
Saturday 29 August 2015

Cycle 2:season:ordinary(2): Sunday No:22: Date:30/8/2015 Clean Catholic - in detail

A. Back ground: after analyzing, value of Eucharist, the pre conditions that we should follow to receive God to digest into our body , last sunday, we were told about how God, planned to extend his kingdom,till the end of earth with,married and single,life. How they should behave in each category, to reach happiness. This sunday, we were reminded about, how to develop our knowledge and practice(against your earth bound comforts) to realize Happiness,as guaranteed by God.

B. Pre amble for todays reading:

B.1 Path For Happiness!

Church was initiated by Holy Spirit,on pentecost day and provides easy path for Happiness both in this world and outside. To drive a car,from one place to another,you should be aware of driving rules, otherwise you might end up with accidents. Similarly our life too, we are traveling in time. God guaranteed you, Happiness with respect to time. We know birth and death is only controlled by God. You cannot decide from which parents you should come to this world, neither you cannot decide upon your death time. Both are controlled by God.
Hence you should be clear, about, what God has told you to do?

B.2 Basic Rules
you should be aware about basic rules to follow, in Catholicism
(A)10 commandments/
(Thou shalt have no other Gods before Me/Thou shall not take name of  Lord thy God in vain/ Keep holy Sabbath Day/ Honor thy father& mother/ Thou shalt not Murder/Thou shall not commit adultery/Thou shall not steal/Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbor/Thou shall not covert thy neighbor's wife/Thou shalt not covert thy neighbors goods)

(B)Follow7 sacraments;

(C)Pardoned your enemies and avoid7vices(sloth,Anger,Pride,envy,avarice,lust,gluttony)

(D)avoid artificial birth control,Euthanasia and abortion.

Practice(A-D),to receive Eucharist, and anticipated Happiness derive from it.

B.3 Jesus teachings and Church guide lines for happy life!
Church has created 2 sacraments to maintain God kingdom in this world. Matrimony and holy orders. Similarly, God changes the way of living of people (paradigm shift). How church synchronize this paradigm shift and maintain the wish of God?. Through papal infallibility this has been achieved. Church carefully study and put set of guide lines, that has t be followed by catholics.
Ex: artificial birth control,Euthanasia , abortion are main points to mention. Church identifies papal infallibility, is essential for this Without identifying papal infallibility, catholic church will not be dynamic.

B.4 Papal infallibility
It does not mean that Pope has the power to change what God has already revealed or decreed(Divine law & natural moral law). Instead,catholics believe that the HOLY SPIRIT protects the pope & the church from teaching error in matters of faith& morals.

Unlike divine inspiration, which is limited to the sacred authors of the Bible,this infallibility does not involve God influencing the words used by the pope. The gospel writers(Matthew,Mark, Luke& John),for instance,were divinely inspired,which means that every word they wrote is Sacred Scripture is considered to have revealed by God.
Infallibility is different from divine inspiration in that infallibility does not mean that each word and sentence the Pope writes is guided by the Holy Spirit(which would be inspiration). Instead,it means that God would intervene if a Pope attempted to solemnly teach a moral or doctrinal error to the universal church. We don't know how or what kind of divine intervention would take place- just that pope would somehow be prevented from teaching a moral or doctrinal heresy (false teaching)
So catholics believe that the pope and the bishops doesn't possess absolute authority because they can't change what has already been divinely inspired and revealed, nor can any pope or Bishop change any precept of divine law or natural moral law. Yet, Catholicism teaches that the church was commissioned by God to authentically interpret, define,defend,and explain what is contained in revelation to prevent confusion. And ambiguity through the teaching authority of the Pope and Bishops.


C.Today's readings:

Book of Deuteronomy(Dt: 4:1-2.6-8) says"..Israel..notice..laws and customs..I teach you..take possession..fathers giving you..add nothing..command you..demonstrate..your wisdom.."

St James says(Jm 1:17-18.2122.27)"..good..perfect..given..from above..He made His children..message..truth..created..accept..submit..word..planted in just listen..deceive yourself.

