
Tuesday 11 December 2018

Cycle 3: Season: Advent: Sunday No:2: Date:9/12/2018 Miraculous Catholic - in detail

High light:
(1) What is the difference between magic & miracle?.Why V say Jesus life is full of human & full of divine?
(2) From Jerusalem,& from Abraham,3 major faiths came. Why only Christianity God became human? How about Judaism & Islam?
(3)Jesus shows 40 miracles to show HIS divernity. Why 3/4 rd HIS miracles are healing?Is it to show that God is in full control over Ur body not only U?.Is it real?
(4)For U to live U need 6 basic elements earth,water,air,sunlight,fire& food. why only food U hv to earn, all others are free of charge to U? Why Jesus curse fig tree with no fruits?can merciful God do this?
(5)Do U know Thomas Alva Edission,Nelson mandela,AG Bell,Mother Theresa etc?have they done miracles to society?.Why Jesus did?WALKING ON WATER+CATCHING MANY FISH+ MULTIFICATION OF LOAVES+CATHING FISH WITH A COIN IN HIS MOUTH-
(6)Why Jesus change water into wine? In reality how U can observe happiness thru'Mary?
(7)What is the connection of God to become human with, Jesus virginal birth,resurrection & ascension?

Pl listen:

Today 9th december 2018, we celebrate the 2nd sunday mass of cycle 3 and 2nd sunday mass of advent. Today church invite us to analyze(1)what is the change Jesus brought to us,when compared to before to Jesus?
(2)To understand the change,we should know,jesus led HIS human life, with full of divernity and with full of humanity. How HE showed the changes with HIS miracles and with HIS human teachings?(3)How many types of miracles HE has shown? And what HE tried to show from HIS miracles?.(4) change with respect to teachings HE showed pardoning+love+ avoid gosiping+manage paradigm change with new scientific developments+      how we apply those into our lives?(5)Can you see miracles,which can be explained only by Catholicism?

Change Jesus introduced?
Abraham is the father of 3 faiths. Christianity,judaism and Islam. But only Christianity God, became as human: why HE did this? HE introduced a change for human living. What is the change HE introduced?
HE did not change the morality law that has been practiced ie 10 commandments, but HE change how to react and treat those commandments, when you go against it. For Example 10 comms says no 
(6) Thou shall not commit adultery, when any person found committing adultery, HE/She will be put to death by stoning. But HE change the treatment part, without stoning HE asked to throw the stone,by a Person who does not have sin!. In other words HE asked us to pardon those, sinners!. Allow them to rehabilitate with your love. Why HE introduced this pardoning and love principle?

When God the father chosen jews to train humans to enjoy intended happiness of human creation, HE was above Jews, instructing them direct,as how to follow morality laws. HE is the ideal judge to find out who is correct or not. Since HE was directly involve, the eye to principle leading you can take revenge if the other person has done wrong,since God is directly above you.

 But when adam and eve was created, God was not following them,they have been given full freedom. Always freedom is subject to law. When God found that adam and eve broke the law, HE introduced death for humans, fear+sorrow, child birth and paradigm changes to human to manage by himself. Upto JesuS God trained jews as how to enjoy the freedom, when God become indirect!. 

So Jesus was the final messiah to show us, how to live, when God become indirect. After Jesus, God intervention to human become indirect, but if human wants HE identify the need for following God, then upon his free will, HE will study about God and follow HIM. Jesus has not written books. But HIS living is given to us by 4 gospel writers, along with new testament!. Similarly HE lay responsibility upon you to disseminate about HIM for others, who is interested to know about HIM. 

So Jesus not only instructed, showed,how to effect the change, that has been practiced before to HIM!. 

Main change is love and pardoning!

How to love God or your neighbor,if you don't know how to love yourself?

