
Saturday 13 February 2016

Cycle 3: Season: Lent, Sunday No 1: Date:14/2/15; misuse catholics: Catholic - in detail

A. Back ground: today is the first sunday of lent. During this period, church invites us to reflect more on,
(1) Jesus, passion,palm sunday, agony at Gethsemani,way of the cross, Calvary, laying of Jesus death body on Holy Mary's lap and placing His death body at cave!.
(2) Why, God,(Jesus) shown us all these things to us. What is the purpose?. Main purpose is to show that when we use Freedom, under the new method(after Jesus), how to manage our Will, how to be with God, during our life turbulent times.
(3) How to revisit in our life, managing and balancing earth bound cravings deriving from money, power and desires/ or how to control our 5 senses, for Glory of God!

B. Preamble for today's readings:

B.1. Ash Wednesday: (10/2/2016){earliest possible ash wednesday) to relevance to lent;
Gregorian calendar is based on Earth, rotating around SUN(12 months,with 365days/ year).If year is divisive by4(but not by400)it results in a leap year (366 days).

Equinox is when sun shines directly on Earth's equator(no shadow).This occurs twice/year; Vernol(Mar)&Autumnal (Sept).

Easter is selected as1st Sunday,following Full Moon(22/3/2016)after vernal equinox(21/3).ASH WEDNESDAY(10/2/ 2016)is 46days(40 days lent+last 6 days for pass over) before Easter Sunday (27/3).

CHRISTMAS is always 25 th Dec but Easter varies?
Because Jesus passion was just after passover ceremony of Jews,where it coincides with Christianity!

Why all cycles lent 1st sunday is always with, Jesus 40 days in wilderness?
Main aim is to show
(1) That satan has raised question that may be valid from Bible, but Jesus answered show us, that reading bible without knowing the Concept of Catholicism, may lead not to happiness but to misery. We should know clearly
(1) why fear/sorrow/death/childhood came after adam and Eve,
(2) how Father(God) trained jews,
(3) to regain the Freedom, with 10 commandments, how Jesus(main part of living with using our free will) showed about 7 ethics to follow,as a preamble to follow God's will. Hence All scripture has to be read with the correct concept in mind.
(2) During these 40 days, catholics can practice, how to train to regulate your will, for the benefit of yours and how to manage your sorrows/worries+physical agonies, with Christianity,by the examples shown by Jesus, in His passion. Main components of managing human life.
(3) In easter season also, there are 40 days, why?. From Jesus, risen from death to accent ion to heaven, HE spent 40 days. Though there are not much detailed from the 4 gospels, there are details to read from documents of early church.

Combining all above points, one can think, during lent, we reflect:
Christ suffered &died not just for happiness in heaven but for justice on earth. During Lent you should prune thru 'penance avoiding sins to be with God. By being hard on yourself,you should make it easier for needy,so that your lent will be their Easter,your dying is for their resurrection.
The different between protestants and Catholic is;
(1) Luther departed church in 1517,
(2) He believed a person is saved solely thru' faith in Jesus Christ,while catholics believe that faith must be accompanied by good works.

B.2:DIFFERENCE BETWEEN FASTING AND STARVING! (Enforcing discipline or control in to your life)

There are 5 basic(without which you will die) elements that any living being (human, animal& trees) need to live: I.e earth,water, air,sunlight and food.(Human needs one more. Ie fire).All these needs are freely given except food. Food has to be searched/earned.
This is the physical input of energy to human's body. When you want to have breakfast you can have it with 100 rs or Rs 5000/ but same effect. Ability to spend for food has become a measure of richness, in present day life. When one person is full of stomach, another person will live with empty stomach. Hence during lent time, church invites us to revisit, about our own luxury life, compared with a real needy.