Mk(7:1-8,14-15,21-23) says"..Pharisees..gathered..Jesus..unclean hands..never eat..washing of cups.."Why you..not respect traditions.." hypocrites..with lip service..hearts.. far.. worthless..human regulations..nothing make..unclean..evil intentions.. fornication, theft,murder,adultery,avarice,malice,deceit,indecency,envy,slander,pride, unclean"

Reminds: only talking is not expected by God, in creating you. First you should know his rules given to  follow. Understand the rules. Follow the rules, in your life. Earth bound attractions are generally opposed to the given rules. There are 2 types of rules. (1) give by Jesus- to follow 10 commandments+ pardon each other+follow God's Will.
(2) Given by church; Holy spirit form the church. In Jesus time, God shown the method of salvation only to jews. Certain rituals like not eating pork or circumscion were even followed by Jesus+all apostles or even Paul. But the church, which has been formed by Holy Spirit, extended salvation to whole world, without restrictions such as eating pork or neither to circumcise.
Pope infallibility gives rulings on certain controversial issues, with the support of Holy Spirit. Artificial birth control, euthanasia and abortions are few to name.
7 sacraments, has been laid down by catholic church, in order to have more meaningful worship to God.

D. Conclusions: Today, we are invited to analyze the basic rules, that we should follow, for us to receive God's grace. Once we are with God, one can notice that he will avoid the vices that has been mentioned in Gospel. I.e  fornication, theft,murder, adultery,avarice,malice,deceit,indecency, envy,slander,pride,folly. Other wise we are just name sake Catholic, without happiness in the life, as anticipated by God.


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Sunday(30/8) Clean Catholic - in summary

AVOID fornication,theft,murder, adultery, avarice,malice,deceit,indecency,envy,
slander,pride,folly, to enjoy your life!.

Book of Deuteronomy(Dt: 4:1-2.6-8) says"..Israel..notice..laws and customs..I teach you..take possession..fathers giving you..add nothing..command you..demonstrate..your wisdom.."

St James says(Jm 1:17-18.2122.27)"..good..perfect..given..from above..He made His children..message..truth..created..accept..submit..word..planted in just listen..deceive yourself.

Mk(7:1-8,14-15,21-23) saya"..Pharisees..gathered..Jesus..unclean hands..never eat..washing of cups.."Why your..not respect traditions.." hypocrites..with lip service..hearts..far..worthless..human regulations..nothing make..unclean..evil intentions..fornication,theft,murder,adultery,avarice,malice,deceit,indecency,envy,slander,pride, unclean"

Reminds that (1) we have to understand commandments clearly and practice it without deviation.
Commandments to follow are
(a)10 commandments
(b) pardoning
(c) avoid any form of cast formation
(d) avoid 7 vices (today Gospel expand this into 12 items)
(e)identify 7 sacraments: Baptism,holy communion,confirmation: confession,last rites: matrimony & holy orders.
(e) follow God's Will for you

For example, worshipping only Eucharist has overridden by cultural behaviours of certain countries by worshipping parents,teachers and elders.

Last sunday, we studied the characteristics of having a good society. Basic elements of family and single life and how it contribute to achieve God plan was analysed. Today focus was given to analyse, the basic factors that you should consider for your self to enjoy your life. It warns that we tend to operate our own Excusetics with culture, deviation from commandments!

Points to Remember:
(1) Church was formed by Holy Spirit. First pope was Peter.
(2)To maintain God's kingdom, matrimony and holy order has been laid as sacraments (out of 7)
(3) Way of living of people changes everyday. This is mainly due to scientific advancements. Some developments goes against, moral teaching of the church. Under such circumstances, Pope, will define as what to do. Papal infallible will come into play under such circumstances. Ex: artificial birth control, abortion, euthanasia, unisex marriages etc


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Tuesday 18 August 2015

Cycle 2:season:ordinary(2): Sunday No:21: Date:23/8/2015. 2 in 1 Catholic - in detail

A. Back ground:
 last few sundays, we were informed about value of Eucharist, how we should behave to receive God into our body,(a great example shown by Holy Mary-in keeping Jesus in her womb in 9 months) , to enjoy the intended happiness of receiving IT.
Today we were invited to analyze, how God's Will effect in your life and society. Basic element of society is family. 2 nd reading take from Eph 5:23-32, instead of 5:21-32.
It gives you major complication that can arise in family life, specially the role of husband.