Your body, is unknown to you!. Though you think that you know every thing happening inside your body, you will see that even you cannot vomit or kill a worm inside your stomach!. You don't know how your heart or many organs work. You don't know 100% when you eat, what is happening inside your body!. You cannot operate yourself to your body, you need a medical doctor  for that. So you are power less! And become uncertain about your life. But when you know that God created you and HE guaranteed your happiness, when you follow HIS will, voluntarily by yourself.

Then you start to realize that your body is marvelously created by God, 15 km long of nerves, with mind, brain, with oxygen+blood, you will appreciate yourself as a gift of God!. Then you love yourself and love GOD also, since HE is instrument in creating and maintaining you. HE changes your cells every day. You have option to ignore HIM, but risking your self to be unhappy in leading the life!.  
On the other hand  you don't know 100% information to judge another persons actions & for your living you depend upon other persons,hence best method is to love your neighbor!.  

So You start with loving yourself,then you love God then you love your neighbor!

Jesus led life as human and divine. In divinity HE showed miracles!  

What is Miracle

Magic can be explained by science,where as Miracle cannot be explained. Jesus performed around 40miracles.Out of that75%

(1)HE healed MANY SICK+RESTORING SEVERED EAR+RAISING FROM DEATH etc-WHY?to show God created U'r body &authority on Ur body is not U but God(U don't know what is happening inside ur body!)


(3)CURSING FIG TREE WITH NO FRUITS-God created U to do a vocation,when U neglect U hv to face consequences

(4)CHANGING WATER INTO WINE-U hv to hand over Ur worries to Mary/Saints for them to intercede with God,while following7Ethics(water),U get better wine(happiness)

(5)BORN TO VIRGIN+RESURRECTION+ASCENSION-show Jesus is God.!This 5types of miracles,U can experience not by science but by following catholism!most saints are ex!

The types of Miracles showed, 4 basic concepts followed by Catholism, to lead your life happily!
(1) God created your wonderful body+ HE maintains your body
(2) When you folloW HIS Will you can see miracles in your life
(3)Your fear+sorrow has to be handed over to Mary and saints, for them to intercede on your behalf. When you study their characters you can easily find out how they manage their fear and sorrows!
(4) Identify what God wanted you to do? What is your vocation? Then develop that vocation, removing your laziness or more widely carry out your vocation, with 10 commandments + removing 7 vices. Otherwise you have to face for negative consequences in your life!

As a human Jesus showed clearly, not to judge others, since you don't know 100% information, why other person is behaving like that, So HE informed that you should accommodate the paradigm change,subject to Church Rules to lead a happy life, for ex: church law does bar to use internet but it does bar to use artificial birth control!. Etc.
The above 2 major arreas are in addition to pardonming and love!.

Now you know the answers to

why God,the Father,send HIS only Son as human to this world. Why other 2 God fearing religions,have not followed that example?. What is the major change introduced by Christ,as against, the laws followed before  to HIM?. Is it a major change when you compare with other 2 God fearing religions?

Today's reading:

Prophet Baruh(Ba 5:1-9) says" God means to show Ur splendor to every nation"

Paul (Ph1:4-6,8-11) says"Be pure and blameless for the day of Christ"

Luke(Lk 3:1-6) says"All mankind see the salvation of God"


with Jesus,God reintroduced 
Freedom to all humans. After Jesus we find
(1)God is invisible
(2) Your free will become more dominant,on your own you decide what action you will take, for any subject.
(3) You can blame God, at your own wisdom
(4) From your own choice you can follow God's commandments to follow HIS Will
(5) When you follow God's Will, your life become happy,as guaranteed by HIM
(6)After Jesus, there is a straight path to God,by your own choice.
(7) Use the latest technology subject to church rules!

To enjoy promised happiness by God, You have to know His basic commands; father-10 commandments: Son-pardoning+ love: Holy Spirit- church rules. First know them clearly without ambiguity. Then follow them. Don't try to modify the rules, for your own convenience. Then you are not following a straight path with Him. To holy mary and Joseph, there were angles/dreams. But now you don't get those things. God will show you path, once you follow commandments+ avoid 7 vices.



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