
Tuesday 10 February 2015

Lourdes (11/2)

1. Lourdes apparitions:

From feb11to july16th/1858, Mary appeared18 times to the14 year Bernadette(not yet received the Communion)in Lourdes,France.

On this day(11/2/1858),She went to collect fire wood(with Marie(sister)&Jean) when they were crossing the cold canal 'Gave',a gust of wind heard but the branches of trees not moving. On the other side of the canal,in the Grotto,She saw vision at Grotto of Massabielle,along river'Gave'. She saw shining lady,around16yrs,of UNSPEAKABLE BEAUTY,DRESSED IN WHITE,WEARING A BLUE SASH(AT WAIST),WITH A WHITE VEIL(FLOWING DOWN FROM HER HEAD)STANDING WITH BARE FOOT ON 2 ROSES.SHE was having a ROSARY in her right hand,with white beads in golden chain. Bernadette is not the type to imagine the things. She rubbed her eyes, but it did not make any difference. She is afraid. To fight against her fear, She took the rosary out of her pocket. SHE WILL NEVER FEAR anything again!.Every time She came to the Grotto, She said her Rosary. The lady said hers, but her lips moved only to the 'Glory Be'.The Rosary is to say Creed, the Our Father & the Hail Mary. The meaning of the words are clear. Bernadette knew only that!

2. Lourdes as a major pilgrim place.

Whole world run after Bernadette"said chief of Police,at the time of apparitions!unknown to himself these words appears to be prophetic. up to now more than 500 m people & on average and more than 6 Million/year people come to lourdes.
Why So many people with different languages and cultures meet there every year?.why  pilgrims,repeating same actions like lighting candles,drinking water from  spring,touching rock? So many prayer petition to Grotto? The message of lourdes is relevant even Today since it brings HOPE & HAPPINESS those who seek them!. This is linked to 13 apparitions of Mary to Bernadette on 2/3/1958," GO,TELL PRIEST TO BUILD A CHAPPEL HERE & HAVE PEOPLE COME HERE IN PROCESSION".Lourdes linked us to the good news of Jesus"who is the Way the truth & the life"!

3..Pilgrim people:

Modern people are nomadic,they travel a lot. But nomad also requires reference points. In desert we should  know where to find water holes. This is true for Christian as for everyone else. This is why, today, pilgrimages and Sanctuaries are so important; they are resting places and an oasis in a busy world which can, so often, be a spiritual desert. Each Sanctuary has its own particular atmosphere. Out of this lourdes become a vital place, where Holy Mary himself invited to visit!. Pilgrims find a source of enrichment in one Sanctuary or another. European marian network links 20 sanctuaries,same as the number of decades in the Rosary.

4.Main message of lourdes Apparition: -Immaculate conception:

On27/11/1830Mary gave a Medal to Catherine(24yrs).Formed around her,written,"O MARY CONCEIVED WITHOUT SIN, pray for us who have recourse to you"Then MARY told 'HAVE A MEDAL MADE ACCORDING TO THIS MODEL,EVERY ONE WHO WEARS IT AROUND THEIR NECK WILL RECEIVE GREAT GRACES.FOR THOSE WHO WEAR WITH CONFIDENCE THERE WILL BE ABUNDANT GRACES!" By1842 more than100million medals distributed. Due to profusion of healing & conversions, MEDAL named 'MIRACULIOUS'.2/2/1849 Pope Pius9 commence study "IMMACULATE CONCEPTION" and dogma established on 8/12/1854.

Within4 yrs,on 25/3/1858 Mary confirmed her name"I AM THE IMMACULATE CONCEPTION" to 14year illiteral Bernadette. A lady cannot have such a name!She repeated what she had heard to the priest!.

From feb11to july16th/1858, Mary appeared18 times to Bernadette in Lourdes. Both Catherine & Bernadette un corrupt bodies you can see in Paris and Nevere-France!.

5. Why it took so long years by church to define Dogma's on Holy Mary?

8/12/1854,dogma of Immaculate Conception was defined by pope Pius 9. Why did it took so long? In the course of history of church, this had been the object of some disagreement. Sources of these are 2 fold.1st was universility of original sin taught with such vigour by St Paul in his letters& universility of Redemption in which it seemed impossible to exempt one sole creature,even if she was mother of God. Council of trent shed light on this 1st point when it declared that it did not intend"to include Blessed & immaculate Virgin Mary in decree relative to original sin" with regard to 2 point,church introduced distinction between Redemption of victims of original sin&antecdent "Preservation" accorded to Virgin Mary in view of future Redemption. Despite these reservations, this feast spread gradually thru out church from the inception.!

6. Immaculate conception and other concepts:
The definition of the immaculate conception was made when the modern world is born. Within 5 years of that date,and within 6 months of the apparition of Lourdes where Mary said" I AM THE IMMACULATE CONCEPTION", Charles Darwin wrote his origin of species, Karl Marx completed his INTRODUCTION TO THE CRITIQUE OF THE PHILOSOPY OF HEGEL(religion is the opium of the people), and John Stuart Mill published his essay on liberty. At the moment the spirit of the world was drawing up a philosophy that would issue in two world wars in 21 years, and the threat of the 3rd, the church came forward to challenge the falsity of new philosophy. Darwin took man's mind off his divine origin and fasten it on an unlimited future when he would become a kind of God. Marx was so impressed with this idea of inevitable progress that he asked Darwin if we would accept a dedication of one of his books. Then following Feuerbach, Marx affirmed not a bourgeois atheism of the intellect, but an atheism of the will, in which man hates God because man is God. Mill reduce the freedom of the new man to licence and the right to do whatever he pleases, thus preparing a chaos of conflicting egotism, which the world would solve by Totalitarianism.
If these philosophers were right, and if the man is naturally good and capable of deification through his own efforts, then it follows that everyone is immaculately conceived. The church arose in protest and affirmed that only one human person in all the world is immaculately conceived, that man is prone to sin, and that freedom is best preserved when like Mary, a creature answers Fiat to the Divine Will.
The dogma of the Immaculate conception wilted and killed the false optimism of the inevitable and necessary progress of man without God. MAN FINALLY SAW THAT HE WAS NOT NATURALLY GOOD. ONCE HAVING BOASTED THAT HE CAME FROM THE BEAST, HE NOW FOUND HIMSELF ACTING LIKE A BEAST.


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