
Thursday 22 January 2015

Sunday (25/1) Relented catholic - in summary

Today the 3 rd sunday of ordinary season cycle 2, reading summarises:

Proph: Jonah says"..God saw their efforts to renounce their evil behaviour: and God relented.

Life is short!
Paul says"..those who have to deal with world should not become engrossed in as we know it is passing away.

Jesus new message! Repent with No enemies

Mk(1:14-20)says"After John has arrested..'The time has come'.. Repent and believe good news..He saw Simon and His brother Andrew...said to them 'Follow Me and I will make you into fishers of men'..they went after Him'

All readings focus to:

(1)Your' worldly life is temporary &negligible compared to eternal life

(2)natural tendency of human is to go for worldly desires& U should know how to control same

(3)Change introduced by Jesus for your' Happiness

(4)identify what is Sin-going against 10 command:7vices(anger,sloth,pride,lust,envy,avarice,gluttony)& going against God's will

(5)Repenting for your sins and value of confession. These are pre conditions to follow Jesus &for U to become fishers of men!U?

Finally: in these 3 ordinary sundays we were reminded
(A) your life is a shadow HOLY TRNITY
Your happiness- Father
Your Behaviour- son
Your cheerfulness- Holy Spirit

(B) major impediment for your happiness is going against your flesh. Specially Fornication, ruined the family structure

(C) Today another aspect of Holy Trinity is reminded
Father- you have been created for happiness. To achieve Jesus message to be clearly understood and implemented in your life
Son- your behaviour might have deviate d from theory. Identify the deviations, repent, ask God to pardon
Spirit- you have to reflect Jesus messages constantly in your life, to understand the deviation.

Ex: geo stationary satellite runs in a orbit 30000 km high!. 1/3 of weight of that satellite is oil and used to align the satellite into geostationary orbit! Similarly you should be clear, not go against 10 commandments, not to have 7 vices present in your life:(Anger,sloth,pride,lust,envy,avarice & gluttony). First identify clearly your limitation in your behaviour, then check whether you are running out of orbit

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