
Monday 23 July 2018

Pitied Catholic Sunday 22-7 - in summary

High lights:

(1) What is the difference between human and God? Can God worry?

(2) Why Jesus showed that HE is worried about Us, like a sheep without a shepard?

(3)What are the 4 major characteristics of a shepherd?lead/protect from wolfs/knows individual names/not leave sheep what ever circumstances. Why U hv to follow him to visualize other 3?

(4)If any human don't follow HIM who is going to worry? Is HE or U?.why U? Can HE worry?

(5)Do U need an insurance to live in this world? Who can give the best insurance about Ur life?. Is it good to know insurance co or God?

(6)To Receive God insurance, what U hv to do?what premium U hv to pay? Is it to follow 4 pillars of catholicism?

(7)Without a premium can U get benefit from any insurance company?

Pl listen:

Think about:

Why God wants U to be first Sheep then become shadow shepard to others?. When U become sheep to HIM, U start follow HIS commandments,then realise HIS love to U. Then U start loving HIM, start love Ur self,as the creation of God. Then U realize how HE protects U(both physically+mentally). To realize God's friendship though out Ur life, in addition to follow HIS will,daily individual rosary will help U the support Holy Mary's/saints intervention with God to U,to be more friendly with God!. Then U realize with one candle Ur lighting many Candles!

Today 22nd July 2018, we celebrate the 16th sunday mass of ordinary 2 season, today church remind to analyze basic characteristics of practicing catholism. How to treat God as our Shepard, then how can we become shadow shepard to others. What was the role of Jesus. Why HE was pitied about humans but can Holy spirit pity about humans now?

What are the Characteristics of a shepard?Why Jesus was pitied about humans?.what is the example HE is showing us?

To know that let analyze what are the characteristics of pity and of a Shepard?


is the strong feeling of sympathy/compassion caused by sufferings/misfortunes of others. If U say 'I pity U', I say to myself"I can do without that kind of pitiness". Mk(6:34)says"HE took pity on them because they were like sheep without a shepherd".

What are the characteristic of a Shepard?He STAYS WITH SHEEP through out the day. HE brings them to sheepfold to PROTECT THEM FROM WOLVES!.HE doesn't hv to drive them;but LEADS THEM by walking in front of them & they follow him. He KNEW every one of his sheep by NAME/relationship(with him)& sheep has the KNOWLEDGE,TRUST,PROTECTIVENESS, CONCERN,DEPENDANCE on him. God is the GOOD Shepherd. It means that HE knows us. He leads,loves,cares & protects us & no matter what happens,HE stays with us. Why God has pity on Catholics?Because they are reluctant to be friends with God & try to follow only rituals! Due to laziness,they don't reflect sunday readings& no actions.

Why Jesus showed about pitiness? Can God pity about people. HE is the all ssource of Happiness to humans. Jesus showed, how we can be pitied about ourself and others. When we forget the Shepard ship of God, we have to be pitiyed about ourselves. Why you want to talk about Jesus to others. Because you know how good HE is to your life, that is why you want to tell about HIM, as a good friend to be introduced to others.

Today church remind us as how to further our friendship with God. You have to develop a habit of meeting HIM direct.

(1) Go to a lonely place

(2) Identify an incident where God has saved you thank HIM and associated people

(3) Look at the cross, identify your 5 wounds(sin against 5 senses (wrt to 10 commandments) get it pardoned

(4) Why HE is hanging on 3 nails? Identify your worroies(1 nail)left nail, identify your worries about your immediaet relations and friends (2 nail)right nail, Identify your societie problems(nail at the feet), hand over all to the God.

(5) Remember death body was kept on the lap of Holy Mary. You hand over all these wories thru' mary to Jesus.

forming habits

Concentration for prayer should be a constant habit. when you are in serious work, you concentrate, unconsciously. Isaac Newton always forgot his meals while working. You may laugh such character,but it is such men who have made mark! by concentration. This is an age of distraction Ex: TV,internet,games,friends,noise etc. Normally prayer is done under conditions which are not conducive to concentration. Yet person's success depends on this. Power of concentration can be improved with 5 key elements

(1)be interested to your prayer

(2)make it daily habit with definite time & in definite place

(3)be relax,remove all other thoughts

(4)hand over all of your worries to Holy Mary+Saints

(5)Think about incident that God has saved you thank HIM

(6)remember that God created U to lead a happy life.


value of prayer!

