
Saturday 6 January 2018

Cycle 2: Season: Christmas: Sunday 1- Feast Of Holy Family (31/12/2017) Robo Catholic - in detail

High light
(1)You didnot decide from which parent that you should come to this world. Then who decided?
(2)Why male sperm+women egg is necessary in creating another human being?.Can this be made by science?
(3)Can you make robot babies? A robot can be made to do particular actions. Is robot going to be eternal?. Can robot replace humans?
(4) Human,is having various stages o life. Baby hood,child hood,adulthood etc. Can science make a baby robot to going thru' all these phases?
(5)Human is made with flesh,blood and activate With inhale+exhale air+eat food+remove waste. Can science make a robot with all these? Can robot work Without a power supply?
(6)Human is having spirit,soul(free will+mind)!/body. Can robot have spirit+freewill?
(7)Why God showed Jesus,as baby,adult,living in a family,doing a voation? Is it just to show human is much more than Robot?

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Reflection for 31st december 2017, in cycle 2, celebrating holy family feast, inviting us to analyze the value of family.

Human basic unit is a family, which comprises father, mother and children. For eternal reasons, a generation will move with combination of male sperm+women egg. Science cannot override this phenomena, which means science cannot make artificial male sperm or female egg.
Human is made with flesh and lives with absorbing oxygen from Air, and oxiginating your blood, circulating the same throughout your body to make you active.  All waste will go as carbon dioxide when you exhale. When you eat your tasted food will be converted to your blood. Still science cannot make artificial blood or artificial air. Air is depending upon climate. Still science cannot control climate. You are made with spirit+soul. Soul is your free will +mind. You can get some idea about mind by looking at how your computer works with man made software. You cannot physical see software!.
Still science cannot control you, specifically your spirit+ your soul(specially your free will). Certain political ideologies who dictated to control human free will has become failures.(Falling o berlin wall in year 2000).
Under this scenario, can unisex marriages survive?, yes only for one generation!. They have to depend on normal marriege outputs that is children to enjoy the spirit of family!.   God in HIS own freedom showed humans the value of a family!
Otherwise, HE should not have such a big rigmarole to follow with the willingness of Mary and Joseph, to send HIS SON as a human with human+divine qualities!

HE showed the value of HUMAN FAMILY: values of human family is quiet distinctly separate with animals. Animals does not identify a father. Animals cannot carry out actions for a purpose. Hence animal life is quiet distinctly separated with human life. When did animal wear clothes? When dolphine has wrote a book?

Human family allows you to identify that each person is different not only with physical body but with mentality too. This is the beauty of human family. You realize the value of inter dependency, which in tun has to be extended to the society!. Husband and wife is with 2 different genders. Each having two different independent spirit+soul. Take example the Holy Family, Mary, through she played a major role in supporting God's will to bring Jesus, has shown very clearly, that she obeyed Joseph too, in carrying out actions. She never took an upper hand to control Joseph!. She followed his instructions to go to Egypt to safe guard baby Jesus, even Joseph decided to go back to Nazareth instead of Jerusalem, she followed her. She never showed superiority over Joseph's decisions!.

Today's reading
Book of Genesis(Gn 15:1-6;21:1-3)" your heir shall be your own flesh and blood"
Letter from Hebrew (Heb 11:8.11-12,17-19) says"the faith of abram,sarah and Issac"
Lk 2:22-40 says"The child grew filled With Wisdom"
Reflection: holy family feast will come at Christmas, a time when families are thrown together more than usual. A sense of human can help, as we are reminded family resemblance, both physical and personal!. A sense of gratitude too is not out of place- gratefulness especially to parents who always love us. A sense of service, when we make the extra effort to be helpful and kind, would be a real Christian gift to all the family. A sense of belonging can help us experience the love, joy and refreshment of being part o this particular family.

