
Thursday 30 April 2015

Cycle 2:season:easter: Sunday No: 5: Date: 3/5/2015. Adoptable Catholic

Back ground:
During Easter, church invites us to contemplate, all 3 major readings from new testament, in order for us to understand clearly, the new message of God, thru' his son Jesus. God has reinforced the full freedom to all human, to identify Him as the creator, and enjoy happiness, as intended by Him. HE now, never interfere to the Free Will of human. The new concept sums up how to surrender your will to God's Will, and see how you enjoy Happiness in this life. Last 4 sundays we were informed about
(1)Major characteristic of Catholicism, ie Jesus resurrection- to indicate your should balance the earth bound needs to spirituality
(2) Cross and 5 wounds- in life always your truth and my truth are different. Hence always we find a cross in leading our life. We hang on a cross, with 5 wounds like Jesus. 5 wounds resembles, the 5 doors of comfort coming to each human, thru' ear, nose, eyes, mouth and touch.(Thomas doubting)
(3) If we don't use these 5 senses,(encraving too much on these senses) for the glory of God, we are sinning. How to find God's will for you!(Thomas convince after seeing)
(4)Last sunday, we reflected, while we respect all religions in this world. We cannot add their concepts with our principles, which result in making hybrid religion without your knowledge specific to you.

Today it reflects the important, characteristics of society and God, with respect to new teaching, with the example of vine plant!.

B. Preamble to todays readings:

B.1 Can you live alone?
No body in this world can live alone. Think about a loaf of bread, on your table. Around 350 people have coordinated to produce that(some growing wheat, some getting harvest, some drying, some baking..etc). If any person in between refuse to carry out his job, you will not get the loaf of bread. All most all requirements of life, you need another person support. We live in a interdependent society. We need another person support to lead our life. Now God does not lay 'Manna' from sky!. He will send your food with another person. When we need another human to our happiness, obviously we have to love him. This is Christianity" love thy neighbor'

B.2. What is the purpose of life?
You have a borrowed time in this life. The purpose of every human is to be happy with time. You might have enjoyed happiness, say previous years but now if you are unhappy, purpose of your present life is lost. Catholicism, tell you a simple path of eternal happiness(from now,even after death)!. In order to lead a happy life, you should convert your inborn talents to energy to serve other humans, for the glory of God!.(Not for the glory for your self- effect of 7 vices).

Powerful means how much you can influence other person to carry out your instruction. When other person refuses, then you become powerless. You cannot kill, the worm inside your stomach. You needa pill. You cannot operate your own body. You need a surgeon. So you are powerless. With the support of other human you become powerful. Human life is powerless! Human life is time dependent, and the body is perishable. ONLY SOUL(mind+free will) will be eternal! Under this scenario, how to develop our talents to serve other human?
Our talents can be converted to energy by
(1)be happy(peaceful mind)- avoid anger+laziness develop in your life. Then hand over your worries/sufferings to Holy mary(worry less mind), then avoid 7 vices(Anger,slot,pride,lust,envy,avarice,gluttony)
(2) with good health(without laziness, do enough excercises, drinking water)
(3) using latest technology(be efficient-per unit time many works can be carried out)

Your life river, water flow can be strong, by developing your talents to ENERGY!

C. Today's reading:

Acts of apostles says(Acts9:26-31) "when Saul..join..disciples..all afraid.. Barnabas.. introduced him..Lord appeared to he of Jesus..churches.. filled..Holy spirit"

John says(1Jn 3:18-24) says:"..our love..not..mere we ask..shall receive..His Commandments.. believe..Jesus..Love one another..God lives in him.."

Jn(15:1-8) says"I am..true fruit..cuts..and..bear fruit..even more..U'r home in me..cutoff from me..not remain.."


The following major points, you can notice with respect to wine
(1)Wine need good fertiliser+water for it to grow.
(2)wine,grows,with many branches, towards sunlight
(3)You prune bad branches with no grapes.


 Similarly you need
(1) tofollow10 comms,avoid 7vices,pray daily Rosary-equivalent to fertiliser+water
(2)Your baptised life grows in society under God's supervision-sunlight resembles God's will for you
(3)to folllow God's will for you,prune bad branches,where bad habits you are dragged to sinn and,also bad associations.

Then you will see, your talents are develop, the way God wants!

Wine is sign of Happiness.Is your catholic life similar to fruitfull wine plant?U?

D. Conclusion:
Today all 3 readings gives us the essential message of Jesus.
(1)Identify God's mercy in your life, and change(prune)
(2)Clearly identify the rules that has to be followed to be follower of Jesus. live according to 10 commandments, practice pardoning, avoid 7 vices(anger,sloth,
pride,lust,avarice,envy,gluttony).develop a happy mind in leading your life!
Follow the God's will for you
(3)Always think that you are powerless, with the help of others you become powerful.
When you become powerful you observe the following characteristics:
(A) you have punishing and rewarding abilities. Punishing means to identify what is wrong and indicate to others)
(B) you develop a good public opinion
(C) you will be patriotic(this means you love your living society)
(D) you do actions for the grace of God, hence you will not allow vastage of any form
(E) you become influential(what ever you need, it will be given)



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