
Saturday 1 July 2017

Cycle 1: Season: Ordinary Sunday No:13 Date: 2/7/2017 - Selfish Catholic - in detail

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13th Ordinary Sunday(cycle1)2/7/-selfish Catholic
(1)What do U mean by selfishness? Is it lacking consideration of others or
(2)Is it selfish to live Ur life as U see fit?.BUT WHY U FORGET,THAT SELFISHNESS LIES IN DEMANDING THAT SOME ONE ELSE LIVE THEIR LIFE AS U SEE FIT!,mainly to suit for Ur taste/pride/ profit/pleasure!?
(3) How U develop selfishness without Ur knowledge?Even When U follow 7 ethics,can U become selfish?Is God selfish?,by asking us to follow HIS WILL?(4)How Ur infallibility,lead to ur EGO,& then selfishness ?(5)As a catholic, easiest way to respect & love others is,at least listen to other person.Is it selfishness, that not to and a telephone call?(6)Why selfless way of respecting others mostly encounter cross?Or different of opinion.Is it easy to handle?(7)Why JESUS use cross to die?.Why JESUS shouted on the Cross"God God,why did U forget me?"
Pl spare 5 minutes to listen to this.

Reflection for 2nd july 2017, celebrating 13th Sunday mass of ordinary season,of cycle 1. Today church invite you to analyze how you become selfish without your knowledge.
Last few sundays, we were opportune to analyze, even after following 7 ethics, how you become stubborn, in your actions, making you to think,you have infallibility. This kind of stubborn, will lead to balloon your Ego. Ultimate your Ego will result selfishness. This is happening without your :knowledge.

Let us analyze what do you mean by selfishness
Generally means lacking consideration of others. Concerned chiefly with ones own personal profit/pleasure.
Is it selfish to live your life as you see fit?.BUT SELFISHNESS LIES IN DEMANDING THAT SOME ONE ELSE LIVE THEIR LIFE AS YOU SEE FIT!,mainly to suit for your taste/pride/ profit/pleasure!.

Even when you follow 7 Ethics,without your knowledge you might become infallible to balloon your ego. It starts with that you think you are always correct. This will baloon your Ego. Most good people who deals with human (for example priest or politicians) easily liable for this kind of situation. With Ego without your knowledge you become selfish,by asking others to follow you,for your benefit!.When you remove selfishness, always you get a cross(difference of opinion). On the cross,you might shout' GOD GOD WHY YOU FORGET ME?'&die.
But Catholicism has shown you how to resurrect. ie to lead unselfish life with the grace of God & finally to be happy!. That is Why today church reading connects cross & welcoming others!.
unselfish welcoming others demands respecting others,not to force them.
God knows how to do that!. That is why Catholics are not forcing any body else to become catholic
When non catholic see, that he wanted to become catholic, un influenced, using his own free Will, he can request so.

Unselfish life, always meet crosses. Cross means. Difference of opinion. Cross is having 2 bars: verticAl towards heaven God's Will, then it cross by a horizontal bar, which is parallel to earth. That is your will. Your will is always crosses with God's will.

Similarly when you remove selfishness, you have to respect others by listening to them.
You cannot force anybody. Is it easy to live like this?
It is very difficult! You like if other person listen to you and accept your views. But if they ignore your view, it will be hard for you to fathom

In present Era, That may be one of the main reason, why people avoid telephone calls. They refuse to help others, or afraid to listen to others. Unknowingly they have become selfish. They afraid to face cross and respect others.

 If Jesus is living now, will he answer every telephone call he receive!. HE will not definitely ignore

God never forces us to surrender our will to HIM. Upon your own will, you may decide to surrender your will to HIM. How can you surrender like this?
First, you have to know the value of HIM, how HE is helping you to lead your life happily: here happy means not earth bound need to satisfied like money, power and desires. But you need these elements sufficiently for you to be happy

To know God, you should know clearly what HE asked you to do:
He never asked you to restrict enjoying food. HE asked you to follow 7 ethics in leading your life. Then you realize how much HE loves You!. Then you, yourself convince About HIM, that is what is meant by Faith. God become master, while you become servant, using your own free will. Now you will see, that no body can force anyone to be a catholic.
Catholic life demands, for you to understand God, practice what HE has asked you to do, realize that you enjoy your life(joyful), without forcing by anybody. It involves un tiring hard work.
You may be name sake catholc without enjoying life.
How peter and paul died: did they commit suicide?. They know revealing faith at that time is equivalent to commit suicide
Why they face death, happily? Is it abnormal?. No it is very clear, they have good faith, they face life crosses, they didn't lose faith, death or suffering was not a matter for them. They only follw the God's Will, for us to set an example!.

Todays reading:
Book of kings says(Kgs 4:8-11.14-16)"This is a holy man of God,let him rest there"

Paul says to Romans(Rom 6:3-4.8-11)"when we were baptized we went to the tomb with Christ, so that we too might live a new life.

MT(10:37-42) says" any one who does not take his cross is not worthy of me. Anyone who welcomes you, welcomes me"

Today Christ bid us welcome, those who come n HIS name: this demands more than mere hospitality: it means openness to the other and to the message. Each member of church has received a mission, so we must accept each other in a spirit of faith and love.

When we reflect today reading, we are invited to revisit our own life?. Are we attracted Ego, are we selfish? Are we respecting others? Are we responding telephones?. Are we pardoning others? Have we develop real love for others?. Are our actions are wholehearted?. Without our knowledge have we conditioned our life, to suit for our own convenience? Are we enjoying life?. Are we clear about relationship with cross and our own Selfishness?

In conclusion, if we die with Christ we shall live with HIM. In our daily lives we are called to take up our cross and follow Christ, knowing that by joining HIM in HIS sufferings we will be joining HIM in eternal life. We are dead to sin and alive to God. There is within us a new creation as we welcome Christ daily Within us as our new life.

Finally today, readings shows the very basic principle of catholc life ie
(1)Your unselfish life, with whole hearted action n loving others
(2) Your humble life(without Ego) to respect your neighbor and experience the cross.
(3) Leading happy life, following the God's Will for you

Thank you


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