
Thursday 17 July 2014

16th Sunday Ordinary/cycle1/20-jul-2014/ JUDGING CATHOLIC - in detail

Back ground: last 2 sundays, we reflected about how to(1) control Anger,(2) our responsibility to develop church(seed), and (3)how we should develop our life(soil)to be a RICH CATHOLIC.
Today our attention is drawn to another main subject that we should be cautious to reach our HAPPINESS, JUDGING OTHERS!. I may think I am correct, according to my conditioning and critical about others action!. Martha complaining against Maria is a famous case which shows when you miss "LOVE" you try to judge who is duty full & start complaining!

Great sayings to think:
"The greatest discovery of any generation
 is that a human being can alter his life by altering his attitude."

B. Preamble to today's reading:

B.1 Challenge:
According to pope FRANCIS" The Joy Of The Gospel" para 84 quote part

B.2 Guarding your Energy!

Your life is like flowing of a river. Soul resembles the water flow, while 2 river banks resembles your health & your happiness(how you balance worldly attachments Sex, Money, Power). River banks have to be well built in order not to have water leaks resulting reducing energy of the water flow!. Good habit allow you to make good bunts. You need to develop discipline for that!.

Example: everyday morning praying rosary and doing physical exercise to maintain your body/ developing pardoning in your soul, when anger comes, remember jesus word,pardon not only 7 times but 777 times! and quench anger from your mind etc.

Shortsighted human!

Look for instance, people who have large amount of money, many of them mange to disappear rather quickly!.likewise people who have unlimited free time often find themselves involve in activities that ruin their health or peace of mind!.HAVING TOO MUCH CAN SOMETIMES BE AS MUCH OF A BURDEN AS HAVING TOO LITTLE! Jesus had tremendous energy,and he knew how to direct it. He was so clear about His mission that He avoided many real and energy leaks! For example, even though He was a teacher, he refused to engage in a meaningless debates with people who wanted not to learn but to argue!.Even at His trial,He did not waste time or energy in what He knew would be a meaningless defense!. Jesus was so aware of His energy that once when a woman reached out and grabbed his clothes in the middle of a crowd, He turned around and asked"Who touches Me?" How many energy leaks do we have in our daily lives?  Angry words,distraction, tampering in someone else business, etc.

B.3 Judging others
Jesus saw judging others as a major energy leak. He stated many times He did not come to judge but that He came to help. He said" I do not judge you, your own words judge you"
He knew our accountability. He trusted each of us with our choices!. Judgment inhibit your own progress!. Jesus said to Peter"what business is it of yours, what I say to John" KEEP YOUR EYES ON YOUR OWN FORWARD MOTION. Jesus did not waste His time or energy JUDGING OTHERS.

B.4 Judging:

External Freedom:
 judgment involves 3 party's. Law enforcing orgernisation such as police+ accused+ judge. In external freedom, when you break  law, normally police will file a case in court & judge will give a ruling whether your are guilty or not!.

Internal Freedom:
In the case of internal freedom, you avoid even to entertain a thinking in your mind which is against religious laws.(Hence religious laws has to be very clear with unambiguous meanings, in the case of christianity it is 10 commandments).

Personal freedom
In the case of personal freedom, people used to judge others based on their experience! People who are having free time, always tend to judge others as a un notice hobby, and form mostly negative feelings in their mind!.

Judging from Gospel:
Mat:7 is very clear on judging others!,  why you are worried about a dust in others eye, where there is a plank in your eye!. Judging others produced you a silence anger in your body. You tend to reject people without knowing all factors fully!. This is more common disease seen in developing countries!, where people have very much unproductive time which leads to gossiping. They become so used to it, like axima (scratching disease), you are happy while you are scratching,and once finish scratching you are suffering like a burn!

Cackling effect!(Cackle- when a chicken cackles,it makes a loud unplesant sound!)

More common in developing countries!. One day at 1pm,My next door neighbor(anti) shouted my mother, telling that there are 10 eggs in our den(hen poultry).Neither my mother  nor she has not gone to the den. When my mother checked number of eggs, she exactly found 10 eggs!. How did my next door neighbor counted the no of eggs?. WHEN HEN LAY AN EGG,HEN CACLE(kok...kok...). My next door anti though she was busy at her kitchen preparing meals, her ear was focus to my house. She counted a number of cackling, ex: 8 o'clock-1, 830-2 so on so fourth..... She could not kept only to her the  total number, that is why she shouted the total number of eggs to my mother.
Now my aunt, judge the income of our house. She count 1 egg, 10 rupees, per day our income 300 rupees. Per month 9000 rs.
When we brought a TV for 20000 rs, she found it is impossible to buy this from our income. So she judge that we are stealing. from somebody to get additional income! So she publicized in the villege that we are thieves!
This is very common symptom that we can observe in developing countries!
"UNWANTED OBSEVATION OF OTHER'S PERSONAL FREEDOM ACTIVITEES" leading to boil your own blood, making you jealousy leading to anger, blocking God's will.

B.5 Hating others!
we form opinions of others, without knowing all the factors!. We start hating them. When we cannot do anything directly to them,we curse them and wish them something bad to happen. Though we see we are deriving mental satisfaction, in this process, we are ruining ourselves, since the anticipated outcome that we expect, we cannot practically see. Rather we will be discouraged to see their success in their lives!.

B.6 Judging others in summary:

(1) Unnecessary monitoring about others activities & forming your own opinions(crackling)
(2) Base on your opinion, you anticipate others, something bad to happen
(3)Overall we try to dictate happiness/sorrows/punishment of others- try to be like God for others activities, without our knowledge- and find that only myself is feeling sick!

Today's reading:

Book of wisdom remind how God acts on us!
Paul says that plea of god fearing people will be lead by Holy spirit
Gospel Mt: 13:24-43 growing of wheat and darnet Jesus said" ....LET THEM BOTH GROW TILL THE HARVEST; AND AT THE HARVEST TIME I SHALL SAY TO THE REAPERS; FIRST COLLECT DARNET AND TIE IT IN BUNDLES TO BE BURNT, THEN GATHER THE WHEAT IN TO MY BARN" talk about the nature of God's hand in to our lives. We cannot judge the out come of bad people(whom we think), God will decide at the correct time as to what to do?. Explaining the parable, Jesus answers most of the practical questions ask to day! Why God allow these wicked thing to happened or can we curse anybody for any misgiving?

By telling that God will look after what to do with bad people, Jesus is clear, that judging of others (deriving from personal freedom) is not belongs to us! Due to(1) our judgment is based on our own conditioning(2)we curse others, thinking our words will make harm to them but the harm is actually to ourselves.
Judging of external freedom(government law, belongs to a well define process make by each country) belongs to Governments (normally 3 parties (police/accused,involve with independent judge). Internal freedom by yourself. Treatment for this is sacrament of confession!.
By controlling Anger and avoiding Judging others, your energy will be preserved. Then your water flow of life river is flowing without any leaks!to sea which is heaven.


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