
Wednesday 9 August 2017

Cycle 1: Season: Ordinary Sunday No:18 Feast of Transfiguration. Date: 6/8/2017 Genuine Catholic - in detail

Reflection for 6th august 2017, celebrating 18th Sunday mass of ordinary season,of cycle 1. Since this sunday falls on transfiguration, the readings are based on transfiguration feast.

Today church invite you to analyze how to become a genuine catholic, to be more close to God, to enjoy HIS guaranteed happiness to you.
Genuine means possessing the claimed or attributed character,quality or origin, not counterfeit,authentic, real or free from pretense, affection or hypocrisy,/ sincere,or descended from the original stock,pure in breed.

Your character has to be based on Jesus teaching, to lead a happy life.
Your attributed character has to be how to extend pardoning and love to the others. Then only you become a genuine Catholic.
When you become a genuine catholic, what you can see, is explained in the incident of jesus at the mount of Tabore.

Summary of transfiguration is as follows:

Transfguration Means to transform/change or transform into another form or TO CHANGE OUTSIDE TO MATCH INSIDE (Greek word METAMORPHE).

Adoring Jesus,Moses (1526-1406 BC)&Elijah(875-848 BC) showed to HIS disciples Peter, James & John(32AD) at mount Tabore.

Jesus face was shown like Sun &His garment became white as snow.Voice of God again declared Jesus as His only Son.Moses on Sinai,has received OLD covenant while JESUS received NEW.Elijah too have received many special signs of intimate confidence of God,Similar to Jesus,These 2 prophets ended their earthly life without their bones in the world.
There was a strong resemblance between miracles of Jesus to Elijah.People thought that Jesus is Elijah himself returning to earth.Jews believed that Jesus called on Elijah for assistance at the cross.

LAW & PROPHETS were represented by these 2. Are U prepared to change outwardly so that it matches the inward reality?

How to change outwardly to match inward?

Most of the human actions based on what is there for me?. When you are doing business, you invest money,and you expect a return. When your actions are meant for earth bound cravings such as a return of money, power and desires, is that love dominate your actions? No. Ideal situation is you identify your action and carry out the same for the love of God. You expect a return from God. You might get or you might not is irrelevant.  That will become your wisdom.

How to develop wisdom?
Convert your information to knowledge, by analyzing how quick you can verify that information, then analyze that knowledge, what actions you are happy to do, specially for the love of God. For that you should be clear about the knowledge of Christianity.

Then your action become pure, irrespective of the outcome, and based on love for the people, since they all belong to God's family.

Today's reading:
Bk of Daniel says(1 dan 7:9-10.13-14)"HIS robe was white as snow"

Second letter of peter says(1 Pt 1:16-19)" we heard this ourselves, spoken from heaven"

Mt(17:1-9) says"
HIS face shown like the sun.

Reminds: the disciples has come to know Jesus well. But HE is changed before them
They seem truly to see the glory of God in HIS face. The veil is lifted for them on the inner life of the blessed trinity. The Father bears solemn testimony to the son in their presence.

How to become genuine catholic?

Catholicism teach you, how to surrender you will to God's will and lead a happy life.
Methods used to explain catholicism!
God in HIS own wisdom, selected prophets as well as jews to show, how to prepare your life and surrender your will, when you are given full freedom to select, whether to follow HIS will on Not.
Before to Christ, God was direct with human thru' prophets, hence the law he gave 10 commandments, adviced to be implement with eye to eye principle. Always God acted directly. Since God acting directly thru prophets, you know what is correct and what is wrong. But when God gives full freedom to you, and HE become indirect, your actions, you don't know who is correct. That is why you have to always pardon others, since you may be correct or others may be correct. When you respect others, you mght come across many differences, which causes you to fight with others! You might think the truth is with you. But it may not so be. That is why catholicism tells you, you carry your cross, while respecting others!. When you develop infallibility and not develop pardoning, you automatically become selfish, ordering others to follow you. Then you Ego rise up, thinking that you are superior to others. When you become Egostic, you cannot fathom why others get more happiness than you, then this will lead to develop envy.
Infallibility, envy go hand to hand to make you crooked person. Adam and Eve Envy to become like God resulted our present life.

So before to Jesus God was direct, applying moral principle was 10 commandments with eye to eye principle. God acted like master, jews acted like servant. After Jesus, GOD became indirect, you(not only jews), have choice to select God as master,and for you to become servant, otherwise you have option to act on your own, forgetting God as master. Then God guarantee of leading your life happily become irrelevant to you.
After Jesus, you don't know whether your acton is correct or not, so that is why you have to pardon others and follow 10 commandments with 'turn your other cheek' method.
7 vices became important to avoid, after Jesus since you don't know the actual truth in your actions, avoiding 7 vices leAd you to follow Jesus teaching more clearly n your life and you become Genuine catholic, your life become a good ground fr God to apply HIS WILL.

So in conclusion, today church invite us to become genuine catholic. For that
You should be aware of the following:

1)every day you are a new creation,since ur body cells replace on daily basis. You are like a person driving a car. You do not want to loose consciousness of road. you MUST ALWAYS BE ALERT.
It is like mother sleeping;she doesnot hear  planes roaring above house,but she hears slightest whimper of her baby.
Your life is always changing. Clouds come & go.

when your action(wisdom)become genuine,with love to God only, your inner feeling will match to outer action,otherwise you become a crooked person. when your actions are contradictory from inside to outside, you get internal Cross. If ignored,will result you to conditions your crooked action to justify.

WITHOUT GENUINE CHANGE OUTSIDE TO MATCH INSIDE,it will be difficult for you to be transfigured &hear God voice' you are my beloved son'

High light for this sunday!

(1) There were many prophets, guiding human race, before to Jesus. Why God the father, send them consuming much time?HE should have written instruction and should have informed us in an efficient way?
(2) Why only 2 prophets were seen at transfiguration?. What is the relevance to Jesus message out of them?
(3) Why God didnot write a book,what to do, how to use our FREE WILL, to follow HIM?
(4) Why God was directly showing before to Jesus, thru' prophets how to use our Free Will to follow HIM?.
(5)What Jesus practically shown us? Is it how to surrender our Free Will to follow HIS intention personal to you?.
(6) Why there are no prophets, no direct instructions from God noW? Is HE sleeping?
(7)Will God force you to follow HIM? Why we respect other religions?.Will God punish those who are not following HIM?why love become main slogan of all the religions?

Today church invite us to reflect the basic concept of Christianity. HOW TO USE YOUR FREEWILL?. You have option to follow HIM or reject HIM. The choice is yours. When you follow HIM, HE guarantee your happiness. This is natural cause. When you reject HIM, you at your own risk, to find your own happiness. When you accept God created you to lead a happy life, you start follow HIS instructions. God trained directly using Prophets, as how to do this, then Jesus God's Son showed us how to manage our life, to surrender our will to HIS. Holy Spirit, now showing us thru' church,how to manage paradigm change!

Thank you!

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