
Friday 26 February 2016

Sunday(28/2)proactive Catholic - in summary


Jesus has foretold 3 yearly cycle of sunday readings, very much ahead than 1500 years. You can get full picture of how to lead your life, in 3 years, by following sunday readings. We are thank ful to St pius v and bl Paul VI, in arranging these sunday readings,with blessing of Holy Spirit, so that, one can get full understanding about God's kingdom in 3 years, then practice his life, with 7 ethics of catholism, with church rules+having running sacraments of confession and receiving holy Eucharist.

Today is the 3rd sunday of the lent!

during lent, first sunday, we were warned to reflect Bible, with the clear understanding about "concept of Catholicism" otherwise, you end up in the hands of satan.
During 2nd sunday, we were told,that when we follow. 7 catholic Ethics+ church rules, you will see magic in your life; I.e God has been with you from your birth, and you become convince that the presence of God, in all your actions.

Today, we were reminded that life is complex. Sometimes you get angry, sometimes you are about to fight, but you were given a message to move forward without any problem to your life. Ie Proactive ness. How God is going to save you, without falling to a pit. Sometimes getting a flat tyre while you are going to air port and missing the flight will be a blessing to avoid a danger for you. Or sometimes, unwanted person trying to fight with you, so that you will be delayed in traveling, may be a blessing for you to avoid an accident.  You will see, when you are with God, you become PROACTIVE. For a short period of time you notice, un logical,unexpected thing happen, for you to change the direction. There is no other way that God can change your direction otherwise. Today you will see the practical catholic life. Other aspect that we are told today was, that we should develop our talents to good attitudes. For this it is very important for us to avoid 7 vices; sloth,anger,pride,envy,lust,avarice,gluttony
Once you achieve both of these, you become a Proactive catholic.

In summary, today church, invited us to reflect, the characteristics of following God's will- proactiveness; as well as you should convert your talents to good attitude for the benefit of the society.

Today's reading;

Book of Exodus(Ex 3:1-8.13-15) says"GOD appeared to Moses/as fire flame in a bush which was?t burning/God said?I?m God of Ur fathers/I?ve heard  cry of my people in Egypt,against slave drivers/Say to them?God of Abraham sent me to U"

Paul(1 cor 10:1-6.10-12) says?Our ancestors had a cloud over them,passed thru?a sea,ate& drank from spiritual rock.That rock was Christ?

Lk(13:1-9)says "Were these Galileans worse sinners?Unless U repent U'll perish/Parable of Fig tree-No fruits for 3years/Cut it down if it doesn?t bear fruit within next year?

D. Remind;Outcome of catholic life depends on Reading scripture with catholic concept&following 7Ethics.Then you are PROACTIVE(change events than react to them & make things happen). Your life become fruitful &Happy. Your actions will talk louder than words. You will develop good attitude towards society, towards God's kingdom(talent/skills/knowledge/hard work/attitude for glory of GOD).

In conclusion, 3rd sunday of lent, we are told, that our behevior, if we know controlled by God, we should not be bothered about small hik ups, that create our actions to be change. Also we should strive to convert our talents to good attitude towards Society!


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