
Monday 10 August 2015

Cycle 2:season:ordinary(2): Sunday No:19: Date:9/8/2015. Friendly Catholic - in detail

A. Back ground:
Church was formed by Holy Spirit, on the pentacost day. Church teachings gives us how to behave ourself to lead our life happily. Last few sundays we were reminded that Not to have pride, not to have jealousy and not to form any type of cast among humans. Then we were reminded that your life is based on (1) outcome of any of your decesions, you are not aware 100%+ when you eat, you are not aware 100% what is happening inside your body. In order to mangage these 2 you should train how to find God's will for you. Western people thinks, that human is powerful and every action human can do: eastern people thinks all actions of yours can be result of God. But the church teaching is that based on God will, you have to develop your energy- you become an energy source. For this you you have to develop knowledge of God, convert your talents to skills and develop your postive attitudes for the progress of the society. So your life 50% depends on how you adhere to God's Will, and next 50% how you become energy source. Last sunday we analyse, when you follow God's will, your life become happy. This sunday, you are reminded, for your happy life, how you develop friends+ for that value of Holy Eucharist.

When there is a friend, you can be silence, since you know he will look after your interest.

B. Pre amble for today's readings:

B.1 how to guard your energy?
Your energy will be your knowledge about God, your skill and your attitudes. Similarly you can think money, power and desires
also to be your energy. People who inherit large amount of money, many of them manage to disappear rather quickly. Like wise people who have unlimited free time often find themselves involved in activities that ruin their health or peace of mind. HAVING TOO MUCH CAN SOMETIMES BE AS MUCH OF A BURDEN AS HAVING TOO LITTLE.

Jesus had tremendous energy, and he knew how to direct it. He was so clear about His mission that HE avoided many real and potential energy leaks. For example: even though he was a teacher, He refuse to engage in meaning-less debate with people who wanted not to learn but to argue.
Even at His trial, He did not waste time or energy, in what He knew would be a meaning less defense. Jesus was so aware of His energy that once when a woman reached out and grabbed His clothes in the middle of a crowd, He turned around and asked"WHO TOUCHED ME?"
How many energy leaks do we have in our own daily lives? Leaks such as angry words, or tampering in someone else's business while neglecting your own.
To be a leader you need tremendous amount of energy. Perhaps that is one reason why entertainers and rock stars often succumb to the energy boosts offered by alcohol or drugs. They are pouring out so much energy to crowds, that their own reserves get depleted. They then look for instant energy.
Energy is every where but stillness plays a major role in it's conversion from POTENTIAL TO ACTUALZED" energy. You will be amazed to learn that butterflies have to spread their wings in the morning sun shine because their scale on their wings are actually solar cells. Without that source of energy they cannot fly.!(Or they don't have energy to fly)
B.2 inter dependency!
Think about a loaf of bread on your table. For you to get this loaf on to your tabler, how many people were involved. Somebody has to grow wheat: some has to cut thecrop:dry many things in between. If anybody has failed to do his function you will not get your bread. WHEN YOU NEED OTHER HUMAN FOR YOU TO LIVE, YOU HAVE TO LOVE HIM. In addition, as a catholic, your father and my father becomes one. So humans belong to one family. This too, will suggest, that you have to love another, so that is why, jesus has proposed, that you cannot keep grudges, against anybody. This will badly effect your health,if you don't practice, how to pardoning. Pardoning allows you to lead,your life in forward direction.

B.3 Value of pardoning:
A forging attitude create forward motion. Forgiveness does not mean been a dormant or not using discretion in whom you deal with and how. Forgiveness means allow others to make mistakes while you and they keep moving forward.
Peter once pledge eternal faithfulness to Jesus, denied Him 3 times public ally. It must have difficult for Jesus to forgive, yet He appeared to peter and forgave Him, asking him to show his love now by feeding his sheep. Sometimes,as with Peter, the farther they fall, the deeper that they will love. JESUS FORGAVE THEM.

C. Today's reading:
Book of kings(1 kings 19:4-8) says" Elijah..wished..dead..Lord..take my life..sleep..angel..get baked..water..ate..strengthen by food..walked..40days..nights..reach..mountain of God.

Paul says(Eph 4:30-5.2) says"..Holy Spirit..marked be set free..never..grudges against others..Be friends..forgiving each..imitate God.."

John(Jn 6:41-51) says"..Jews..complaining..about Jesus.." I am bread come down from heaven..son of Joseph..How..say..Jesus..stop complaining.. each other..not..anybody..seen..Father.. from God..who believes..eternal life..ate..manna..dead.. but..this my flesh.."

Reminds: that you cannot live alone in this world. You need some other human's support. You cannot kill, a worm, in your stomach,  you need a pill. Hence you are power less in this society. People say, that you are a powerful person, if you can control another person, but you cannot control yourself(health vice).Hence you are actually power less. To become powerful,you need the support of another person. Hence you have to love them and be friendly with them. This is not an easy task.
With full freedom of human, tendency for disagreements are inevitable of anybody's life. You keep a grudge with other person, depending upon the depth of the disagreement. This will cause silence anger in your body, which is harmful to your health. Jesus clearly showed, that we have to forget those incidents, by showing old linen in the tomb, where Jesus has risen!.
When we receive Eucharist, we have to clearly forget our enemies and pardon them.

D. Conclusion:

Today we focused, value of pardoning, and be friendly with any body to reach happiness in this life. When we receive Eucharist, we were reminded of not having enemies, in order for God to activate in our life.
You have to become an Energy source, for that Holy spirit will guide your life, provided you follow 10 commandments+avoid 7 vices+participate positively in sunday mass(reflect sunday readings before mass)

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