
Sunday 1 February 2015

Cycle 2:season:ordinary Time(1) Sunday No:4 Date 1/2/2015- Clean Catholic - in detail

A. Back ground
Last 3 sundays in ordinary cycle we were reminded
(1)Your life is shadow Trinity
Father- you are been created to lead a happy life
Son- you should lead a good behavior according to 10 commandments, with loving each other
Holy spirit- you should reflect daily, and carry out actions to match the above .
(2) The major sin in our behavior is based on going against your flesh. You should be clear about Fornication!
(3) While you are leading with shadow holy Trinity, you have to be clear how to follow the actual Trinity!
Father- lead a happy mind with converting your talents to energy.
Son- understand daily where you have betrayed the god(going against 10 commandments, 7 vices) correct your self.
Holy spirit: try to acquire  the knowledge daily to understand the God's will for you to lead your life!

Today we are invited to reflect, about our responsibility of knowing Christ,and moving christ action in our daily lives. How to form habits?.
How to be clean? Daily brushing the tooth for eternal reasons!

B. Pre amble to readings

How do we know the God's will?.

This is a very complex situation to understand,since God is not directly giving instructions to you,after Jesus. Before jesus(resurrection) God has given direct instructions,through prophets,dreams,stars etc,after Jesus resurrections, no such direct instructions except very few instructions from Holy Mary(guardian of human happiness) at various places such as lourdes, Fatima, etc.
To find out God's direction for you, primarily needs to develop awareness with a happy mind. To have happy mind you should first develop Peaceful mind(without anger+ sloth, following 10 commandments), then develop worry less mind(handing over your fear and sorrows to Holy mary/saints) then avoid other 5 vices(pride,lust,envy,avarice and gluttony) to achieve happy mind.
 With awareness, you start developing your talents, then only you can see the God's will come to you mainly from 3rd parties!.

B.2 how to form habits?
When you are interested on a subject you Concentrate(undivided attention) on that. Look at a dog chasing a squirrel!. concentration can be cultivated to a habit. This can be for good or for bad purposes.

Normal habits
You need to eat 3 meals/day, to show eternal reasons to form habits. You need to brush your teeth daily, may be show U the eternal reason to clean your mind daily. Without your knowledge, you can develop earth bound habits such as 7 vices, in your life, unless otherwise you are aware that you are moving with 7 vices in your life,you sleep walk leading unhappy life. Some people sleep walk, with 7 vices until their death, without knowing that they are having the disease, leading unhappy life.

For example when you eat too much(gluttony) without your knowledge you become fat and you become unhealthy!. Be careful and be aware not to allow 7 vices to be developed(grown) in your life. It is similar to weed in your garden.

Good habits
Good habits tend to go against normal gravitation: unless you have developed going against laziness, developing a good habit will become difficult. Good examples are praying,doing exercises, not too much craving to earth bound desires like money,power and sex.

 For example,to have a regular time to pray rosary,in a definite place is good. Practice & see benefits derived from this. If you are succeeded in little beginnings U can spread this concentration to other activities such as exercises/walking etc. To form a habit the following is important
(1) Be interested on to a subject
(2) Allocate fix time in a day, with fix location
(3)Have a at least worry free mind, after handing your worries to holy mary/saints
(4)Concentrate only that subject during that time in fix place with relax mind.

B.3 cleanliness:
If you don't brush your teeth daily, leads you to have decayed teeth and cannot enjoy the taste of food properly. May be to show us the eternal reason of cleanliness of your internal life to achieve happiness.
Similar to brushing your teeth, you have to brush your sins every day to achieve clean life leading to happiness. Every mass we start with identifying our Sins and ask pardoning from God. Daily we have to identify where we have gone wrong and have to ask God for pardoning.
To develop awareness as against conditioning is important. Conditioning means you develop 7 vices for your own convenience and assume these are in accordance to christianity. Then you will be lost to identify these actions as sins.

For example: if you are getting angry(silence even), it is harmful for you, for your living society and even for your health!

C. Today's readings: Book of deuteronomy(Dt18:15-20) says...The man who does not listen to my words....shall be held answerable to me...."
Paul(1 cor 7:32-35)" I will like to see you from free all worry..married man has to bother....married woman, on the other hand,has to worry about the world's affairs and devote herself to pleasing the husband....."
Mk 1:21-28 says"....unclean spirit..What do you want with us, jesus Of Nazareth?......"Be quiet, come out of him" reminds that. You may fall into sin, but your determination to come clean, will be done by Jesus

D. Conclusion
Today we are reminded as how to achieve a clean life. As a catholic this is what God wants from you!.Your life is flowing like a river to sea. Flow reminds your life(time) while Sea remind us heaven after death. When river is flowing it creates it's own 2 banks, may be show us the eternal reasons to form good habits of (1)earth bound- controlling 7 vices (2) spiritually,-praying and carrying out physical exercises to maintain your body.
Strong banks will allow good water flow of the river without any leaks in between starting point of the river until it meets the sea. In between leaks reminds the presence of fear and sorrow in your life.
Forming good habits which is going opposite to normal gravitation(laziness) is essential to enjoy your life: allocate a fix time, fix place in every day to pray or to do exercise. While you are praying identify your sins(going against 10 commandments, 7 vices) find methods of corrections asking God to support you, then while praying identify your fear and sorrows. Hand over those to Holy mary and saints to pray happily. Daily reciting individual rosary is the best therapy proposed by Catholicism,
Allocate time to carry out physical exercise, train your self to do stretching exercises or having a walk. Identify such exercises, make it as an daily habit.
Identify daily whether you are being attracted to 7 vices. Develop daily awareness
Catholicism has provided the easy method to enjoy your present life happy, as well as life after death also happy!


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