
Monday 3 August 2015

Cycle 2:season:ordinary(2): Sunday No:18: Date:2/8/2015.Insured Catholic - in detail

Back ground: God reassured those who follow His commandments + Will, always be happy. God is omni potent,omni presence and omniscient. Why we should follow HIM?
When we follow Him what we get?. Today readings invite us to reflect on these aspects!

Last few sundays we reflected, how to invite Holy Spirit to your life
(1) Avoid, Pride and jealousy which leads to form cast
(2)Form a habit of reflecting about God,at least once a day.
(3) Convert your God given life to energy, which consist of Knowledge,skill and attitude.

Today we analyze, the normal tendency of human behavior- Forgetting God!

Earth bound needs money,power,desires will overcome the need for spirituality. When we are in trouble,we search for God. When your life is saved without any logical reason,we say God saved us, but all other times we forget God,due to earth bound attractions

Before to Jesus, always God intervenes with humans,through prophets and various other means. Hence there was no question of forgetting God, and human was leading life as a slave(specially jews). After Jesus, with Holy Spirit, human is having full freedom, you mind will decide what is truth, while your free Will decide action(what is good) accordingly. God or Holy Spirit is hidden and you have option to invite HIM to lead your life or Not!
By mere inviting HiM is not sufficient, you have to follow HIS commandments: 10 commandments with pardoning and Avoid 7 vices are His basic rules.

B. Preamble for today's readings:

B.1 who is God, and your relationship. With Him
God is omni potent + omni presence +omniscient. Catholicism God represent in 3 persons. Father and Son, shows us how God planned humans to give full freedom and Jesus showed us how we should follow new covenant, from planning to implementation.
All these 2 phases were shown only to israelists. From Holy spirit God formed church to whole world or to whole human kind, how to use our freedom, to follow His Will individual to you. He has given a guarantee or insured us for now and eternal happiness.
On the other hand, we should not forget,our relationship with God. Logical reason for this is, that, You cannot decide from which parents you are going  to come to this world, only God decide.

B.2 Insurance

Insurance- Means arrangement with company in which U pay them money(premium)each year and they pay cost of anything bad happens to you,(ex: illness/accident).God has created you to lead a happy life,for that you have to follow His commandments and follow His Will, similar to premium of insurance. Peter went on to preach good news of equal access to God to formerly shunned gentiles. No other person called to go to"unclean"gentles before with such good news. Peter eventually was crucified for his work. In difference to Jesus it is said,he asked to be crucified upside down. This request came from man whom every one but Jesus called"THE FLAKY ONE"Peter trust God Insurance of Happiness. God's premium is for you to develop your energy,for that bonus of Eucharist is given. As much U desire independence and take pride in stretching your wings,you want to know that someone is watching and cares about every move you make. THERE IS A NET UNDER BAPTISED PERSON!.

B.3 Basic needs for you to live

There are 5 basic needs for any living being (human+animals +trees) to live in this world. Earth,water,air,sunlight and food. Human needs one more basic element I.e fire. Fire: you can kill a person or prepare a good meal. This is similar to your mind, where animals and trees does not have. When you think about 5 basic needs, only food, the living beings has to search for. Human has to manage his mind to realize happiness. From mind human creates his wants, different from human to another human. Food, if You are lazy, you cannot get. Similar to food when you don't manage your mind,(mange your wants), you cannot enjoy happiness in this life. Today Gospel, it is very clear, that when you are not lazy, and develop your talents to skill, develop your attitudes, with the knowledge of God, you will neither starve nor loose your happiness.

Today's reading:
Exodus says: (Ex 16:2-4. 12-15) "..israel complain against Moses and Aaron..why..not die..Egypt..Lord said..' I will rain..bread..from heaven..test..follow my law.."

Paul says(Eph 4:17. 20-24)" way U learn from Christ..U give up U'r old'r mind..Spiritual revolution.."

John 6:24-35 says"..people..look..for..Jesus..I tell..U'r not looking for me..seen..signs.. for food..for eternal life..true bread comes down from heaven..I AM THE BREAD OF LIFE HE WHO COMES TO ME WILL NEVER BE HUNGRY. HE WHO BELIEVES IN ME WILL NEVER THIRST"

Thirst- feeling of wanting or needing a drink
Hunger- lack of food specially for a long period of time.
Hunger for God requires you to follow 10 commandments+pardning+ avoid 7 vices+follow God's Will, then become an energy sources by gathering knowledge about God and converting your talents to energy, by developing your attitude with society
When you are in hunger for God, He will see that your want's are satisfied.(If it is good for you)

Up to Jesus,God directly involved with the lives of Jews. He gave them food, when ever they want. Paul tell about the new life, with Holy spirit(Church), you have to search for God, as well as you have to search for food. When you found God, it is eternal food but your earthly food is only for that day!.Jesus through John says the same.


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