B. Pre amble for today's readings:

B.1- Society

God has created this world for human to live happily. Each human is having a life time, which will be around 100 years(in general).
God ensured human generation to be dynamic, with the basic unit of family. Which consist of man and women.(Uni sex marriages will have only one generation!)
On the other hand, God changes the paradigm of people, so that dynamic life exist(there is a life flow) , from one generation to another generation. Your great grand father has traveled in a cart, where you travel today in a car.
After Jesus, all human was given full freedom to exercise decisions of his life.(Upto Jesus, God shown how HE planned(Father)to Jews, what action we should follow to enjoy full freedom-Jesus/Son). Holy spirit has started the church on the pentacost day, to run dynamically, church, like a light house, for the people to understand God's will towards them.

The basic unit of society, the family, is becoming challenging with the present paradigm of people due to the following reasons:
(1) Mind and body of husband and wife is everyday changing and the changes for each are not the same.
(2)There is a struggle between husband and wife how to adopt these changes, to lead their individual life happily. I am correct-you are wrong-many disagreements are leading in family life. Unless both parties adopt themselves for a solution, family life become more challenging than single life.
(3) Single life too, will have problems. Earthly desires may hamper single life and create frustration among them
(4) Catholic church adopt single life for its clergy. This is mainly due to have a direct relationship with God and saints, without any intermediate controls. In married life, there are lot of earth bound needs such as power and money, maintaining children etc, where in clergy's life, they concentrate fully to the spiritual need,irrespective of physical (earth bound) needs.

B.2.  Celebacy

Paul says"it is better to marry than to burn(with passion) "(1Corinthians7:9)For those not"burning",Paul recommends remaining un married so that they can be un distracted in their service to God. Paul admits,though, that most people don't have "gift"& that apostles,such as Peter,married & served God. Next 1000 years,many clergy took Paul's advice on celebacy to heart& it became ideal for those wanting to devote themselves fully to God's service. 11th century what Paul recommended became requirement by pope Gregory VII to those wanting to serve as clergy. Catholic Church will not ordain a man to priest hood who has not his vital powers. She want men who have something to tame,rather than those who are tame because they have no energy to be wild. It should be no different with God. With Protestants(16centuary)Celibacy of clergy is1st to go out-Luther,(former)catholic monk,married(former) catholic nun.

B.3 Married life

Married life becoming more complex than before. While the basic need for human s to search for food, there are many wants, family is demanding. What is there for me? Or why shouldn't, we have the same where others have. These questions might address by various family members. On the other hand the 2 main family members, husband and wife will have formed their life, according to their own conditioning. Taking decision in a family, will become very complex due to this varied conditions!. Here the role of husband becomes vulnerable. He cannot act as a dictator, nor he cannot ignore a request!. He should lead a. Balanced life along with support of God and Mary/saints to identify the best solutions. That is why paul says-
 Once U'r married- "A MAN LEAVE HIS FATHER AND MOTHER AND BE JOINED TO HIS WIFE. TWO WILL BECOME ONE BODY. THIS MYSTERY HAS MANY IMPLICATIONS". Becoming one body in married life may be most challenging to achieve. For most people, it is difficult!

Other alternative- Single life

Also to understand properly we should know about role of clergy- who carries God's word till the end of the world. From next sunday, we contemplate, how U lead life as catholic in the society!

Today's reading:
Book of Joshua says"..Joshua gathered..chose today whom U wish to serve?..people answered"..lord our God.."

Paul(Eph-5:25-32) says" their wives..just..christ loved his himself..joined..wife..two will become one body..this mystery has many implications.

