
Sunday 7 October 2018

4Leg Catholic Sunday (7-10) - in summary

 High light

(1) Single. married,clergy,priest,pope are types of catholics. Pope is having infallibility over moral matters. Other than pope, why there are no superiority among catholic types? Is non catholics are God's children?

(2)Is it same like modern management structure? Pope representing Holy Spirit,each individual carrying God's will? Why Church is needed to run this structure?

(3)Freedom is subject to law. When U get married is Ur freedom expand or shrink?. Without marriege,without children, will we have next generations?

(4)Why catholic marriege cannot be divorced? Will that mean,God will provide additional insurance that Ur married life is happy?for that Ur premium of insurance is to treat Ur partner is a gift of God to U.Why?

(5)Married partners life changes in physical+mental,with time not in uniform way. Under that circumstances is it easy to lead happy married life,individual to each partner?. Do U need additional insurance of God? Any other God/god gives that guaranty?

(6)To administer 7 sacraments till end of world, priests are needed. Are they superior to any other catholic?Why every Catholic has to follow a vocation+God will?.

(7)Why priest has to be male+ single? Is it unfair? To be grace with God,U hv to leave every earth bound things,Is it true only for priest or all catholics?

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Today 7th oct 2018, we celebrate the 27th sunday mass of ordinary 2 season, today church remind us to analyze,(1)how God extend HIS spiritual kingdom to whole world or analyze why Holy Spirit introduce 2 sacraments of community(2) Why God prohibit Divorce(3) in doing so what are the special guaranty HE provide for married people!
What is catholic family?
Single. married,clergy,priest,pope are types of catholics. Pope is having infallibility over moral matters. Other than pope, there is no spiritual heiarachy among catholic types. All humans are God's Children, since we know each and every individual is God's creation. But only difference to catholic and others are catholics believe God and God creation and follow 4 pillars of Catholicism (belief-creed,establishing connection- lord's prayer+iterceionry prayers, morality follow 10 commandments +avoid 7 vices, worship-administer 7 sacraments.

Catholics follow the modern management structure. Pope representing Holy Spirit, each individual carrying God's will. To manage church there is a hierarchy, starting with cardinal, bishops, priest to manage administrative functions, to support humans to administer 7 sacraments+ maintaining the church.

Freedom is subject to law. When U get married is Ur freedom expand or shrink?. Without marriege,without children, will we have next generations?

You Will see, married mainly reult in producing children. Otherwise you and me is not here!.

But marriege is between man and a woman. When 2 different people with gender,as well as different mentality, with different physical, is it easy to live happily. This differences expand due to not knowing 100% out come for your actions!

I think my proposal for an action is good , while my marriege partner think otherwise!

How to come to a compromise? Is it easy? On the other hand, how can you find best suited mariege partner to you. Also, we should keep in mind with time all 2 partners mental+phical conditions change not in a uniform way. When you think these things are you opt to marry!. You marry sincerly thinking your partner will follow you, but, it changes, that is why there are many divorces experience in today's society?. Under this scenario how God says, DONT DIVORCE?. When HE tell not to divorce,it underlines following factors

(1) God knows it is difficult life

(2) God knows changing other partner, with another is not the solution

(3)When you believe God created you and God maintain your body, by providing air for you to inhale, changing your body cells every day, taking the advice of God, you have to treat your marriege partner as gift of God. What ever the circumstances, whether disagreements, bad health etc, you trust God, that HE will give you solution to overcome your married problems, to live happily.

(4)God want to follow HIS WILL individual to you. The complex situation is when you get married you become 2 in 1. But at the same time, God's will for you and for your partner is different. Under this scenario you will end up in heaven, while your partner may end up in hell? Is it possible? Yes, look at peter and Judas, they both were disciples, underwent training 3 years with Jesus, Peter we treat as a saint, but Judas, we treat as a traitor

(5)Though you might think, selection of your married partner is your choice, it may not so. In the catholic marriage selection is done by God. That Is why HE says, not to divorce!

Let us analyze further why HE tell not to divorce?

Human mobility is mainly depend upon his legs. Humans have 2legs,while animals normally have 4legs.Having 2legs is much more flexible,since U can change the walking direction even by 360(deg).

When U get married,virtually U get 4legs,Ur decision-making will become collective &complex. Ur front 2legs then has to syncronise with 2legs at back. Otherwise U cannot properly walk!

