
Thursday 18 October 2018

Cycle 2: Season: Ordinary (2): Sunday No: 28: Date: 14/10/2018 Gifted Catholic - in detail

High light: Gifted Catholic sunday(14-10)
(1)When U give a gift,are U expecting something in return? If U expect,is it a gift or business?(2)Ur parents brought U up.Have they done,expecting something in return or treated U,as a gift?(3)Is it the duty of Ur parent?Have they done out of love?Are they proud to say,Ur their beloved child?(4)Who decided Ur parents?Is it God?So Ur a gift of God? Does God expect anything from U? Is it use the gift & be happy now & eternal!.(5)As a child,U listen to Ur parents & follow them,for a happy life& U were highly focused what they wants out of U? Is it for their own benefit?(6)Similarly,as God child,did U check what God want U to do?If Ur lazy,will God cry? If Ur worried only earth bound relation like money, power & desires,means Ur not using the real God's gift(7)If U want to enjoy a gift,1st U should receive it.With baptism,did U receive a God gift?are U using now?

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This sunday,Jesus telling U thru' Peter, when U realize that U'r gift of God,U forget earth bound cravings & follow what God wants U to do,as a God's child. Jesus reassures, now & eternal happiness to U'r life.When Ur alone U treat ur self as Gift of God, when U get married U treat Ur partner as gift of God. Whether Ur married or single,as a catholic,U got a gift from God!.if Ur unhappy,check the gift!

Today's reflection:

Today 14th oct 2018, we celebrate the 28th sunday mass of ordinary 2 season, today church remind us that each and everybody of human is a gift of God. God created everybody to enjoy life. For that how to use your gift? 

What is a gift?

Gift or a present is an item, given to someone,without expectation of payment or return. In HIS final record of prayer on earth,Jesus said,These people were Ur gifts to me.They were not projects to be completed,sinners to be changed,fools to be corrected.Jesus looked at peter,john & mary told them,U were God's Gift to me!. People were the gifts that made Jesus happy. HE enjoyed their company, they made HIM feel loved. In fact they made HIM so happy,that HIS final request before HIS departure was that they might all be together again in heaven.God's gift means is the power of ability bestowed by God,to serve HIM!.As catholic U hv to follow God's will thru Ur vocation. HE told Peter,to forget earth bound cravings,money,power & desires to follow HIM. Is it only for priest?Why Judas became a traitor? when U get married,U treat other partner,as a gift of God: imply U,urself is GIFT OF God.

God saw HIS creation of world and creation of human are good. HE assured your happiness, provided If you follow HIS Will in your life.

Today it allows us to reflect, how to implement God's will personal to you. 
Assume that you are following commandments given by father(10 commandments),Son pardoning +love, Holy spirit- church rules, and doing well, as a good catholic. How to find God's Will for you.

What is there in my life that possess me more than Jesus does. What do I find impossible to give up?.
Not only,wealth,land,building, but wider meaning as food,alcohol,tobacco,prejudices etc. Take st paul,he gave up his entire past, including his hatred to christianity, in order to follow christ.
Today, church invited us to reflect, more deeper into our life, whether, we follow God's will or without our knowledge, we follow our own will, due to our sins caused by our own convenience. 

 Difference between ME and I

Am I my thoughts, the thoughts that I am thinking? No. Thoughts come and go. I am not my thoughts.
Am I my body? They tell us that millions of cells are changed or renewed every minute, so that by end of 7 years we don't have a single living cell in our body that was there 7 years before. Cells come and Go. Cells arise and die. But I seem to persist. So am I my body? Certainly not.

The difference between ME and I

"I" is something other and more than the body. You might say body is part of "I". But it is changing part. It keeps moving, it keeps changing. We have the same name for it,but it constantly changes. Just we have the same name of Niagara Falls but it is constituted by water that is constantly changing. We use the same name for an ever changing reality!. 
We begin 1st with things, with an awareness of things; then we move in to awareness of thoughts.(That is me); and finally we get to awareness of thinker. What we are really searching for is the thinker. Can thinker know himself?,Can I know what I is?.

How flexible you are to change your thoughts(from me), it is easy to identify"I".

