
Sunday 27 August 2017

21st Ordinary Sunday Cycle1 27/8 - Brave Catholic - in summary

1)Why Jesus was asking U'WHO DO YOU SAY I AM?',is HE wants to boast about HIMSELF?
(2)Can U ask the same Question from your friend about you? Do U want to be MP?
(3)Why only God can ask this question not U and me?
(4)A bulb to light,U need current. When U don't know about current,can U replace the bulb without electrifying?
(5)There are many unknown factors in Ur life.for example,U don't know what will happen inside your body,when U eat!(No control).So fear is ever present in Ur life. When U live With fear U become unhealthy/unhappy. What is the unique method given by Catholicism,to hand over Ur fear & lead a courages life?
(6)What do U mean by Brave?Do U like to treat fear,and lead a courageous life,to be Brave like david,in Goliath Story?
(7)Why Jesus has shown in HIS 1st miracle,the method that we have to follow to be brave and happy?

Pl listen for 6 minutes:

Reflection for 27th august 2017, celebrating 21st Sunday mass of ordinary season, of cycle 1. Today church invite us to reflect(1)characteristics of fear (2) the unique method of catholicism provided to overcome your fear (3) how to lead a courages and brave life(4)why you have to be clear about the concept and reality of Jesus teachings to be Applied to your Life(5)how to follow brave, healthy happy life by following God's Will.

Fear is ever present in human life. Fear can come within your body,outside to your body, or from a natural calamity. Fear is mainly coming from the uncertainty of humans to know about future. Hence how to treat fear. First you should acknowledge the fact, that God knows every thing, about you past,present and future. Can you imagine, whether HE will know all information of billions of people in the world.
Just think about your mobile telephone. The telephone operator knows, where you live, how you move, with whom you are in contact?. All your mails etc, only he doesn't know what you think?. When you have access to telephone network, you can get to know about other persons movement, as well as what he talks or write,how he is traveling etc. When the present day technology is like this,is it difficult to believe about God?.
Hence fear can be treated only by the method, provided by God. Has HE Written any book? No. HIS. Methods are not the same way as human thinks.
It appears that HIS instructions are always going thru' 3rd party. Look at HIS instructions. Only 4 gospel writers have shown us. HE has not written any book.
Once you believe that Gospel is given by HIM or inspired by HIM, why HE allowed 4 writers?. Why HE was rude to caanite woman, why HE has shown Cana miracle? So unless, you reflect yourself, or you have wisdom develop to reflect, the full instructions by HIM will not reach you.

How to treat fear under Christianity?
How to be a brave person?
Let us analyze the difference between

Courage involves presence of fear while bravery lacks it. Fear is ever presence in life due to many reasons. Then can you lead a brave life? In Cana, wedding chiefs feared about shortage of wine. Though Jesus was there, Mary saw the wine shortage &request Jesus for help. She didn't know what Jesus will ask them to do,yet she had faith that HE will remove all fears. Jesus didn't make wine out of NOTHING. HE wanted them to fill water. Why? Though Mary intercede,the chiefs have to fill water. They have to follow what God asked them to do. Otherwise,NO WINE. Jesus is asking today" WHO DO U SAY I AM?"To answer this, follow the unique method in Catholism to handover your fears to Mary &Saints. Are U afraid/frightened of loosing earth bound cravings such as power,money & desires?Are U coward(a person who lacks the courage)Do U value our Clergy,who are Brave enough to show others about Jesus?

When you used to hand over problems in your life, your focus in your life has to be oriented toward God. When you forget God, and not searching what HE is asking you to do, then when you start craving towards earth bound needs, your handing over problems get short sighted.

Today's reading:

Prop Isiah says(Is 22:19-23)"I place the key of the house of david upon his shoulder"
Paul to Romans(Rm 11:33-36) says"All that exist comes from HIM: and all Is by HIM,and for HIM"
MT(16:13-20) ssays" You are Peter,and I will give you the keys of the kingdom of heaven"

Reflect: when Jesus presses the question, who do you say I am?, we feel HIM speaking to us. Naturally we think our faith now in the light of our own journey of life and pilgrimage of faith. How did I start out? What was my image of Jesus then and how did I relate to HIM? Have there being a major turning point for me and can I name one or two?, how have I deepened my familiarity with Jesus and who is HE for me now? If I were to choose an image or metaphor what would come to mind?. If I were to explain to someone what my faith in Jesus is, what words would I use?

You have seen there are 2 types of vehicles
Auto and manual. In auto driven car, you are not bothered about the road is hilly,or you are in traffic, the auto gear system looks after all. But when you are driving manually, you have to bother about your road whether it is hilly or many other things. Similarly, when you are following God's will, your life is auto driven. You drive but God change the gears.

How to allow God to change gears of your life vehicle?
First understand that fear is inevitable in your life. Then always hand over such fears to holy Mary or respective saints. While you are doing that, be clear about following God's instructions.(Filling water in cana). Then you will see that you get courage to handle any problem that you face in your life.

So unique method of catholism to hand over your fear to Mary and saints will allow you to lead a courageous life, while following 7 ethics, then identifying what God wants you to do, make it as your wisdom, allow God to act thu' your life.

 Then you should be brave enough (without fear) to explain about HIM, thru your life example. 1st thing is to follow what HE has told. Don't feel shy to explain to others 'WHO DO you SAY JESUS IS?'. God will never force anybody to follow HIM. Similarly you also cannot force anybody to become catholic, but you should be brave enough to explain them what is Catholicism.

In conclusion, you will see that Christ become Now, HE is past, present and future.
Your are driving but God changes gears for you to drive happily. You like to drive what?
Manual or auto?
Thank you

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