
Thursday 8 January 2015

Cycle 2:season:ordinary Time(1) Sunday No 1; Date:11/1/2015- Favorite Catholic - in detail

A.  Back ground
Complete cycle of sunday readings are organized in 3 years. Every 3 year it repeats. Each cycle is having 5 seasons.
They are;
(1)Advent ; for us to reflect how to give birth to Jesus in our life(2nd coming of christ).
(2)Christmas-How Jesus came to this world &History+major characteristics of Holy Family.
(3) LENT-Jesus examples of managing fear & sorrows.
(4) Easter-value of spirituality for our happy life.
(5)Ordinary Time-how you convert your talents to energy& follow God's will to serve living society.

Every liturgical year starts from advent & advent is having 4 sundays prior to Christmas. Hence any liturgical year starts with previous calander year. This liturgy cycle 2 also started from 30/11/2014.

Present Liturgy cycle 2 is as follows:

ADVENT: 4sundays-from 30/11/2014.

CHRISTMAS-2sundays- from 25/12/2014,until 8/11/2015.

ORDINARY cycle1-6sundays-until15/2/.

LENT 5sundays-till3/4 Good friday.

EASTER-6sundays till7/6

ORDINARYcycle2 -(29 sundays)from14/6till22/11.

cycle 3 ADVENT start from 29/11/2015.

Ordinary cycle:  Reading organized to fill the gap in between Christmas season to lent season + easter season to next cycle advent season.

Easter sunday is always changing in synchrony to pass over ceremony of Jews. It is always after march 31st,after full moon, then first sunday. Hence the easter sunday is always varying. That is why there are 2 periods for ordinary season.

Today, liturgy cycle 2 ordinary season starts and it will have 6 sundays until we start lent season. Then again starts after Ester season for 29 sundays!.

B.2- how to develop Happy mind
There 3 steps. First you develop peaceful mind, then you develop worry less mind, finally you develop happy mind.

Peaceful mind to achieve, you should avoid laziness(sloth) and avoid anger to be accumulated in your body, finally you should avoid judging others/blaming others. Always your mind has to be calm. Neurons in your brain has to be cool Not hot, so the networks in the brain has to be a  normal network.

Worry-less mind- even with peaceful mind, you will encounter worries. These worries can be of 3 types

(1) Worries coming within your own system due to illness or unexpected accidents
(2) Worries coming outside from your systems due to disagreements with your own family members or close friends from your living society/ or to their sudden illnesses
(3) Worries coming from sudden natural disasters like Tsunami,earth quake,land slides etc

These worries are coming with out any known reason to you!. How to mange these worry's?

With Mary you are always with full of wine!

Wine represent happiness in your life, while water represent your behavior! Wine you will not drink through out day but water you drink.

1st miracle of Jesus at Cana, give us a very valuable message from God, about role of Mary in Catholicism. God in His own wisdom shows us that when we invite mary to our lives, Mary will intercede with God, to lead a worry less mind in our lives. Mary saw wine is depleting, where Jesus appears to be not seen at Cana. Surely Jesus knows but in his own wisdom God show us how to reach happiness in our life, through secondary associations!.

Catholicism provides very simple 2 solutions to achieve worry-less mind:
Invite holy mary into your life, so that She will intercede with God to avoid any future worries to be avoided in your life. Specially above (1) and (3).

For above (2), stemming mainly independent to your life, when the worry comes hand over that worry to Holy mary or your favorite saints for their intervention with god to resolve our worry. Once you hand over your worry, you expect/trust that the relevant saint will look after your problem and you can live without worrying that problem!

Happy life:

When you notice that your life is always protected by God, you can lead your dynamic life more cheerfully!. There are 7 vices defined in Catholicism that you should avoid, which undermine God and we tend to forget that God is the creator.

7 vices

The wrong ways of enjoying has come to us from the original sin. At times due to lack of proper guidance,we get attached to things and persons alive or dead. Unless we purified we cannot purely love God with all our heart and all our soul.(Cf. Dt.6.5;Lk 10.27;Jn 15.12; Jn4.7-22)

7 vices

Sloth: is laziness or idleness. Apart from doing nothing, you can develop idleness through unnecessary judging. This can be of 2 types. Discussing with your friends bad about others- you go to unwanted areas of analysis, where you create not only spoiling your time but introducing silence anger to your body.
Other type is unwarranted analysis about politicians or crimes in a given country. Analysis is good, but when you try to crave for analysis, which causes spoiling your time without any results and start creating anger in your body. For this category of people, should avoid listening to multimedia, as first thing in the morning!.

