
Thursday 4 October 2018

Iscarioth Catholic Sunday (30-9) - in summary

High light:

(1)Catholic hv 7 sacraments-visible sign of GOD's invisible actions that santifies human life!.why other Christians does not hv 7 sacraments?

(2)Matrimony&Holy orders are sacrament of COMMUNITY. Why 2 sacraments Holy spirit has introduced? Is matrimony is inferior to Holy orders or vice versa?

(3)Society has to move with marriege, with children, while administering 7 sacraments has to move with Holy orders!.All 12 initial disciples with Jesus, started administering 7 sacraments,except Judas. Why?

(4)Why Judas was branded as a "Traitor", while all others we venerate?. He also stayed with Jesus,like all other except He & peter denied Jesus just before HIS death. Peter survived but not Judas Why?

(5)Judas complained that mary magdalene anointing Jesus,with expensive ointment. He talked about money for poor!. Why He sold Jesus for money ?.is it to distribute with poor? Is there any Iscorith now in church/schools?

(6) Why Jesus allow Judas to continue his ignorance on money& finally allowed him to be a traitor? Is it good? Will it happen now?

(7) Why today,james says,wealth is all rotten, is it only for married people?.why Judas though he was disciple, God make a stern action?

Pl listen:


We appreciate the efforts of Pope Francis, of guiding the church, how to use money for the required purpose. Catholism is not only a religion, it offers services for the society, irrespective of religion. That is why parishes/schools/hospitals/charity are organized by them. When U manage such orgernisations, automatically management of money become vital. Having too little or too much money, may lead to corruption. Judas incident is best example God has shown us!

Where he talked about poor, criticized Mary Magdalene action, but selling Jesus for 30 silver coins not to distribute for poor but to use for his own requirements!.

Today 30th sept 2018, we celebrate the 26th sunday mass of ordinary 2 season, today church remind us to analyze prerequisites to receive the God guaranteed Happiness. Being baptized Catholic or being clergy, what important aspects we should be concerned, specially how to focus Ur action!

Today, Jesus say 'If anyone gives U a cup of water to drink just because U belong to Christ,then I tell U solemnly,he will most certainly not lose his reward.’ Why then Peter is in heaven & Judas branding as a traitor? Both were serving HIM for 3 yrs. Because Peter' actions were for christ, like mother theresa! But Judas’ (though he was a disciple) underlying action was craziness of money. Unnecessary craving!

Let us analyze further: about


were disciples &was with Jesus for3yrs &both denied Jesus just before HIS death. But only Peter saw risen Jesus the important aspect of Christianity and today we have high respect for Peter but not Judas.

why?Judas was in charge of money& he misused. Did Jesus not know?HE knew but HE didnot intervene with Judas free will.

At one time, Judas, seeing action of Mary(Magdalene),pouring expensive ointment on Jesus feet,complained that it is waste of money &send false message to followers. But He sold Jesus for 30silver coins(not to support poor but for himself)!Mary's action appears in all 4 gospels,but Judas was acclaimed a traitor!

The important aspect to reflect is:

Why merciful God allow this to happen?HE should have safeguarded Judas by making him to get money.

This is reminding eternal reasons, the present clergy who is having authority over money in parish/schools etc should be more responsible to serve the purpose!,cannot hand over responsibility to others(bursar etc!). Then they will misuse money, without Serving purpose!

Every catholic has a vocation, irrespective whether you are a clergy or priest!. Priest vocation is administering 7 sacraments and follow God's Will. Similarly any other catholic is having his own vocation, (which he is responsible to God, who created him) and follow the God Will. Here you will see, clergy and non clergy having similarity, following a vocation and follow God's Will. This you will see even with 12 disciples and with Holy Mary! There is no superiority or inferiority between disciples and mary. After the death of Jesus mary was with disciples!.

When mary was consented to God,to receive Jesus, She never waited for time. She never told angle, please give me time,I will ask my parents, give me one week! Etc. She accepted since she knows others cannot send angles. But after that from that point onwards until her assumption, she lead her life without any such direction from the God!. She always reflected the incidents,acted and led the life intelligently.. Otherwise she should have got anxiety, if she was not vigilant. Think about many cases she faced, if it happened to you, what is going to happen?. Think about when your mother comes to visit you ignore her saying who is my mother, Will your mother be happy? But she went thru' God' s Will patiently!.

When you receive Eucharist, you receive Jesus in to your body: is it similar what has happened to Holy Mary? After that you lead your life, facing life crosses, but remember not to be frustrated for disagreements and unexpected out comes. Always remember God has created you to enjoy time, in other words to be happy in this life too.

When you are taking decisions, it will be helpful to know saints life, how they manage their problems!

Hence it is important to know characteristics of Holy family and saints for you to identify God's Will and take life decisions. Be vigilant like Holy Mary!

Sacrament of Community!

Matrimony&Holy orders are sacrament of COMMUNITY. Why holy Spirit has introduce these 2 sacrament. It is to carry the God's word until end of this world. Matrimony will result in introducing new generation to this world thru' child birth, while, holy orders will administer 7 sacraments. So sacrament of community will allow God, to, carry HIS Wish towards end of this world. That is why, matrimony has to be between man and woman. Holy orders has to be unmarried male, subject to celibacy.

C. Today's readings;

Book of numbers says(Nb 11:25-29)" Are U jealous on my account? If only the whole people of the Lord were prophets

St james says(Jm 5:1-6)" Ur wealth is all rotten.

Mk(9:38-43.45. 47-48) says:anyone who is not against is for us.if Ur hand cause U to sin,cut it off"

Who is against us?. Catholicism provide 7 sacraments. There can be different catholics, who is having different views, but following the 7 sacraments. Sacraments allow you to understand why Holy spirit has introduced that. For example Eucharist, catholic believe the real presence of Jesus. Then only you can understand, how Jesus is coming to your body, like holy mary accepted to take Jesus into her body. It is not to show a custom. Like wise whole 7 acraments have a meaning to the actual story of Jesus teachings:

Articles 1066 to 1690 of the catechism of catholic church cover the public worship of the believers(called liturgy) as celebrated in the official rituals and ceremonies known as the 7 sacraments.

The catechism of the catholic church underscores the biblical foundation for each sacrament and the concept that christ instituted them. sacraments are Sacred Rites

,Which are entrusted to the care of the church. Each one of them will have 1 or more components, which are perceptible to one or more of the 5 senses.(For example using water in Baptism or olive oil in anointing the sick, and so on...) The supernatural grace of God, which is invisible, is symbolized by the tangible elements that is necessary for the sacrament to be valid. The catechism of the catholic church makes it clear that divine grace is not limited to the sacraments. It is not by necessity-but by divine choice-that God uses these spiritual vehicles to give human kind this special gift. It was God who made men and women a combination of body and soul, so it would make sense that same God would use things of the created world to symbolized the invisible reality of divine grace.

In conclusion when you are catholic, whether you are a priest, clergy or not, you have being given a vocation to live. Priest to administer 7 sacraments, clergy accepting certain vocations like education or charity etc, and for all other catholics matrimony or single life. Matrimony gives you 2 major vocations, uplifting your children and vocation to earn for your living. All catholics are supposed to find what is God's will for him, and lead their life, thru various life crosses they experience!

When you lead your life in pleasing God, identifying the danger of unnecesary caving to the earth bound needs, you can see how God supports you!

Thank you


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