
Tuesday 11 December 2018

Uncertain Catholic Sunday 2-12 - in summary

High light:

(1) Why V say, Abraham is father of 3 faiths? Christianity, Judaism & Islam?. All these 3, believes God not god?

(2) All these 3 hv different names for God. Are U uncertain, that only Christianity God,has became human, but why not others?

(3)That God is Christ. Can any God become human without mother?otherwise Is HE going to be superman?

(4)Why only God(not created) will hv religions but not god(created)?. Why in a religion U get morale values to follow &God gives a guaranty of Ur life to be happy? Any other god cn give this?

(5)Human is having birth & death. Still human cannot escape death. Under this scenario how God become human & finally show that HE is God? Will Christ show all these things?

(6)What is the purpose of God becoming human. Is it necessary?

(7)Are U certain that Christ lead HIS human life, full divine and with full human?. Why did HE do that? Is it to set example for humans?during advent what Ur reflecting?

Pl Listen:

Today 2nd December 2018, we celebrate the 1st sunday mass of cycle 3 and 1st Sunday mass of advent. Today church invite us to analyze, why God, the Father, send HIS only Son as human to this world. Why other 2 God fearing religions,have not followed that example?. What is the major change introduced by Christ, as against, the laws followed before to HIM?. Is it a major change when you compare with other 2 God fearing religions?

Our human life is having many Uncertainties.

To be uncertain?is to be unsure of something. Also,uncertain things are undecided, unknown, or doubtful in some way. If you're certain of something, you're sure of it. When you're uncertain, you don't know.

Apart many uncertainties in our human life, first we try to analyze, the major uncertainty in Christianity, that as catholic, you have to be undergo.

Why God came as human to this world?. The rigmarole HE made to come as a human, the virginal birth, immaculate conception of mary. The virginal marriege of Joseph and Mary! How HE lived? With full divine and full humanity! Can you live like that, with performing miracles!

As a human HE faced death, but as God, HE raised from death, why HE stayed silence for 3 days, before risen?. Why HE stayed 40 days after risen?. Why HE send holy spirit after 50 days from risen from death?.what is the change HE introduced as Christ,when compared to before HE came?.What the function of Holy Spirit?. What Holy Spirit has introduced the changes upto now, when compared to Jesus life? Will Holy Spirit introduce more changes?. But what is the major morale ethics all Trinity will not change? 10 commandments, then love and pardoning, for the human who are living now!.

Also, there are major uncertainty about what do you mean by sin or love or many words which have a practical impact to this life. People are conditioned to words,and act following those actions,according to their wishful thinking.

Jesus Christ came and show how to carry out actions remove their conditioning. That is why Jesus came as a human and showed what to do. This is applied even today!

Many examples: poor widows contribution!

Washing feet of disciples, stoning of woman,

Also in order to explain divine functions, as how we should follow, HE showed many miracles: cana water into wine

Multiplication of loves.

So Christ life is a example itself for us to follow without any ambiguity!,to understand the meaning of the word or to understand what action we should do to follow HIM!

But only thing is that it is continuous practice that you should focus!.

But unfortunately, catholics may not reading and reflecting 4 gospels to understand more about God.

So Jesus is unique among 3 God fearing faith, where HE took human form just to show clearly what to do, to lead a happy life, as promised by your creator God and follow HIS Will, thru' you.

What is the change Jesus introduced?

Before to Jesus, God the father trained jews direct, with 10 commandments to follow. But operating principle was teeth to teeth or eye to eye. Why? God was directly instructing jews. So HE knows who is correct and being the God and the creator,HE was the ideal judge!. But the intention of the God by creating you, is to use your free will, from your own conscious, lead a happy life with following HIS WILL. So Jesus kept same 10 commandments and introduced pardoning and Love, 180 deg change of operating or living method of human. HE showed how to operate pardoning and love from HIS human life. This is the change HE introduced!.

A biblical story of Abraham, set out on a journey that literally changes the world, because from his descendants,(both physical and spiritual) 3 of the world major religions emerged. Judaism, Christianity and Islam. Christianity differs from other 2, since, they believe,Jesus came to this world with both divine & human nature, to show mankind how to lead their life happily, with following God's will.

As God, Jesus possessed a fully divine nature, so HE was able to form miracles, such as changing water into wine, curing sickness, disease and disability and rising the death. HIS greatest act of divinity was to rise from death HIMSELF.

As a man,Jesus had a human mother Mary. Who gave birth to HIM and nursed HIM. HE lived and grew up like any other man under Holy family. HE taught ,preached, suffered and died. So Jesus had a fully human nature as well.

Jesus, the son of God, having fully divine nature and a fully human nature in one divine person is the core and centre of Catholic belief. HE 's considered one divine person with 2 equal natures human and divine. This is the corner stone of all Christian mysteries.

Human can chose to do good or evil. But Jesus did not sin with human beings. Jesus in HIS humanity always chose to do good, but that didn't make HIM in any less human. Even though HE never got drunk, swore, told a dirty Joke, or had a dirty thought,HE was still human.

How infinite God became a finite human? And what for?.

What is the difference between theory and practice?.

In theory 10 commandments no. Says don't commit adultery. According to old testament when you found a person has committed adultery, that person is put to death by stoning!.

How Jesus show us practically what to do under such circumstances!

To days reading:

Prophet Jeremah(Jr 33:14-16) " I will make a virtuous branch grow for David"

Paul says(1 thess 3:12-4:2"may the Lord confirm your hearts in holiness when Christ comes

Lk(21:25-28. 34-36) says" Ur liberation is near at hand"

Reminds: human major problem is conditioning without analysing or reflecting. They think what you learn from school days is sufficient enough to lead your life. They stagnate the knowledge, without reflecting with a reference document. Catholism has got 4 different Gospel writers for us to analyse Jesus teachings in different angles. Has any other God fearing religion have this?. This clearly shows that you have to eflect atleast once a week about Jesus. That is why Catholics have obligation to follow sunday Mass. Not any other Christian denomination. Catholics have formed the liturgical cycle to get knowledge in full overview of Jesus teaching in 3 cosecutive litugical cyles,

Let analyse how this liturgical year is formed and how we contemplate!

Liturgical Year

Church &Civil calendars starts on different days,but contains same12 months &365days.It

revolves around Xmas(25Dec/CHRIST IS OUR LIGHT) & Easter(1st Sunday after 1st full moon that occurs on/after 21 March,similar to Judaism's pass over/CHRIST IS OUR LIFE).Liturgical yr begins on 1st Sunday of Advent(4 Sundays prior Xmas). Last Sunday of the yr is FEAST OF CHRIST THE KING(Sunday before beginning of Advent). Xmas Season is Advent up to Epiphany/46 days before Easter Sunday, Lent begins. Easter Season is 50days from Easter Sunday up to Pentecost. All other 34 Sundays belong to ordinary season. 3 sets of Sunday readings in 3liturgical yrs will give full knowledge of Catholicism & guide U to lead happy life. Every Sunday, church reflect in general, 3 types of readings;Old testamant,Early church&Gospel(MT,MK, LK for liturgical cycles 1,2&3 resp for all seasons except JN for Easter).cycle3,start from today

So in sunday mass, apart, from Eucharist, the next most important subject is following and analyzing 3 readings, specially the Gospel.

So in conclusions, during advent we have to reflect why only Catholicism God, was came as a human, what is the change HE made, how HE came as a human, what is the role of Holy Mary and saints, what is the role of purgatory! Purgatory is there till when?. This aspects are important to analyze before Christmas!



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