When we look at how Joseph follows the God' will, we can see that He also managed 7 sorows, which from the human angle, we can value:
They are:
(1)Wording about Mary's mysterious pregnancy
(2)travel from Nasarate to Bethlehem with expectant Mary & facing  last minute accommodation problem
(3)get to know that Infant Messiah would suffer at hands of sinful men
(4)Simeon propercies not only that child would encounter bitter opposition but His mothers heart would be pierced by a sword of sorrow.
(5)King Herod's threat on  new born saviour's life which enforced Him to exile to Egypt
(6)when they return,they were diverted to Nazereth,having being warned of a further potential threat on Child's life by Herod's son now reigning in Judea
(7) loss of child Jesus in the temple!we cannot imagine what grief & anxiety filled the hearts of sorrowing parents during 3 days search,as they remembered,how His life is threatened,during the massacre of the innocents. Joseph is similar to us, born with the original sin, who ptotected Mary + Jesus, and follows the God's will througout his life.

Similarly we can value the 7 sorrows of Mary, for us to be clear about God's will

7great sorrows:
Propercy of aged Simon in temple/2000miles(2yrs) flight into Egypt with infant Jesus/loss of Jesus(12 yrs) in Jerusalem/Mary's encounter with Jesus on His way to Calvary/His crucifixion/Taking down His body from the Cross/His burial
Similarly,7deadly vices if not surrendered to God thru' Mary in prayer will deprive Happiness of life. They are Pride(boasting, love of publicity)/Avarice(greedy,dishonesty)/Envy(why shouldn't I have with everything that others have)/Lust(disoriented love for personal pleasure)/Anger(this is a strong feeling that comes when one is wronged or insulted either real or imaginary)/ Gluttony(the disorderly animal apetite, obsession with food & drink to the point of living to eat, rather than eating to live/Sloth(laziness or idleness).Holy mary is the tree,which provide us the fruit of God

The lessons that we can learn from mary's life!

Shortly after Annunciation,Mary visited(70 miles) of her aged pregnant cousin Elizabeth,stayed until birth of John.Moment 2 women met,infant John & Elizabeth was filled with Holy spirit.Mary praise the God by Magnificat!.It reminds present Pope's Church mission for poor in the words of Mary is to cast down the mighty from their throns & lift up the lowly,to fill the hungry with good things & send the rich away empty,to scatter the proud hearted & raise the lowly. Elizabeth would never live to see her son loose his head to the dancing step daughter of Herod, but Mary would have live & die at once in seeing Her son taste death,but death might be no more for her?We don't worship Mary! But we pray to Her.We don't get favours from Her but She intercedes.She is instrument through whom Jesus perform miracles!She does not attract people to Herself but to Christ!.

Even  After Jesus' Ascension, the disciples had recourse to her; She resolved their doubts, comforted & encourage them. Each man has his mother. Each person can say;'I have my mother, and mine is as good or better than yours.'That is why little is written of the mothers of any great person. If we place, Jesus, similarly thought of special reverence to His Mother, as different from other mothers become +vely repellent. We don't start with Mary. We start with Christ. The less think of Him, the less we think of her. The more we adore His divernity, the more we venerate her Motherhood. The less we adore His divinity, the less reason we have for respecting Her,we could even resent Her name! Those who dislikes any devotion to Mary, are those who deny His divernity, or who find fault with Jesus because of what he says about Hell, Divorce & judgment.

Mary's role for catholics!

'I promise, St Bridget once heard our Lord say to His mother,'to hear graciously all who ask a favour of me in your name, even if they are sinners - provided that they have the will to amend their ways'.In1808Pope Pius 7 was imprisoned by Napoleon.In1814 he was set free & return to Rome. After the Napoleans 100 days had been brought to an end with the allied victory at Waterloo, same pope institute this feast in year1815.This is for the Thanks giving to God & Blessed Virgin & to commemorate his return from captivity!:All gracious God has decreed for us, He has determined to grant thru, Mary & hence God has committed all treasures & ornaments of Graces thru Her'. A child needs a father & a mother who really care. It is very difficult to mature without them. Mary doesnot prevent our worship to LORD. We would never had Christ, if God has not chosen Her!

So Joseph and Mary showed us how to ollow God's will in our life.
Happy Holy family feast for you!

Thank you

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