Back ground of food:
Our body always possess adequate body reserves required to maintain the normal functioning of body at the hour of need. If we keep away from food for sometime, the body will still maintain itself. when once the reserve food stored in the body gets exhausted, it is said that the person is starving. Abstaining from taking any food when the body is able to maintain itself utilizing the reserve food in store is called fasting.

But fasting in the absence of reserve food is called starving!.

Fasting helps to enjoy life!

Fasting will not result in decay & death; where as prolonged starvation results in decay & death!. On the other hand fasting will help to clean the system and  throw out the toxins(poisons)present in the body, thus helping cure the diseases that take birth from the toxins present in the body. Aversion to food,diarrhea,vomiting & recurrence of fever are some of the devices our body adopts to throw away the toxins that are produced an account of impaired digestion of food consumed. But one can prevent the recurrence of such things by fasting periodically.

 Fasting require will power,mental discipline and capacity to withstand the emotional desire to eat!.

over eating is a weakness and you will become fat. Also food consumed in excess accumulates at different levels in the digestive track and ferments. Due to this impaired condition of toxins build up in the body leading to several diseases. Hence shedding weight is necessary to add years to life and life to years!.

Catholicism shows the physical importance of fasting for our own happiness!.

B.3 concept of Catholicism:

(1) God created human,with freedom,to be happy in your life. Always,freedom is subject to law
(2)Action of Adam and Eve,resulted (a)childhood(B)fear/sorrow/pain(C)death(your eternal life in 2 stages/ to be introduced to humans)

(3)God,showed humans,how to use his Free will,with Jews;With direct intervention with humans:10 commandments were given

(4)JESUS, showed,how practically,we should manage,our Free will,independent to God. If you wish you can accept God to intervene into your life. Basically HE showed,how to mange fear&sorrow in your life. Gethsamane& Golgotha is main pictures. HE introduced 7Ethics to be followed, when God become invisible

(5)Holy Spirit Formed church,thru' Pope, HE will guide,all humans who wish to follow HIM. That is how church rules came.

Reading of Holy scripture has to be done, with correct concept in mind. Otherwise you might end up with satan,who drags you to misery,thru' scripture.

C. Todays readings:

Deut(26:4-10)says"Moses said/bow down in his presence"Paul(Rom 10:8-13) says" Confess with Ur lips/are saved"

Lk4:1-13says"Jesus/ 40days/tempted by devil/ate nothing/was hungry/Devil asked Jesus/turn stone to bread/Jesus said'Man can't live on bread alone'/Devil-'worship me'/Jesus-'shall only worship God'/Devil-'throw Urself down'/Jesus-'shan't put God to test'/Devil left"

Reminds;(1)satan's(mis)use of Bible is intended to point out that words can be manipulated to say things,it never intended. This is widely practice,even now(IN THE NAME OF GOD).As with the other temptations,Jesus retort proper use of God's word,then satan departs
(2)why most of Christians forget meanings of1st miracle
(3)why you worship parents&RESPECT GOD
(4)Jesus shown,by controlling earth bound needs-money,power and desires)and practising7catholic Ethics,you manage with GOD for provision(turn stones into bread),protection(jump off pinnacle),power(worship satan),to lead happy life.


lent give us a good opportunity to lead a healthy life, by controlling your 5 senses, sunday reading aiming another important point: that when you read Bible, you should read it, by keeping in your mind, about basic concept of christianity. Otherwise you will fall into the pocket of Satan.
During, lent, it is obligatory to carry out fasting in Ash wednesday and Good Friday
Why only 2 days, why not all 40 days?
Some people eat(take more energy to his body) on the fasting day. When you fast
(Say lunch), you should take normal breakfast, then avoid lunch, then don't over eat dinner!. When you do so, you are not fasting, but you eat more than normal day. During fasting, precaution to be made not to over eat and trained yourself, how to control your urge. On contrary, when you are under weight, you don't have much reserve energy, hence, you have to be careful, not to fast every day for you to leave to starving, which will cause you to fall sick, due to starving! That is why, church encourage only 2 days!


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