
Saturday 30 May 2015

Cycle 2:season:ordinary(2): Sunday No:09: Date: 31/5/2015 Mystical Catholic: Most Holy Trinity - in detail

A. Back ground:
Today, we reflect about who is our God(Trinity)). What is the difference between our God and other God's whom non christians adore!  Actual start about ordinary 2 season.

Relevance of Holy Spirit to Your life(last week)!

 Out come of any action of your life cannot be 100% predicted. Only God knows 100%. Hence the support of Holy spirit into your life is essential. Last sunday we reflected about how to invite Holy Spirit into your life!.

B. Pre amble to today's reading

B.1 Concept of God, Why?
If you try to answer to the question
" Who has decided for you to come to this world from your parents?". Normally, there are 3 answers
(1) God (2) 5 elements(3) I don't want to analyze.
2/3 of the people in the world believe "GOD DECIDED YOUR PARENTS". Similarly this category of people thinks that the same God will decide about your death.

The people who accepts that God decide about your birth and death, believe that HE has created you to lead a happy life.
If HE has created you to lead a happy life, why so much fear, sorrow, disagreements exist in your life?
God created our original parents to lead a happy life, by using their Free Will(ability to choose). Always your freedom is subject to law. God told our original parents, not to eat fruits, from a forbidden tree. But they betrayed!. So God chased away our original parents, from the garden of Eden, with fear and sorrow introduced to life. Then HE has chosen special tribe(Israelist) to train, how to reinstall freedom to humans. Old testament gives you details how God has carried out that action and how HE foretold about arrival of His own Son Jesus. Jesus revealed the Trinity

B.2 Monotheistic God and Triune God?

The primary doctrine of Christianity- be it Catholic, protestant, or eastern orthodox- is the mystery of Holy Trinity(namely that there are only one God but 3 divine persons. Like the other monotheistic religions (Judaism and Islam), Christianity also firmly believes in one God. The difference, however, is that christianity's God is Triune(God the Father,God the Son and God the Holy Spirit)

God exist in 3 persons: Father,Son and Holy Spirit. Accordingly, these are not 3 Gods,but one God(Trinity) revealing Himself in 3 persons. Trinity is important not only it is the official stance of Church but it has tremendous implications of how you understand Jesus life. Accordingly, God Himself came to earth in order to teach human kind about His truth and to show them His love. For this kindness, God was condemned as a heretic and rebel, and then crucified. Yet , as a further demonstrations of His love, God forgave those who mocked and killed Him. What's more, his death paid for the sins of the world.

B.3 WATER, Ice and Vapor

Water is equivalent to Morality of your life, by following 10 commandments and God's Will- is like Father
But in actual living you are conditions to various other negative life styles, contrary to Jesus teachings.- this will represent ICE and is similar to Son.
In lIfe you want to correct yourself to obtain the God grace for your life to be happy. This is similar to vapor or Spirit.
 All these 3 states water,ice,vapor are one H(2)o. This is similar to Trinity(3persons but one God)

B.3 Relevance of Holy Trinity to our life

Father, Son and Holy Spirit

Human is having Body,Mind and Free Will. Before to Jesus, Mind and Freewill has always been influenced by God for selected crowd- Israelist. God trained human, how to set free to enjoy their Free Will. God created human to lead a Happy life. Body is controlled by 5 senses. God directed us to have morality by following 10 commandments, with no enemies- your Body become FATHER.

 Your mind will decide what is truth for you- If you are a catholic, Jesus resurrection and His message become Truth for you-this is Son.

Holy Spirit
Your free Will carry out action, what is good for you- this is Holy Spirit. So your life becomes shadow Trinity- Father,Son and Holy Spirit.

Ultimate Goal of your life with Holy Trinity!

Talking about how you lead your life, thru' Catholicism, Managing your body, managing your mind and with the support of Holy spirit how you manage your free will. All these management is carried out, to lead a happy life for you!.