Jn(6:60-69) says"..hearing doctrine.. it?..Jesus.."Does this upset you?"..words..spoken to you are spirit and they are life..after..many..disciples left Him.."

(1) basic unit of the society is family. Husband and wife are main elements.  Similar to a room with a door
(2) Door lock is wife, while the key is husband.
(3)When the lock+key is not working, room is not protected
(4)Catholic doctrine says husband+wife become 1. Very difficult task to practice due to
(A)each human is different. Characteristics of each changes day by day not in synchronized way.
(B)husband+wife both character has to provide a unique output, which is very complicated.
(C)role of husband appears to be more understanding towards their wife,as Paul talk only the role of husband.(In the given section)
That is why Paul says it is difficult and Jesus says many people are leaving!.


Today reading, church invites us to contemplate, her teachings, about single and married life. Both these lives has it's own challenges and merits. When you compare eternal life, your present life, even extended 100 years is nothing. God even gives us a method to be happy even in this life(even how short it is). For this we should know, that HE has created you, to lead a happy life. To lead an happy life, you should follow His commandments and respect His teachings- to day we started with single and married life, what are the challenges, avoiding our happiness, misunderstanding God and leaving HiM, to find your own disaster.


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Sunday(23/8) 2in1 Catholic - in summary

Once you are' married- "A MAN LEAVE HIS FATHER AND MOTHER AND BE JOINED TO HIS WIFE. TWO WILL BECOME ONE BODY. THIS MYSTERY HAS MANY IMPLICATIONS". Becoming one body in married life may be most challenging to achieve. For most people, it is difficult!

Other alternative- Single life this too has implications due to earth bound desires(which is not a need)

Also to understand properly we should know about role of clergy- who carries God's word till the end of the world. From next sunday, we contemplate, how U lead life as catholic in the society!

Today's reading:
Book of Joshua says"..Joshua gathered..chose today whom U wish to serve?..people answered"..lord our God.."

Paul(Eph-5:25-32) says" their wives..just..christ loved his himself..joined..wife..two will become one body..this mystery has many implications.

Jn(6:60-69) says"..hearing doctrine.. it?..Jesus.."Does this upset you?"..words..spoken to you are spirit and they are life..after..many..disciples left Him.."

Reminds: God's kingdom will lead this world for ever. God has created every human to be individually happy.
In order to extend God's kingdom in this world, there are 2 basic models applied.
One is married life- to extend generation
Other is single life- to extend exclusively the message of God's kingdom.
To day Paul reminds both these lives have complications, specially married life. This is due to following reasons.
When you are married both become1body(spiritually)-becoming challenging due to(1)each person is having individual character in body+mind
(2)each characteristics changes daily &not similar to both
(3)out come of your decision is100% Not known to you, hence disagreements between husband and wife always exist!.

Single life too have to overcome earth bound desires.

Church provides clear answer for you to be happy,even in this life too!.

Sunday 16 August 2015

Cycle 2:season:ordinary(2): Sunday No:20: Date:16/8/2015 Ignorant Catholic - in detail

A. Back ground: last few sundays, we were reminded, about the preconditions that should be satisfied to receive, Eucharist. Not to have pride,not to have jealousy, not to form any cast, always pardoned are basic things
We reflected in each sunday. To day, readings invited us to reflect on repercussions of having Eucharist, in ignorance(lack of knowledge or informaton about something- in this case, the out come of Eucharist+preconditioned to receive Eucharist)

B. Preamble for today's reading:

B.1. Value of Air!

Without Air we cannot live more than 1 minute!. What ever the technological development the world is pushing through, one cannot design any system for humans not to inhale air and live. Every human works from the supply of oxygen to his body. How much you are powerful, you cannot avoid air.
Air is analogous to God. God is invisible, but essential for your life. When you invite God into your life,(by following His commandments), you can lead a peaceful life.

