
Saturday 25 February 2017

Cycle 1: Season: ordinary 1: Sunday no-8 Date:26/2/2017 Stable catholic - in detail

High light:
(1)When U don't hv a tooth ache,UR not even aware that U hv a tooth. Why U say HAPPINESS release U from self?.
(2) What U mean by self?.why U say suffering/pain/misery/depression tie U to self?
(3)Why Jesus said in Mt 6" Consider the Lilies of the field.....they neither toil nor spin? Is it loosing oneself, in order to find oneself?
(4) How to be stable and happy when confronting misery?
(5)What is the role of God in your life?

Pl spend around 9 minutes to listen to this

Reflection for 26th Feb 2017, celebrating 8th Sunday mass of ordinary season,of cycle 1. Church invite us to analyze, how to lead a stable life. How to be happy. What you mean by happiness?.how to loose oneself, to find one self!

Major problem of human character is to label or branding of persons! To understand this let us listen to the following story about labeling:
A man bought a stallion& his friends said THAT'S GOOD. Next day the stallion ran away& his friends said "THAT'S BAD". Two weeks later, the stallion returned with a herd of mares. His friends said THAT'S GOOD. One day his son broke his shoulder when the stallion threw him off &friends said THAT'S BAD. Later on, war broke out &since the boy was injured,he could not go to war! The story goes on& on highlighting people judging events as GOOD or BAD when in reality, all events are connected & have an impact on each other. Trying to sort good from bad& putting labels on events that are constantly changing their shape can make you crazy & unstable. When you convert your trust to FAITH WITH GOD(by following 7Ethics  & carry out actions out of love),you ignore labels,without going mad,since God leads U to Happiness! Hence God is your only source in control of your life.

If you can stay stable and steady when confronting misery and happy, you are experiencing true freedom of life. This is catholic life!

stable as applied for you, is the state of equilibrium of your body(such as pendulum hanging directly down ward from its point of support)such that when the body is slightly displaced it tries to return to its original position
(2)here the original position is your happiness(remove oneness ex: when you don't have tooth ache,you are not concise about your teeth)
(3)how quick you can convert your unhappiness to happiness,is a measure of your stability
(4)God has created you to be happy
(5)when you follow HIS 7 Ethics out of love,your happiness is guaranteed by HIM
(6) then you can easily pardon your enemies too
(7)when you make HIM 1st in your life,God will not allow you to carry today's worry till Tomorrow,like lile in the field..they neither toil..,nor spin.

As you see, labeling and stability plays a vital role in your life. When you forget God you start labeling. Then your stability moves. Labeling you start comparing with yourself. Sometimes this might lead to anger and jealousy. What is happiness?. When there is a tooth ache, then only you realize that there is a tooth. When there is no tooth ache you forget the tooth. Happiness means how to forget Self. When you say, my friends are not coming to see me, you are thinking about yourself. Then you start worrying.
Stability means how can you train yourself to Quickly forget about yourself: when there is a tooth ache you try to curb the ache with medicine. When you are unhappy how quick that you can make yourself happy?. is the stability of your life. When you can forget"oneself", you can become happy: to do that you should know about God. To know about HIM, you should know HIS commandments: that is 7 ethics: practice those out of love to the society. The rest God will look after you!. For ths important aspects that we should take treatment is for anger, for jealousy, for Gossiping, for unnecessary worrying yourself etc. For this main action one should practice is pardoning and develop love for God and always think God created you to lead a happy life. Always think that your body is a rented house of God. It is God who will maintain your body.  For this you should forget your oneness.
When you develop oneness, it will cause you depression and you become unhealthy in your life. God actions cannot implement thru' you!. You might become angry, but don't keep that anger for long period, specially don't keep it more than a day.

Todays reading:

Prophet isaiah says(Is 49:14-15) says" I will never forget you".
Paul says to coranthians(1 cor 4:1-5)" The lord will reveal the secret intentions of mens heart"
Mt:(6:25-32) says"do not worry about to morrow".

Reflection: what is the true message for us?
It is the question of what we put 1st in our lives? We recognize this by going back over recent choices and decisions- even simple observations, such as what to I devote time to?jesus? Teaching is to put the kingdom, first and after that every thing will find it's just place".

Mt 10:29-31 says" not one sparrow falls to the ground without your father knowing.. So there is no need to be afraid you are worthy more than many sparrows". God providence is protective as long as you have faith on HIM. No harm what ever fall us that his role is similar to father or mother, who keeps a child from falling into fire or running out on the road in front of a moving car. But God's providence appears to be discriminating.  God knows or ought to know,the people who least deserve to suffer or who have already suffered enough. It appears God providence to be responsive that there should be a proportionate response of God, to the prayers we say, or the sacrifice that we have made for a particular intentions.
No doubt that God answered our specific situations. As example: Christ cured the centurion servant, as requested by centurion. He cured the cananite woman who knelt at HIS from faith( Mt 15:26).HE cured blind Barthalomus, whose faith Would not let HIM shut up. HE healed 10 osterised lepers, whose prayers carried the full distance, because HE pitied them from HIS heart.(Lk 17:14). Time and again, God intervene to heal people, and always linked with faith, but HE didn't heal,every body, in every where, so that the world became a disease free zone. The forces of disease or death are still, destructive at work.  God providence is not protective in the sense,that it preserve us from all these forces. It is not discriminating either in that it makes a nice distinction between the wicked and the good. Nor is it responsive to all specific requests. If it were, we would get every thing for which what we asked!.

To worry excessively, Jesus tells us in the gospel, is to risk becoming an un believer. The unbelievers always running after these things. Then comes the convincer," your heavenly father knows all that you need. Seek HIS kinship over you, HIS way of holiness,and all these thing will give you beside.

In conclusions:
Can you judge events to be good/bad since you don't have access to all information? No. When you forget God is the only source of controlling your life, you become crazy one time, since you cannot rationalize the continuity of events happening and become frustrated at any stage in your life.

During this 8 sundays: church direct us to understand the basic christianity & the outcome you reach following catholism.
During these 8 sundays,(about 20% average ordinary times)you got to know How our trust in God is converted to faith/thru' repentance,how we can experience God’s Grace/how we can balance our life like salt and light/how we can receive God’s gift of wisdom/how we can understand the morality of life/how to mange matters outside the accepted or taught morality/how to increase Ur Tolerrability/ value of pardoning. We should have a good understanding of all these factors to convert the 7 ethical actions to be carried out of love! Today’s God further reassure our happiness.
How to train yourself to remove oneness!
Finally, what does God's providence means"HE is personally concern each one of us that we are more precise to HIM than the birds of the air or the lilies of the field.
Catholicism provide you the easy path to achieve happiness!

Thank you

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