B.4-  HOLY FAMILY which mirrored the HEAVENLY TRINITY
Most of the people in the world believe God as the creator(many religions). This theology is easy to understand, since answer to the following question is God!
Question: Who decided for you to come to this world from your parents?
the family is a reflection of the holy Trinity(God the Father, God the son, and God the Holy Spirit), which is a community of persons but still one God. Likewise the family is a community of persons(mother, father, son and daughter, brother and sister) but still one family.
The mutual love of husband and wife-as intense as it can get is still built on the principle of self- sacrificing love;surrendering your own wants and desires for the needs of the others.
Joseph- Father- understood the concept of creation and what heavenly father wants
Mary- Holy spirit- carry out major actions to support to carry out fathers will
JESUS- real SON- Introduce a new method of Freedom subject to LOVE as directed by God(Father)

B.5. Holy Trinity and Fatima

On13/6/1929(11PM) while Sr Lucia,was on Holy Hour saw suddenly church was illuminated & cross of light that reached to ceiling appeared over altar. A man(GOD)could be seen from waist up in midst of a brighter light on upper part of cross. He had a dove of light(Holy Ghost)at His chest,body of Jesus was nailed to cross suspended in air just below His waist was a chalice & large Host on which fell some drops of blood from face & wounds of side of crucified, drops ran down host in to chalice. Mary was on right hand of Cross,with crown of thorns & flames,under left arm,it was written 'Grace & Mercy'.Then Mary said 'God is asking Pope to consecrate Russia to my Immaculate heart"(original request in fatima on13/6/1917).Despite many reminders,on2/12/1940 Sr Lucia wrote directly to Pius12,on7/7/1952 He accede to her request.

C. Today readings:

Deuteronomy(Dt 4:32-34,39-40) says:
"Moses said..God created man..did..people hear..God speaking heard..signs,wonders..mighty hand..Lord..take it to heart..keep laws and commandments..I give you.."

Paul (Rm 8:14-17) says:
"Everyone moved by the spirit is a son of God..not the spirit of slaves..bring fear..spirit Himself..united witness..we are children of God..share his sufferings..share His glory"

Mt(28:16-20)says"eleven disciples.. down..Jesus spoke..'All authority..given to the name of the father,and of the son,and of the holy observe all..gave you.. know..I am with you always.."

Reminds: Concept of Triune God has been reveled by Jesus Himself. He talked about His father in heaven and sending us the Holy Spirit. The very basic foundation of Christianity!. HE request us to carry His message and follow His Commandments.
Fear and suffering is part of any human life. This is coming from our WILL is not really the Will of God. That is why in the old testament it says God speaking from Fire!.paul says when we follow God's Will, we become happy and become children of God!.

D. Conclusion

The christian teaching on the Most Holy Trinity is based on what has been revealed of God in the life,death and resurrection of Jesus of Nazareth. It is Christianity's answer to the question of who is God?. The Jewish people knew God only as one. With the proclamation of Jesus as divine this question took on afresh urgency. Jesus the Christ reveals God fully. This God is Father and Son and Holy Spirit.
God showed us, with Jesus, that,
 (1)HE, freed all human(now human will use his Free Will, according to his wish or this is full freedom to the human.
(2) Though human having full freedom to act, he is not aware 100% outcome of that act. So always he needs the support of God(Holy Spirit) for all his actions
(3) God has shown us a new brand for human- always difference of opinions- CROSS
(4) Thru' hanging on the cross Jesus showed us
(A) your main sins are going against 10 commandments with your 5 senses- where the treatment is, get it pardoned every day
(B) your life is hanged on 3 nails- worries with respect to you, your immediate family members and with society. Hand over such worries daily to HOLY MARY and your selected saint,(since these human practically over come their worries thru' practicing Jesus teachings)
(C) Jesus kept old linen at the tomb- you try to forget all your misgivings, worries, with hope of achieving HAPPINESS.

God is of 3 persons, (1)knowledge of God's creation,(2)live with catholic morality(laws) and hand over your worries (3) live happily with 3 new nails, resting your life

E. Overall summary:

Mystery gradually become known to us,when you practice and increase your faith Any subject this is same. More you reflect more you understand the logic behind!

Cycle 2:
"Make disciples of all the nations,baptize them,in the name of the Father,and of the Son,and of the Holy Spirt: first you enjoy happiness then you can transmit to others.


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