
Thursday 26 March 2015

Cycle 2:season : lent:sunday no :6; date-29/3/2015 Lonely Catholic - in detail

Back ground:
last 5 sundays we were reminded the value  of regulating Will(mental), fasting(physical) to achieve a healthy life. Then we were reminded as a catholic,how to be happy in following God's commands: 10 commandments(specially Bowing Down only to God). Then we got to know the value of avoiding 7 vices(7 vices-Anger,sloth, pride,lust,envy,avarice, gluttony),for not to crave too much on earth bound needs such as Power,money and desires. Last sunday we were reminded that for a person, who follows Catholicism, the past sins are been forgotten by God. In other words, the effect of sin(fear and sorrows) will be washed off by God.

Today, we will see, how Jesus was welcomed by people. After 1 week we will see how the same people rejected Him. Just to show the earth bound recognition is short lived. By following the instructions of Jesus, disciples found a donkey; how does Jesus knew that they will meet a man who is carrying water, when they are going?. This clearly shows the Divine Nature of Jesus. Human mind cannot reason out, God's plans.

Preamble to today's reading:

B.(1)Good things
We cannot judge things as being good or bad because we do not have access to all the information.
One day a man brought a stallion,and all of his friends said"that's good". The next day the stallion ran away,and all his friends said"that is bad". 2 weeks later the stallion returned with a herd of mares. His friends said"that is good" the next day his son broke his shoulder when the stallion threw him off. The friend said" that's bad". The next month war broke out. Because the boy was injured, he could not go to war. The friend's said that is good. The story could go on and on with people judging events as being bad or good when actually all events are connected and have an impact on each other. Trying to sort good from bad and putting labels on events that are constantly changing their shape can make a you crazy.
When you see God as your only source, and love in control of your life plan, is the best solution to lead present life without going crazy.

The action required to see God as your only source: follow

(1) 10 commandments with no enemies
(2) Avoid 7 vices
(3) follow God's will for you.

B.2 God's will

Prophet Balaam was on a mission to curse someone,suddenly his donkey stopped on road!.no matter,how hard prophet kicked her,she would not budge. Without donkey He couldn't carry out his deed. He start to beat donkey severely, practicing management style of ruling thru' fear. Finally donkey cried out "why are you beating me? haven't I served you faithfully all these years?" An angel spoke to Balaam and said "you fool,quit beating her,even she could see I am standing here! Your donkey just saved your life,for if you had gone you would have been killed" Balaam returned kissing donkey all way back. If you do everything possible and you are not successful,find out Angel without kicking donkey,since you are not avail with all outcomes. When you think that you are on top of world, you may be sitting in a dangerous place.

B.3 obedience:

The dominion of death ushered in by Original sin extends to all the sufferings and sorrows that are so liable to afflict us, often enough without a moment's notice, as we journey through life.

"Man's first disobedience and the fruit of that forbidden tree, whose mortal taste Brought death to the world, and all our woes, with loss of Eden"

As Holy Mary and St joseph learned themselves  in life's hard school, human woes come in two forms - spiritual and bodily; that is, suffering of the body and sorrow in the mind. Bodily sufferings can be trivial or tremendous, passing or permanent, merely inconveniencing or totally incapacitating. They can range from headaches and cancer to hernia and the hideous injuries apt to arise from road accidents. Spiritual sufferings, on the other hand, wound us inwardly, and can do so in ways and to degrees quite as wide ranging as the bodily variety. Here we think of things like worry,loneliness,fear,disappointments, bereavements. Interior sufferings like these transform the garden of the soul into a little Gethsemene, while the bodily kind look to Calvary as their crowning summit.
Scripture says of the Lord who so lovingly endured every thing that Gethsamene and Calvary could inflict on Him: " Son of God though He was, He learned school of suffering"(Heb 5:8). Obedience basically means our loving acceptance of God's Will. This is the paramount lesson we pupils in life 's school of suffering are to master at all costs.


Like brushing teeth/ handing over your fears and sorrows every day morning, to Holy Mary, will help you to achieve worry less mind from peaceful mind. When you can control your anger and you avoid laziness, you will achieve peaceful mind. But worries/disagreements/sickness are always present in your life. You should know how to hand over such worries to holy Mary for her to intercede with God, to make you happy;
Like brushing your teeth every day, try to form a habit(fixed time in a given day-preferably early morning/independent of location- like brushing teeth/every day morning you brush your teeth, where ever you go). Praying Rosary is easiest method. In addition if you can send a petition to Lourdes Grotto and hand over your worries to her, will be much beneficial for you!
Link you can follow is given below:

C. Today's reading:

Prop Isaiah says(Is 50:4-7)"Lord has given me..tongue..know how to reply to weaired..Each morning he wakes me to..listen like a resistance..I cheeks..tore at my beard..Lord Comes to my help.."

Paul says(Ph 2:6-11),"His state was divine..emptied himself..condition of a slave..accepting death on cross..God raised..above all other..beings..Should bend the knee at the name of Jesus"

Mk14:1-15-47)says"..Jesus Pilate..questioned..released be crucified..stuck his of Him..led carry His cross..crucified two robbers with Him..calling Elijah..veil..temple..torn..this man..son of God".

Reminds: in life you get mental suffering resembling Gethsamani and physical suffering Golgotha. Your life swings with physical and mental suffering. How much you have emptied yourself like a child and listen to the God's will result in your overall happiness!.

D. Conclusions:

During lent, church has carefully guiding us
(1) How to reach healthy physical life with controlling your bad habits such as over eating
(2) How to reach healthy spiritual life with controlling, earth bound desires: subject to the easy principles given in Catholicism, where there is no restriction on eating!
(3) How to reach happy life by managing your mental and physical anguish es!

You will get to know, you are achieving a happy life by following God's will, in forming your behavior according to 10 commandments, avoiding 7 vices!


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