
Tuesday 24 March 2015

Annunciation Of The Lord(25/3) - in general

We celebrate Archangel Gabriel's announcement to Mary,that she was to become,by power of the Holy Spirit, mother of long awaited Redeemer who would,by a reparation of infinite merit,atone for the innumerable injuries committed by our rebellious human race &so redeem it."I salute u Mary! You abound in grace. The Lord is with you and you are blessed above all women on earth".

Our free will is the only thing that is really our own. Our health,our wealth,our power-all these God can take from us!.But our Freedom He leaves with us, even in hell. Because Freedom is our own, it is the only perfect gift we can make to God.

The lady who sang Magnificat did it. It was the only birth in all the world that was truly willed and, therefore, truly Free.

Mary is the Lamp

Mary thru' troubled and puzzled at the annunciation of Her Virgin Motherhood with it's personal and social implications, displayed un conceivable courage and determination in making a daring decision. She was brave and ready to take risks for GOD's cause and for MAN's redemption!.She consciously consented to PLAN OF GOD in faith,resulting many troubles!. She didn't reveal to JOSEPH her husband,who was surprised to see her FREGNENT. "Let GOD'S Will be DONE" She was actively co-operating.

 Later She left to visit Elizabeth to be confirmed of GOD'S PLAN and to confirm Her own active involvement for redemption! Mary's faith,which was strong enough to move mountains,grew ever stronger and purer as she advanced on her pilgrimage down the years seeing daily ever deeper into divine truths she treasured in Her heart(cf:lk2:51). JESUS IS THE LIGHT,MARY IS THE LAMP.

This feast is dates back to the great council at Ephesus in 431,when Our Lady was officially proclaimed the "Mother of God".


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