
Sunday 17 July 2016

Dutiful Catholic/ Sunday (17/7) - in summary

Sin will cause fear and sorrow to increase in your life. If your suffering is due to your fault, why should I bother to treat you?

Going against 10 commandments and 7 vices, is sin. Sin will result in guilt in your life, as well as liable for punishment during this life or in purgatory. But we found God can change your life resulting sufferings for you. Hence the reason for your suffering, cannot be clearly identify. Unlike most of other religions, Catholicism, follows, Suffering is not only due to U'r sin. Hence you have main obligation to support a suffering person, since

(1) we don't know clear reason to the suffering

(2) every human belongs to 1 family.
In short, as catholic, you cannot judge anybody who is suffering,and cannot assume that his suffering is due to his own fault. You have to always help,suffering person.

Today readings,this Christian concept of suffering is further developed.

Paul remind us that in some mysterious way the christian is privileged to participate in the passion of Jesus,and that there is some quota of suffering that the church & her members must endure before Christ's victory is final and complete.

This will further allow us to think,that the Christians need not, should not, morbidly look for suffering. It comes to us in varying degrees.
when suffering does happen, person should make use of all natural means to get rid of it. For example: by consulting doctors; but if natural means fail, one may have to accept and generously pin with as much love as possible, always keeping in mind the Paul's word.
By HIS own passion and death Christ gave us a new meaning of suffering, which when united with HIS own, can become a means of purification and of salvation for us and for others.

Why Christians are forming social organisation to improve relationship among humans?

Last Sunday, we reflected about famous Samaritan Story, reminding us;About our neighbour, as Christians we are ignorant about our neighbour, though we accept human as one family with God as father
Extension of last Sunday reflection, you will see today, gospel says, you evade God's word and worry about many things like Martha

Last Sunday, Jesus explained who is your neighbour, this Sunday, 1st and Gospel reading talks about, value of hospitality.
Abraham,shows gracious hospitality to 3 strangers, who rewarded him with the message- promise of a son. Jesus were invited to the house of Martha/Maria. Martha shows hospitality to Jesus by preparing,meal for HIM, while Mary listen to HIS word.

This further explain;
When you don't associate with People, you will not get different opinions. When God want,to advice you, how HE can do that? When you are not associating with another humans. Hospitality is one of the key factors to be satisfied, in order for you get information with regard to God's plans from 3rd persons.
Catholics have to build up relationship among humans, since they all belong to one family. That is why,they are pioneers in forming  many social organisations to help various needs of people. Such as schools,hospitals,etc.

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