
Monday 10 July 2017

14th Ordinary Sunday Cycle 1: Urging Catholic (9/7/2017) - in summary

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14th Ordinary Sunday (cycle1)9/7/2017 urging Catholic

(1) Why Jesus said, FAther,I bless U,for hiding about knowledge of God's kingdom,from learned & clever,& revealing them to mere children, Is HE jealous about Ur learning?

(2) What do you mean by knowledge and wisdom?. Is knowledge freely available now than before? Thru web sites, social media's such as face book, twitter, websites,sms & telephones? When you get too much information,do you have to spent much more time to identify what is the correct truth?

(3) On one side access to knowledge becomes easy, why people are deviating from God? Will God is sad,by losing HIS popularity?why HE has given option to follow HIM or not?.

(4)KNOWLEDGE U acquire thru' many things. WISDOM is filtering & practice that knowledge which is applicable to Ur life. When U have knowledge without wisdom, are U educated,though U have many qualifications?under this,can U enjoy Happiness?

(5)God supply oxygen, thru' Ur lungs,to make U dynamic, for that U have to make Ur own blood, which no body else can do it. Can Ur life become dynamic without converting Ur knowledge to wisdom then develop urge to carry out Ur unselfish action for the grace of God?.

Pl listen for 7 minutes:

Reflection for 9th july 2017, celebrating 14th Sunday mass of ordinary season,of cycle 1. Today church invite you to analyze how you become educated then try to find out every answer for every outcome in your life or society, and get lost, forgetting God. Finally think leading life becomes sorrowful!

 Every human like to be educated. Naturally everybody become slave to his own idea. During childhood, your hero was father and mother. What you see from them or their actions become educating you. But when you grow maturity, you become more educated and try to find out reasons according to your conditioning. There are many basic questions still science has not successful!

(1) How did you select your parents to come this World?

(2) Controlling climate

(3) Artificial production of blood and air.

Some educated people ignore to answer about these questions!. Learning and educated by yourself is good, but when you forget God, you will not get 100% answers to your question, and life become suffering.


KNOWLEDGE is really about facts & ideas that you acquire thru' study,research, investigation,observation,or experience. WISDOM is the ability to discern & judge which aspects of that knowledge are true,right,lasting,& applicable to your life. URGE means try earnestly & persistently to persuade(some one) to do something. You can convert your knowledge to wisdom knowing the limitations of science/astrology{you cannot decide your parents/you cannot control climate},with developing FAITH with God.

Then you can develop your urge!.Jesus kept urging people ON.'You can do it take up your bed & walk':come on lazaurus come into light: come on Peter. Step out on water. Come On!.

God oxiginate your blood,to make you live!. Your urging vocation for the love of God,will make you spiritually live &help society to develop. Then God knows that YOU ARE GENTLE &HUMBLE in YOUR HEART!.unlike animals,YOU are created to carry out actions for good purposes.

Information Immunity;

You know by drinking water+doing excercise+ keep your mind worry less, you develop your physical immunity system

With a good physical immune system, you can enjoy your life with good health. What is information immunity? Are you going to accept all the information that you are going to receive and convert into knowledge!?. The received information can be converted to knowledge, when the received information can be verified easily.

Unfortunately vast information is received by you, it will be difficult to verify those quickly. If you are interested about an information, and if you don't know that subject, you need the support of God to verify the information and convert into knowledge. Present system lacking in this area.

Todays reading:

Prophet zechariah says(Zc: 9:9-10) says" see now ,your king comes humbly to you".

Paul to roman(Rm:8.11-13) says" if by the spirit you put end to the misdeed of the body you will live.

Mt(11:25-30) says" I am gentle and humble in heart"

The lord understand us and knows us better than we know ourself. O lord you have searched me and known me. You know when I sit down and when I rise up; you discern my thoughts from far away. You search out my path and my lying down, and are acquainted with all my ways.(Ps 139:1-3) He knows of what we are made and so we can come confidently, before Him and with your brokennes and need of HIS grace. It might be good during mass today to become aware about of what ever is a burden to us now in your life and ask the lord for HIS love and healing touch.


(1)from the adulthood,you tried to find out reason for every action,(you become educated)

(2)during childhood,you depend fully from your parents

(3)most of human,tried to find reasons for any outcome,either from science or astrology.

(4)many forget,still science or astrology cannot make artificial blood or control climate or forecast what will happen in future

(4)when you forget God,life become suffering,since you cannot find all sensible reasons for certain outcomes(recent floods-in srilanka)

(5)but when you lead life wholeheartedly with God,you will get knowledge, how to handle difficult situation such as natural calamities.

(6)God says it is easy to follow HIM,when U have faith with HIM

(7)as a christ follower can U urge others to follow Ur life?

In conclusion: Today church invite us to analyze, how to enjoy our life, like children, who follows his father, you may be educated, but what is the point, if you cannot enjoy your life!.information, knowledge and wisdom goes hand in hand. To convert informAtion to knowledge, you need the support of God, otherwise you may be attracted towards wrong information. Last few Sundays we reflected how our own infallibility causes to develop our own ego and then to our own selfishness. Then without our knowledge, we force others to carry out actions for our own fancy ideas. This is contrary to child father relationship. When you follow God's Will means, HE become Father And you become son. When you are not following God's will,it will be difficult for you to convert information to knowledge. In other words, your informAtion immunity become weak. This will cause you to weaken your wisdom of hAppiness. When you don't have wisdom you will not generate urge to serve the society. This will retard driving force in your life: you start thinking life is a suffering, contrAry to God's guarantee of your life !


Christianity based on Holy Trinity. This is mirrored on to Ur life(1) Father(gave U 10 comms) created U. HE oxiginate Ur blood,every moment,but U hv to make Ur blood(2)Son-(gave U pardoning & love)showed U,how to depend on God for everything,not be infallible,not to Go for 7 vices-not to be selfish(3) Holy spirit(gave U church rules)showing U, how to convert Ur information to knowledge, then to Ur own wisdom,finally how to be dynamic to carryout God's Will.

Thank you


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