions: In order to understand Christianity, one should understand basic concepts
(1)You are created, with full freedom (ability to take decisions,independently by yourself to lead a happy life). For that understand what are the effect of sin,which will result in fear and sorrow in this world as well as outside,this world,to be introduced into your life.
(2) Sin is mainly going against 10 commandments or broadly going against 7 ethics. There is no KARMIC reaction in Christianity. Where you assume your previous birth sins, causing you to suffer this life. Here you don't know what is the sin,that you have done, and in which birth. In Christianity, you know what is your sin, and you can repent not to repeat and confess with a priest. This confession process, will allow to convert your indefinite punishment to temporary punishment, which has to be paid, either, in this life or life after death,at purgatory.(Equation only God knows) Then thru' indulgence activities, you can reduce the punishment. The Door Of Mercy, extraordinary, Jubilee year, established by Pope francis, from dec 8th2015 to 20 nov 2016,is one such good opportunity to reduce  your punishment due to sins.
There is a clear logicaln and scientific process, with Christian Principle,how to treat your sins.
(3) God is responsible for every creation. His creation is for you to enjoy life with time. You can be physically or mentally(most of us) deformed
But what you strive is to be happy with time. You can be 5 years or 90 years, what you want is happiness. God will ensure, dynamism to the paradigm of people, with technological advancement, to make every generation to be more efficient than previous. This will result paradigm change for each generation, creating newer generation to be more efficient than previous. Each newer generation will have more free time than previous,and becoming challenge,as how to utilize the additional free times, for the Glory of God.

So finally, you should be aware(1)why God has created you? to be happy(2) you should know what is sin? How to clear effects of sins, throughout your life(3)you should be aware about paradigm change,and how you manage it, for the grace of God.



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