
Sunday 9 April 2017

Cycle 1 : Season : Lent palm Sunday No :6; Date 9/4/2017 PROCESS Oriented Catholic - in detail

High light:
(1)In 3 years of Jesus public life,why only last pass over ceremony, is mentioned in the Gospel?
(2)Why Jesus wanted to come like a king , going on back of a donkey, Is it a show off?
(3)Why People praise Him,and after 1 week, reject HiM, crucify HIM,as against murderer BARNABAS?
(4)What do you mean by process?
(5)To lead our life happily,What is the process JESUS showed for us to follow? Why HE didn't cure blind man or convert water into wine without a process?
(6) Why church has organized 3 year sunday reading cycles with 5 seasons for each year.
(7)In day to day activities,are you following a process or you act like an animal?

Pl listen for 9 minutes:

Reflection for 9th April 2017, celebrating,palm sunday last Sunday mass of lent season,of cycle 1. Church invite us to analyze, the process given by God,that has to be followed, to lead a happy life!

Last 5 sundays, we analyze
(1)How to Prune our life, without our knowledge 7 vices balloons in our life!,specially lent season,allow us to analyse this every year!
(2) How to lead a comfortable life, by pruning yourself. By clearing your sins with confessions and prActicing pardoning and love.
(3) How you can be corrupted? By not following 7 Ethics.
(4) What is the treatment for your worries and stresses: unique process adopted by Catholics
(5) What is the answer for your philosophical question 'why you are here?'- it is to do the God's Will. You can do this by nvoking mary and saints, in all of your actions

Today,it analyze the value of following God's process, organized by the church, for your own happiness.

Church has beautifully organized 3 year cycle of Sunday mass readings. Though it is not conciding to 3 years of public life of Jesus, it is amazing to note(1) Why God decided to have public life of jesus as 3 years and (2) why Holy spirit thru' church implement 3 Year liturgical cycle for sunday mass, since sunday mass is obligAtory for catholics!.
God clearly showed us to follow process, when leading our life, to know about HIM and convert our trust to faith with HIM, by showing us of curing a blind man at Salome and converting water in to wine at canA. Both these incidents showed, though Jesus was omnipotence/omni scent/omni presence, he allowed us to understand, for us to follow a process to convert our trust to faith with HIM. Both these incidents HE should have reached the out puts without making paste with HiS spittle and asking blind man to wash at silome or without request of Mary or without wedding people to fill jars with water. In the modern thinking, one can misunderstand as why he has done this kind of show off. HE is clearly showing us the process or method to come to HIM, we should follow a process!.today also, He showed us a process, where we will understand the human weakness, at times we praise God, but immediately this praise will convert to hate-

Normal human weakness!
When you have power, when all other people say "yes" to you, without your knowledge you EGO rises. This will lead for you to over evaluate your self!. Normally Politicians, as well as clergy will trap to this kind of scenario. It will be very difficult for you to shift from that position to some other position, you might avoid a change. If happened forcefully to change, you start worrying, and may your health too become affected. The people who said "yes" to you, now you will see going slowly against to you. Unless you humble yourself, and have full faith develop with God, it will be difficult for you to manage the change.Ego is just like dust in the eye, without clearing the dust, you can't see anything clearly. So clear the ego and see the world as it is.
Without love there is no understanding and without understanding how can there be any justice. Without justice, there is no humanity.

Many people who were in power, when they loose it, resent the change.
Jesus showed this very clearly on pAlm sundAy. People were praising HIM, but after 1 week, they opt to release Barnabas, the murderer and shouted to crucify Jesus. When you trust too much other humans,forgetting, god, you will one-day be frustrated.

Value of following process!

Process is defined as sequence of interdependent and linked procedures which at every stage consume one or more resources (employee time,energy, money or mAchines) into outputs. These out put next serve as input to the next stage until a known Goal or end result achieved.

Jesus appeared to be following a process, for us to show, how to lead a happy life. HE should have followed simple, interdependent activities, that is why the 4 gospel writers, has narrated the Jesus story, Around 30 pages each to fully explain his mission.
Process is always linked to one Another!.

For every output, human need a process to be followed. JESUS too showed here how to use a process to clear blindness and remind us for treatment of our worries, a clear process to follow.
What is the process, HE showed us?
Take last sunday's gospel, as an example, HE should have cleared the blindness, without dong anything! But HE did not use that method. HE clearly showed a process has to be followed. Take another Example: at cana, HE pretended not to know the wine is depleted at the wedding: HE allowed Holy MAry to know: why HE is showing us a process that has to be followed to get the required out put wine.  What is the process (1) filling water (2) be friendly with Holy Mary.
Filling water means you follow 7 ethics And be friendly with mary is to wear miraculous medal+pray daily rosary.
When you have all fish or meat and other ingredients, without following a process, can you cook Without a process?. Without cooking can you enjoy?. Human needs a process to be followed for any outputs, otherwise they become like an animal.
Very clear processes are being given to reach the happiness under the control of God

Today's reading:
Prop Isaiah (Is 50:4-7) says"I did not cover my face against insult- I know I shall not be shamed"
Paul to philippians(Ph 2:6-11) says" HE humbled HIMSELF, but GOD raised HIM high"
Mt 21:1-11 says" Blessings on HIM who comes in the name of the Lord.
Mt 26:14-27:66 sayS: passion of our lord JESUS CHRIST"

There is a core similarity between 4 accounts of the death of Jesus, in the new testament. However they differ in sequence and in details, allowing various understanding of the cross to unfold. Because the death of the Jesus was and in such a mysterious and in deep perplexing event,different dimensions are explored and laid bare by different new testament writers. Matthew, luke and John all bring forward somehow the resurrection into the story of Jesus death. None is more dramatic than matthew, who introduce not one but two earth quakes at this point.

Todays lengthy Gospel passage summaries the following incidents
(1) Judas planned to betray Jesus
(2) Jesus participating pass over
(3)Establishing Eucharist
(4)At mount olive,talking about faith of Peter
(5)Praying at Jethsamani.
(6)How Judas betrayed the Jesus& all disciples ran away from HIM
(7)How he was condemn to death
(8)How Peter betrayed Jesus
(9)How Judas hanged himself
(10)How Jesus was questioned by Governor and how people ask HIM to be crucified by releasing Barnabas.
(11)How Pilathe ordered HIM to be crucified.
(12)How HE was crucified,and observe the earth quake
(13)How arimathiyawe Joseph buried HIM
(14) How pilathe ordered to guard his body

(A)what will happen when you go against God for earth bound needs- from judAs action
(B)physical weakness of human-peters action.
(C)why God institute a good parting memory of Eucharist. Clear process is given how to convert wine and bread to Jesus body and blood. You and I cannot do that, except by a priest! How Holy spirit, thru' church has nicely organized to receive Eucharist by the faithful
(D)why Jesus as God, showed as about praying at Gethsamani?. How to manage our mental agonies!. Not to lose fAith with God, what ever the problems comes.
(E)why Jesus as God, showed us the suffering at Golgotha?. How to mangage our physical agonies and not to lose faith.
(F)Why there were earth quakes, at the time of death of Jesus? Just to show that Jesus is the real son of God.

In conclusion: palm sunday readings invite us to summaries all readings in lent and allow us to analyze about our life atleast once a year. Are we attracted to 7 vices, without our knowledge this year? Where we have deviAted from God's commandments And 7 ethics. How to prune ourself about our sinful life: church has given a clear process to purify your life towads increasing the faith with God.

Thank you
God Bless you!

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