
Monday 9 July 2018

Cycle 2: season: ordinary(2): Sunday No:14: Date:8/7/2018 Global Village Catholic - in summary

High light: Global villege Catholics sunday 8/7 
(1) Today we are living in Global villege. What is the difference between Villege & Global villege? 
(2) How Holy Spirit converted Catholicism to Global religion? What are the difference HE made to Father/Son era?
(3)Global villege shrink to one villege concept making all human into 1 community.
What are the characteristic of this community?
(4)Why Holy spirit made 2 sacraments: Matrimony & Holy orders & name as Sacrament of Community?
(5)Why Catholic Priest cannot marry&catholic marriege has to be between man& woman/why they cannot divorce?
(6)Why Ur children should hv a different paradigm, than Urs?.
(7)Why the grass is brown, near a water sprinkle?. Does Jesus forecast about U,telling that the Prophet(Jesus) is despised only his own country/Global villege. How to be receptive with Him?
Pl listen

Today 8th July 2018, we celebrate the 14th sunday mass of ordinary 2 season, today church invite us to reflect about how HE wished to manage this world, until the end. To study about characteristics of sacrament of Community.

There are 3 main aspects to be considered to understand the how human life to be maintain towards end of this world.
1st aspect is, with the introduction of death and childhood to human, after the betrayal of Adam+Eve, human generation will be flowing with establishing a family unit, the basic characteristics of a family is union of man and woman. Thru' their union only -ie male sperm + women egg, children will be brought to this world. To make novelty for every new generation, you will observe God changes the paradigm of people. Normally every new generation will lead their life more efficiernt than Previous.

To manage the God kingdom, church has been established, to administer 7 sacraments, clergy has been assigned. Holy Spirit introduced that priest cannot marry. This is mainly due to the sacrament of healing about hearing sins, and maintain that confidentiality, priest cannot marry. The main functionality  of catholic priest, is the adminitering blessed sacrament.
Two people to live together will not be an easy task, since there are many matter outside 10 commandment, you don't know Who is correct?. Unless you respect other partner,and go with God to find out who is correct, marriege cannot be success. there is another aspect for marriege. That is each partner is undergoing physical + mental changes with time. These changes are not uniform for both partners. Under this scenario marriages become more vulnerable But Catholic marriege, Holy spirit has guaranteed happiness, if they don't divorce and try to accommodate each other,receptive with God. 

 God's Will from close system to open system or global system.
God uses Jews to show, how to reintroduce Happiness to the human. He did,'t use any other race, thru millions of years, through prophets & other means. We see in the old testament, how HE was preparing Jews. One can question, why HE used only Jews?. That is wisdom, HE always take the best method.

Then HE was sending HIS own son- Jesus to show us how to act independent, to God, to lead our life, and achieve guaranteed happiness. Through our own will, or own freedom, how we should lead our life, to be pleasant to HIM. Jesus, as a JEW, while following the major rituals of Jew(not eating pork+circumcising) showed the message of love & pardoning  and showed that HE is God, through resurrection. Major phase of Christianity is given up to Jesus resurrection, and it was to a close group of Jews.

Then after 50 days to his death, HE send Holy spirit to inaugurate the church. Mary, Peter was witness to that. Peter became the first pope. The great persecutor of Christian, Paul was converted to christianity through a vision, and his 3 days blindness. Paul, who has been circumcised as a jew, recommended NO Circumcision, for any catholics, as all human are children of God.
Then peter, who was circumcise and not eating pork, found that for the new church, there should not be any restriction of food. So new church, after Holy Spirit became an open or global church, for any human in the world, without any cast,creed. Hence church has to find amicable solutions, with the guidance of Holy spirit, any present social problems. Some are birth control, euthanasia, uni sex marriege etc. Pope infallibility becomes vital, upon these situations!. Hence Church moves strictly on non cast-open system method-as against up to jesus, only to jews!.
Today, it high lights, how you will decrease your faith due to cast. 

how cast works!

Cast is considered as fixed unchangeable social class in to which people are BORN. Your great,great grand father has farming, where as mine was fishing,today we both are teachers doing same job,(may be same blood group),but we differentiate each other from cast. Cast conscience person will lead to hardheadedness(form of pride),where he take practical decisions without letting his emotions affecting his judgment. You tend to forget, that God has created you and every human is God creation&U have to look for friendship irrespective of cast. Cast dilutes the ability to appreciate,human achievements unbiased way,thus harming your self of deprived knowledge. There are many other forms of cast based on ancestral villege/based on your job position. All casts are heading towards selfish motives,while coordination between one cast to another is very poor depriving to achieve common goals of a country!. Pope Francis send clear signals of having a cast less church.

