
Saturday 2 December 2017

33rd Ordinary Sunday of Cycle 1 Energetic Catholic (19/11) - in summary

Reflection for 19th november 2017, celebrating 33rd Sunday of ordinary season,of cycle 1. Today church invite us to analyze (1)How to become proactive person(2)Proactive means in anticipation of future, you take action now but when you don't know about your future 100%,how to take action now(3)how to become an energy source to the living society(4) world I full of energy, the relevance of energy to your life?(5)when your life not become an energy source, why you think,life is sorrow?

type of people:

There are 3 types of people in this World.


(2) Reactive


Inactive people always lives With fear. They are nor brave enough to take actions to develop this society. They always feel lazy fo actions.

Reactive people, always take action to manage a problem. They are also not brave enough to take actions on a permanent basis

Proactive people take continuous action in anticipation of future. When you trust that God knows every action of yours, and when you follow HIS Will,you are guaranteed of leading a happy life, you tend to take brave actions.

Everybody in this world is searching for happiness. In order to realize happiness in this life, you need to understand the basic facts of life. First we will concentrate on the following story, which occurred in 1950's in the city of New york.

Three friends booked 3 rooms in a hotel, and they were given 3 rooms in the 45 th floor. They went outside for a party and came in mid night.

The receptionist in the hotel told' sorry sirs, our lift is not working, I can arrange 3 beds in the ground floor'

The 3 friends who has enjoyed good wine, boasted, o..h don't worry, we can climb up to our rooms

The 3 friends agreed, first 15 floors, one will sing songs, next 15 floors another will tell happy stories, the other will tell sad stories, during the last 15 floors.

As agreed all 3 friends climb upto 30 floors. The other 2 tell the last to tell the sad stories. After a hesitation the last man is telling ' oh we forget the room keys'

In this story we are reminded the main areas or eras of our life

Young & youth life

Middle life

Old age life

If we forget the keys we have to climb down, which we start fearing as to how to go back and climb again.

So what is the meaning of the key?

In order to understand the keys of your life, we will listen to another story

Some people believe the lord Sakraya has created the world with all living beings. When he was creating the all living beings he set the life span as 40 years. But the human protested, saying that it is too short, for him to achieve many things.

The bull protested, that 40 years life span for him is too long, to be a servant and do all slavery work for such a long time, so the God reduce the Bull's life span to 20 years, and add for human another 20 years. Now the life span of human has become 60 years.

Next came the dog, he too complain that his life span is too long, only to bark and always serving the human, and wanted the God to reduce the life span. The God listen and reduce the life span of dog to 20 years and add 20 years to human. Now the life span of human has become 80 years.

The next came the Bat. He too complain the same story of too long life span, telling that he has nothing to do much, just sleepig and wanted to reduce the life span. The God listen and reduce the Bat's life span to 20 years, and increase the life span of human to 100 years.

Today we see that up to 40 years human enjoy the life, and next 20 years, he works like the bull, building houses, caring their children for additional tuition classes etc.

The next 20 years human is barking about the society and find faults with the systems, similar to the Dog.

The next 20 years from the age 80 to 100 years the human is like the Bat, answering only the few questions and mostly sleeping.

When you compare these 2 stories, the last story is true for the humans who are not carrying their keys, during their life.

Then what is the meaning of the key?

The key will be the happiness or wisdom of life.

Catholicism will tell you the simplest path

as how to lead a happy life.

For that:

(1)Establish a peaceful mind, by following 7 ethics (follow 10 commandments,avoid 7 vices, administer 7 sacraments, carry out 7 each, corporal+spritual mercy's, practice pardoning and love,) then follow church rules

(2)Then identify what God wants you to do in your life. Hand over your worries to mary and saints. Then you actions become brave

With a worry less mind.

(3)Your brave actions in anticipation o present and future, you convert to energy for the love of society, by following 3 actions

(A)always try to use latest technologies, since God is making this world more efficient every day

(B)when the world is becoming more efficient, you need to do physical exercises to maintain your body. Our ancestors may not consider exercise is important, but now it has become essential. This leads to drink water too. Always maintain a healthy mnd And body.

