
Thursday 22 January 2015

Cycle 2:season:ordinary Time(1) Sunday No:3 Date 25/1/2015- Relented Catholics - in detail

Back ground: last 2 sundays we were reminded
(1) our life shows the shadow Trinity(Happiness-Father,behavior- son, cheerfulness-holy spirit)
(2)Your life period is short,compared to eternal life. In this life you are subject to manage worldly attractions such as power. Money and sex. Earth bound desires such as Fornication(sin against your flesh) to be avoided for you to achieve Happiness in both lives of worldly and eternal

Today readings invites us to reflect
To avoid too much engrossing to earthly requirements such as Money, power and worldly desires! And correct your self!

B. Preamble to today's reading:

B.1 value of repenting:

Our life is 3 dimensional with time.
(1) Your character is changing from day to day(your appearance -body, character change)
(2) Way of living people changes from day to day(technology, culture changes)
(3) Your activities changes from day to day
(Your habits change)
Unless you know how to manage these changes, for you to reap happy life, the purpose of living(happy life) become lost!.

In this change of environment, we should train ourself, to control ourselves and to maintain a good behavior for happy life. Happy means you know how to mange fear and sorrow, with the treatments given in catholism!.

B.2 earth bound Happiness:

This is short lived. No body in this world has achieved everlasting happiness with regard to Power(controlling others), you have seen powerful people all of a sudden become power less causing fear and sorrow in their own life. Similarly you have seen very rich people, suddenly not only become poor but end of in mental agonies. In this scenario, are we achieving the purpose of creation, A HAPPY life in this world too?
 Catholicism teach you, how to enjoy your time happily. You may live 5 or 100 years, it provide your a method, as how to enjoy that 5 or 100 years of your life. In order to enjoy present time, you should be able to forget the past and see how to enjoy present with catholic principles. And then maintain that happiness until your death!. Method proposed by Catholicism is simple and easy to implement.

B.3 happiness:

There are 3 basic steps to be followed. First reach a peaceful mind. In order to do this avoid sloth(laziness) and anger in your life.

Then develop a worry less mind- hand over your fear and sorrows to Holy mary and saints. Avoid too much analysis, since there can be many outcomes for a particular action, you may go mad, when you start too much analysis. Your faith will help you, not to analyze too much.
Good example is mother theresa, imagine how she organized a massive society to support poorest of the poor.

Finally you should have a Happy mind. When you trust God is your master and you are guaranteed a happy life, in this world too. Avoid all other 5 vices that may come across in your earth bound life.
Pride(start thinking you are very important like God). Lust(avoid sin against your own flesh),envy(avoid jealousy),avarice(avoid why not me), gluttony( avoid animal appetite).

B.4.  How to disseminate your happiness?
To make another person happy, first you should be happy. If you are not happy, how can give happiness to others?
To enjoy your life, you should share your god given talents with society. With happy mind, you start developing your talents, 3 steps to follow: (1) have happy mind(2) develop a healthy life(enough excercise+drinking water+avoid too much worrying)(3) use the latest available technology(like internet, computers).

B.3 what is evil?
Your definition of evil may be different to mine. There are 2 major devil actions in catholism
(1) Have a good behavior by following 10 commandments with no enemies!
(2) Follow God's will by developing a happy mind, avoiding 7 vices.
Otherwise, you will condition your self, to satisfy mentally your wrong doings(justifying yourself for your own conveniance)

For example if you worship your mother/father is a sin. How many srilankan catholics believe this as a Sin?. How many catholic schools/teachers advice, their students not to worship teachers but only to Eucrist?
Similarly, if you don't know how to develop a happy mind, can you get God' s will? No. You are carrying your will, with fear and sorrow in your mind.
Catholicism provide first you have to understand the theory then if you have deviate from the theory, the process you should follow to clear the effects of that deviation(Sin) by confession. Major problem is your own conditioning, blinding your self to identify Sin as a Sin. The out come is the presence of fear and sorrow in your own life.

C. Today's reading: Prophet Jonah says(Jon3:1-5.10) says"..God saw their efforts to renounce their evil behavior: And God relented. Paul says" ..those who have to deal with the world should not become engrossed in it...the world as we know it is passing away. Mk(1:14-20) says"After John has arrested...'The time has come'..Repent and believe the good news..He saw Simon and His brother Andrew...said to them 'Follow Me and I will make you into fishers of men'..they went after Him' reminds(1)How God has reintroduce Happiness with Jesus(2)value of confession into our life(3) identify what is Sin-going against 10 commandments,7 vices, going against God's will. These are the preconditions to see Jesus in U'r life!.when U compare Eternal life, worldly life is negligible. Hence engrossed too much on earth bound requirements such as Money,power,worldly desires is causing unhappiness in both world!