B.2 Essential features of Catholicism:

There are 3 major features in Catholism.
(1) How to develop peaceful mind
When you lead your life according to 10 commandments and avoid Anger and laziness- you tend to have a peaceful mind
(2) Worry less mind:
Your brain consist of 2 basic machines:(a) human or logical machine- where you think with data and truth(b) chimp(ancy) machine- where you think according to your emotions and feelings. When you take actions in your life, always(most of the time) these 2 machines contradicts. Creating a cross in your head. That is why God has selected symbol of cross, for a free human(before to church), human(jews) were trained how to live like a slave. After jesus, with Holy spirit, church was formed for whole human, how to lead your life, as a free person!.
Since you form cross for most of your actions in your mind, creating worry is inevitable for humans. How to treat worries of life, is an essential feature of catholicism, unique only to catholics.
Handing over your worries to Holy mary + saints, has been advised/ shown by Jesus Him self. They will intercede with God, how to resolve your worry, with God. Once you hand over your worry, and lead your life, you will see that God will make your achievement according to His Will.(Even later you will realize what has happened was good for you)

B.3 Sacraments

Articles 1066 to 1690 of the catechism of catholic church cover the public worship of the believers(called liturgy) as celebrated in the official rituals and ceremonies known as the 7 sacraments.
The catechism of the catholic church underscores the biblical foundation for each sacrament and the concept that christ instituted them. sacraments are Sacred Rites
,Which are entrusted to the care of the church. Each one of them will have 1 or more components,which are perceptible to one or more of the 5 senses.(For example using water in Baptism or olive oil in anointing the sick, and so on...) The supernatural grace of God, which is invisible, is symbolized by the tangible elements that is necessary for the sacrament to be valid. The catechism of the catholic church makes it clear that divine grace is not limited to the sacraments. It is not by necessity-but by divine choice-that God uses these spiritual vehicles to give human kind this special gift. It was God who made men and women a combination of body and soul, so it would make sense that same God would use things of the created world to symbolized the invisible reality of divine grace.

The sacraments are visible sign of GOD's invisible actions that santifies human life!.7 sacrament, which consists of 3 major parts: INITIATION to the church(BAPTISM, HOLY EUCRASTIC & CONFIRMATION): PENANCE (also called confession or reconciliation ) and ANOINTING of the sick are sacrament of HEALING. Matrimony and Holy orders are sacrament of COMMUNITY. The Eucrastic is apex. Visible sign of the eucrastic is the bread & wine. Basic needs for living consist of 5 elements. Earth,water,air,sunlight & food,where in reality,a living has to earn for food,all the other elements are free. In order to get energy to human, one has to eat the food for digestion! Otherwise energy cannot be transmitted! The Eucrastic is the spiritual food that gives the bread of life!. There were many miracles that confirms the real presence of Jesus in the Eucrastic!.pope Urban 4 approved the exposition of Blessed Sacrement in 1264, due to the miracle of Bolsena(italy),the real practice has been started by Pope John 22 in 1311,due to the lack of liturgical pieces for the exposition of the Blessed Sacrament. Only from the 17th centuary, the kind of monstrance with protuding rays were adopted.

C. Todays readings:
Book of proverbs says(Pr:9:1-6)" pillars..who..ignorant..fool she folly..walk..ways of perceptions.

Paul says(Eph:5:15-20)"..careful..sort of life U lead..intelligent..not senseless.. recognize..Will of Lord..donot dug with filled with spirit..every where..thanks..God.."

Jn(6:51-56)says" for ever.."Jews..arguing"how..His" Jesus replied"..U don' His blood..Not U..he who..eats..& drinks..lives in me..I live..him.."

Perception: the way you regard something and your beliefs about what it is like.
Folly: very stupid thing to do,especially one that is likely to have serious result.

Following God's Will with avoiding 7 vices,and having Eucharist will lead to eternal happiness.

Reminds that at the end of the day, we have to be trained to follow God's Will, individual, to every one. 1st reading warns, in having Eucharist, without following God's will, is having serious repercussions. Also 2 nd reading gives a similar meaning, not to conditioned ourselves going against God's Will. Sometimes, without our knowledge, due to ignorance, we are conditioned to lead life with 7 vices, ignoring 7 sacraments, and having Eucharist.