How can 2people(man+woman),whose life is moving in different ways physically+mentally,live together,to lead their individual lives happily?

When their motives are bad,they will act below animal level,while good motives will result in leading life like humans.

Why did Jesus say U cannot divorce? When U assume that your partner is a gift from God, whatever the outcome is faced,God has guaranteed happiness!

Without God's support,there is no insurance for a happy married life.

Had any other God/god given that undertaking?

1139, Pope Gregory VII enforced priests cannot marry. The main reason is to maintain the secrecy of confession. As one of main sacrament priest has to maintain the secrecy, where when you get married this will be difficult.

Todays readings:

Genesis says(Gen 2:18-24)"..God said"They became one body.

Hebrew says"(Heb 2:9-11)"The one who santifies and once you are sanctified are of the same stock"

Mark(10:2-16)says"what God has united, man must not divide"


Reminds(1)2 sacraments of community matrimony+holy orders,are different vocations God to assign for each human(2)these 2will allow God to manage new generations of human being to continue under God's umbrella,(3)basic unit of society is family, which consist husband+wife.2 humans to run together(with 4 legs)(4)this run is complex & not easy.God gives guarantee to run,while enforcing not to divorce(5)only practical way to achieve God guaranteed happiness in family life is to treat other person as gift of God(6)To enjoy&value a gift 1st U should receive it & in marriege each partner get this gift from God(7)if U'r unhappy with Gift,without Divorce,ask God secretly,why HE has given the gift?HE will most probably show U why?

D. Conclusions:

With the freedom given to human, (after Jesus), human can take any decisions, but the 100 % out come for that decisions is known only to God. Due to this fact normal human will have a cross in his brain, when he implement a decision. This cross will be squared, when there are 2 people involved in decision making. This is what is happening to married couples. Creating many frustrations and disagreements!.

It is true that marriage can be very difficult for one or both partners, part of the time or nearly all the time. But God has told in mark 10:9"WHAT GOD HAS UNITED HUMAN BEINGS MUST NOT DIVIDE"

How God created human?

Creation story

(1)God made Adam out of dirt/ground

(2)animated(life) by HIS spirit.

(3)Adam name animals,implying that human are different to animal

(4)HE told"It is not good for man to be alone (Gen2:18)",then HE performs 1st surgery,even administering1st anesthetic. HE causes deep sleep in Adam &removes a rib &form woman, showing intimate relation ship of male &female.

(5)God witness 1st wedding,by escorting Eve down isle,garden of Eden(paradise), by presenting her to Adam. In Eden,No{weeds, crime,violence,etc}" man&his wife is naked& unashamed"Gen2:25.

(6)There were2 special trees. Tree of(1)life &(2)knowledge of good&evil. Latter tree God told"U shall not eat from it,for U eat,U'll die"allowing them to use their Free Will

(7)But they ate.

(8)God showed how to reestablish Happiness,

as Father gave 10 commandments,

as Son told forgive+love,

as Holy Spirit formed church law(cast less society+no circumscion, no restriction to eat Pork,celibacy, no artificial birth control, no abortion, no euthanasia and certain other laws..)

We always say" in the name of the father.....and of the Holy Spirit" this implies that we adhere all above commandments given by Father,Son and Holy Spirit.

When we follow all commandments, the ground is ready for us to receive God's will

Sufferings comes due to lack of awareness of life, as well as mistrust about God(who is a loving Father). As weak human we suffer. Jesus showed us suffering make you perfect. You are allowed to aware about life. What is the purpose of living?. Then you become happy thru' your suffering.


today married life become challenging due to (1) global villege- access to information is easy. Unless you are intelligent enough to verify the information, you are liable to develop many disagreements!

(2) Decision making in a family become complex, and create disagreement among members

(3) God says"Don't break", but it will be hard not to break. How God suggest to treat the disagreement?

(4) Follow all commandments given by father,Son and Holy Spirit by yourself, then ask solution from God for the disagreement. Be like a child who ask many things from his father and wait for his decision. Follow" if any body ask you to carry 1 kg, carry 2 kg"

If your other half insisting to follow certain actions,(even if you disagree/action has to be not going against commandments) implement action, leaving your disagreement with God. By this method you will see God's will be implemented in a family.

Thank you


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