Conclusion: we have to be clear that our present life is short when compared to eternal life. Except Jesus, no other dead person has come back to earth after their death. Jesus resurrection shows, that He overcame earth bound desires for eternal Happiness, and showed us how to do that in a simple way. Until resurrection God shows us path with angels,dreams,stars how to lead a spiritual life in this world!. Now there are no such direct indications for us from God. We have to search for His will, to find happiness to us even in this world!, today it reminds us the value of repenting since we tend to go too much on earth bound needs, then reach short lived happiness, even in this world too. once you reach happiness, you can extend that happiness to the society!. Catholicism teach you (1) how to be happy by yourself at the present time(2) how to maintain that happiness till end your earthly life and extend that happiness in eternal way(3) how to extend your happiness in your living society. All these things you can do, since you get to know, when you please God, HE will ensure your earthly happiness too. Don't think whether I am Happy, think only whether you are happy? Whether your actions pleases God.


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Sunday (25/1) Relented catholic - in summary

Today the 3 rd sunday of ordinary season cycle 2, reading summarises:

Proph: Jonah says"..God saw their efforts to renounce their evil behaviour: and God relented.

Life is short!
Paul says"..those who have to deal with world should not become engrossed in as we know it is passing away.

Jesus new message! Repent with No enemies

Mk(1:14-20)says"After John has arrested..'The time has come'.. Repent and believe good news..He saw Simon and His brother Andrew...said to them 'Follow Me and I will make you into fishers of men'..they went after Him'

All readings focus to:

(1)Your' worldly life is temporary &negligible compared to eternal life

(2)natural tendency of human is to go for worldly desires& U should know how to control same

(3)Change introduced by Jesus for your' Happiness

(4)identify what is Sin-going against 10 command:7vices(anger,sloth,pride,lust,envy,avarice,gluttony)& going against God's will

(5)Repenting for your sins and value of confession. These are pre conditions to follow Jesus &for U to become fishers of men!U?

Finally: in these 3 ordinary sundays we were reminded
(A) your life is a shadow HOLY TRNITY
Your happiness- Father
Your Behaviour- son
Your cheerfulness- Holy Spirit

(B) major impediment for your happiness is going against your flesh. Specially Fornication, ruined the family structure

(C) Today another aspect of Holy Trinity is reminded
Father- you have been created for happiness. To achieve Jesus message to be clearly understood and implemented in your life
Son- your behaviour might have deviate d from theory. Identify the deviations, repent, ask God to pardon
Spirit- you have to reflect Jesus messages constantly in your life, to understand the deviation.

Ex: geo stationary satellite runs in a orbit 30000 km high!. 1/3 of weight of that satellite is oil and used to align the satellite into geostationary orbit! Similarly you should be clear, not go against 10 commandments, not to have 7 vices present in your life:(Anger,sloth,pride,lust,envy,avarice & gluttony). First identify clearly your limitation in your behaviour, then check whether you are running out of orbit

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Saturday 17 January 2015

Cycle 2:season:ordinary Time(1) Sunday No:2 Date 18/1/2015- Borrowed Catholics - in detail

A. Back ground:
1st sunday of ordinary times reminded us that our life is led by the shadow Trinity
Holy spirit,Happy mind(Father), behavior(Jesus- 10 commandments with no enemies+ avoid judging/blaming others).
Today, it reminds that our life is of 2 parts; worldly life+ heavenly life(consist-Eternal life). You are been given time from God to live in this world. You should maintain your body in accordance with the guide lines given by Jesus, if you go against, your are sinning against to your body. Specially sins against flesh!.

B. Preamble to today's readings:

B.1. Value of time:

You are not seen a dead body with a wrist watch? Why? It is not at all important for a dead body.
Time is important only for living human beings!.not for animals or trees. These living beings never count time!. With time, human beings carry out actions to reach Happiness in our worldly life.
We are borrowing time from God. Why God? God will decide how much time that you should live in this world!.

B.2 Compared to Eternal time your earthly time is negligible!