In our life,when we depend too much on reasoning and logic there is a little place for faith. The real knowledge of God is contemplative. This knowledge cannot be obtained through self efforts. For this we need to be still and passive like a poor man expecting to get something from the rich.

When we know how we obtain knowledge of God we are on the right path without interfering in the work of God in our soul.(Identify an incident, where God saved you, thank HIM for that incident). The power to remember is part of the identity and continuity of the person and a means by which he comes to know God. The people of God have a long collective memory of all those events in which he has acted to save,revealing Himself and HIS love.

We should know that to obtain supernatural and spiritual knowledge mere ascetic practices do not suffice. Even mere suppression of all thoughts and ideas cannot be of help. It is obtained through God's generous intervention and initiative. We can receive this knowledge only in total passivity, being open to the spirit of God. We need to keep ourself completely passive, when we do not feel that we are progressing in prayer. We should try to be there simply without active role. When we are totally open to God(make sure that you are without worries+ no enemies+adhere 10 commandments), HE flows into our soul without making us feel anything in our body and senses(cf. Ascent II,15,ii). This is done through active purification, which is nothing else but elevating our heart to God and placing less emphasis on the material realities.

Hence we become passively active. The effect of such passive energizing of our soul in prayer is experienced in our daily life, when we are capable of accepting our daily crosses, difficulties, problems, surrendering ourselves to events and situations which have no explanation and answers through natural logic. The mysterious passive energy imparted to us in prayer helps us to put up with any difficult situation even without an extraordinary active effort in our part. Such an attitude is simply flows from within us and becomes a part of our nature.


out come of your life:

Each human is having it's own talents. If you don't develop your talents to develop a skill, you are betraying God. How to develop energy in your life. You should be(1)happy(2)healthy(3)efficient.

Happy- Catholicism provides easy path to lead a happy life by following God's will.

Healthy- you should maintain the God given body, by doing excercise+drink plenty of water+not to over eat.

Efficient- always use the latest technology to improve your talents. Ex: sending a sms or talking over phone:


Any human's during his life, acquire knowledge, which leads to develop skills, as well as attitudes.

Skill: an ability to do something well,specially because you have learned and practice the work.

Attitude: opinion and feeling that you usually have about something:(sapecially God)

Energy of your life is knowledge + skill +attitude.

In order to develop, attitude of LOVE, from Catholicism, one has to gather sufficient knowledge of Jesus teachings, which is available in 3 year sunday readings.

To gather knowledge, one has to follow 6 steps:


You have to convert your talents to energy, so that you can create happiness to others, in addition to you.

These 6 steps are part of dynamic process that you have to do!

C. Today's reading:

Jeremiah says(Jr 23:1-6)" the remnant of my flock I will gather and I will raise up shepards to look after them.

Paul (Eph:2:13-18) says"Christ Jesus is the peace between us,and has made the two into one.

Mk 6:30-34) says"they were like a sheep without shepard"

(1) You were given full freedom to act,after Jesus teaching. Now God's Will for you, is not directly conveyed to you. But you are having full freedom, to take any decision action, But 100% out come of that action is not known to you. Hence you are always encounter a cross. That is why Paul says you are a new man, your peace has to be resolved with the cross. New method of action is always through a cross.

(2) You have been given full freedom. Your mind will decide what is truth and your free will carry out what is good.

(3) When you don't carry out actions, contrary to the commandments given by Jesus, you will encounter misery in your life. (sheep without a Shepard).

(4) Commandments can be summarized as follows:

(A) follow 10 commandments,

(B) pardon your enemies

(C) avoid 7 vices

(D) avoid any form of cast formation.

(E) follow God's will.

(F) convert your talents to energy

(G)Then God will, guarantee your happiness

In conclusion, today readings remind us to develop friendship with God by following 10 commandments, avoiding 7 vices, following 14 mercy's, practice 7 sacraments, and follow HIs Will, in addition to that you should develop pitiness and support your friends who haven't got to know the real essence of happiness, given by God, to lead a good life, now as well as after death. God is happiness, God is not sorrow. Jesus show us the ssorrow and HE gave a clear action oriented examples as how to convert that sorrow into happiness!.


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