(C) you actions has to be for the love of God and socety, without expecting much retun. Always trust God, will make available you necessary support for you to lead a happy life.

Today's reading:

Proverb (Pr 31:10-13.19-20.30-31)"A perfect wife-who can find her"

Paul says to Thessalonians(1 Th 5:1-6)". Let not the day of the Lord overtake you like a thief"

Mathew(25:14-30) says"you have been fAithful to small things; come and join in your master's Happiness"

Jesus' message is clear. No to conservatism, yes to creativity. No to a sterile life, yes to the active response to God. No to the obsession for security, yes to the effort that dares to transform the world. No to a faith buried under conform ism, yes to work committed to opening up paths to God's Reign.

The great sin of Jesus' followers would always be not daring to follow him in a creative way. It's significant to observe the language that has been used among Christians over the years, in order to see what we have often focused our attention on: preserving the deposit of faith, preserving our tradition, preserving our good habits, preserving grace, preserving our vocation...

This temptation of conservatism is stronger in times of religious crisis. It's easy in such times to invoke the need to control orthodoxy, to strengthen discipline and norms, to keep people in the Church... All this can be justified, but isn't it all too frequently a way of weakening the Gospel and freezing the creativity of the life.

God changes the paradigm of people by allowing technological advancements. This is to make every generation of HIS creation, with more efficient life. So all new life, the paradigm is always new. But one thing is constant, Happiness you enjoy in your life. Whether your grand grand fathers happiness to your happiness today is same, despite the paradigm change.

So finally, today church invite us to lead a happy life, in line with the present technological advancements, while maintaining the 7 ethics+church rules. Church rules are holy spirit works to tell you as how to manage the paradigm change.

For that you have to be visionary, understand your future, then take action now. Always convert your talennts to energy, under the direction of God!.

Finally: when we analyze you Will see:

Universe is big ball of energy-Light (electromagnetic),Sound(acoustic),Heat (thermal),Pressure(mechanical).U experience these thru'eyes,ear,nose& skin.U can become an energy source to others by converting Ur talents/skills with gd attitudes,by INTENSIVE PRACTICE. It is a misconception that talents are inherited,like brown hair/blue eyes. Hence you presume sign of talent is early instant,effortless
is misleading to presume that talents could be achieved instantly& effortlessly. EARLY SUCCESS DOES NOT NECESSARILY MEAN LONG TERM SUCCESS. Talent is not a gift by birth(genes)but rather determined BY A PERSON?SACTIONS.It

is a combination of intensive practice &motivation that produce brain growth"Muscle memory" does not really exist,since they simply do what brain instructs them to do.With Ur converted Energy,follow God's will in Ur life to be Happy..Today Jesus asking you 'ARE U GOOD FOR NOTHING"

Thank you!


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High light

(1)God has created you to lead a happy life. Why HE ask You"ARE YOU GOOD FOR NOTHING"?

(2)Jesus talk about 3 types ofpeople.Is

HE referring to Inactive,Reactive & Proactive People?.Your life belong to which category?

(3)Why you have to eat food to get energy to your life?.If you tie food outside your stomach,can you get energy? What are the other energy sources you get in this World?

(4)Without energy you cannot live in this world. How you become a +ve energy source to your society?

(5)Why you have to earn for food? When food is given free for you,can you lead a happy life?.do you need to work(exercise) to lead a healthy life?

(6)Is your work become wisdom of your life? For that do you need to practice yourself+get the support of God?.

(7)Why you say"HELL IS FULL OF TALENTED PEOPLE,while HEVON IS FULL OF ENERGETC PEOPLE" how to go to heaven, while you are living now?

Pl listen

God has created you to lead happy life, for that HE has given you a soul(Mind+free Will) which HE will not interfere/Spiritual+body/earth bound. God has created earth,sunlight+air+water+food+fire as Ur basic energy sources to live. Only food U hv to earn. At the same time U cannot live alone. U need another person(society) for U to live. Jesus has shown U,how to manage physical+mental Worries, by handing over such to Mary/saints!. By surrendering Ur will to HIS,(With following what HE asked U to do)Ur happiness is guarenteed

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