The life you lead on earth may be maximum of 100 years, but when you compare that time with infinity time, you notice that the time that you lead in this world is nothing compared to infinity. That is why we tend to realize that it is very important to behave ourselves good in this life, without much attachments to earth bound pleasures such as Money, power and worldly desires with respect to flesh!. Catholicism will give you the easiest path to reap happiness both in this world and out side this world. It gives much simplified process,shown by Jesus to follow!
Hence our borrowed time is not belongs to us, but belongs to God and we will give in return our life(including our body) when we are leaving this world in good conditions!.

B.3 Scientific reason for a week?

Time is important for living people!not for dead. Early days people identify day from sun(comes/going). A month with moon.

Scientific reason for a day is the time taken for the earth to rotate one cycle from it's own axis. Similarly for a month, generally the time taken for the moon to rotate one cycle around earth. Similarly a year is defined the time taken for earth to rotate one cycle around sun. But how did they identify a week?.

There is no scientific reason except the biblical reason. God created world in 5 days,6th day he created Adam, from Adam,he created Eve. He didn't create Adam from an Ape.

In modern world when you talk about week, it reminds only the story of creation.

B.4 Christmas is always on 25Dec.

 But Easter,is defined(since 1583) as Sunday(march31-2013) following Full Moon(march26-2013)after vernal equinox(MARCH 21).
Equinox es occurs twice a year.(Exactly 12 hours day & night to countries over Equator)(Autumnal-september).

Ash Wednesday is 46days before Easter Sunday.(Feb13-2013)which is always changing due to the relationship of Pass Over.

At the last supper,His last pass over meal on earth,Jesus changed bread & wine into His Body & Blood.

B.5 Do you show constant behavior throughout your life?
 There are 3 major factors to be analyzed.

(1)Your cells in your body is constantly changing. Every day some cells die,while new cells generated. After 7 years your cells are completely changed.
 (2) Your brain consist of 86 billion neurons. It forms around 1 trillion networks. Neurons to work under normal circumstances, you should maintain a peaceful mind. Then you try to follow the normal networks. When you blood get hot, the networks that you follow in your brain are different, and harmful to your own health!. Catholism says your anger is equivalent to committing suicide. Your actions and thinking(behavior is such that it should not create anger in your body)
(3) Look at a river as it moves toward sea. It creates its own banks that contain it. When there is something within you that moves in the right direction,it creates its own discipline. So it is very important to develop good habits, so that you will Not change those habits when time passes, otherwise you will see what gospel says"first become last and last become first". Going to sunday mass is very basic habit, even God is asking us to practice. Similarly you can develop many habbits in your life where it is time dependent for example: early morning once you get up pray daily rosary, hand over your worries to Holy mary,drink water, do exercise etc. Also you can develop time independent habits such as (1) not judging others(2)not blaming others!(3) finally avoiding 7 vices!.

C. Today's readings: Book of

Samuel(1sam3:3-10.19) says"..speak Lord your servent is listening...".

Paul says(1 cor 6:13-15. 17-20)..God who raised the Lord from the death,will by His power raise us up too....anyone who is joined to the Lord is one spirit with fornicate is to sin against your own body...."

(Fornicate- word meaning to have illicit affair with someone who you are not married to)

Jn (1:35-42)".. 'Where do you live?'Come and see'... and stayed with him the rest of that day...."

Reminds when U realize the happiness, living with God, u always stay with HIM. But earth bound desires will lead U to bring fear & sorrow in U'r life. Out of worldly desires, the major appears to be, When U sin against U'r own body,bar U to achieve spirituality with God,to reach Happiness in this world too!.

D. Conclusions:
We started to study from last sunday(new season-ordinary time) about our life in this world!. First sunday we devoted to analyze how Holy Trinity is seen in individual life. Today we analyze, the limitation of our life. Time. Happy. Behavior. Time is given by God, from our behavior how to lead that time happily is reminded. Specially our behavior to achieve our own happiness. Then when you are Happy, then only you can extend that Happiness to others!. Otherwise without your knowledge, you introduce fear and sorrow to others, deriving from your disagreements!. You are also Not Happy and you extend that un happiness to others by 7 vices-Anger,sloth,pride,lust,envy,avarice, gluttony.
Out of the Sins, major sin appears,sin against flesh-fornication. With the scientific development of birth control, this sin becomes more prominent in the modern society than the previous human paradigms!
Today paul reminds, that we have to be very careful about this sin, in order  that to be with God in this life, to reach Happiness!


