
Sunday 10 May 2015

Sunday (10/5/2015) Lovable Catholic - in summary

Acts of apostle says(acts 10:25-26,34-35,44-48):" does not have favorites..anybody who fears God..Holy Spirit came..the listeners.."

St John says(1 Jn4:7-10):" one is God..God..sent..Son..have life through Him..takes our sins away."

Jn(19:9-17) says:"Jesus said..Father..loved me..I loved you..keep my commandments..remain in my love..your joy..Complete..Love one friends..not..servants..I chose you...bear fruit..Father..give..anything you ask.."

Reminds: the importance of knowing Catholic principles, practice it, then when you become happy, you can be like a good shepard, and then you can be like good wine, then only you start loving the other.
Just word sake love, increase your sins without your knowledge. Hence we have to develop awareness, in our life, how to be a practical catholic knowledge wise and how to disseminate your life in your living society, as wanted by your creator God. There is no uniformity of individual outputs of human. God has planned outputs individual to you, you don't have to worry about other's output!. You are an element of a non uniform society!

Catholism, in a nut shell allow you to lead a happy life, with following God's will. Now the God is not direct, you have to develop your intelligence, how to train your Free Will(ability to chose) to follow God's Will. Church will facilitate to achieve your goals provided, that your actions are according to Jesus teaching: follow 10 commandments, pardoning,avoid 7 vices. You are a non uniform element of the God's network, where the link between 2 elements is Church. Hence it is important to know how church too propose to develop this link

(1) Our belief(Creed)
(2) How we establish connection with God(lords prayer, intercession praters thru' holy mary/saints
(3) Our worship( 7 sacraments)
(4) Our behaviour or morality(10 commandments)

Summary of reflections for easter!

Easter starts with risen Jesus. The basic faith of christianity. Why Jesus has risen with 5 wounds not any other? Just to resemble, our life is mainly pin on 5 worldly comforts, deriving from,eyes, nose,mouth,ear& touch. God has created each human, with different capability of these 5 senses. Forgetting God & comparing & trying to achieve other person's capability is the natural earth bound sin. Thomas showed us his disbelief!, but when he encounter with God, he realise his weakness. Then we were informed about how to be a Good Shepard; to know clearly what is Jesus teaching and what church guides us. Otherwise without our knowledge, we deviate and practice our own religion for our own convenience. Then we were reminded about good wine plant. Any plant need watering+manure(study and focus) to grow. It needs sunlight(God's will to be followed). In order to do that the branches has to be pruned. God knows which branch to be pruned, for the people who loves and follow HIM. Here our natural will has to be surrendered to God for Him to prune. .Then the last day(to day), we were informed as how to make more wine plants, for the kingdom of God. Love yourself, love your Creator, love your neighbour .This is Christianity
That is why all these 6 sundays, all 3 major readings are only from new testament. THE ESSENCE OF CHRISTIANITY!. Next 2 sundays readings invite you to reflect, THE OUTCOME OF PRACTISING CHRISTIANTY; Happiness and knowledge will be addressed!


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