Anger: is a strong feeling that comes when one feel, other is wrong or he is insulting or injustice etc. Anger is treated as commiting suicide in catholicism.


Pride; it is too great an admiration of oneself. Pride has 7 evil consequences: boasting, love for publicity, hypocrisy, hard head ness,discord,quarreling and dis obedience. When all these 7 evil inclination grow in our dealing with God and neighbor,THE DEVIL BALLOONS OUR PRIDE TO MAKE US LOSE EVANTUALLY TO OUR OWN EGOISM.

Avarice: is lead us to be greedy,and ends up with fraud,perjury,dishonesty,perfidy and harshness, in dealing with others. Avarice further leads us to desire and covet things that we should not. This behavior can affect all the 6 goods: NATURAL,TEMPORAL, SENSORY,MORAL,SPIRITUAL and SUPERNATURAL. "Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs the kingdom of God"

Envy; envy start demanding,"WHY SHOULD NOT I HAVE EVERY THING THAT OTHERS HAVE?". We are envious of another's goods and jealous of our own. DEEPLY ROUTED JEALOUSY CAN LEAD TO LOSE HEALTH BOTH PHYSICAL AND SPIRITUAL. Paul says Love is not jealous or envious.

Lust; It is a dis orientated love that seeks not the other but personal individualistic pleasure and satisfaction in everything we do. Lust excludes all personal consideration for the sake of sensate experience. Lust leads to exploitation of oneself and others or things for our own glory, satisfaction and pleasure.
The pleasure seeking attitude in life cannot help us to partners with God. The desire for pleasure is good thing in life. Life would be sapless without it. What is dangerous is inordinate craving for it. Jesus advocate a life that is simple. He is conscious of the dangers of riches and money.
It is similar to salt. Too much salt will bar yo enjoy your meal, while too little also effect the taste!

This flows from the dis orderly animal appetite, the obsession with food and drink to the point of living to eat, rather than eating to live.

Out of 7, 2 vices namely anger and laziness are major. These 2 vices are equivalent to kill yourself or commit suicide!
This will bar for you to have a peaceful mind. The basic step that lead to Happiness!

Then you should train your self how to invite Holy mary into your life, in order to have a worry less mind. Wearing miraculious medal and reciting daily rosary, contemplating with mystries are the basic sugested methods.
Then you can avoid fear and sorrow to be present in your life.
For any action identify spiritual friend/saints. Identify your favorite saints and associate with them to have a close relationship spiritually by reading their character. Even vatican 11, pope St JohnXXIII declared St Joseph as heavenly protector,for vatican II.

Similarly, you can declare for your many jobs you should carry out in your life, Heavenly protector and carry out the job, without any stress!.

Even with worry less mind you can develop the following. Other 5 vices!

The only way that you can avoid all these vices is remembering that you lead your life by borrowing time from God. All appreciation's out of your actions has to be attributed to God, since He is the creator of yours and He in His own wisdom, provide Happiness of your life.

Then it is very easy to lead a simple, happy life.

Then only you have to develop your talents according to God's will. You will see that your talents becomes energy, and the society is benefiting out of your talents to glorify God through your actions.

Todays' reading

Prop Isaiah(...) says"..with you I will make an everlasting covenant out of favors promised to way is not your way.."

John says(...)"if you love God Himself and do what He has commanded us....His commandment are not difficult..Jesus christ who came with water and blood not with water only..three witnesses spirit,water and blood.

Readings focused that you are having shadow TRINITY in your body:


Father created U to be Happy,
Son/Jesus-shows us the path as how to live,
Holy Ghost-give us knowledge.(You have to search for the knowledge)

To be prosperous,you should search for knowledge and it is easy. After achieving happy mind, you can follow God's will and it may not be same as yours! when you follow God's will,

Mk1:7-11says "..voice came from heaven,'you are my son,the beloved,my fervor rest on you'".

Just to indicate that God is pleased with your work.

Conclusion: With Jesus one God became one God in 3 persons. It is very difficult to understand how this is possible. You know that a light bulb work through current. You know current is flowing, but you cannot touch that!. Similarly you know you have a mind, similarly you know that you have an. Ability to chose. You feel happy and you feel that you are flying going against gravitation!. All these factors in our life, you tend to realize when you gather knowledge by your self. It is not connected to the earthly academic qualifications. Hence so called uneducater person according to the world standard, can have wisdom to identify this happiness, independent to his/her accadamic education, many saints provide us such examples through their lives. This is the beauty of Catholicism!


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