
Sunday 17 September 2017

24th Ordinary Sunday Cycle 1- Ungrateful Catholic (17/9/2017) - in summary

High light:

(1) What is the difference between ungrateful and gratitude?. What is difference between persona and wholehearted gratitude?

(2) When few actions of your friends are not agreeable to you, can you reject all actions of him?.

(3) God' will not tell you Directly,as how to lead your actions, HE will use mainly other humans to tell you. When you reject or angry with other, can God's message come to you?. Is it when you are angry with your friend,will God become help less, to support you, to lead your life happily?

(4) Why God change the operating principle of revenge to pardoning,AFTER JESUS,in following same 10 commandments? Is it difficult to know the reason?.

(5)Angry with anybody, make your blood hot!. Persistent anger will make you sick. Why you should train yourself to respect others? To do that do you need to develop pardoning?

(6) Why Jesus tell you do pardon other not only 7 times, but 777 times. Is HE suggest difficult thng to practice? Why you need God's support to do that?

(7) When you are lacking to pardon others, you tend to develop ungratefulness in your life ignoring what good he has done to you. Then can you develop wholehearted gratitude?

Pl listen for 8 minutes:

Reflection for 17th september 2017, celebrating 24th Sunday of ordinary season,of cycle 1. Today church invite us to

Analyze:(1) how to value your neighbor and respectful and be grateful to him(2)why Jesus changed teeth to teeth principal to turn your other cheek while keeping same 10 commandments(3)to lead a healthy life,value of developing pardoning

How to value your neighbor?

Jesus told to follow HIM, you should be prepared to carry your own cross also we know as a baptized catholic, your main slogan is to love your neighbor. When you live, you will get to know that there are no 2 persons equal in thinking and understanding. Then always you find your view and understanding become different to others. Then are you going to reject others,leaving to love only those who accept your view?. This is the challenge of Catholicism. Respect others and love them. This will become a cross in your life. One side Jesus, other side loving your enemy!.

Certainly if you seriously feel that your friend's, one or few actions are at faults, you have noticed some other good actions from him. Hence as suggested by Jesus, without making him as enemy, you can start respecting him, leaving your unpleasant experience to handle by Holy Mary and saints.

Then you are fulfilling basic condition you need to satisfy to respect other and to love them. Ie INCLUDE THE EXCLUDE.

Why Jesus change the age old principle of teeth to teeth?

We know that God the Father, has trained humans, as how to manage your free will, when you are given full liberty to chose to follow God or Not. This is when God become not direct. What you meAn by not direct? It means, God will not tell you, as what to do, like what prophets did, up to Jesus, unless you, yourself voluntarily decide to accept God has created you and when you follow HIS Will in your life, HE has guaranteed your happiness not only now but eternal happiness(independent of time). So after Jesus, there are no messages from God, directly like previous era to Jesus. You have full freedom to accept God as your creator and get to know him, then start following HIM. Since the name God has been commonly used by many religions, Catholicism God when you need to differentiate, means that you believe HE has created you!.

Then there is another differentiation to God, that christianity God is truine, one God in 3 Persons. God the Father- generally for us to understand- trained jews, as how to live following God' will,when HE become indirect to you. Jesus- showed practically, how to follow God's will, managing physical and mental agonies in your life. Holy Spirit era, as how to follow God's will, managing paradigm changes.

Hence Catholic God is triune, showing and guiding your life, thru catholic church as how to lead your God created life, according to HIS Will to be happy in this life,as well as life after death.

Why Jesus changed principle?

Now there are no prophets to tell you, what is God's Will for you, neither no dreams etc. On the other hand, you don't know exactly what is truth. Your truth may be different my truth. Under this scenario, how God will tell you, what to do?. Mostly from the 3rd party from another human. When you don't respect and love the other human, how God can intervene to your life?. So it is very important to maintain to love and respect other human being. You don't know, how HE pass the message, unless you are vigilant and worship only God, then follow HIS commandments Whole hearted ly, you will not being directed by HIM.

 When you are not following God's will, automatically ungratefulness will develop in your life. Danger is that you don't feel that it develops!

What is ungratefulness?

Ungrateful Means not feeling/exhibiting gratitude,thanks/appreciation. agreeable/pleasant/repellent. Gratitude means the quality of being thankful. Readiness to show appreciation,for & return kindness. If gratitude is a state of being that is essential to a life well lived,why then, in modern times,do we not cultivate& express it on a daily basis? After all, giving thanks & expressing appreciation for the blessings &gifts of life is a natural human response. Perhaps key reason we do not make gratitude a part of our daily lives is that accelerated pace&multiple distractions of modern life have simply made it all too easy to forget gratitude's importance. If you expect gratitude from humans you may discouraged. But you can always pardon others&extend your gratitude for them. Ideally when you realize all happiness to you is coming from God, you can extend gratitude to HIM,where HE never fails.

Holy Mary clearly shows her gratitude towards God. When she met Elizabeth She told" that almighty has done great things for me" Lk(1:39-56)

Mary remind us to have faith with God,that HE has created us to lead a happy life.

Today' reading

Book of ecclesiasticus ( Si 27:30-28:7) says"forgive your neighbor the heart he does you, and when you pray: your sins will be forgiven"

Paul says to Romans( Rom:14:7-9)" alive or dead we belong to the lord"

Mathew(18:21-35) says" I do not tell you to forgive 7 times,but 77 times"

Reflect: the christian assembly of disciple of Jesus. A disciple is literally one who is learning. Learning requires openness of mind and heart. The scripture readings and the prayers today's liturgy are a powerful force for teaching and learning about the way of Jesus.

When you feel that you might go wrong, you start respecting others, even though you may not 100% agree with him. If he has done something good for you it is easy to extend gratitude to him, while you hand over your problem against him to Holy mary. But if you have done good to him, it will difficult for you to fathom the situation. Under this situation too you should extend the gratitude to him. May be physicAlly you will show gratitude but in your inner heart, you have to maintain the pardoing heart.

In conclusions

To day we are reminded:

1)to be happy you have to follow God's will in you life

(2)You will see bulb light,but U don't see the current flow. To know about current,U have to study, similarly to know God's will for you,while practice 7 ethics,you should train to respect other person.

(3)since no 2 persons are equal,respecting other become difficult,you develop misunderstanding,anger towards others

(4)Jesus told that you have to carry the cross(manage misunderstanding/don't lose respect other)+pardon other(always identify Gratitude towards others)

(5)then you will identify good in others

(6)judging others has to be avoided,since you are not avail of all information

(7)hand over your crosses to Mary,while pardoning others.


Forgiveness is like oil in an engine. It keeps the wheels moving. Forgiveness is like gravity...invisible in its power, yet profound in its effects. Jesus is the ultimate symbol of forgiveness. HE kept on believing in HIS followers, HE kept on giving them chances. We must develop a habit of forgiving, which will create our forward motion!

Thank you


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