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Borrowed Catholic(18/1)-2 nd sunday of ordinary times - in summary

Samuel(1sam3:3-10.19) says"..speak Lord your servant is listening...".

Paul says(1 cor 6:13-15. 17-20)..God who raised the Lord from the death,will by His power raise us up too....anyone who is joined to the Lord is one spirit with fornicate is to sin against your own body...."

(Fornicate- word meaning to have illicit affair with someone who you are not married to)

Jn (1:35-42)".. 'Where do you live?'Come and see'... and stayed with him the rest of that day...."


1st and 2 nd readings reminds the major weakness of humans- fornications, which has led many disharmony among families!. This is due to lust(Disoriented Love)

Paul was very critical about fornication!. One of the seers of Fatima, jacinta, who died in 20th feb 1920, after apparitions of fatima from 13 may to 13 October, had many revelations from holy Mary,before she died, told

Gospel message:

Finally Gospel readings reminds us, that when we realize happiness in living with God, there is no need for you to go away out of Him, But earth bound desires will lead you to bring fear & sorrow in your life. Out of worldly desires, the major appears to be, When you sin against your own body,bar you to achieve spirituality with God,to reach Happiness in this world too!.

Ordinary times summary of 2 sundays!
From last sunday,we found that Holy Trinity resides in our body. Happiness is father, behaviour is Son, spirit is Holy spirit(cheerfulness)
This 3 dimensional life is moving with our life time,(this is also 3 dimensional) Our life time is borrowed from God, since no body cannot escape death!

 There are 3 major factors to be analysed with respect to time!.

(1)Your cells in your body is constantly changing. Every day some cells die,while new cells generated. After 7 years your cells are completely changed.
 (2) Your brain consist of 86 billion neurons. It forms around 1 trillion networks. Neurons to work under normal circumstances, you should maintain a peaceful mind. Then you try to follow the normal networks. When you blood get hot, the networks that you follow in your brain are different, and harmful to your own health!. Catholism says your anger is equivalent to committing suicide. Your actions and thinking(behaviour is such that it should not create anger in your body)
(3) Look at a river as it moves toward sea. It creates its own banks that contain it. When there is something within you that moves in the right direction,it creates its own discipline. So it is very important to develop good habits, so that you will change those habbits when time passes, otherwise you will see what gospel says"first become  last and last become first". Going to sunday mass is very basic habit, even God is asking us to practice. Similarly you can develop many habits in your life where it is time dependent for example: early morning once you get up pray daily rosary, hand over your worries to Holy mary,drink water, do exercise etc. Also you can develop time independent habits such as (1) not judging others(2)not blaming others!(3) finally avoiding 7 vices!.

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Thursday 8 January 2015

Cycle 2:season:ordinary Time(1) Sunday No 1; Date:11/1/2015- Favorite Catholic - in detail

A.  Back ground
Complete cycle of sunday readings are organized in 3 years. Every 3 year it repeats. Each cycle is having 5 seasons.
They are;
(1)Advent ; for us to reflect how to give birth to Jesus in our life(2nd coming of christ).
(2)Christmas-How Jesus came to this world &History+major characteristics of Holy Family.
(3) LENT-Jesus examples of managing fear & sorrows.
(4) Easter-value of spirituality for our happy life.
(5)Ordinary Time-how you convert your talents to energy& follow God's will to serve living society.

Every liturgical year starts from advent & advent is having 4 sundays prior to Christmas. Hence any liturgical year starts with previous calander year. This liturgy cycle 2 also started from 30/11/2014.

Present Liturgy cycle 2 is as follows:

ADVENT: 4sundays-from 30/11/2014.

CHRISTMAS-2sundays- from 25/12/2014,until 8/11/2015.

ORDINARY cycle1-6sundays-until15/2/.

LENT 5sundays-till3/4 Good friday.

EASTER-6sundays till7/6

ORDINARYcycle2 -(29 sundays)from14/6till22/11.

cycle 3 ADVENT start from 29/11/2015.

Ordinary cycle:  Reading organized to fill the gap in between Christmas season to lent season + easter season to next cycle advent season.

Easter sunday is always changing in synchrony to pass over ceremony of Jews. It is always after march 31st,after full moon, then first sunday. Hence the easter sunday is always varying. That is why there are 2 periods for ordinary season.

