
Saturday 3 October 2015

Cycle 2:season:ordinary(2): Sunday No:27: Date:4/10/2015. childish Catholic - in detail

A. Back ground:
Today,church addresses very vital question, what is the purpose of life,catholic answer is follow the God's will. How to know HiS WiLL for you? Now there are no Angels tell his will, neither dreams,no prophets etc
This is one side of the coin. What is the other side?

Easiness of forming disagreements! How?

 When you decide upon an action,always, in your mind you encounter a cross, since you don't know 100% outcome of your action. In a Family when you take an action,this cross will be squared. Why, you might think different output than your other half.

How to balance of these 2 aspects? God's will and treatment for disagreements among family members?.

B. Preamble for today's reading

B.1 How God created human?

Creation story
(1)God made Adam out of dirt/ground
(2)animated(life) by HIS spirit.
(3)Adam name animals,implying that human are different to animal
(4)HE told"It is not good for man to be alone (Gen2:18)",then HE performs 1st surgery,even administering1st anesthetic. HE causes deep sleep in Adam &removes a rib &form woman, showing intimate relation ship of male &female.
(5)God witness 1st wedding,by escorting Eve down isle,garden of Eden(paradise), by presenting her to Adam. In Eden,No{weeds, crime,violence,etc}" man&his wife is naked& unashamed"Gen2:25.
(6)There were2 special trees. Tree of(1)life &(2)knowledge of good&evil. Latter tree God told"U shall not eat from it,for U eat,U'll die"allowing them to use their Free Will
(7)But they ate.
(8)God showed how to reestablish Happiness,
as Father gave 10 commandments,
as Son told forgive+love,
as Holy Spirit formed church law(cast less society+no circumscion, no restriction to eat Pork,celibacy, no artificial birth control, no abortion, no euthanasia and certain other laws..)

We always say" in the name of the father.....and of the Holy Spirit" this implies that we adhere all above commandments given by Father,Son and Holy Spirit.

When we follow all commandments, the ground is ready for us to receive God's will.

B.2 Disagreements in Married life.

With the freedom given to human, (after Jesus), human can take any decisions, but the 100 % out come for that decisions is known only to God. Due to this fact normal human will have a cross in his brain, when he implement a decision. This cross will be squared, when there are 2 people involved in decision making. This is what is happening to married couples. Creating many frustrations and disagreements!.
It is true that marriege can be very difficult for one or both partners, part of the time or nearly all the time. But God has told in mark 10:9"WHAT GOD HAS UNITED HUMAN BEINGS MUST NOT DIVIDE"

Jesus comes out strongly for indissolubility of marriege. HE then declares that we must become like little children in order to enter kingdom of God.

B.3 God's Will to be effective in Married life!

As discussed, today married life become challenging due to (1) global villege- access to information is easy. Unless you are intelligent enough to verify the information, you are liable to develop many disagreements!
(2) Decision making in a family become complex, and create disagreement among members
(3) God says"Don't break", but it will be hard  not to break. How God suggest to treat the disagreement?
(4) Follow all commandments given by father,Son and Holy Spirit by yourself, then ask solution from God for the disagreement. Be like a child who ask many things from his father and wait for his decision. Follow" if any body ask you to carry 1 kg, carry 2 kg"
If your other half insisting to follow certain actions,(even if you disagree/action has to be not going against commandments) implement action, leaving your disagreement with God. By this method you will see God's will be implemented in a family.

C. Todays readings:

Genesis says(Gen 2:18-24)"..God said"..not mate..soil..fashioned..Wild names..No him.. Deep into a leaves his father..mother..join his body.
Hebrew says"(Heb 2:9-11)"..Jesus..submitted to death..for all mankind..purpose..sons..glory..make..perfect..suffering..brothers."

Mark(10:2-16)says"..pharsees..Jesus..'"..moses command..Divorce..Jesus..You.. unteachable..creation of God..made.. male.. divorced..wife..marries..guilty..adultery..People..bringing children..turned away..Jesus let..come to such..kingdom of God belongs" a little child will never enter it."..
1) God's creation of all living animals &birds, followed by creation of women

(2) Jesus tested death"for sake of all human"HE was made perfect by suffering

(3) Jesus comes out strongly for indissolubility of marriege. HE then declares that we must become like little children in order to enter kingdom of God.

D. Conclusions:
Sufferings comes due to lack of awareness of life, as well as mistrust about God(who is a loving Father). As weak human we suffer. Jesus showed us suffering make you perfect. You are allowed to aware about life. What is the purpose of living?. Then you become happy thru' your suffering.


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