
Wednesday 21 September 2016

Foresighted Catholic-Sunday 18/9 - in summary

High light

Cycle 3:season: Ordinary Sunday No:25 Date: 18/9/2016- fore sighted Catholic

(1) Why crooked store keeper is praised? Is
Change of Policy at highest level- heavenly approval for dishonesty?
(2) When U have Money&power,is it easy to market yourself,thru 'DISHONESTY &CORRUPTION, by forgetting spirituality?
(3) What are the main organs of your body, without which you cannot live? And how it relates to your actions
(4) Why crooked store keeper did not go for horoscopes /palm reading/ to secure his future?
(5)What Amos & Jesus wanted us towards poor needy people?

 Today church Invite us to analyse, how to become foresighted Catholic; foresighted means The ability or action of imagining or anticipating what might happen in the future, in your life. Some people try to know about their future by going thu' fortune tellers(palm reading) or going thu' horoscopes. But you will see these methods are not revealing your future.

In order to understand foresighted catholic life; Let us analyze about your life?

Normally all People actions are based on,' to find out ;'What Is In for me'. many times managers expect their employees to lead thru' flames for them but don't define what the purpose or rewards will be.

 In the parable of crooked store keeper,shows farsighted thinking of him & how he acted to gain popularity,thru' DISHONESTY & CORRUPTION.
Here you should notice, he has not got advice from astrologer or any fortune tellers. But he uses his free will to secure his future.

. Jesus was advising his staff on ways to identify & increase their true wealth. HE said"I came that they might have life,& have it abduntly "Jesus definition of wealth is not be the same as earth bound wealth. HE clearly told how to secure HAPPINESS, in this life and eternal life too.

Some of the most insecure & un happiest people in the world is those who have every thing. In the long run,only by possessing God & being possessed by God,acquire you true wealth!.by carrying out merciful actions,to needy,you can multiply your wealth and achieve HAPPINESS.

In order to understand further, let us analyze, who are you and how you work.

Your body is having major 3 organs. Heart to pump blood; brain to carry out action given by you mind. Mind is the thoughts factory and your free Will decide which thought is better for you, to implement. Failure of any one organ will cause you to depart from this world.
Similarly You can see the world in 3 dimensional way.

(1) Your life is always interdependent- the loaf of bread lying on your table is a result of many humans. Somebody has to grow wheat, cut harvest, dry it, powder it,then going to the bakery, then only somebody will bring down to your table. If any one in between says no, you are deprived with loaf of bread. So you need another person's support to live. Hence you are interdependent with other human, that is why you have to always love others. That is why all religions in this World says, love your neighbor. This is similar to your heart function.

(2) Purpose of your life? Is to be happy. Every body in this world, whether you are 20, 50 or 100 years wants to spend your time peacefully and happily. This is similar to your brain function. You take action to lead a happy life.

(3) Brain is the interface of your mind to your body. In order to carry out good action you should have a well trained mind.
Here Catholicism tells you, God has created you to live happily, provided that you follow His will. In order to follow His will, you should follow what He has asked you to do. Not to Sin,I.e follow 10 commandments and avoid 7 vices. If you sin, follow the pardoning process. Repentance+confession with a priest+receive Eucharist+carry out merciful actions.

This part varies from one religion to another. So catholicism provides you how to behave your self or trained your mind, Not to sin and how to follow God's Will.

All human knows that he does not know 100% results for any of his action, and catholic believes that only God knows, all the outcome of your actions.

Hence for a catholic to live happily
(1) He should love thy neighbor as all other religions says
(2) Follow God's will by avoiding sins, and clear the effects of sins by pardoning process, which is clearly given by Holy Spirit
(3) Trust God for all outcomes for your actions.
Whether it is success or failure.

Today's reading:
1st reading:
Amos8:4-7 says- Amos,a social justice prophet,condemns those who "trample" upon the needy and destroy the poor of the land.

2nd reading
1 Tim 2:1-8 says Paul proposes the ideal of universal prayers for all people, specially those who are in authority

Gospel Reading:
LK 16:1-13; the first part of Gospel is about crooked manager who cleverly arrange his future. The second part contains Jesus warning that no one can serve 2 masters-God &Money.

Some times, it might come to your mind, Whether there is a Change of Policy at highest level- heavenly approval for dishonesty?
Not quiet! The steward is praised not for his dishonesty but for his foresight
Having to move on, he was using money to help others and to help himself. If they look after them they will look after him, and his future will be secure.

Similarly, Jesus is telling us that you have to be as careful and farsighted About your spiritual growth and eternal happiness, as the crooked manager in the parable.

 Jesus tell us we all have to move on too, from this life to the next.The foresight that we should exercise is to use our resources not just in our own interest but in the interest of others. If dishonest people look after one another in strained situations, how much more should Catholics look to the needs of their neighbors? Jesus message is clear, the way we treat others in this life will determine our treatment in next. Am 8:4 raise the concern you have to have for the needy and poor. He further warned that those who crushed the needy will have a day reckoning with lord.

In conclusion

Jesus is telling you that riches can endanger your salvation by Blinding you to the real and genuine values of life. Some of the unhappiest, most insecure people in the world are, those who have every thing. They are never satisfied, they want more, and many become grasping,miserly, greed, they live in terror that they will lose everything they have.

Jesus tells us today"make friends thru' yourself though your use of this world's good.".That is we are called to make friends of the poor by giving alms,food and shelter, but most of all,by giving ourselves, our hearts. And with that kind of giving, there is always an exchange.
May be it is not so much a question of what we do for them but what they can do for us. And what is that? They help us keep our values pure,prevent us from becoming victims of avarice and greed help us become more human- which may be the first step to becoming more Catholic. They may well be God's own messengers, helping us to serve  in his little ones, helping us make God supreme in our lives.
What Jesus has being for us, we must strive to be for them. That is catholic life.

Jesus message is that human being is much more important than things. You cannot buy Happiness love or respect. Things don't make you happy, but people do. In the long run, only by possessing God and being possessed by God, can make you truly happy.  You cannot give yourself to God and Money or power.

Thank you
God Bless you!

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