D. Conclusions:
Basic Catholicism rest on major 4 pillars.
(1) our belief(creed)
(2)our behavior(following 10 commandments
(3) our worship(following 7 sacraments)
(4) how we establish connection with God(lords prayer+handing over yur worries to God through Holy Mary+ saints)

Your life is like a house with 4 pillars resting a roof. The roof s similar how you avoid 7 vices and implement 7 sacraments, in to your life. Your family is the door to this house. There is a lock to enter into the house. Lock is your wife, while you are the key.  Your children are each hinge connected to the door. In order to develop happy family, you should have all 4 pillars and roof strong. Eucharist plays a vital role in developing your house a happy one. It will have good effect when you receive, following guidelines, given on last few sundays, otherwise, it will not drive to happiness.


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Ignorant Catholic (8/16) - in summary


Last few sundays we reflected on pre conditions that we should have in order to receive Eucharist. To day we are being informed not to ignore those conditions, to reap the anticipated Happiness, from Eucharist.

Book of proverbs says(Pr:9:1-6)" pillars..who..ignorant..fool she folly..walk..ways of perceptions.

Paul says(Eph:5:15-20)"..careful..sort of life U lead..intelligent..not senseless.. recognise..Will of Lord..don't dug with filled with spirit..every where..thanks..God.."

Jn(6:51-56)says" for ever.."Jews..arguing"how..His" Jesus replied"..U don' His blood..Not U..he who..eats..& drinks..lives in me..I live..him.."

Perception: the way you regard something and your beliefs about what it is like.
Folly: very stupid thing to do,especially one that is likely to have serious result).

Reminds in summary:
Following God's Will with avoiding 7 vices,and having Eucharist will lead to eternal happiness. 1st reading warns, in having Eucharist, without following God's will, having serious repercussions. Also 2 nd reading gives a similar meaning, not to conditioned ourselves going against God's Will. Sometimes, without our knowledge, due to ignorance, we are conditioned to lead life with 7 vices, ignoring 7 sacraments, and having Eucharist.

Following God's Will with avoiding 7 vices, having Eucharist, will lead to eternal happiness.


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Monday 10 August 2015

Cycle 2:season:ordinary(2): Sunday No:19: Date:9/8/2015. Friendly Catholic - in detail

A. Back ground:
Church was formed by Holy Spirit, on the pentacost day. Church teachings gives us how to behave ourself to lead our life happily. Last few sundays we were reminded that Not to have pride, not to have jealousy and not to form any type of cast among humans. Then we were reminded that your life is based on (1) outcome of any of your decesions, you are not aware 100%+ when you eat, you are not aware 100% what is happening inside your body. In order to mangage these 2 you should train how to find God's will for you. Western people thinks, that human is powerful and every action human can do: eastern people thinks all actions of yours can be result of God. But the church teaching is that based on God will, you have to develop your energy- you become an energy source. For this you you have to develop knowledge of God, convert your talents to skills and develop your postive attitudes for the progress of the society. So your life 50% depends on how you adhere to God's Will, and next 50% how you become energy source. Last sunday we analyse, when you follow God's will, your life become happy. This sunday, you are reminded, for your happy life, how you develop friends+ for that value of Holy Eucharist.

When there is a friend, you can be silence, since you know he will look after your interest.

B. Pre amble for today's readings:

B.1 how to guard your energy?
Your energy will be your knowledge about God, your skill and your attitudes. Similarly you can think money, power and desires
also to be your energy. People who inherit large amount of money, many of them manage to disappear rather quickly. Like wise people who have unlimited free time often find themselves involved in activities that ruin their health or peace of mind. HAVING TOO MUCH CAN SOMETIMES BE AS MUCH OF A BURDEN AS HAVING TOO LITTLE.

