
Tuesday 1 July 2014

Sunday(6/7/2014) Angry Catholic!

Zecharia & Paul  reminds how God give peace for nations!.Peace means mental+physical happiness individual to U. Catholism demand U'r internal freedom to be subject to10 comms:with no enemies,while personal freedom to surrender to God' will.ALL READINGS TELL THAT U'r PEACEFUL LIFE DEPENDS UPON HOW U TRAIN U'r FREE WILL,TO SURRENDER TO GOD'S WILL. U'r Inordinate appetite for food will result unhappiness,which God will never intervene.Similarly develop mental power to avoid U'r ANGER,to realise Mt11:25-30 "COME TO ME ALL WHO LABOUR &ARE OVERBURDENED &I WILL GIVE U REST. SHOULDER MY YOKE & LEARN FROM ME, FOR I AM GENTLE & HUMBLE IN HEART& U'll FIND REST FOR U'R SOULS.YES MY YOKE IS EASY &MY BURDEN LIGHT" Persisting Anger with anybody blocks God's will to U!.Jesus further reminds on MT(5:21-24)-bring U'r gift to altar/ against with another/go back & settle/then offer. U angry?

Christie Alwis.

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