Today, liturgy cycle 2 ordinary season starts and it will have 6 sundays until we start lent season. Then again starts after Ester season for 29 sundays!.

B.2- how to develop Happy mind
There 3 steps. First you develop peaceful mind, then you develop worry less mind, finally you develop happy mind.

Peaceful mind to achieve, you should avoid laziness(sloth) and avoid anger to be accumulated in your body, finally you should avoid judging others/blaming others. Always your mind has to be calm. Neurons in your brain has to be cool Not hot, so the networks in the brain has to be a  normal network.

Worry-less mind- even with peaceful mind, you will encounter worries. These worries can be of 3 types

(1) Worries coming within your own system due to illness or unexpected accidents
(2) Worries coming outside from your systems due to disagreements with your own family members or close friends from your living society/ or to their sudden illnesses
(3) Worries coming from sudden natural disasters like Tsunami,earth quake,land slides etc

These worries are coming with out any known reason to you!. How to mange these worry's?

With Mary you are always with full of wine!

Wine represent happiness in your life, while water represent your behavior! Wine you will not drink through out day but water you drink.

1st miracle of Jesus at Cana, give us a very valuable message from God, about role of Mary in Catholicism. God in His own wisdom shows us that when we invite mary to our lives, Mary will intercede with God, to lead a worry less mind in our lives. Mary saw wine is depleting, where Jesus appears to be not seen at Cana. Surely Jesus knows but in his own wisdom God show us how to reach happiness in our life, through secondary associations!.

Catholicism provides very simple 2 solutions to achieve worry-less mind:
Invite holy mary into your life, so that She will intercede with God to avoid any future worries to be avoided in your life. Specially above (1) and (3).

For above (2), stemming mainly independent to your life, when the worry comes hand over that worry to Holy mary or your favorite saints for their intervention with god to resolve our worry. Once you hand over your worry, you expect/trust that the relevant saint will look after your problem and you can live without worrying that problem!

Happy life:

When you notice that your life is always protected by God, you can lead your dynamic life more cheerfully!. There are 7 vices defined in Catholicism that you should avoid, which undermine God and we tend to forget that God is the creator.

7 vices

The wrong ways of enjoying has come to us from the original sin. At times due to lack of proper guidance,we get attached to things and persons alive or dead. Unless we purified we cannot purely love God with all our heart and all our soul.(Cf. Dt.6.5;Lk 10.27;Jn 15.12; Jn4.7-22)

7 vices

Sloth: is laziness or idleness. Apart from doing nothing, you can develop idleness through unnecessary judging. This can be of 2 types. Discussing with your friends bad about others- you go to unwanted areas of analysis, where you create not only spoiling your time but introducing silence anger to your body.
Other type is unwarranted analysis about politicians or crimes in a given country. Analysis is good, but when you try to crave for analysis, which causes spoiling your time without any results and start creating anger in your body. For this category of people, should avoid listening to multimedia, as first thing in the morning!.

Anger: is a strong feeling that comes when one feel, other is wrong or he is insulting or injustice etc. Anger is treated as commiting suicide in catholicism.


Pride; it is too great an admiration of oneself. Pride has 7 evil consequences: boasting, love for publicity, hypocrisy, hard head ness,discord,quarreling and dis obedience. When all these 7 evil inclination grow in our dealing with God and neighbor,THE DEVIL BALLOONS OUR PRIDE TO MAKE US LOSE EVANTUALLY TO OUR OWN EGOISM.

Avarice: is lead us to be greedy,and ends up with fraud,perjury,dishonesty,perfidy and harshness, in dealing with others. Avarice further leads us to desire and covet things that we should not. This behavior can affect all the 6 goods: NATURAL,TEMPORAL, SENSORY,MORAL,SPIRITUAL and SUPERNATURAL. "Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs the kingdom of God"

Envy; envy start demanding,"WHY SHOULD NOT I HAVE EVERY THING THAT OTHERS HAVE?". We are envious of another's goods and jealous of our own. DEEPLY ROUTED JEALOUSY CAN LEAD TO LOSE HEALTH BOTH PHYSICAL AND SPIRITUAL. Paul says Love is not jealous or envious.

