
Saturday 24 October 2015

Recovered Catholic(25/10) - in summary

Follow every sunday mass, and receive Holy Eucharist.

Before you attend sunday mass, reflect on sunday reading and try to practise the actions proposed.

Jeramiah says(Jr 31:7-9)"..shout..lord..saved..people..they in tears..I will comport them as I lead them back.."
Hebrews says(Heb 5:1-6)"..high priest..mankind..with God..offer gifts..sacrifces for one takes this honur himself.."
Mk(10:46-52) says"..Jesus left Jerico..blind beggar..have pity on me..what do you want me to do..see again..Go your faith has saved you.."

spiritual blindness is those who do not wish to see any meaning of life,no spiritual values &vision,are selfcentered& selfsatisfied.Blind to needs of poor, concerned only himself.when you have a desire to see,God will help you.when you are cured you will not go off like 9 lepers,stay as disciple for life.

For that last 7 sundays we reflected(from 23 -30th today)(1)know& follow rules given by Father(10 comms)+son(love+pardoning)+Holy Spirit(church rules)(2)follow God's will(3)avoid Pride&7vices(4)renounce God from your life!.

Practical problem and solution for that

When you lead life deviating from reality, you tends to face mental dis orders(taxonomy). Certain times you face

(1)Flat effect: exhibits no emotionally what so ever. or
(2)Alogia: thought processes are dull, blocked,or generally improvised or
(3) Avolition: no ability to persist in an activity,looks like extreme lack of motivation.

How to loose the reality?
When you forget that God has created you to lead a happy life,with unique personality You loose reality.


Your sub conscious and conscious mind!

These are not 2 minds. They are 2 spheres of activity within one mind. Conscience mind is reasoning mind. It is the phase of mind which chooses. Ex: you choose your book, your home, your partner.

On the other hand without any conscious choice on your part,your heart beats,process of digestion,circulation, breathing are carried out automatically by your subconscious mind, independent to your conscious control.
 it is on the job 24 hrs/day and never sleeps. It is always trying to help and preserve you from harm. YOUR SUBCNSCIOUS MIND ACCEPT WHAT IS IMPRESSED OR WHAT YOU CONSCIOUSLY BELIEVE. It doesn't reasons things out like your conscious mind, and it does not argue with you controversially. Your sub conscious mind is like a soil, which accepts any kind of seed, good or bad. your subconscious mind is all wise and knows the answers to all questions. It does not argue with you or talk back to you. You have to be careful, in not impregnate yourself with negative thoughts, and it responds accordingly. YOU HAVE THE POWER TO CHOOSE. CHOOSE HEALTH and HAPPINESS. CHOOSE TO BE CO-OPERATIVE, JOYESS, FRIENDLY, LOVABLE AND THE WORLD WILL RESPOND.

 influence of Catholicism

Treatment for fear!

Catholicism says" that God created you to lead a happy life". Hence when you follow all commandments, your happiness is guaranteed.
Over come the fear by substituting"I can do all things through the power of God.

 what Jesus said?

Belief is a thought in the sub conscious mind. It means to accept something as true.

JESUS INSISTED UPON,WAS FAITH. According to your faith it is done unto you, you can see that Jesus is actually appealing to the operation of subconscious mind of blind men.

 Effect of comparing others

Always remember, in the eyes of God you are different person to others. What God expect from you is different to others. What God guarantee is happiness with respect to time.

Envy and jealousy are stumbling blocks to the flow of happiness. Rejoice in the prosperity of others!.

 Practical exercise:
-you can over come any mental conflict regarding happiness, by affirming frequently" by day and by night I am a unique person. I have been created by God, to lead a happy life"


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