Cast has become cancer in the developing countries. People prefer to show their cast in his name, just to get undue preference, from others(for their own selfish motives).
Priests in the church are also instrument in forming casts. Parish priest, other congregations, other clergy are forming various casts, and coordination between cast become extremely difficult, causing negative outputs of church! 

Now let us analyze the Basic Era's of teaching of the church!

It is very clear, that there are 5 era's of the catholic church

Era 1: God created U to be happy, with certain rule to follow: NOT TO EAT FROM THE FORBIDDEN TREE. Our original parents proud ness and Jealousy, caused them to betray, resulting, in death, fear and sorrow in to our life. So our eternal life is having 2 periods (1) in this world(2) outside this world.

Era 2: God, the Father, train, through Israel, how to reintroduce happiness. HE was directly instructing Israelis, through various prophets and means, how to lead life according to HIS WILL. HE introduced 10 commandments with Eye to Eye principle.

Era 3: JESUS the son, showed how to lead our. Life managing, fear and sorrow. HE showed only to Israelis. He introduce the message of love, through following same 10 commandments, with turn other cheek of yours, the shortest path to realize Love in the society.

Era 4: Church was formed with Pentacost. Earlier Jesus message was only to Jews. Mary, peter and Paul, plays a vital role in making this universality, under the influence of Holy Spirit. Jesus teaching was only to Jews, and He followed, the circumcise and food restrictions(not to eat pork), where as church lifted all under the influence of Holy Spirit, church was made universal, without any food restrictions and without circumcise!. So church becomes light house of a cast less society, with Pope as the head. Church in collaboration with Holy Spirit, from time to time guide us, how to lead our life Happily!

Era 5: when you follow the Era's of Father, son and Holy spirit, the teachings of the church, you will be happy now and eternal.

Confession/marriege& Celibacy
Early church,other than most of apostles, all priest were unmarried.In11th Century, Pope Gregory VII made this practise the law.On other hand,once U'r married "A MAN LEAVE HIS FATHER &MOTHER &BE JOINED TO HIS WIFE.2 WILL BECOME 1BODY".When a priest is married &hear confessions,he'll have a problem regarding confidentiality. In1517 with formation of Protestants by Martin Luther,Celibacy of clergy was1st to go out. Luther (former) catholic monk, married(former) catholic nun.Then with them,Sacrament of confession practised by Catholic Church,also was discarded since their priests were allowed to marry. John20:23 talks about confession, followed by Catholic Church;"IF U FORGIVE ANYONES SINS,THEIR SINS ARE FORGIVEN"Main slogan in Christianity is God will forgive sins.What is the process we should follow to attain this? Holy Spirit has given us sacrament of confession.

Today's reading:
Ezkiel(Ezk2:2-5):"It was the devil's envy, that brought death to this World"

Paul (2 Cor 12:7-10)says, that divine grace is sufficient for him& settle his weakness &  all difficulties"for the sake of Christ"

Mark(6:1-6) says"Jesus teaches in HIS home town & is rejected by HIS ow people" 

Reminds: Faith means you increase your knowledge on a subject. Catholic faith means you increase knowledge about God. Every day, you can increase knowledge from associating many other people. When you are cast oriented, you tend to bar your knowledge limited only to your cast, undermining God, because every creation of God's is good,every human are equal.  Cast oriented mind tends to decrease faith, and increase Proud and Jealousy in their life.

Being a Catholic & not knowing how to receptive with God, is not a excuse to receive God guaranteed happiness in your life. God like a beloved father, is waiting to support you, provided you wish to receptive with HIM. Today HE warns all of us that to be more receptive with HIM, ollowing HIS commandments+ HIS WILL!


Holy Spirit was the founder of Universal Church. Is it similar that our villege has now become Global villege?. Earlier to only Jews,With Holy spirit to whole humanity of this world(make it global). Now U'll be able to visulise why Holy Spirit introduced 7 sacraments &one of 3 major sacrament group as COMMUNITY, which consist of 2 sacrament. Matromony+Holy orders. Catholic Marriege is between man+woman & cannot be divorced while catholic priest cannot marry.(2 SEPERATE AGREEMETS). 

Thank you

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