Jesus had tremendous energy, and he knew how to direct it. He was so clear about His mission that HE avoided many real and potential energy leaks. For example: even though he was a teacher, He refuse to engage in meaning-less debate with people who wanted not to learn but to argue.
Even at His trial, He did not waste time or energy, in what He knew would be a meaning less defense. Jesus was so aware of His energy that once when a woman reached out and grabbed His clothes in the middle of a crowd, He turned around and asked"WHO TOUCHED ME?"
How many energy leaks do we have in our own daily lives? Leaks such as angry words, or tampering in someone else's business while neglecting your own.
To be a leader you need tremendous amount of energy. Perhaps that is one reason why entertainers and rock stars often succumb to the energy boosts offered by alcohol or drugs. They are pouring out so much energy to crowds, that their own reserves get depleted. They then look for instant energy.
Energy is every where but stillness plays a major role in it's conversion from POTENTIAL TO ACTUALZED" energy. You will be amazed to learn that butterflies have to spread their wings in the morning sun shine because their scale on their wings are actually solar cells. Without that source of energy they cannot fly.!(Or they don't have energy to fly)
B.2 inter dependency!
Think about a loaf of bread on your table. For you to get this loaf on to your tabler, how many people were involved. Somebody has to grow wheat: some has to cut thecrop:dry many things in between. If anybody has failed to do his function you will not get your bread. WHEN YOU NEED OTHER HUMAN FOR YOU TO LIVE, YOU HAVE TO LOVE HIM. In addition, as a catholic, your father and my father becomes one. So humans belong to one family. This too, will suggest, that you have to love another, so that is why, jesus has proposed, that you cannot keep grudges, against anybody. This will badly effect your health,if you don't practice, how to pardoning. Pardoning allows you to lead,your life in forward direction.

B.3 Value of pardoning:
A forging attitude create forward motion. Forgiveness does not mean been a dormant or not using discretion in whom you deal with and how. Forgiveness means allow others to make mistakes while you and they keep moving forward.
Peter once pledge eternal faithfulness to Jesus, denied Him 3 times public ally. It must have difficult for Jesus to forgive, yet He appeared to peter and forgave Him, asking him to show his love now by feeding his sheep. Sometimes,as with Peter, the farther they fall, the deeper that they will love. JESUS FORGAVE THEM.

C. Today's reading:
Book of kings(1 kings 19:4-8) says" Elijah..wished..dead..Lord..take my life..sleep..angel..get baked..water..ate..strengthen by food..walked..40days..nights..reach..mountain of God.

Paul says(Eph 4:30-5.2) says"..Holy Spirit..marked be set free..never..grudges against others..Be friends..forgiving each..imitate God.."

John(Jn 6:41-51) says"..Jews..complaining..about Jesus.." I am bread come down from heaven..son of Joseph..How..say..Jesus..stop complaining.. each other..not..anybody..seen..Father.. from God..who believes..eternal life..ate..manna..dead.. but..this my flesh.."

Reminds: that you cannot live alone in this world. You need some other human's support. You cannot kill, a worm, in your stomach,  you need a pill. Hence you are power less in this society. People say, that you are a powerful person, if you can control another person, but you cannot control yourself(health vice).Hence you are actually power less. To become powerful,you need the support of another person. Hence you have to love them and be friendly with them. This is not an easy task.
With full freedom of human, tendency for disagreements are inevitable of anybody's life. You keep a grudge with other person, depending upon the depth of the disagreement. This will cause silence anger in your body, which is harmful to your health. Jesus clearly showed, that we have to forget those incidents, by showing old linen in the tomb, where Jesus has risen!.
When we receive Eucharist, we have to clearly forget our enemies and pardon them.

D. Conclusion:

Today we focused, value of pardoning, and be friendly with any body to reach happiness in this life. When we receive Eucharist, we were reminded of not having enemies, in order for God to activate in our life.
You have to become an Energy source, for that Holy spirit will guide your life, provided you follow 10 commandments+avoid 7 vices+participate positively in sunday mass(reflect sunday readings before mass)

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