Lust; It is a dis orientated love that seeks not the other but personal individualistic pleasure and satisfaction in everything we do. Lust excludes all personal consideration for the sake of sensate experience. Lust leads to exploitation of oneself and others or things for our own glory, satisfaction and pleasure.
The pleasure seeking attitude in life cannot help us to partners with God. The desire for pleasure is good thing in life. Life would be sapless without it. What is dangerous is inordinate craving for it. Jesus advocate a life that is simple. He is conscious of the dangers of riches and money.
It is similar to salt. Too much salt will bar yo enjoy your meal, while too little also effect the taste!

This flows from the dis orderly animal appetite, the obsession with food and drink to the point of living to eat, rather than eating to live.

Out of 7, 2 vices namely anger and laziness are major. These 2 vices are equivalent to kill yourself or commit suicide!
This will bar for you to have a peaceful mind. The basic step that lead to Happiness!

Then you should train your self how to invite Holy mary into your life, in order to have a worry less mind. Wearing miraculious medal and reciting daily rosary, contemplating with mystries are the basic sugested methods.
Then you can avoid fear and sorrow to be present in your life.
For any action identify spiritual friend/saints. Identify your favorite saints and associate with them to have a close relationship spiritually by reading their character. Even vatican 11, pope St JohnXXIII declared St Joseph as heavenly protector,for vatican II.

Similarly, you can declare for your many jobs you should carry out in your life, Heavenly protector and carry out the job, without any stress!.

Even with worry less mind you can develop the following. Other 5 vices!

The only way that you can avoid all these vices is remembering that you lead your life by borrowing time from God. All appreciation's out of your actions has to be attributed to God, since He is the creator of yours and He in His own wisdom, provide Happiness of your life.

Then it is very easy to lead a simple, happy life.

Then only you have to develop your talents according to God's will. You will see that your talents becomes energy, and the society is benefiting out of your talents to glorify God through your actions.

Todays' reading

Prop Isaiah(...) says"..with you I will make an everlasting covenant out of favors promised to way is not your way.."

John says(...)"if you love God Himself and do what He has commanded us....His commandment are not difficult..Jesus christ who came with water and blood not with water only..three witnesses spirit,water and blood.

Readings focused that you are having shadow TRINITY in your body:


Father created U to be Happy,
Son/Jesus-shows us the path as how to live,
Holy Ghost-give us knowledge.(You have to search for the knowledge)

To be prosperous,you should search for knowledge and it is easy. After achieving happy mind, you can follow God's will and it may not be same as yours! when you follow God's will,

Mk1:7-11says "..voice came from heaven,'you are my son,the beloved,my fervor rest on you'".

Just to indicate that God is pleased with your work.

Conclusion: With Jesus one God became one God in 3 persons. It is very difficult to understand how this is possible. You know that a light bulb work through current. You know current is flowing, but you cannot touch that!. Similarly you know you have a mind, similarly you know that you have an. Ability to chose. You feel happy and you feel that you are flying going against gravitation!. All these factors in our life, you tend to realize when you gather knowledge by your self. It is not connected to the earthly academic qualifications. Hence so called uneducater person according to the world standard, can have wisdom to identify this happiness, independent to his/her accadamic education, many saints provide us such examples through their lives. This is the beauty of Catholicism!


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Sunday (11/1/2015) favorable catholic - in summary

Prop Isaiah says"..with you I will make an everlasting covenant out of favours promised to way is not your way.."John says"if you love God Himself and do what He has commanded us....His commandment are not difficult..Jesus christ who came with water and blood not with water only..three witnesses spirit,water and blood.

Readings focused that you are having shadow TRINITY in your body(life)

Father created U to be Happy,Son/Jesus-shows us the path,Holy Ghost-give us knowledge.

To be prosperous you should search for knowledge and it is easy. After achieving happy mind,you can follow God's will and it may not be same as yours!
To achieve happy mind, you should have first peaceful mind(without laziness, without anger, without judging/blaming others) then worry less mind(handover all your fears/sorrowsgdisagreements to mary and relevant saint), finally you can lead a happy mind(avoid other 5 vices, pride,lust,envy, avarice,gluttony

 when you follow God's will,Mk1:7-11says

 "..voice came from heaven,'you are my son,the beloved,my fervour rest on U'".

It indicates God is pleased with your behaviour!

Always we have to devote time to understand more on a subject. Similarly for catholism too!. The root less knowledge  we gather at school, where fear and sorrow was not experience properly, has to fully studied when you become adult for you to develop full faith with experiencing less fear and sorrows!
Best way to gather knowledge is to follow sunday readings and act accordingly+reciting daily rosary!.

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