
Saturday 6 January 2018

4th Sunday of Advent Cycle 2 Hidden Catholic (24-12-2017) - in summary

High light:

(1) Why God has not written an instruction book? as how to live,

(2)Why still Jew's expect messiah to come in a supernatural way?(They still follow old testament)

(3)Why God,the father,taken years to train Jews, as how to manage Ur free will,to lead a happy life,when God become indirect?

(4)Is there any other way,that God the son,to take human form? Why Christianity start with Baby Jesus?

(5)Do U hv any hidden life?Is all Ur life transparent?.

(6)Why U collect all waste & crush everyday to make compose(fertiliser)?.Similarly do U need to confess Ur sins & crush thu' confession,& forget it,in order to lead a happy life?

(7)Is it difficult to understand, God's path of salvation,Mary & Joseph virginal marriege,hidden life of Jesus until HIS public ministry?.Why no body has written about this?is it real?

Pl listen:

Reflection for 24th december 2017, celebrating 4th Sunday of advent season,of cycle 2.Reminding us to analyze: (1)why Christmas came?(2)why God HIS son(Jesus), introduced in human form(3)what is the role of Joseph and Mary,& their examples to our life(4)why paul said during last sunday that in Chistmas,you enjoy spirit,soul and your body?(5) With Christmas, how you enjoy happiness in your life(6)your life is always swing from hidden to transparent: why you should always transparent to God?(7)how to enjoy Christmas?

(1)why Christmas came?

God in His own wisdom, has shown us a method of living happily.

This was the purpose of HIS creation. Since the freedom given to Adam and Eve,has been violated by them(pl note that always freedom is subject to law), God introduced pain,sorrow,death and childhood to humans. So out of infinite love for human, HE has chosen Jews to train humans, how to enjoy the freedom,to lead an happy life. HE

fore told of God becoming human,HIS son Jesus,

This is quiet understandable since, until end of Jesus worldly life God the father has directly showing what to do!. After Jesus,

christianity starts for all people in the world. That is why after Jesus Holy spirit change the certain rituals followed by Jesus for

example : not eating pork-now no restriction for food neither nor male circumcision

(2)why God HIS son(Jesus), introduced in human form

God should have written instructions as what to follow, to manage ,

human life. But HE didnot do that!. This is HIS own wisdom,that HE

formed such process!

What is the role of Joseph and Mary and their examples to our life?

God will never intervene to anybody's free will. Joseph and mary's life is a real example of how any human to follow God's will.

Mary willed to conceive Jesus, despite any social harassments she has to receive for conceiving a baby without marriege.

Joseph doubt was cleared by God, for him to be a foster father. Both of them though the sacrifices they underwent during the bringing up Jesus, were ideally faithful to God' will. They never utter a hum to God. As humans we may not able to be fully understand why God, make them to underwent such experience, but they followed HIM.

why paul said during last sunday

"may U all will be kept safe spirit,soul& body for the coming of the lord;

Your life consist of internal happiness(spirit), how you manage your soul. Your soul is consist of your free will and your mind.

Your mind will decide what is good for you, while your free will give instruction to carry out what is good, from your brain.

In christmas, you develop internal happiness thru' various rituals you follow!

Celebration of Christmas stems from traditions of several different cultures. During christmas eve U show appreciation to people in ur life.Carols& Christmas tree(symbolizing TREE OF LIFE in Eden& of CROSS)started in Germany (11th century).Catholic custom of adoring Holy baby in Christmas crib at home started from Francis of Asissi,who in1223 erected a representation of stable &manger with live Ox &Ass in a forest-cave near Greccio/Italy.During mass,he preached to villagers on the limitless mercy& love of God &Christ child was seen to hv come to life in his arms. In1843,custom of sending Christmas cards were started by Sir Henry Cole,a British civil servant.Sending e cards were started in yr2000.Enjoy Santa clause, Crib,Christmas tree & Carols/visit parents/friends+sick to enjoy the spirit of Christmas& sing Glory to the God in creating U.

Your soul has to identify, why Jesus came, what actions you should

follow in order appreciate what God has asked you to do?

 How to maintain your body?