St Francis Assisi's and pope Francis example:

St Francis, easily changed to sell all his wealth, to support poor, after understanding the meaning of life.
Francis was son of wealthy cloth merchant of Assisi/Italy.At the age of 20yrs,he was sick& 
Changed his life,starting with charity among poor. He said"HE WHO SERVES POOR,SERVES CHRIST HIMSELF"One day he heard GOD "REPAIR MY HOUSE WHICH IS FALLING IN TO RUIN" Francis gladly surrendered his  possessions & lived like a hermit!He pioneered Francis cans order & to adore Holy Babe, in1223 by making a crib-in a forest-cave with a live Ox&Ass. During his preaching,image of Babe in his arms was seen. 1224 he received Stigmata(5 wounds which risen Jesus had). At 44yrs he died 4/10/1226& was canonized in1228. 

Present 266thPope(Argentenian Cardinal Jorge Bergoglio/Jesuit76yrs)elected on19/3/2013,feast day of St Joseph,took suddenly name as Francis1& follows his footsteps,poor in character&repairing church!.He represent head of catholic church-Holy Spirit&guide you towards God Kingdom,for happiness now& future.

 How to manage 5 senses

People have worldly passions which lead them into delusion and suffering. There are 5 ways to emancipate themselves from the bond of worldly passions. They should have the correct ideas of things, based on the principles of creation!(Given by catholism). 

Then they can get rid of these mistaken observations and resulting worldly passions by careful and patient mind control. With efficient mind control they can avoid desires arising from the stimulation of the eyes,ears,tongue,skin and subsequent mental processes and by so doing, cut off the very root of all worldly passions, which is not based on Holy Trinity's teachings.

There are 5 groups of desires in the world.
Desires arising 
From the forms of the eyes- see
From the sounds the ears- hear
From the fragrances the nose- smells
From the tastes pleasant to tongue
From things that are agreeable to the sense of touch

Most people, being influenced by the body's love of comfort, do not notice the evils that follow comfort(by craving into it) they are caught in the devil's trap like a deer in the forest caught in hunter's trap.

There is no one way to get free from the trap of worldly passions. Suppose you caught a snake, a crocodile, a bird, a dog, a fox and a monkey, 6 creatures of very different natures, and you tie them together with a strong rope and let them go. Each of these 6 creatures will try to go back to its own lair by its own method. 

The snake will seek covering of grass, the crocodile will seek water, the bird will want to fly in the air, the dog will seek a villege, the fox will seek a solitary ledges,while monkey will seek the trees of the forest.


Like the creatures in this story, a man is tempted different ways by the desires of his 6 senses,EYES,EARS,NOSE,TONGUE,TOUCH AND MIND, and is controlled by the predominate desire.
If the 6 creatures are all tied to a post, they will try to get free until they are tired out, and then will lie down by the post. Just like this, if people will train and control the mind based on the commandments given by Father/Son and Holy spirit, there will be no further trouble from the other 5 senses. IF THE MIND IS UNDER CONTROL PEOPLE WILL HAVE HAPPINESS BOTH NOW AND FUTURE!.
Identify the rope for each desire in this example then tie that rope to Post of commandments of Holy Trinity, to see Happiness in this life too!.

 Conditioning your self, too much, will be difficult for you to change!
Think about actions/comforts, that you cannot change? Identify, whether it is contravene to the commandments given by Trinity

Father- 10 Commandments:  

Son-Pardoned others+ love your neighbor

Holy spirit- you should not form cast/ no artificial birth control/no abortion/no euthanasia/No divorce/...other sacraments+church rules.

Withdraw actions which contravene, then you are sure God's will come to you!.

Today's reading:

Book of wisdom says(Ws7:7-11) "compared with wisdom, I held riches as nothing.
Hebrew says(Heb 4:12-13) says"word of God can judge secret emotions & thoughts.

Mark says(Mk 10:17-30)"Go & sell everything U own & follow me"."

Remind: that you are gift of God. It is like a triumph et, that is I. You have to blow a tune from the triumph et. Your blowing a tune is me.  Blowing is how you activate in your life.
Today, Jesus tells thru' Peter, craving for earth bound things will not help you to lead a happy life. The gift of God, for you is for your body, where you get 15 km long nerves With circulation of blood. Blood cannot be artificially made. Modern science cannot think about making artificially!. Your mind,   
Is so powerful, no modern software cannot artificially made

Thank you!


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