
Sunday 17 September 2017

Cycle 1:season: Ordinary Sunday No:23 Date: 10/9/2017 Self Centered Catholic - in detail

High light
23th ordinary sunday,self centered Catholic

(1)Jesus said"if 2 of you asked me in my name,it will be granted" U go with Ur family to church and ask for anything do you get?
Is God becoming a politician?
(2)There are no 2 person's in the world, whose thinking & understanding ideally same. Then on which action of yours you can get wholehearted agreement of your friend?
(3)Is every human self centered?.what do you mean by this? Why it is important to check about 7 vices, to be Attracted to self centredness,in order not biased your life attracted towards earth bound cravings?
(4)When you respect others, you can always accommodate others!. Is it easy to achieve without the Support of God?
(5)When you become self centered,can you love others?.without love,when more than 2 people ask for something, will HE give?.
(6)When your action and others are based on God's Will, are you get the required support from God?
(7)When you are not self centered and other also same, when you all ask for common solution for problem,are you sure that God will help you?

Pl lsten for 5 minutes:

Reflection for 10th september 2017, celebrating 23rd Sunday of ordinary season,of cycle 1. Today church invite us to
Analyze:(1) how to develop and extend genuine love for others(2)with maturity how you develop self centered in your life.(3)how to get the support of God for your request

Christianity main slogan is love thy neighbor. How to develop love in your life?.
The enemy of loving-kindness is attachment. At first, attachment may feel like love, but as it grows it clearly becomes more opposite. You help a person,but you expect a return for that!. This kind of love is not becoming genuine and you become unhappy when the expected return is not received. Most of the cases in this world, when you try to help a person out of love, you tend to become unhappy. Then how to lead action out of love. When your action become for the love of God, since another person also a God's child, what ever the outcome you receive you become happy.  Otherwise why you tend to boil your blood, by helping another person. Christians can enjoy their healthy life, by extending their services out of love of God with their person.

When you get adulthood and move life in maturity, without your knowledge, self centered sneak thu' your life. How much I have done for him. See now how he treat me?. My good work become suffering for me!. Instead your good work if you do for the love of God, you need not to keep in your mind what returns you expect out of your action. This leads to opposite of self centredness. Opposite of self centered is selfless,team oriented and unselfish!

Self Centeredness
ignores others' needs& only do what's best for them. The film Laurance of Arabia depicts a 10 day death march of Laurence's army thru' desert. Nearly dying from dehydration,they suddenly see an oasis &eagerly falls into water. Laurence find out that a camel boy was missing& says"we must go back &find him"but his men refuse to venture back into the merciless furnace of sand. They plead"MASTER, IT IS GOD's WILL that boy did not return. His fate was written?.But Laurance heads back alone into the dunes in search & returns with unconscious boy, after 2 days.

He remarks" Remember Nothing is written unless you write it". Jesus ask people"what do you want me to do?"rather than telling us what to do. HE said 'Ask &it will be given: Knock & door will be opened? Today "If two of you ask anything in my name,it will be granted" When You are self-centred,can you have common requests to ask?

Today's reading:

Prophet Ezkiel(Ezk 33:7-9) says" if U don't speak to the wicked man, I will hold you responsible fr his death"

PAul to RomAns (Rm 13:8-10) says"Love is the answer for everyone in commandments"

Mt (18:15-20) says" If he listen to you,you have won back your brother"

Reflects: our gospel reading today has some harsh dimensions and most likely it reflects not the teaching of Jesus directly,but the practice of the church for which Mathew was writing. As often in Mathew however there is a surprise. People who refuse to acknowledge their failures are to be treated as pagans and tax collectors. But just how pagans and tax collectors  treated by Jesus and in the gospel of Mathew? Remember the call of matthew (Mt 9:9) recall the story of canaanite women(Mt15:21-28) they are welcome and forgiven. Any permanent exclusion is resisted on the example and teachings of Jesus Himself.
Let us summarize main points of todays reflections.
(1)when you think too much about urself selfcentedness starts-mainly you expect returns for your actions
(2)You may most probably not get required return,making you to resist support for others
(3)instead if you trust God created all humans & they belong to one family,your action for other can be done for the love of God,then you may not expect a return from another person
(4)this will make your life more healthy,you become unselfish & you will see the return for your action from God
(5)actions without love increase your selfcentredness
(6)correcting others has to be done with care,when you are with grace of God only
(7)otherwise you will see speck in another eye, while failing to see beam in your own eye.

The typical example for us to study is the lfe of Holy Mary. She has been chosen to be mother of God. She has been following God's Will, despite her will. If she is followed her will,you will never get the chance of respecting her. She is the most respected human,ever lived!.

Correct one another in charity. We live together in a society and we are called to be prepared to correct and encourage each other. No one is an island. If Christ is among us,then we will encourage and help each other love is one thing that cannot hurt your neighbor.
But identify what is love clearly, actions for the grace of God, can derive pure love for another person, otherwise your love may become hate!

Thank you

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