God change the way of living of people. Always new era is more efficient than previous!. Why, new generation should enjoy

different way of living. This pave way to change the paradigm of people. Earlier generations were having more time and more work to do. Now the paradigm changes same work can be done in less time.

Your body is having water, and motorised joints. Hence in these era doing exercise and drinking more water has become an


Now you are living in an information explosion era. You get all information in a matter of a second. Leading ypu to quickly get difference of opinion. But you may think that you are correct, but, since you are not avail of all information, you may not know

whether you are correct: only God knows: hence it is important for you to handover your worries and lead a happy life. This is where you need to train pardoning others and hand over your worries to mary and saints, as Jesus shown in Cana

From the day you became adult, you start analyzing about your life and start hiding facts for your own safety and convenience. Even adam and Eve did the same thing. Let analyse what they did?.

Adam&Eve disobedience changed everything.They wore fig leaves to cover their nakedness,(explain why we should wear clothes).They heard sound of God walking in garden.They hid themselves (reminds first game of HIDE&SEEK)Peculiar question God asked"WHERE ARE U"(does God not know).God doesnot ask question to gain knowledge,but to give opportunity "COME CLEAN".Adam came clean.When God asked why?,he said" WOMEN WHOM U GAVE ME TO BE WITH ME,SHE GAVE ME FRUIT &I ATE!"-his words means-He not only blames women, but in case that's not going to get him out of Hot water,he says"Whom U gave me"God ask Eve-She realising how this game is played,passes buck once more. "SERPENT TRICK ME &I ATE"-this Blame Game can only go so far &begining with serpent,God declares HIS judgement against each of guilty parties.For serpent-scrolling on ground&eat dirt.Eve-Pain in child birth,Adam-pain of labouring field.

For any action of ours, always there can be a hidden agenda. Show something to outside world but actual intention is something else.

Even in history: we have seen Judas, was with Jesus. But his intention was to change Roman Empire, thru' Jesus. He was practicing as a disciple.

In Golgotha, the right hand thief genuinely sad for his sins against God

Take these 2 actions, both repented for their actions, but Judas hidden motive is not towards God but political, so he was governed by satan, to end up his life by committing suicide. Where as right hand thief end up his life in heaven Take another example: Martin Luther,went away from catholic church in 1517, with Valid reason but immediately his departure, he married. So who knows which is predominate desire to leave church. His marring, caused, the primary action of Christian to forget: treatment for sins by confession, all christian denomination except catholic, priest can marry and no confession.

It will be very difficult for you to lead a transparent life. That is why confession in catholism is given by Holy spirit. You start

practicing to be honest to yourself + to God. For that you should know what is sin?

Sin is going against God's commandments basically 10 commandments and going against God's will.

Todays reading:

Prophet Isaiah says(Is 9:1-7) A son is given to us

Paul write to Titus(Tt 3:4-7)" It was for no reason except His own compassion that HE saved us

Lk(2-15-20) says" The shepherd found Mary and Josep and the baby.

December 25 th we remember the historical event of Jesus birth. Jesus birth essentially remind us

(1) Promised messiah to relieve human to reach the intended happiness of God's creation

(2) How God beautifully send Jesus, like a normal human to this world. In order to do that how HE selected Holy Mary and Joseph

And of their virginal marriege.

(3)Jesus has shown the human + divine characteristics; Mary has shown how to follow God's will and Joseph represent all of human(including saints)how we should carry out God's will.

The bible has precise, specific predictions for the birth of jesus that were made 500 of years in advance & that were literally fulfilled

In Christmas we remember the age old propercies fulfilled, that a virgin would conceive (Is7:14), and the redeemer

would be born of the tribe of Judah (Gen 49:10), of the house of David (Ezekiel 33:23),at the time which have been fore told by Daniel(9:25-26) some 500 years before, and that His birth place would be Bethlehem(Mich5:2)

In Conclusions:

Each year Christmas remind us to the necessity of creating a place for God to come and reside among us"and "create with us A NEW EARTH".Christianity is the new message of LOVE to all humans in this world. Until one feels the spirit of Christmas,there is no Christmas!.HAPPY CHRISTMAS TO YOU ALL!.Christie Alwis

Thank you


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